Love Hina Fan Fiction / Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Care for me... Please ❯ “Time for my revenge!” ( Chapter 8 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Eight: “Time for my revenge!”
It had been 4 and a half months since Max saw Kai last. Shinobu was huge. Still, only in the belly, her face arms, legs and everything else were normal. But, the fact she still couldn't stop eating was concerning everyone. Kai decided he'd been in prison far too long and he was plotting with Tala and Brian how to get out.
“So… how do we get out?” Kai asked.
“Well, Ian is ready when we need. He's going to shoot his bazooka at the side of the building and…” Tala explained.
Shinobu, Max, Ray, Tyson, Kenny, Kaolla and Hillary were walking to school.
“So. What are you going to eat for lunch today, Tyson?” Hillary asked.
“I don't know. Maybe I'll try their chicken salad, or the chocolate cake.” Tyson said.
“I'm going to eat the port noodles, then I'm going to eat several packets of cheese and onion crisps, followed up by the chocolate cake and the strawberry flake. Maybe after I'm done with that I'll try the chicken soup.” Shinobu said.
“Hey, you're outmatching Tyson in the food category.” Max teased Tyson.
“Yeah, right. Like anyone can outmatch Tyson when it comes to eating.” Hillary added to the teasing.
“Hey, Shut up you guys!” Tyson moaned.
“Well, you have to admit she is eating more than you, Tyson.” Ray agreed.
“No one is good enough to eat more than me.” Tyson bragged.
“Well, Shinobu is doing a pretty good job.” Kenny said.
“Hey, you're siding with her too.” Tyson moaned.
“You make it seem like it's a battle.” Shinobu moaned at him.
“Well…” Tyson started.
“Get a life Tyson.” Shinobu insulted him. Tyson shut up for a bit, then he spoke again.
“Sure Chubby-lo-bling-go.” He insulted. Shinobu stopped and turned to face him. Whap!!! Tyson had a large handprint in his face. Max and Ray looked at him.
“You have to admit… he deserved that.” Max said.
“What do you mean? He's needed to be given that for a long time.” Ray replied. Shinobu walked off towards the school. Hillary and Kenny ran to catch up with her. Ray and Max lifted Tyson up and left him there as the ran towards the school.
Max and Shinobu entered the classroom. Shinobu taking her usual seat and Max sitting in a spare seat. Three large boys walked over to Shinobu.
“So. Shinobu, been raped lately.” One boy meanly asked.
“Yeah, you must have been. Depression always leads to fat!” Another goofy teethed one said
“So chubby, wanna ride me too?” the third asked, evilly. Max stood and walked over.
“You're crossing the line, pal.” He complained. He had a stern look on his face as he walked over.
“What're you going to do about it?” The third boy asked. Thump! He slid across the room. Max looked and ducked a punched from the first boy, His arm going over Max's shoulders. Max grabbed the arm by the wrist and tossed him onto a girl's table, pulling it down. Max looked at the last boy, who trembled in fear and ran off. Max looked at Shinobu.
“Are you…” He started, but noticed she'd already started crying as her tear struck the table. Max put his hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her. But she stood up and walked out, hitting her teacher.
“Shinobu… are you okay?” he asked. Shinobu didn't reply, she just ran off. Max ran out the door.
“Sorry, sir.” He said as he followed Shinobu. He searched around and looked out the window. Somehow, Shinobu, as round in the belly she was, had managed to get outside onto the bench. Considering the fact they were like three floors up. Max ran down all the stairs and outside. He ran over to Shinobu. She was crying, hysterically. Nothing anyone could do to stop the tears. Max sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him.
“Please… please stop crying. I taught those boys a lesson for you. I know that's not enough to cheer you up completely. But I doubt they'll bother you anymore.” Max tried soothing her. Shinobu was unchanged, still rapidly dropping tears, sniffling and crying aloud. Max stroked her arm up and down. `What I wouldn't do to have Kai here right now.' Max thought.
“I… I… w… will ne… never… b… b… be… left alone… n… now…” Shinobu cried.
“Shhh… it's fine… it's fine…” Max said. Shinobu attempted to calm down, with little effect. The teacher had told his class exactly what to do and had brought in a sub teacher temporarily. He walked out of the school and walked over to Max and Shinobu. He sat on the other side of Shinobu.
“What's wrong with her?” He asked.
“She was bullied.” Max replied.
“Three boys told me you beat them up, Max.” The teacher moaned.
“Actually, I beat up two of them because they crossed the line when bullying Shinobu. The things they said were… they were just wrong!” Max cursed them. The teacher understood.
“Well, they are being punished for bullying as Ray saw every thing before his class. But I still have to punish you Max. You still beat them up and ran out of class.” The teacher said.
“Hey, I don't care.” Max said. “I'm more concerned for Shinobu.” Shinobu sat up right, wiping her tears away from her eyes. The teacher looked into her sad eyes.
“Would you like to go home… just for today?” He asked. Shinobu nodded. “Max, can you take her home… and then come back. I won't punish you.” The teacher asked.
“Sure.” Max said. He helped Shinobu up and they walked back towards the apartment. On the way, the two were quiet. Shinobu not wanting to speak and Max not wanting to make her cry again.
“Okay, so let the plan commence.” Kai said. Boom! The building shook violently. “What was that?” Kai yelled, he pulled on the chains and tried to see what was going on. Tala looked out as far as he could.
“Looks like someone else is escaping.” Tala said.
“This is great, we'll make a flawless escape. Think about it, we make out escape whilst the police are distracted.” Brian said.
“Yeah, just one thing before we escape.” Kai started. “Get these damn chains off of me!!!” He yelled. Tala and Brian went to the chains on Kai's arms and began lock picking them. Kai waiting impatiently for them to release his arms. He listened to the police being taken down by someone. The person zoomed past his cell faster than sound and he only barely saw them. Police ran past, not taking notice of the three boys. One of them accidentally dropped the keys inside their cell.
“Wow… lucky break.” Tala said.
“Grab them before we're discovered.” Kai ordered. Tala ran over to the keys and picked them up. He unlocked the chains and waited until the coast was clear. Then after seeing it was, he opened the door to their cell and the three ran off towards the front door. Fortunately there was a riot because of all the commotion and all the cops were preoccupied. The three, as Brian said, flawlessly escaped. After the escape the three ran and hit in a nearby forest.
“So… Kai. Now what?” Tala asked. Kai turned to face them.
“You two do what you want, but you're not following me. If we spilt up, there is less chance of all of us getting caught.” Kai explained.
“Fine. Later Kai.” Tala said. He and Brian ran off towards the city end. Kai ran off past the tree's headed for the Hinata apartment.
“If I keep up this pace, I should make it there in about three hours.” Kai estimated. The prison was quite far from the Hinata apartment. It wasn't said before but Ray, Max and Shinobu had to catch a bus to get to the prison.
Shinobu was arguing with Naru.
“That's not a reason to skip school!” Naru yelled.
“Why are you yelling at me? I didn't do anything wrong!” Shinobu yelled back.
“You're skipping school. That's reason enough.” Naru yelled again. Shinobu turned away.
“I hate you Naru!” Shinobu yelled as she ran away. Naru ran after her, but couldn't stop her. She saw her running off towards the forest.
Three hours later, Shinobu was still near the Hinata apartment. But not near enough. She had been waiting for someone to find her. She walked towards a tree, but stopped all of a sudden when she realised she was wetting herself. But she couldn't help it. Suddenly she ejected a large rush of plain water onto the muddy ground below.
“That was weird.” Shinobu said, not seeming too worried. She walked over to the tree. “I wonder… why I did that…” Shinobu wondered.
Max, Ray, Hillary, Kaolla, Tyson and Kenny were walking home.
“I tell you it's strange.” Max said.
“So you say, but I don't see what's so awkward about it.” Hillary replied.
“Well, It's possible that she is eating because of depression, but the fact that there isn't a bit of fat in her arms or face makes it awkward. She isn't chubby in the legs either.” Max explained.
“So… what's you conclusion?” Kenny asked.
“I don't have one. I just thought it was weird.” Max said. They were walking up the stairs of the Hinata apartment.
Shinobu rubbed her stomach. She had a painful stomachache.
“Ouch! That hurts.” She moaned. She tried rubbing it to make it feel better, but it wasn't working. The pain kept rising and become more intense. The pain was lowering itself and was hurting everywhere in between her lower belly to in-between her thighs. Shinobu cried out as the pain became incredibly intense. She tried removing her panties and sat on her skirt, to stop the tight force it gripped around her waist. She screamed as the pain became extremely bad. “What… what's happening to me?” She asked as the pain was slowly over taking. She felt as if something was exiting her. “I'm not possessed am I?” Shinobu worried. In her case, this was a possibility. Since Naru was possessed twice, the likely hood of Shinobu getting possessed was likely. Shinobu worried herself so much that the pain and the thought of possession made her pass out.