Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ One week ❯ That night ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own love Hina so don't sue me or kill me. Warning major lemon so if you think it's bad for you please read no further.
This story does not follow the manga series and it's time frame is when Keitaro is in Toudai doing his second year. His relation with Naru is going down hill.
(Everything will be in Keitaro's point of view unless stated.)
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`Damn hell.'
I curse as I kick off my shoes and drag my tied body into the house.
`Shit why do I have to do this.' I wonder as I made my way to my room.
On the way up I stopped at the kitchen and looked around to see if there was anything to eat.
I dump my stuff on the table and began to rummage the fridge.
After a while I manage to scrape together some thing top eat.
There were a few cans of beer in the fridge as well.
`Hmmmm might as well.' I took a can and took a long gulp of it.
“Aaaaahhhhhh.” I sighed and took a bite out of the sandwich I made.
It's been almost a month now running around juggling between the job, taking care of the dorm and my studies.
This is getting a bit ridiculous and stressful.
I take another gulp of the beer finishing it off. I walk over to the fridge and grab another.
Then I realise that I had lessons tomorrow.
`Shit.' I curse but what the hell I'm going to flunk anyway.
`Man I didn't realise that being in Tokyo uni would be so tough. Damn it.' I took another gulp at the can of beer.
The stress and frustration of the past month catching up with me as I slam the can down on to the table. Having to tolerate Naru and Matoko temper and daily beating was starting to piss me off.
I almost lost my job again because of those two.
I could feel the effect of the beer affecting me I finish off my sandwich and gulps down the rest of the beer and stagger towards my room.
As I open the door to my room I could feel that some one was already in the room.
`Hmm must have walk into the wrong room.' I step out of the room and look around.
`Huh??' it was my room I step in and close the door locking it.
`Shit I'm not leaving my room just because some one is in it.' I curse as I pull off my clothes and put on my sleeping clothes.
`Crap my futon!' I curse now realising that my bed was taken. My leg hits something as I move in the darkness. I bend down to pick it up it was an empty bottle of sake.
`Crap must be Mitsune.' I put the bottle out of the way and look at the figure sleeping in my futons. `Why the hell has this have to happen to me.' I shake my head.
`Wait a minute. Mitsune and the girls are taking not around today.' The group of them had decided to take a trip yesterday and won't be back for a week.
`Who the hell is this??' My mind starting to panic. I scamper to the doorway.
“Keitaro.” A voice moans out from the darkness.
`What the??' I peered in the darkness.
The voice was so familiar I can't tell who is it.
I slowly creep back in and open the window to the room letting the moon light into the room lucky for me it's a full moon.
`OH MY GOD!!!' My jaws went slack as I see who is in my futons.
It was Haraku without a single piece of clothing. Sleeping there all spread out.
The moon light shone on her beautiful pale body. I gulp as I fought down my urges.
My nose was planning a major leak.
`God this is my aunt for crying out loud.' I knock my head on the wooden beam trying to get myself under control.
I tried to make my way out the door as I reached for the door.
“Keitairo.” Haruka moans out again.
Making jump in fright.
I turn to look wondering what she'll do to me if she caught me.
To my relief she was still asleep.
She shivered as the cool wind blew from the window.
`Shit she's going to catch a cold like this.' I walk over and pull the blanket from under her and cover her with it but fate would have it.
I wonder if it's my clumsiness or my good luck I trip and went down.
To my horror I was head straight for my sleeping aunt.
I said a prayer and closed my eyes as I went down.
Several hours earlier.
Haruka's point of view.
I finish up the chores in the café and sit down onto one of the chairs I take out my cigs and lights one and takes a long drag on it.
I look at the Hinata inn blowing out the smoke.
I remember all the times Keitaro and me were here when he was younger.
He has come a long way from being a 3-year ronin to a student in the most prestigious school in Tokyo. I am so proud of him.
His silly smile makes me always want to hug him tight.
I keep my feelings for him well hidden over the years but recently it's all becoming too much for me.
I have dated a lot but none could catch my eye most want me for my body.
`God damn it all!!' I curse as I blew out another puff of smoke.
Keitaro is getting more and more handsome and hunky everyday it's really hard not to have that sort of feelings.
I'm a woman too.
`Damn why did he have to like that Narusegawa.' I fume.
I got up and close up the café and walk up towards the inn.
`Maybe a good soak will do the trick.' I went up to my room and got my bathing stuff and some clothes.
Before I head into the bath I stop in the kitchen I looked around and found a bottle of sake.
`Just what the doctor ordered. I took the whole bottle and a cup and headed towards the bath I take off my clothes and walk into the bath.
It was clean and the water steaming.
`God how does he do it.' I shake my head wondering how Keitaro can find time to juggle his work school and being the manager of this place.
I sit down on one of the stools and pour some cold water over my body.
I grit my teeth as the water runs off my body.
I start to soap myself.
`I must look like an old hag to Keitaro compared to that bitch Naru.' I hook my head sadly as I look at myself in the mirror.
The water falling from my hair.
“DAMN IT ALL!!” I scream and fling the scoop I was using into the wall.
I know I shouldn't have this type of feelings.
I start to cry in my hands.
After while I take another scoop and starts to wash away the soap.
After that I make my way to the hot inviting waters of the spring I brought along the bottle of sake.
I sat down in the hot water relaxing I uncap the sake and pour a glass.
I drank the whole cup in one gulp.
`Ooooooo.' I shook my head as the alcohol gave me a kick.
I still remembered the time when we were young and we would soak in the bath together.
The first kiss we shared in here.
My eyes tear up as I remembered what happen.
I was 12 and he was 5.
He was telling me how me had made a promise to some girl living in the inn that he would meet up with her at Tokyo U.
That made me boil who dares to take my Keitaro away from me.
I was so jealous that I kissed his in the mouth and holding on to him telling that he was mine.
He fainted dead away from too much soaking in the bath and when he came to he didn't remember a thing.
`That Baka.' I shakes my head and gulps down another glass of the sake.
I slowly let the hot water and alcohol wash over me.
I let my tears fall from my face.
`I must be going insane.' I wonder to myself.
`Thinking of this.' I stay in the bath till the sun set over the horizon.
I slowly pull myself from the bath.
I dry myself and puts on my clothes and exits the bath.
I wander around the inn.
Wanting to bring back all the lost memories I had.
Soon I found myself in front of Keitaro's room.
My hands trembled as I pull open the door.
The smell of the room hit me.
The smell of his after-shave he used the musty smell of his sweat.
I almost ran but instead I take a long pull at the bottle of sake I brought with me.
I could feel my body go all hot as I stood there.
Then all the memories of the sick dreams I had come flooding back.
My knees go weak.
I step into the room and close the door and slid to the floor.
Trembling I took another sip from the bottle.
As I sat there I close my eyes.
It was so simple then I wish it were now.
His futon was on the floor still there guess he didn't have time to put it away.
I crawl towards it and drop into it.
The smell of Keitaro's body assails senses.
I could feel myself go all wet down there as I take in his unique smell.
My hand slip into my panties, I slow stroke my petals getting wetter and wetter as I stroke it.
Lust suddenly took control of my body as I tore my panties away imagining that it was Keitaro who was doing it.
I gasp as the fabric tore away.
I used my fingers to spread open my pussy.
It was now dripping wet and dripping all over Keitaro's futons.
I didn't care.
I pull off my bra and was playing and pulling on my nipples.
“Keitaro!” I mutter as I start to use my finger to plunge into my wet pussy.
“Yes! Yes Keitaro harder…” I scream as I plunge my finger harder and deeper into my pussy.
I could feel myself start to tense up.
I came screaming not caring if anyone heard me.
I took my hand from my pussy it was covered in my juices.
Tears start to fall from my face.
“Oh god……” I mutter to myself.
Then finally falling asleep from exhaustion.
`OH shit oh shit! I'm going to die!' I panicked. I scramble to get off my aunt.
Suddenly I felt some thing soft under my hand and it did not feel like my futon.
I gave it a slight squeeze and was awarded with a soft moan.
`Oh crap!' I pull away my hand and sits up.
I look at her she was still asleep.
`Thank god.' I mutter as I tried to get up.
That's when I notice what position I was in.
It was in a missionary position to my horror.
I could feel myself go hard at the sight.
`This can't be happening this is my aunt for crying out loud.' I fought with my lust.
`Oh god she looks so beautiful.' I mutter as I admired her lean body.
I always wondered how she looked like nude this was a dream come true.
Suddenly I was on the floor I had hit myself in the face.
`Damn it this is Haruka my AUNT!!' I silently scream at myself.
“Keitaro….” Haruka mutters again making me jump in fright.
I look at her she was still asleep.
I let out a sigh of relief. I sat down on the floor wondering what should I do.
I was having a raging hard on now.
`Wonder why am I not sprewing blood all over the place….' I take another peek at Haruka's body.
`I never become like this when I see the other girls naked. Is there some thing wrong with me??' I shudder at that thought.
`I'm really a pervert!' I suddenly realised I scramble away.
“Oh Keitaro ….” Haruka moans her body writhing as if in pain.
“Keitaro touch me all over please.” Haruka moans her hands on her breast touching them.
“Oh yes kiss them lick them suck on them……” she calls out her breathing getting ragged.
I try to look away but it was too much for him.
My eyes on her pussy as she spreads her legs.
It was dripping wet.
I swallow nervously trying to fight the urge to tear off my clothes and have my way with my aunt.
My will crumbled when she called out my name as she played with her pussy.
It was as if I changed into another person.
I took off my clothes and knelt down.
I held Haruka's legs apart and slowly lower my head down inching closer and closer to her wet pussy. Suddenly Haruka pushes me down.
“Lick me suck me….” Haruka moans holding my head down between her legs. I let my lust take over and soon I was licking her pussy lapping up all her juices.
`God I don't believe I am doing this.' I thought as I lick my Aunt's pussy.
“I'm coming Keitaro more more….” Haruka screams as her juices squirt on Keitaro's face as she came.
Haruka's dream.
I can't believe that Keitaro is doing this to me!
My lust filled mind reeled as he touched me over kissing me all over too.
It was like I had died and went to heaven.
I plea with him to lick my pussy.
He smiles and went down.
It was mind blowing it was so real.
His hot tongue caressing my pussy and he was slurping up all my juices as it flowed.
I came and came as his tongue lapped at my pussy.
I held his head down as I came in his face.
“I'm coming Keitaro more more….. GOD KEITARO!!!!” I scream as I came and came.
I slump to the futon and my eyes flutter open.
`God it was just a dream…' I look up at the ceiling but something was wrong someone was still licking on my pussy.
I try to sit up to my horror……
“Keitaro!” Haruka said in surprise but Keitaro was too busy to hear her.
He was eating her pussy licking and sucking as if it was the most delicious thing her had ever eaten in his life.
Haruka slumps back onto the futon her mind spinning with pleasure and confusion.
Pleasure won out and soon she was holding on to his head and moaning his name as he ate her.
She came and came until her legs were all weak.
Finally Keitaro sits up his face covered with Haruka's cum.
“OH God that was magnificent.” Haruka said weakly.
“I'm not finish.” Keitaro said as he starts to lick and suckle on her breasts.
“Oh Keitaro…” she moans in pleasure.
Then suddenly Keitaro stops and holds apart her legs her pussy dripping then he slowly guides his manhood towards it.
“Keitaro…” Haruka's eyes went wide as she sees what he was about to do.
“Don't you want me??” Keitaro asks looking at Haruka.
`Is this really my Keitaro?'
“I want you fuck me fuck me till I go mad I don't care any more.” Haruka said giving in to her lust. Slowly Keitaro eases the head into her pussy.
“You are so wet Haruka.” Keitaro moans as her hot pussy starts to engulf his manhood.
Finally he has his whole manhood in her.
`I can't believe this is happening I'm giving my virginity to my aunt!' Keitaro hesitates but then begins to pump into her.
“Yes yes that's it!” Haruka moans and screams as Keitaro pounds into her.
His hands on her breasts squeezing them.
“Fuck me hard!” she moans.
Keitaro did as he was told and rams into her hard.
Suddenly Keitaro stops and turns Haruka around her ass towards him all with him in her. “Oooooooooo…” Haruka moans at the sudden change in position.
Keitaro help her waist and starts once more to pound into her.
`I have to thank the guys later.' Keitaro mentally said to himself if it weren't for all the tapes and magazines his friends lent to him he wouldn't have know what to do.
“Oh Haruka you are so tight!” Keitaro moans as he pounds into her.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa…..” Haruka moans as she pushes into his manhood as he ponds into her sending him deeper into her.
“I'm coming Haruka!!” Keitaro said as he felt his manhood about to explode.
“Yes yes cum in me!” Haruka screams.
She too was coming.
“HARUKAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!” Kaitaro screams as he shots his seed into her.
Haruka's pussy held on to his manhood as she too came.
The two finally collapse into the futon exhausted and fell asleep.
I'm not so sure if I am going to continue this story.
There is 6 more days before the rest of the girls get back.
Well it's up to you readers out there tell me if you want it to continue to trash it.
Oh yeah I don't condone incest.
Thanks for reading.