Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ One week ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own love Hina so don't sue me or kill me. Warning major lemon so if you think it's bad for you please read no further.
This story does not follow the manga series and it's time frame is when Keitaro is in Toudai doing his second year. His relation with Naru is going down hill.
(Everything will be in Keitaro's point of view unless stated.)
Haruka woke up her head trobbing she groans as she tries to sit up but she finds that someone was snuggled next to her and holding on to her.
She could feel breaths of air being blown on her breast.
`God what happen and where am I.' She pushes off who ever is holding on to her and sits up she yawns and stretch.
She looks around.
`Hmmm this doesn't look like my room.' She sees her clothes on a pile next to the futon and some one else's clothes were next to her.
`What the hell she pulls away the blanket to reveal that she was nude.
And there was something between her legs.
She feels it and take her hand away to look.
`Oh god no I had sex. But with who?' she starts to panic she pulls away the rest of the blanket and to her horror sleeping next to her is Keitaro.
He shivers a bit and pulls at the blanket to cover him.
`No I did not have sex with him!!' she also notices that Keitaro was naked too.
“Oh Sit!” she slaps her forehead. Keitaro wakes up with a start.
His eyes open to the sound of a hand hitting some thing.
He sits up sleepily and tries to grope for his glasses.
When suddenly he turns into Haruka's breasts.
He brings up his hand and starts to squeeze on them wondering what they are.
“Keitaro..” He hears some one call his name.
He squints and tries to make out who it is.
Finally the figure hands him his glasses.
He sleepily puts on his glasses and looks at who it was.
His eye went wide in bed with him was his aunt.
“Haruka??!!” he scampers away fearing for his life.
Suddenly his alarm clock starts to ring.
“Oh shit I'm going to be late!” Keitaro jumps up and grabs his clothes and runs out.
“That stupid fool!” Haruka curses as she watches her nephew now lover run away.
Haruka's POV
`I don't believe it I had sex with my nephew….' I sat in his futons wondering what will happen next.
This was getting too much.
I grab my clothing and start to put them on. I look at the futon.
It was all dirty from our love making last night.
There several stains on the blanket.
`Damn I must have came many times.' I wince as a headache hits me.
I guess I shouldn't have drunk to much last night.
`I better go wash these.' I pick up the futon and carry it down to the laundry room.
I dump it all and heads into the kitchen.
I need some thing for the headache.
I made myself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table.
`What am I going to do I can't face him again after last night.' I held the cup with my two hands and sip on it.
I shake my head angry with myself for giving in to my lust.
I finish the coffee and went to wash the futon.
Keitaro's POV.
While I stood in the train the images of last night came into my mind.
`This is wrong she's my aunt.' I scold myself.
`But still you went and did it!' a voice scream back at me.
`Oh god if Naru finds out I'm dead.' I thought to myself sadly.
`Naru…… I don't know about her any more…..I mean I love her but the feeling is becoming lost to me…..' I shake my head.
`Damn it.' I got off my stop.
`Maybe I'll go talk to her and apologize to her about last night.' I decide and ran.
I was already late for my class.
Haruka's POV.
I sat at the kitchen table smoking.
`Hmmmmm what am I going to do……' I tap my chin.
`Well I enjoyed it a lot…' I chuckle to myself. It was the best sex I had in a long time.
I get up and walk out of the kitchen.
`Well time to get to work!' I stretch and walk out the inn to my café not knowing that I had a smile on my face.
Haruka opens her café and get ready for customers.
She cleans up the tables and puts out the open sign she goes behind the counter and starts to boil some water.
“Bling” the bell on the door chimes and in comes a girl.
“Hey Haruka!' The girl greets and walks over.
“ Hey Niome.” Haruka said.
“The usual?” Haruka asks.
“Yeah sure thanks.” Niome said as she sits down at the counter.
“So what brings you here so early?” Haruka asks as she makes a cup of coffee.
“ Well for one Haruka it's almost 4 in the afternoon if you didn't realize…” Niome said as she waits for her coffee.
“Oh is it?” Haruka was surprise she had lost track of time.
“Hmmm you look more radiant then usual.” Niome teasingly.
“Oh come on I haven't been on a date for ages….” Haruka said her face turning red.
She quickly starts to wipe at the counter.
“Hmmmm and how do you explain those…” Niome smirks pointing at the love bites around here neck.
“What?” Haruka asks bewilderedly.
“You got hickeys all over your neck.” Niome said laughing at her now blushing friend.
“I do not!!” Haruka immediately said covering her neck.
“Got you.” Niome smiles.
“Damn!” Haruka curse then started to smile this was her best friend after all.
“So who was the lucky guy.” Niome said wanting to know every single juicy detail.
Haruka's face flushed again.
“Is it that Seto guy…. Hmmmm wait hmmmm or is it Hiro or Keiji…. No?? How about a hint?” Niomi said wracking her brain trying to find out who is Haruka's lover now.
Haruka shakes her head at all the names.
Then suddenly it dawns on her.
“Wait a minute holy crap you didn't. You did why you sly girl you……” Niome said smiling at her best friend.
“So finally you did it after so long so how was it.” She asks still smiling.
“It was magical.” Haruka said smiling.
“Oh yeah tell me more. I want every detail.” Niome said as she pulls Haruka from behind the counter to a table.
“Now spill it.” Niome said.
“Well here goes…” Haruka starts to relate what happen the night before.
Keitaro was having a hard time concentrating in class flashes of last night keeps on appearing in his head.
He pounds his head on the table.
Trying to get rid of the perverted thoughts.
`Damn I'm really a pervert.' Keitaro stops as a large lump was forming on his forehead.
The whole class had stop to watch Keitaro but was soon brought back by the teacher.
The teacher shook his head as he went back to teach the class.
It was common for student to suddenly go crazy due to stress so near to the exams.
Keitaro wasn't the smartest in his class but he was the hardest working.
`Maybe I better talk to him later.' The teacher thinks to himself and goes back to teaching his class.
Keitaro with his throbbing head was still having a hard time convincing himself that he wasn't a pervert.
Flashes of Naru sending him into orbit filled him with dread.
He suddenly stands up grabbing his stuff and starts screaming as he ran from the classroom.
The whole class sweat drops as they watch Keitaro run from the classroom.
Keitaro's POV
`This is nuts I am going crazy.' I thought to myself as I ran from the classroom.
I kept on running not caring where my legs brought me.
Finally I stop running and was standing in front of Haruka's café.
I panicked and hid myself behind a wall when I saw her.
My heart was pounding like a drum in my chest. I was sweating as I sat there.
I stick my head out for a peek.
She was talking to someone and I couldn't se or hear who it was.
I decided to find out and I slowly crawled to the partition next to their table.
I managed to catch some of the things they were talking.
They were talking about someone.
I strained to hear what they were talking about.
“He's so well built and strong yet gentle.” Haruka said describing Keitaro's body.
“So was he big down there as well?” Niome said snickering.
“….” Haruka's face went all red.
“Well that answers my question.' Niome said laughing.
“How about letting me have a go.” Niome asks teasingly.
Haruka looks at her angrily.
“Hey no need to get all worked up. I was only joking.” Niome quickly said not wanting Haruka getting mad at her.
“So do you love him or then wanting to screw his brains out.” Niome asks wanting to know.
“I don't know he loves someone else After all he is my nephew.” Haruka said with a sigh.
“Well you are not directly related to him. Why not give it a chance.” Niome asks holding on to Haruka's hand and squeezing it.
“I don't know what to do it all happen too fast….” Haruka said sadly.
“So that's it huh……” Niome said as she sips on her drink.
Haruka looks at her.
“Going to have another go at him tonight?” Niome said jokingly.
“Niome!” Haruka bobs her on her head.
The two starts to laugh.
Keitaro's POV
Huh she loves me?? I was confuse, my head spinning out of control as I sat there not believing what I just heard.
I hear her friend get up saying goodbye to her and leaves.
“What am I going to do…” I hear Haruka say as she starts to sob.
My heart felt like a knife pierced it.
I sat there part of me wanted to rush out and hug her part of me didn't.
Soon I hear her get up collecting the cups and dishes and walking into the kitchen.
I slowly get up looking at her walk into the kitchen.
I turn to walk out of the café when I heard the breaking of glass and a crash.
I turn and ran into the kitchen worried for her.
Haruka's POV
I was having a hard time controlling myself. I am his aunt I am his blood relation!! My feeling warred against each other.
But I love him! No he loves Naru not you last night was a mistake and you know it! A voice scream at me.
No! No! I scream at the voice. Niome was correct I couldn't run forever, I couldn't stop my feelings for him.
Anger and frustration well up in me my body shook as I tried to control my emotions but it was too much to bear.
I love him so much I start to cry.
In anger I sent the tray flying into the wall.
I didn't care anymore.
I want this pain and longing in me to stop.
I look at the knife on the chopping board. I pick it up.
One cut and all the pain will go away.
My hand shook as I brought the blade to my wrist.
I turn to see who it was.
My vision blurred the blade went down.
Keitaro arrives just in time to see Haruka bring the knife down to her wrist.
In slow motion Keitaro runs forward grabbing the blade in his hand he winces in pain as the blade cuts into his hand.
Haruka her eyes wide at what her nephew had done drops the knife.
Blood starts to pour from his hand.
Haruka swoons falling Keitaro grabs her to hold her up.
Their eyes meet. Keitaro could feel his heart race in his ears.
`She's my aunt! I don't care I don't want to hurt her!' slowly Keitaro's face went closer to hers.
Their lips met briefly then suddenly it went into a full-blown passionate kiss.
Haruka held Keitaro as they kiss.
“Oh Haruka..” Keitaro whispers as he breaks off the kiss.
“Keitaro….” Haruka could not believe what was happening.
Keitaro starts to kiss her neck.
Making delicate butterfly kisses all over her neck.
Keitaro took his bloodied hand and rips her shirt open with a pull and pushing her to the large table in the kitchen.
“Oooo….” Haruka gasps.
He starts to slowly make his way down kissing all the way.
Haruka moans as each kiss was like a bite on her skin.
Keitaro looks up as Haruka calls out his name.
He could see the love she had for him not the anger and loathe like Naru's or Motoko's.
He pushes the straps for her bra down her arms and starts to suckle on her breasts like a baby. Haruka moans in pleasure at Keitaro's administrations.
“Oh god Keitaro…..” she gasps as he nibbles on her nipples.
And then caressing them gently squeezing them with his hands.
Her breasts were now covered in his blood.
Keitaro did not care the pain was overrode by the lust and love he had for Haruka.
Keitaro starts to unbutton her pants pulling them down not so gently causing Haruka to whimper in pain.
Keitaro kisses her eyes licking away the tears on her face.
Then he starts to strip off all his clothes.
Haruka's eyes went wide as she sees Kaitaro's hard manhood all hard.
He tears away her panties revealing her now dripping pussy.
Haruka tries to cover herself with her hands.
Keitaro stops her pinning her hands with his right hand.
Haruka seeing the bloodied hand holding on hers she stops and pulls away her hands.
Keitaro looks at her smiling then slowly bends down kissing her thighs as he slowly made his way to her dripping pussy.
Haruka gasps as she felt Keitaro's hot breath on her pussy.
“So beautiful…..” Keitaro said as he then starts to lick on the folds of her pussy.
He savored the taste like he was drinking a fine wine.
`She tastes so good.' Keitaro wanted more he let his tongue parts her folds and starts to lap up the juices that was flowing from her pussy.
Haruka moans out loud she held his head between her legs enjoying every moment of it. Suddenly her body went into a spasm as he starts to nibble and suck on her bud.
She comes and comes covering Keitaro's face with her juices crying out his name as she comes.
Keitaro stops what he was doing and slowly stood up.
Haruka whimpers. Keitaro held his manhood in his hand and slowly guides it to her wet dripping pussy.
The head of his manhood parts her pussy folds causing her to gasp out as it went in. “KEITARO!.” She screams as he rams it all in and starts to pump into her.
He holds her legs apart wanting to get as much of his manhood into her.
Haruka screaming in ecstasy as he fucks her.
“YES YES HARDER HARDER KEITARO!” she screams as she plays with her breasts.
The whole table was shaking as Keitaro as he follows what he was told to do.
He picks up the pace slamming into her like a piston.
He could feel the pressure build in his manhood.
“I'm coming Haruka.
He screams still ramming into her with all his might.
“Come in me! Fill em UP like you did last night!” Haruka cried out as she comes again.
Her juices were dripping all over the floor mixing with the blood.
“HARUKA!” Keitaro screams one last time letting his seed fill her up.
“OH Keitaro!” she came again.
Keitaro collapses on her.
Haruka holds him in her arms.
Her legs wrap around his waist not letting go as the came in each other's arms.
Keitaro opens his eyes as he got up.
He looks at where he was laying on.
It was Haruka and she was still a sleep.
He slides off her and looks at his hand.
The blood was all dried up and the wound had already close and started to heal.
He was always a fast healer.
He looks at Haruka's sleeping form and smiles.
He gathers her in his arms and carries her up to the room located on the second floor of the café.
He covers her in the blanket and went back down to clean up the mess and close the café.
Haraku's eyes flutter open.
She looks up and sees the ceiling of her room.
`Where am I….' She struggles to sit up pushing away the blanket covering her.
`What the….. I'm naked…… that means……….oh no ………' Haruka brought her hands to her face.
Suddenly she heard some movement and the door to her room opens.
It was Keitaro and he was carry a tray.
He walks in and puts the tray down and closes the door.
He walks over to the window and pushes it open letting the moonlight in. then he walks over to her and sits down next to her.
“Are you feeling all right Haruka….” Keitaro asks with a lot of concern in his voice.
“I…. I'm fine….” Haruka stammers.
She takes his injured hand causing to wince in pain.
“Oh I'm sorry what happen…..” Haraku asks as she lets go.
“Oh I cut myself want to eat something? I made some food for you.” Keitaro said smiling at her. Haruka ate the food in silence not daring to look at Keitaro.
`God she's so beautiful why didn't I see it earlier….' Keitaro was lost in his thoughts.
His head was still spinning from just now but he was slowly getting his sanity back.
`This is getting out of hand….' Haruka thought to herself as she picks at her food.
She looks up and caught Keitaro smiling at her like a boy in love she looks away blushing.
Soon she finishes and Keitaro brings the tray back to the kitchen.
He comes back up and sits down looking at Haruka.
“Ummmm want to take a bath…” Ketitaro said breaking the silence.
“Yes why not.” Haruka gets up shrugging off the blanket forgetting that she was naked.
Keitaro sat there enjoying what he was seeing.
`She's the only one doing this to me…..' He thought to himself as his heart beats faster. “Ummmm Haruka I hope you are not planing to go like that….” Keitaro said softly.
“Oh What??” She looks at herself and found herself naked.
She smirks at him.
“Oh and you won't mind….” Haruka teases.
“I don't mind but you might catch a cold.” Keitaro said still smiling and admiring her body. Haruka giggles and opens her cupboard and pull out a bathrobe and puts it on.
“I'm ready to go.” Haruka declares as she takes her bathing stuff from the dressing table. “……” Keitaro smile and offers his arm to her.
Haruka takes it and the two went down and back to the inn.
Haruka and Keitaro made it to the spring without anyone noticing Haruka was wearing only a bathrobe.
“Whey don't you head in first. I'll go get some drinks for us.” Keitaro said smiling at her and disappearing.
Haruka sighs and walks into the changing room and shrugs off the bathrobe she was wearing and heads into the bath.
She pours a pail of cold water over her.
The cold water causes her to shiver as she starts to soap herself.
Just then Keitaro comes in carry a large bottle of sake and two sake cups.
Keitaro had a towel over his waist as he walks in.
“Let me wash your back.” Keitaro said as he walks over after putting the bottle of sake into the hot spring water.
Soon he washes slowly soaping her back gently massaging her shoulders.
Haruka was in heaven moaning every time Keitaro gently massage her shoulders.
Then suddenly pours hot water over her washing away all the soap.
“Go soak I'll join you in a minute.” Keitaro said as he began to wash up.
Haruka slowly lowers herself into the hot spring.
She sighs as the hot water envelops her body.
Keitaro too slowly enters the spring pulling along the sake bottle and the two cups.
Keitaro pours a cup and pffers it to her.
Haruka smiles and takes the cup and sips on it.
Keitaro joins in the two sat there in silence watching the star filled sky.
Slowly Haruka went closer to Keitaro and lays her head on his shoulder sighing.
“What is it?” Keitaro asks looking down at her.
“If this is a dream I don't want to wake up.” Haruka said watch the sky she sees a shooting start streak across the sky.
“Look a shooting star!” Haruka points to the sky.
Keitaro looks up and see the trail left in the sky.
Then he looks down at Haruka who was still leaning on his shoulder in total contentment.
He kisses her on the head. Haruka looks up at him and kisses him back oh the mouth.
She broke the kiss then settling for another soon the two was holding on to each other as their tongue wrestles with each other.
The stars in the sky twinkle as they made love through the night.
You must be wondering why I didn't put in the bath scene. Sorry people but I promise more will come after all this is supposed to be a 7-chapter story. I'll try my best to up date soon. So keep reading.