Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ The Love Nest ❯ Healing begins ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Love Hina or it’s subsidiaries. My story is purely a non-profit work of fiction. This story contains graphic depictions of sexual and violent situations. Parents are discouraged from allowing minors to read this work. Being a veteran myself, I want to give my thanks to all of the men and women that risked their lives to defend the rights and pleasures of American freedom. In addition, to those people who lost family and friends to war for our country my message is this. Those that lost their live may no longer be with us, but they will NEVER be forgotten.


The next day Keitaro was surprised to find Shinobu waiting for him downstairs. He knew that Mitsuné had spent the night with her, and he was expecting her to sleep in longer. Mutsumi had informed them before they had managed to crawl into bed that other than a couple of bruises from where the ropes had bitten into her skin, Shinobu was basically unharmed, physically. Whether or not she had been harmed mentally, would have to be decided later.

However, Keitaro realized that she was still the same old Shinobu when he entered the kitchen and found her glomming onto him immediately. Embarrassed as he normally was Keitaro could do nothing but hug the petité girl back.

Somehow, today it felt different though. Her morning hug seemed desperate somehow. Leaning down slightly he kissed the top of her head. Her reply startled him.

“Thank you for coming to rescue me Kei-kun. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have been able to hold out against them.”

It was a simple statement, but it rocked Keitaro to his core. Last night had been terrible. He could still see the blood coming from the man he had killed to save Haruka, and that idiot with the flamethrower had cooked his own friend. He knew that the scent of burning flesh would remain with him for a long time to come. He now understood why every soldier of every nation who had participated in any kind of combat was changed so dramatically. If they had all seen and dealt with horrors like those that he had seen last night, it was no wonder that quite a lot of them underwent treatment for mental trauma. He could only respond in kind.

“I would have done all I could to save you Shinobu-chan. However, you must really thank the rest of the girls for their part; they were the ones to do most of the fighting. Somehow, they could tell what I was looking at. When I saw one of them in trouble, another one of them would save them. The only man I hit was right in front of me and he was trying to sneak up on Haruka. I really didn’t do anything special.”

“But you did Keitaro.” Haruka said as she came up behind him. “The ring you wear gives us each the ability to link with you in times of trouble. It was you that noticed that Motoko was going to be shot from above so that Mutsumi could handle it. When both of them were in trouble your knowledge was used by Kaolla, she then was able to deal with the lunatic with the flamethrower. Your eyes were everywhere last night. You were concentrating so hard on getting us all home safely, that your feelings for us were broadcast to us better than the radio reception at the Hinata.”

“But Haru-chan even if that were true, it doesn’t make me a hero.”

“No, the fact that you are repulsed by violence, yet came along anyway makes you a hero. The fact that you have never raised your hand in anger, yet did not hesitate to act when Shinobu-chan, and then later myself were in danger makes you a hero. Do not underestimate your worth Kei-kun. Your humility is touching, but in this case, it is severely misplaced.”

“We told you that last night Kei-kun.” Tsuruko chimed in from the doorway. “You constantly worry about us. No let us honor you the way you deserve. Shiro Ishii was one of the many reasons why our two families did not have any desire to participate in world war two; do you know who he is?”

“Not really, no.”

“It was his duty to develop biological agents to be used in warfare. Over in china he infected and killed thousands of people with anthrax. He made even more people than that ill, by dropping bombs loaded with fleas on Chinese cities. Those fleas carried the plague to so many people that that nobody is even sure how many people died as a result from it. Our families were united under the cause of true honor in that war. We refused to obey an emperor, or a counsel, that would allow such atrocious and dishonorable behavior from his soldiers. Granted the Americans did drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but at least most of those that died in those two attacks were instantly killed, and when they discovered the after affects of the radiation they were also the first to be here assisting those that fell ill to the best of their abilities. They dropped a weapon. Ishii didn’t care whom he harmed, as long as he could gain power from it.”

“I really didn’t know that, and I wish I still didn’t know.”

“Most people don’t know, and really don’t want to understand the facts of war. Every country has had it’s dictators and maniacs. America plagued and hunted their natives almost to extinction. Russia traded the tsars for Stalin. Germany traded their chancellor for Hitler. The Chinese have to deal with Mau. The biggest lunatic is the currant leader of North Korea, Kim Jung Ill, and even the Chinese government thinks he goes too far. We harassed, and still do to a lesser extent, people that are not born Japanese. The Muslim extremists are trying to stage a worldwide Jihad. That doesn’t mean that all of the followers of Mohammed are violent men, un-accepting of others faiths and beliefs. Just a few of their population actually think that way. That is why you are a true hero. You do not judge anyone as evil, until they have proven themselves to be so. My sister spent many years of her life hating and distrusting men. You showed her that all men are not the same, and now she refuses to spend any time away from you. You are not only a hero Kei-kun; you are still a good and innocent man. In my opinion, that is even more important.”

Keitaro, stunned by this revelation, could only sit there blinking at the praise of someone he considered so far above him. Yes, it was true that he had made love to her, but that was originally just a spur of the moment happening. To hear her praise him like that overwhelmed his system. His mind faded into limbo until he felt a soft pair of lips pressing against his. He didn’t have time to analyze the situation, he started kissing her back, when he heard a chorus of “ AWW, That’s so Kawii.” come from all points around him he open his eyes and looked into Shinobu’s shining eyes. To his own surprise he didn’t stutter or try to make an excuse for his actions, he just blushed slightly.

”I don’t wish to interrupt your induction into our hearts club meeting honey, but don’t you think we ought to do something with our prisoner?” Mitsuné said smiling.”I know the baka deserves it, but he has been hooked up to Kaolla’s machine for over eighteen hours now. Doesn’t anyone else think it’s time we decided to do something with him?”

“We decided last night before we left him that Shinobu would be the one to pass judgment on him. After all, she was the one most harmed by his actions.” Motoko said snarling.

“It’s ok. Motoko,” Shinobu said with a sigh, “I think I can face him, if the rest of you are there. Besides, if it weren’t for Kentaro,” she spit on the floor, then blushed at her rude actions. “If it weren’t for Kentaro, he would have never even seen me. Moreover, two things good did come out of this. One, Kentaro has proven once and for all that he could never really be trusted, and two, a violent street gang has been permanently taken off of the streets. Now let’s go, so I can see for myself what condition he is in after being exposed to one of Kaolla’s inventions for too long.”

With that, the Hinata crew tromped outside into the chill morning air and headed for the cave that they had stored the victim of Kaolla’s latest invention. When the got there they were greeted by the happy charge of the maniacal genius. She pounced first on Keitaro and pressed her lips to his in a fierce kiss. The, to everyone’s surprise she hopped down and kissed Shinobu, her kiss was somehow gentler, yet just as fierce.

Shinobu got up on the slightly raised platform and looked into the eyes of the man who had orchestrated her kidnapping. Gone was the spiteful hatred from his eyes. They were now filled with remorse for thirty some odd years of evil living. She could tell by the stains covering his clothing that he had vomited and pissed on himself several times, and if the smell was any indication, he had shit himself at least once. Stepping back from the disabled man. She was surprised when Haruka thrust a sheaf of paper into her hands.

“I wouldn’t ask you to read this if I didn’t have to. Nevertheless, as the verdict lies with you, you must know the total sum of his crimes. Once you have read them, you will decide his fate.

Taking a chair over to the side of the wall where Kaolla had somehow installed a light. She read through the evidence taken from deep within the thugs own mind. Her face grew paler as she continued reading, but she continued despite her growing discomfort at viewing his life through his own memories. When she was done, she lowered the papers and stared at the broken man before her.

When she walked over in front of him, his eyes slowly trailed after her. Once she stood in front of him he tried to look into her eyes, but he couldn’t do it.

“Because you have been exposed to what have your victims have felt for the last eighteen hours you are somewhat repentant. However, I cannot trust this fact to be a permanent change in your attitude towards other people. You have lived a life of predation and your actions have consistently harmed everyone you have ever met. You gang is now dead because of your actions. I wish you the best of luck in your new life, as a woman! You will have to come up with a new name and identification on your own. I do hope that you will not be targeted as you have done to me. I cannot stand to think that you might one day marry and have children as a man because you might end up abusing and harming your children. However, if this happens as a woman you might just learn what it means to care for someone. Kaolla assures me that the process of changing your genetic code to become a woman will be very painful, but it will be no more than you deserve. I wish I could say the same thing about you memory, but I cannot. You memory will be mostly destroyed by the process. I have been told that you will suffer from nightmares of your past life. It may be that this will allow you to keep a close and loving watch over your children when and if they come. I will say goodbye to you now. I hope to never see your face again.”

With that, she turned and stormed from the cave, she didn’t even look back to see the startled look of terror cross the man’s face.

Keitaro wasn’t worried about the former thug however, he was worried for the darling woman that had just stormed out of the cave running quickly he caught up with the diminutive angel.

“Shinobu, are you going to be alright?”

“Oh Keitaro, I never thought I would meet a monster like that. Why do people like Kentaro and him think that other people exist for their pleasure? I just don’t understand why anyone would want to harm other people that way.”

“I cannot tell you that, because I just don’t know the answer. I do know that Kentaro thought he deserved the power over people just because he was born to wealth. Moreover, something in that Koda’s mind made him turn into a monster. There are bad people in every situation in the world. Look at Haru-chan and I, we are engaging in an incestuous relationship, but nobody is being harmed by it. Yet around the world some fathers, and a few mothers, use sex as a power trip over their children. The older men and women abuse and degrade those younger than they are. Yet once in a while, an older person actually falls in love with someone younger than they are and it works out. Take that teacher in America. She was prosecuted for sexual abuse of a minor and now she and the young man are married. Harmful and deviant behavior is rampant in today’s society. Our situation here would make a lot of people turn up their noses at us and call us freaks or perverts. Yet, we have all decided that we are happiest when we are all together. Sometimes the social norm isn’t always best for people and as long as nobody is being hurt or forced to do something against their will I don’t think that their should be anyone looking down their noses at anyone else’s lifestyle.”

“Thank you for coming to rescue me again Keitaro, and thank you for your love.” Shinobu then placed her lips gently against his. “Now I want to check on Kanako. Mitsuné told me she tracked those thugs down, and then she tried to take them on by herself, because of that she nearly died from her wounds.”

Together they walked up the stairs to the room the had placed her in. Keitaro thought they had chosen the wrong room at first. The room got plenty of sunshine .and the curtains were white and filmy. Kanako was a goth, always dark and brooding. Nevertheless, suddenly he understood why the girls had moved her up to this room. It was literally the best room in the place. It was close to the levorotary and getting down to the kitchen would be easy with a little help. Once they had found her injured to save Shinobu the girls had almost instantly changed their thoughts about his adopted sister. No longer was she the outsider she had been. She was now a fellow sister and there wasn’t anything anyone else was going to say about it. Mutsumi had instantly said that she was going to give up her room to her so that she could heal and get a little sun. What surprised Keitaro the most, was when he heard Motoko whisper to her sister that if Kanako died from her wounds she was going to finish what she started with Kentaro, and Tsuruko had heartily agreed.

Keitaro watched on lovingly as Shinobu checked his sister’s bandages and then wiped her down with cool water from a ceramic basin. She then took her temperature and checked her pulse.

“She is so weak Kei-kun. She isn’t running a temperature, but her breathing is so shallow and her pulse is weak. I hope she is going to recover from this.”

“She will be, don’t worry Shinobu-chan. Mutsumi said she will probably spend most of the next week sleeping do to the amount of blood she lost. Then with the right foods, and a lot of love and rest she will be up and about within a month.”

“To be honest, I never would have thought she would risk herself for me they way she did. Nevertheless, she swore to show us she was worthy of your love and our trust. I guess she thought taking on the gang that kidnapped me by herself would prove that she was serious.”

“She always did have a lot of courage inside her. She suffered from bad dreams when she was a child but once she got older she became fiercely independent and loyal.”

“Loyal to you anyway.” Shinobu said giggling. “Ok, now its time for me to start my recovery.”

“What recovery Shinobu? Did those thugs hurt you somewhere we didn’t check last night?”

“They hurt me alright; they hurt me by messing up my plans to seduce you yesterday.”

Before Keitaro could answer or even stammer a reply, Shinobu stepped up and kissed him hard. She forced her tongue between his lips and grabbed his ass with both hands. Seeing she had stunned him enough she led him down the hall and into the room she was using.

Keitaro’s mind had gone blank. He thought he heard Shinobu say she was going to seduce him yesterday and now he couldn’t think. Then he felt a mattress underneath him and someone was fumbling with his belt. Once he felt his pants come completely undone, he raised his hips out of instinct so that they could be removed easily. Then he looked down and nearly fainted.

Shinobu, innocent Shinobu, was caressing his cock and cooing at it if it were a baby. To stunned to speak, Keitaro could only watch as she used her soft hands to caress the length of he now erect manhood. Then his eyes nearly popped from their sockets when she placed a wet and eager kiss on the crown of it. He thought he was going to die when her head dipped lower and she began licking up and down his shaft. He feather light licks made his want to thrust the full length of his shaft down her throat, but he knew that she would not appreciate it if he gagged her with his engorged member.

Shinobu had other ideas entirely.

Her practice with various vegetables had taught her several things. First, if it wasn’t fully covered in saliva it was harder to get into her throat. Secondly, few, if any, phallic shaped produce had Keitaro’s length and girth. She knew that she would have to take it slowly at the beginning. After raining a few more kisses on the purple head of his cock, Shinobu opened her mouth wide and took in the glistening tip. The first taste of his cock was completely new to her, yet not unexpected. His meaty manhood felt and tasted fresh. Then she received a dribble of pre-cum and the slightly salty-sweet flavor was completely addicting. Even the somewhat gritty texture was pleasing to her. Shinobu popped his penis from her mouth and looked up into Keitaro’s eyes. She giggled at his slack-jawed expression and returned her gaze to his throbbing pecker, she saw another bubble of pre-cum push from the hole and swooped down to lap it up. Running her tongue up and down his shaft once more she tried to mentally prepare herself for what she was about to do.

Keitaro was in mental shock. His innocent little Shinobu was lapping at his engorged phallus as if it were an ice cream cone. Then his eyes bugged out even more as she swooped down and engulfed the throbbing tip.

Keitaro might have thought that her actions were unusual for her but Shinobu knew what she wanted, she had been with Keitaro for all of her adolescence and had desired him the entire time. She wanted to make sure that she got her share of his attention, and if it took driving him to insanity with lust to do it by the Kami, that’s what she would do. She threw herself into her first real blowjob with gusto. Her love for the man she was pleasuring allowed her to overlook the discomfort of having something as large as his penis sliding in and out of her hot mouth. She then realized that he wouldn’t last much longer and began to work him further into her throat. Relaxing as best as she could she forced her mouth lower, ever so lower until at last her nose was buried into his thatch of pubic hair and she felt his heavy testicles resting against her chin. She then slowly withdrew her sucking mouth until just the tip remained within her clutching maw. Taking a deep breath through her nose, she then slowly engulfed his entire length again. Over, and over again, she repeated this action until she felt his hands grip her head and begin to force her to pick up the pace as he thrust his hips into her face.

‘Keitaro’s fucking my mouth, he really is fucking my mouth!’ The lust induced girl thought happily.

Keitaro didn’t know whether or not he was in heaven or hell. The wet heat of Shinobu’s mouth and throat had inundated his mind with a lust that he didn’t know he was capable of. Never mind that five other women had already had sex with him. The fact that Motoko had been trying to drain him of every possible drop of his precious seed for the past two nights had nothing to do with his current thoughts. Darling, innocent Shinobu had his cock in her mouth. She had turned from an innocent girl, into a bold seductress. He couldn’t stand it, his balls started to throb and he let out a primal scream as he discharged his currant load of semen into her awaiting throat


Shinobu head him gasp then she felt him twitch inside of her. Knowing exactly what was happening she forced herself to completely swallow his cock once again. As Keitaro’s hands tightened their grip on her head, she felt the first full blast of ejaculate splash against the lower part of her throat. She swallowed instinctively as he began to flood her with his cum. The last shot was too much for the diminutive girl and she coughed. The result was some of Keitaro’s cum sprayed from her nose. She pulled back and looked into the soulful eyes of the man she loved.

“Shinobu, oh Shinobu I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have forced you to take it like that.”

Hearing him apologize like that made her giggle.

“Kei-kun I wanted just that.”

Then she reached up and wiped the cum away from her nose and chin. Watching him carefully she then licked her fingers clean. The wanton act had its desired effect. Her lover’s eyes bugged out of his head and he swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. She knew she had him where she wanted him, but she wanted to set her hook a little more securely

“Now Keitaro,” She said as she dropped her gaze to his now dormant member. “I think its time you got to know what I taste like, don’t you?” she asked as she cleaned him free over their combined fluids with her tongue. She was certain that she would be doing a lot of this in the future.

She the stood up and kept her eyes locked on his as she slowly backed up and removed her blouse. His face was red and his eyes were glued to her chest as she revealed her bra covered breasts. She knew that she was the smallest of the girls with her b-cups, but the way he was staring at them she knew that he was more than pleased with what he saw. Reaching behind her back she deftly unclasped the frilly garment and allowed the straps to fall from her shoulders. Walking over to her victim/lover, she began to sway he hips provocatively.

“Do you know how long I have wanted to do that? Since the first day I met you, that’s how long. I admit I was too young back then, but now, I am more than ready. You have kept me waiting for all of these years Keitaro. You kept me waiting, and all that time I wanted you to ravish me. I am tired of waiting for you to give me what I want so now I am just going to take it.” She then dropped the bra she had had used to keep herself partially covered and revealed the puffy, pink areolas crowning the tips of her firm breasts. “Now suck and lick my breasts!”She commanded. She then grasped the back of Keitaro’s head and pulled him into her cleavage. She rubbed his head into her bosom until she felt his hands wrap around her and his moth open to suck in one of her turgid nipples. Sighing in sexual contentment, she began caressing her lovers scalp.

When Shinobu pulled his head between he breasts, Keitaro was still in shock but the feeling of her warm soft breasts rubbing against his face ignited a primal part of his brain. He opened his mouth and sucked in a puffy, pink nipple. To his surprise, the already stiff flesh became even harder under the ministrations of his mouth and tongue. Soon he heard her moan in response to what he was doing. For five minutes and more he kissed, licked, and nibbled at the twin globes of feminine flesh. He learned quickly that she liked having her nipples scraped with his teeth. Soon she was panting for breath and her moans of ecstasy were loader than ever. He pulled himself away from her now damp breast to gaze into her soft eyes and was surprised when she pushed him back until he was lying on her bed.

“My breasts have had enough for a moment,” she said backing away from him, “now you stay put while I get more comfortable.”

Keitaro watched, on as she moved her hands down her body until the reached the hem her skirt. Her hands then slid around to the button and unfastened it and then they slid down and he could here the metallic sound as she lowered the zipper. The sound of it was so loud in the currant silence of the room that Keitaro would have sworn at the time that the other girls would be able to hear it if they were anywhere close to the building.

Shinobu knew she had complete control of the situation. She watched the lust induced expression cross his face and knew that from now on, he would think of her as a lover, not just a little sister, and that was her ultimate goal. She turned around and her skirt pooled at her feet. She then turned around and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties. She had taken to wearing thongs as general rule, but today she knew had to be different so she had worn a pair of black silk panties with red spider webs that she had bought several months ago in the hopes that she would get to show him just how much she wanted him. She looked over her shoulder and gazed once again at the man she had wanted for so long. Keitaro’s eyes were glued to her posterior. She smiled brightly to herself and slowly uncovered her most intimate parts. Once she had them past the firm globes of her buttocks, she saw him swallow visibly. She then dropped them from her body and kicked them into a corner.

As Keitaro watched Shinobu disrobe, he couldn’t help but remember her vow to him on that fateful new year’s evening. She had told him even then that she had loved him. He had tried to dissuade her due to their age differences, but even now, it seems now that her words had been prophetic. Once the twin mounds of her delectable derriere were visible he knew was lost. From this day forward, he would be hers to play with for as long as she wanted him.

“Now Keitaro, let’s see just how much you have learned about pleasing a woman with your mouth.” Shinobu said as she walked back towards the. Using both hands, she pushed him until his head was resting on her pillows. She then arranged his body to suit her purpose. “Now I want you to make me cum. I am tired of trying to give myself an orgasm when it is your job.” She then lowered her delectable tush towards his face, until at last she felt his lips pressing against her dripping mound.

Keitaro still wasn’t sure why he allowed himself to be put in this position, but he could no longer ignore the desire that the girls had ignited within him. He grasped her hips on thrust his tongue into the dewy folds of her sex. He knew the scent of each woman was different now, so it was no surprise to him that her taste was also very different from the previous for girls. Whereas Naru had been musky and somewhat pungent, Motoko’s taste was heavy, and Tsuruko was somewhat fruity and Mitsuné had been sweet like a crème brulé. Shinobu was very different. Unlike the previous girls, she was like spring water. Her taste was still sweet as the others but her taste was so light and pure that her feminine juices could quench his thirst on a hot day. He found himself digging his tongue deeper into her vaginal recesses, just to sample even more of her succulent juices.

Heaven, Shinobu knew she was in heaven. Keitaro’s tongue was playing over and through the folds of her sex, causing her to squirm in ecstasy. Keeping control of her burning lust was becoming impossible. She could feel the heat deep in the pit of her stomach, it wasn’t normal heat either, it was a burning, liquid fire. Her vision blurred as she rocketed from one orgasm to the next. In high school, she had been given the nickname of ‘the ice princess’ because of her complete lack of sexual desire. To her this just proved the old adage that it takes the right man with the right tools to do the job. Keitaro was definitely the right man, and by the Kami, his tongue was one of those ‘right’ tools. Leaning down she grasped his erection once again. She had to do something to keep her focus. She wanted her seduction to be complete and perfect, so she once again opened her mouth and swallowed it. Feeling Keitaro moan into her sopping sex, she knew she had made the correct decision. She, once again, began working over his throbbing manhood with her tongue and lips. When she saw orgasmic spots, for what seemed like the millionth time, she knew it was time to continue.

Releasing his prick from her mouth, she forced her hips to do a little rotation before she lifted them off Keitaro’s questing mouth. She couldn’t help but giggle when he whined and tried to recapture her quim with his mouth so he could return to his sexual snacking. Spinning around so that she was now looking him in the eye, Shinobu leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“Now Keitaro you are going to take my virginity.” She said, as she fondled his erection and tried her best to hide the fact that her voice was cracking. “I am going to guide this to my cunt and you are going to push it inside of me. You will then…you will then fuck me with it. You will fuck me until you cum in my womb. Do you think you can do that for me?” With that, she rolled over and pulled her lover on top of her.

Keitaro was in a haze. He really had no idea what was happening. His only allowed conscious thought was that this sexual little sprite had thrown down the gauntlet and he was going to pick it up. When she reached between them to guide the tip of his engorged phallus to her dripping channel, he went into autopilot mode.

Reaching down, he replaced Shinobu’s tiny hand with his own. He watched as he pushed the head of his cock against he swollen vaginal lips. He didn’t know if he was going to be able to get himself wedged inside of her at first. She was so tight that his first thought was that he was too big for her. Then her labia split open and the first inch and a half of his member was swallowed into the depths of her moist and sucking sex. Going slowly, so as not to give her any discomfort, he pushed himself into her clutching canal. He could feel the muscles of her womanhood gripping and releasing him, a massage he swore was going to make him reach his own pinnacle before he could even get fully into her body. When he came up against the barrier that separated girls from women, he paused. Knowing how much it was going to hurt her to have her hymen ripped worried the young lothario. Gazing into Shinobu’s eyes, he waited until she began to squirm underneath him. Then he thrust himself forward and buried his meat-spear fully inside of her.


He knew it was going to hurt her but it had felt too good to stop. In fact, it was too good period. When he felt the spongy tip of his cock press firmly against he cervix he came hard. What seemed like a gallon of his fertile spunk shot through the end of his cock and into her belly.

The pain of having her virginity taken by the man she loved so dearly was dreadful. However, the feeling of having his hot spend shooting into aching cunt her soon alleviated it. Shinobu wasn’t sure if he would be able to fit himself fully into her young body, his penis was huge and she was so petité that she though he wouldn’t be able to sheath himself fully in her body. Somehow, her body had managed and stretched enough to accommodate his length and girth. She reveled at the feeling of his large testicles pressing firmly against her ass-cheeks. What amazed her was the fact that he was still hard. She had already swallowed one load and another load had just been deposited inside of her. According to her health classes, he shouldn’t be unable to continue. Her lust built to a crescendo and she began thrusting her hips upwards.

“Very good Kei-kun, that was very good. Now fuck me, show me how much you love me by fucking me and filling me with another dose of your hot cum.” She panted into his ear.

He gladly complied. His thrusting began slow and easy. The way her internal muscles were massaging his cock felt heavenly. All too soon though, his instincts caused him to pick up the pace. Soon their bodies were slapping together as rapidly as they could make them. Each time Keitaro would pull away from her, Shinobu would relax then he would power forward and she would raise her hips to meet his thrusts. They grunted and groaned as they sought the ultimate fulfillment. Then, as one, they crashed though the gates of pleasure and their bodies soared in ecstasy. They could feel their combined fluids leaking out from around the seal Keitaro’s cock made in Shinobu’s, cum flooded snatch.

As the euphoria of their lovemaking wore down both of them, were suddenly overcome by exhaustion. They soon fell asleep in each other’s arms, still joined at the hips and smiling wide grins.

When Mutsumi looked in on them not five minutes later, that is how she found them. Giggling to herself, she couldn’t help saying, “That’s six of us now. I wonder if he is six for six as far as our wombs are concerned?”