Liberty's Kids Fan Fiction ❯ LIBERTY'S KIDS: Into the Future, and Into Space ❯ The Showdown begins ( Chapter 24 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The shuttles had landed, and Marsha walked out from one of them.
The Aliens walked forward to capture her… but questioned her if anyone else was with her.
Marsha pointed at the doorway of the shuttle craft. Two of the aliens marched to the doorway with guns in their hands.
It was so dark inside, that they could barely see. Then Suddenly… they got WHAMED right in the face as Samuel and I dropped down.
The Aliens signaled to call out the entire army. Aliens began rushing into the scene like crazy.
Samuel, James, Moses, Troy and I each leaped out from our Shuttle craft. “LET'S GO!!” I cried.
While I helped Marsha back the shuttlecraft, the other men had already whipped out their guns and already knocked out more than 10 of the aliens already.
Marsha was finally safely aboard the shuttlecraft, and began to guide me to where I needed to get too.
“Remember men!” I called to the others, “Take out whomever you can fine… BUT TITAN IS MINE!!”
The men all agreed and carried on with the fight as I hopped onto the Shuttle and Marsha carried me off.
Meanwhile… the ladies flew close to me and Marsha to protect our Shuttlecraft, while Henri protected them.
Three Aliens on hover boards began to fly toward us and shoot away at the shields. “Going down!” cried Henri as he fired his blasters.
The center board got hit, and crashed into the second, which hit the third, and all three of them went down at once. “Good shot, Henri!!”
Henri winked, “Good thing that I was an expert at shooting cans with a slingshot!” he gloated.
James sure was getting a kick out of this. The aliens tried and tried to shoot him down, but because of Marsha's Illipticum power, his spacesuit was entirely indestructible.
Unlike the aliens who weren't really wearing anything at all, they didn't get so lucky when James shot them.
Samuel and my Grandfather were tag teaming against an army of at least 20 aliens.
Troy was keep at least 15 of them busy while Samuel was backed up into a wall. He was trapped and didn't know what to do this time.
“Major…” said Troy. “Are you still familiar with the Queensbury rules of fighting fair?”
Samuel nodded.
“Well now would be a good time to forget it… AND FIGHT DIRTY!!”
Samuel nodded. “RIGHT THEN…!” he withdrew his light saber, and in a swift slash, cut all the aliens in two. “Ooh… That should hurt!” he chuckled, and went into harder action.
Moses, had taken out at least 6 more alien creeps, when he saw two aliens in towers ready to shoot the shuttle crafts from behind.
“Oh no you don't!” he growled, as he pulled out two grenade from his belt, pulled out the pins and threw them at the base of towers.
The bombs EXPLODED… and the towers fell over and crumbled to the ground. “Oh Yeah… I Love this job!”
The Shuttles had continued going forward toward the central, and up most tower in all the city. “That must be it.” I cried, “Marsha, try and get us in closer!”
“Captain, Look out…!” cried Sarah. I looked up and saw a alien craft head right at me. I just ducked and shot it down with my own laser.
“That was easy enough!”
Finally we were close enough for me to drop right in through the glass domed roof, and I used my Jet pack to soften the landing.
It was really, really dark in this room, I couldn't see a thing, luckily I had my LIGHT Saber with me to light my way.
I ran down the corridor, and another, unaware that Titan was watching me through his magic bubble.
“Hur, hur, ha, ah, ah… Come to me my prey!” he said deeply, and he pulled on a switch.
As I ran down the corridor. The whole place just lit up at once, and right behind me, was a wall with electrical charged spikes coming right at me at an incredible speed.
I was barley able to run and roll under the doorway on the other side before getting horrible crushed.
Then I noticed that I was in some sort of docking deck, and there she was right at the end of a floating stepping stone bridge… STINGRAY!
I didn't know, this seemed all too easy, but I had to get over there. The only thing bothering me was the bridge being suspended over a deep, deep pit.
It wasn't bottomless, but it was a real long drop. Luckily I had steady legs. So I hoped over the first floating circle, which seem to make the sound of musical note.
I hopped over to the second, and the third, and they made notes too, very familiar notes. Much like a spooky Space concerto.
I hopped two more blocks, and just as I thought, when I hopped on the fifth note, the floating tiles began to drop like rocks. Luckily I was ready with my jet pack.
I hovered safely over the other side, “Score one for the Earth!” I chuckled to myself.
I walked over to STINGRAY, and she seemed to be in one piece, but when I tried to touch her, my hand went right through it… It was a hologram!
More than just that… it was a Trap, because right at that moment, my helmet got shot off, but I was still breathing as easily as if I were on Earth.
“Hu, hu, ah, ah, ah!” It was THAT VOICE, I turned round and there he was, standing behind me.
“Welcome to my Lair, Captain, Mykan Tempest!”
I looked him dead in his ugly green eyes. “At last we me ,Titan, Face-to-face!” I snapped.
Titan sniggered, “Yes… I have been wishing for this day for quite some time now.”
I with drew my gun, “Be careful what you wish for, or might just get it!” I fired my gun, and it burned up before it even reached Titan.
“Silly Earthling… an invisible Force field surrounds me, you cannot break it with your primitive Earth weapons!” he said angrily.
My eyes narrowed him. “You know why I'm here.” I said, “Give me back my Spaceship, right now!”
“Never!” growled Titan, “STINGRAY is mine, and always shall be. If you want it so badly, you'll have to TAKE IT FROM ME!!”
He withdrew his own saber weapon. “If that's the way you want it… YOU GOT IT!!” I yelled withdrawing my Light saber.
The battle was on.