Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ One week ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own love Hina so don't sue me or kill me. Warning major lemon so if you think it's bad for you please read no further.
This story does not follow the manga series and it's time frame is when Keitaro is in Toudai doing his second year. His relation with Naru is going down hill.
(Everything will be in Keitaro's point of view unless stated.)
Day 3.
Keitaro awoke to find himself in his room.
He feels some one snuggling on his chest.
He looks down to see Haruka sleeping peacefully on his chest.
He smiles.
They had made love the whole night and what a night it was.
He smiles as he closes his eyes deciding to skip school today as he slowly goes back to sleep.
Haruka's POV
`Mmmmmm….' I open my eyes I was sleeping on something warm and I was hugging something.
I lift my head and look around.
My body was so tired and sore.
I wonder why.
I shake my head to clear my eyes and I see who I was sleeping on.
It was Keitaro.
Then suddenly everything that we did last night came rushing back to me.
I smile and lower my head back on his chest.
Listening to his heart beat.
He said that he loved me and he proved it to me last night by making love to me all night long.
I feel as if a huge weight had lifted off my shoulders as I lay there contented.
I wonder what are we going to do later.
I smile mischievously and decided to wake him up.
I slowly when under the covers and found what I was looking for and starts to kiss it.
Keitaro's eyes snap open as he felt his body shudder.
He looks around groggily.
`What a way to wake up…..' Keitaro looks around and found that Haruka was not around.
Then he feels someone sucking his manhood.
He looks and finds a large bump under the covers between his legs.
He pulls away the cover to reveal Haruka sucking on his manhood making it hard again.
She looks up her hand pumping his manhood and smiles at him.
“I was hungry.” Haruka said smiling teasingly at him.
Keitaro smiles at her.
“Me too.”
He pulls her up and kisses her then pushes her to the futon.
“My Turn.” Keitaro said as he slowly kissed his way down.
Licking and teasing his way down.
Haruka moans at every nibble he gave her, giggling occasionally when he got a ticklish spot.
He tease and nibble on her nipples for a while then going down lower she was disappointed when he stopped but gasped when he finally reached her wet dripping pussy.
Keitaro's POV.
My god her pussy is all wet and dripping.
I take a lick from the bottom to the top of her pussy then slowly starts to suck on her bud.
She was moaning and holding my head down.
She comes several times drenching my face.
I didn't mind as I lick up all her juices.
She then pleas for me to take her I smile at her and slowly gets up kissing her as I slowly spread her legs apart and slowly ease my manhood into her.
God she`s so hot, wet and tight.
She holds me tightly as I slowly drive my manhood into her.
I'm in heaven…..
Haruka's POV
God he really know how to please me.
Licking me all over suckling on my breasts then going down to my pussy and licking and teasing me till I almost went crazy.
It was getting too much for me
I plea for him to take me and he did with one swift stroke he was deep in me.
He's so big and hard…….
Slowly he starts to fuck me, increasing his strokes slowly.
It is so incredible.
I moan and scream his name as he fucks me out of my mind.
Keitaro could feel that he was about to come.
“Haruka I'm going to come!” Keitaro manages to say as he pumps into faster and deeper.
“Yes yes Keitaro I'm coming too….” Haruka moans holding on to him. “HARUKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!” He shout as he slams deep into her and exploding filling her pussy full of his seed.
“KEITAROOOOOOO!!!!” She too screams and digging her finger nails into his back then falling back on to the futon smiling contentedly.
He slumps on her exhausted but happy.
After a few minutes the two gets up, Keitaro looks at Haruka as she puts on her bathrobe.
“Like what you see?” she ask striking a pose her robe not tied on properly letting her beautiful breasts peek out from under the robe.
Keitaro nods his head and smile at her.
He gets up to hug her but Haruka stops him.
“I have to open the cafe today.” Haruka said as she straddles him and kisses him on his forehead.
“Ok then I'll see you later then.” Keitaro said still smiling he was so tempted to pull her down and have another round of lovemaking.
“Don' t you have to go for lessons?” Haruka said as she ties her robe.
“Nope.” Keitaro lied. “All right then you can make yourself useful and help me at the café.” Haruka said.
“Awww do I have to??” Keitaro said teasingly.
“If you do. We'll do something special tonight.” Haruka said as she walks out and closes his door leaving Keitaro.
“Wow….” Keitaro falls back onto his futon and stares at the ceiling.
He looks at the hole leading to Naru's room.
He shakes his head then sits up, “Time to get this over with.” He gets dressed and heads out of his room.
Then reappearing several minutes later with a belt of tools, some planks of wood and a ladder.
Several hours later, Keitaro heads over to the café after doing some repairs to the inn. He walks in and sees that Haruka was busy running around taking orders and serving several of them.
There were lots students and office people at the café.
“Where have you been??!!” Haruka asks angrily.
“Oh I was repairing the inn. I'll go grab an apron!” Keitaro hurries to the kitchen and come out to help Haruka as he passes her he steals a kiss from her almost causing her to drop some of the plates she was carrying.
Keitaro happily goes off to clear the tables and take orders.
Later in the evening the crowd was waning and finally there were none.
Keitaro slump on a chair and place his head on the table.
“Gahhhhhh that was tiring….” He moans he sits up and looks around.
`Hmmmmm?? Where is Haruka??' He wonders and decides to make a trip into the kitchen.
But before he went in he flips over the close sign and locks the door.
Slowly he quietly sneaks into the kitchen.
He walks to a corner and leans on the wall watching her.
She was washing the dishes.
She was humming a tune as she washed the dishes happily oblivious that Keitaro was standing behind her.
She giggles a bit as she washed the dishes.
Keitaro's POV
`Hmmmmmmm……. Wonder what's she thinking??' I think to my self as I watch her stand there.
`She's so beautiful……' I stood there smiling to myself.
`I guess the saying is true. The one you love most is always the one closest to you.' I muse to myself.
I walk over intending to hug her from behind.
Haruka's POV
`I can't believe it I made love to my nephew again last night and this morning I am such a slut….' I think to myself.
I start to giggle.
`But it was all worth it.' I start to hum a tune as I wash the dishes.
`I wonder what should we do later….' I happily think as I wash and dry the dishes. `Wonder if Keitaro will do to me later……' I happily wonders.
Slowly Keitaro walks up behind Haruka and hugs her.
She drops the dish in her hand into the sink splashing water all over her.
“Keitaro?” Haruka asks as his arms wrap around her waist.
“Haruka….” Keitaro whisper. As he kisses the back of her neck, he moves his hand up under the apron and slowly to her breast kneading it slowly and tweaking on her nipple.
“Ooooooo” Haruka moans as Keitaro's hands tease her.
She finishes off the last dish as Keitaro slowly turns her around and kisses her on the mouth.
Their tongues duel with each other savouring each other as they kiss.
Haruka could feel his hardness pressing against her pussy through the jeans she was wearing.
“Mmmmm.” She brings one of her hands down and starts to stroke it.
“Oh Haruka….” Keitaro moans as he releases their kiss.
He turns her to face him tugging on the apron strings.
Pulling away the apron from her body then pull her shirt over her head.
He starts to kiss and suckle on her breasts tweaking on the nipples teasing her.
Haruka could feel herself go wet down there again.
`He's so gentle.' Haruka moans as his hands roam her body.
Finally reaching the front of her jeans, slowly he unbuttons it and pulls the zipper down.
Haruka was panting in anticipation as Keitaro pushes her jeans down letting fall at her feet.
Slowly he reaches to her now wet panty and starts to stroke her pussy. “Oooohhhhh…..” Haruka moans as he touches her pussy.
“Don't tease me….” Haruka said as she held on to Keitaro.
Keitaro smiles and takes off his pants.
He slowly pulls down her panty and drops it to the floor.
Haruka smiles waiting for him to come to her, slowly he starts to kiss her.
She could feel his hardness on her thigh.
“So hard….” Haruka whispers as Keitaro starts to tease her pussy by placing his manhood over it and slowly moves over it.
Haruka couldn't take it anymore, her legs wobbles as she came all over his manhood. He carries her over to a table and places her on top of it.
“Hmmmmm.” Keitaro smiles kissing her then finally gently slides his manhood into her wet pussy.
Haruka moans loudly but she was muffled as the continued their kiss.
Keitaro slowly starts to pump into her, pulls out and then pushing his whole length into her.
Haruka holds him by his neck as he slid into her.
“Ohh…. Harder Keitaro fuck me harder.” Haruka moans out loud.
Keitaro grunts as he starts to pound into her picking up speed.
“Oh yes, yes that's it!!!” Haruka screams in ecstasy losing her self to their lovemaking her body moving in rhythm with Keitaro.
Perspiration was pouring from his face as he pound into her.
He could feel that he was coming soon, he increases his speed.
“Yes, yes fuck me like that!” Haruka screams.
“Haruka!!! I love you!” Keitaro slams into hard as his seed filled.
Haruka screams in ecstasy as her womb is filled with his hot seed.
Keitaro falls onto her exhausted.
“I love you too.” Haruka whispers as she held on to him.
Whew finally another chapter all done. `Sweats'
This chapter is not entirely finished so look out for the second part of it coming soon.
Well see you all soon until next time!!