Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Strawberries ❯ Branch ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: See Chapter One
Lemon Content Warning: This fic contains graphic depictions of sex. Reader discretion is advised.
“*” Spoken
`*' Thoughts
Love Hina:
Wild Strawberries.
Chapter Four: Branch
Shinobu peeked through the open front door, watching Keitaro and Naru chatting amiably as they made their way back from stepping out for a cup of coffee. Naru must have said something pretty funny, for Keitaro threw his head back and laughed, his guffaws reaching Shinobu's ears in spite of the distance. In contrast to their casual, carefree air, Shinobu was a nervous wreck, wiping her hands on her dress and hoping that the sweat wouldn't show. She wished she could rush off and bathe again, as well as brush her teeth, maybe put on some make-up, perfume, and a couple of sticks of deodorant, but if she didn't act now she'd lose all her nerve.
`S-sempai and Naru aren't seeing each other,' she reminded herself for the thousandth time. `If-if I ask him out, he-he might say…' Shinobu couldn't even finish that thought without blushing and she felt beads of sweat appearing on her forehead. She took a deep breath and willed her heart to stop racing, hoping that she would be able to say what she wanted without stammering. `This is my chance,' she told herself. `Naru's even been a matchmaker for him, so she won't mind if I ask in front of her, right?'
Stepping back to allow Keitaro and Naru to enter the residence without seeing her, Shinobu shook her head and let her shoulders go limp for a second before she straightened her back and took a step forward, drawing a breath before speaking. “Sempai…”
“Hey! Keitaro! Welcome back! Howya doin'?”
Shinobu went white as Kitsune bounded into the living room, grabbed Keitaro from behind and embraced him, resting her chin on his left shoulder, her breasts pushed into his back. She stood frozen to the spot, watching in numb horror as her worst nightmare unfolded in front of her.
“Why don't you and I go out for a drink Keitaro?” Kitsune purred into the manager's ear. “I'm sure we'll both enjoy it…”
“That-that sounds like fun, Kitsune, but…” Keitaro had gone rigid while Naru had her face in her palm.
“But you don't have anything to wear?” Kitsune finished. “No problem, we'll drink in my room, you don't have to wear anything there. I usually don't anyways…”
“T-thanks, but-but I'll decline. Sorry, it's nothing personal.” Keitaro was the color of a tomato as his mind helpfully supplied images of Kitsune naked.
“Won't you reconsider?” Kitsune pouted.
“Down girl,” Naru drawled as she took hold of Kitsune's arm and pulled her off of the manager. “You promised to not molest the hired help, remember?”
“You change your mind Keitaro, just come on in!” Kitsune blew him a kiss and sashayed out of the room, her short, frilly skirt gyrating and offering tantalizing glances of promised delights.
Keitaro watched her walk away for a moment before he regained his senses. “Thanks Naru,” he murmured gratefully before noticing Shinobu again. “Sorry, what was that Shinobu?”
“Motoko? What is it? I was just asking Shinobu something.” Keitaro glanced over his shoulder and his eyes widened when he saw the kendoka. She was wearing a black skirt that barely reached her knees with a soft white button front sweater.
“Keitaro, I… won these two movie tickets at the store today, and, and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?” she asked demurely.
“That sounds nice,” Keitaro admitted. “But I've got some studying to do tonight, I'll be busy.”
“You could invite Kitsune,” Naru added. “I don't think she's going anywhere tonight…”
Disappointment flickered over Motoko's eyes for a second before it disappeared. “I see. Good luck with your studies.” She turned and glided out of the room.
“Enjoy the show,” Keitaro called out before facing Shinobu again. “Sorry about that. You were saying?”
“Heyas Keitaro!” Su cried out as she jumped into the room and made a perfect landing on his shoulders. “Let's go on a date!”
“A-a date? Why're you asking me?”
Su gave a cheerful smile and shrugged. “Everyone else was, so I didn't want to be left out.”
Keitaro suddenly felt very awkward. “I-I'm flattered Su, really, I am, but-but I'm not looking to date anyone now. Sorry.”
If Su was disappointed she hid it well. “No problem. This was fun anyways. Seeya!” The hyperactive girl leapt off his back and galloped up the stairs, presumably heading for the jungle she called a room, maybe to create some other insane devices.
“I'm really sorry Shinobu, everyone's interrupted you,” Keitaro apologized. “What did you want to say?”
“It-it's nothing sempai,” she replied just over a whisper. “It's not important, just forget about it.” Shinobu turned and shuffled out the room, her shoulders slumped and looking so miserable a rain cloud following her wouldn't have seemed out of place.
Keitaro frowned as the young girl walked away. “Is something bothering Shinobu?”
Naru just shook her head sadly.
Keitaro and Naru were engrossed in their studies, him trying to cut through the tangles of European history, her trying to raise her thinking to the Promethean heights of calculus, when she sat down her textbook with a groan and rubbed her eyes.
“Something wrong Naru?”
She shook her head. “No, just the usual headache.” Naru wiped the lenses of her glasses with her sweatshirt and looked over the table at Keitaro. “Do you mind if I ask you something?”
“Go ahead.”
“It's a little personal…”
“I don't mind,” Keitaro reassured her.
Naru took a moment to try to phrase it diplomatically before she decided to just be blunt. “Keitaro, why aren't you seeing someone?”
“Seeing someone?” he murmured.
“Yeah, why haven't you asked anyone out?”
Keitaro started fidgeting. “Should I?”
“Well, yeah, you should,” Naru declared. “You turned down everyone here, and that girl I tried to set you up with-”
“Yuna? You mean that girl you had study with us? She was all over me when you left the room!” Keitaro griped.
“Really? I knew she dressed to impress but-”
“She kept pawing at me…”
“I wondered why your clothes looked rumpled,” Naru recalled. “I guess you weren't interested in her.”
“She seemed… friendly… but she wasn't my style.”
“Oh? Then what is?” Naru wondered.
An image of Chiharu Aoyama floated in Keitaro's mind. “Why do you wanna know?” he asked, attempting to deflect the question.
“I-I guess I'm just a little worried Keitaro,” Naru confessed.
“Worried? Why?”
“I'm just a little concerned about you finding someone.”
“Thanks, I think…” Keitaro replied after a seconds thought.
“You're older than I am, and I suppose I'm worried about you being alone.”
“Shouldn't you be looking for someone yourself?”
Naru pointedly looked down at her study guide and started spinning her pen nervously.
Keitaro gave her a concerned look at her abrupt change in attitude. “Naru? Is something wrong?”
“…Actually, I already have…” Naru admitted.
Keitaro's breath caught in his throat and his eyes went wide. He managed to set down his tea without spilling any of it. “You-you've got a boyfriend?” he whispered.
“I'm not sure he'd be… Maybe he could be called… Yeah, I guess you could call him that,” Naru acknowledged after a long silence.
“That-that's great!” Keitaro replied after a pregnant pause. “I-I'm happy for you.”
“You're okay with that?”
“Why wouldn't I be?”
“I don't know, I-I guess I figured you might be… jealous.”
“Not at all, I'm glad you found someone. Where'd you meet?” Keitaro realized it would be easier for him if he let Naru speak for a while.
“The cafeteria,” Naru explained. “He sat down across from me and spilled his orange juice all over me. He came over and tried to help me clean up, but he only managed to drop my food in my lap.”
“Yeah, he's a little clumsy,” Naru admitted. “But he offered to pay for my dry cleaning and he let me use his jacket so I wouldn't have to walk around with a stained blouse. He asked me to coffee to apologize and things just kinda took off.”
“It's serious?”
“Yes, I think it is.”
“He's a good guy?” Keitaro asked.
Naru gave him a funny look. “You think I'd go for a jerk?”
“No-no-no, I just wanted to make sure. I-I worry about you too…” Keitaro knew he was concerned for Naru. He also knew that wasn't the only reason he'd asked.
“For you, anything.”
The two students resumed their studies, both participants quietly considering how things had changed between the two of them. Naru broke the silence once again. “Keitaro…?”
“Do-do you ever think about, you know, what we had? Wonder what could have happened between us…?”
“Some times.” `Some times? Try every day,' he added silently. “But, I-I'm glad we didn't ruin things between us. I would have hated that.”
“You're, well, okay with it?”
Keitaro pondered that for a moment before replying honestly. “Yeah. Yeah, I am,” he told her as he saw Chiharu in his mind's eye. `Not my business anyway…'
“Do-do you want to meet him?”
“Okay.” Keitaro replied with a tight smile, not wanting to be seen as unsupportive. He found himself frowning as a sudden thought occurred to him.
“Is something wrong?”
“It's nothing,” Keitaro replied with a dismissive wave. “I was just thinking…”
“About what?” Naru inquired.
Thinking back to his time with Chiharu, Keitaro gave Naru a melancholic smile. “It must be nice to be able to go out, to do anything, with someone you love…”
“It's open, come in!” Chiharu called out after Keitaro had knocked.
Keitaro stepped into the hotel room and locked the door. “Chiharu?” he asked when he realized he didn't see her.
“Sorry, I'm in the bathroom, it's taking me longer than I thought to get ready.”
“Get ready?”
“I've got a surprise for you Keitaro. Just sit tight, I'll be right out,” she promised.
“Okay.” `A surprise?' he wondered. `Maybe some outfit?' Keitaro found himself considering possibilities as he hung up his jacket and took a seat in one of the armchairs. Images of Chiharu stepping out of the bathroom wearing a yukata, or maybe a kimono flooded through his mind and brought a smile to his face, and made his prick twitch. `Even her hakama and gi would be sexy,' he thought to himself before he heard the bathroom door opening.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Chiharu whispered huskily.
Keitaro looked over at her and jumped out of the chair in surprise. “What the HELL?!”
Chiharu stopped cold. “K-Keitaro…?”
“What are you doing? What are you WEARING?!”
The last question had been rhetorical since it was obvious what Motoko's mother was wearing. As Keitaro's eyes traced up and down Chiharu's frame he took note, in stunned horror, of her outfit. The black stiletto boots reached below her knees, and the rest of her lovely legs were covered by black fishnet stockings. The short, frilly blue skirt she wore didn't even reach her thighs, and the purple lace bustier clearly displayed her navel, Keitaro normally loved kissing around it but at the moment he was too shocked to be romantic. The short sleeved mesh jacket she had on made only a mockery of the concept of modesty.
But what truly made Keitaro feel aghast was the dramatic difference in Chiharu's appearance. Her long hair still cascaded over her shoulders, but now it was jet black, obviously dyed in the bathroom sink. Her regal face was concealed by gaudy make-up, her cheeks an unnatural red, and her eyes all but hidden by dark blue eye shadow. Belatedly he caught a whiff of an overpowering perfume, the garish floral scent nearly making him gag. “Oh Chiharu… What did you do?”
“I-I thought you'd like it,” she murmured.
“I wanted to look a little younger, I figured you'd prefer it…”
Keitaro recoiled as if slapped. “You thought I- NO! Absolutely not! How-how could you even think that?!”
“But I look so old, so ancient, you can't really like that!” Chiharu insisted.
“You don't look old,” snapped Keitaro, a little more harshly than he intended. “I liked the silver in your hair, it made you look elegant, regal, exquisite. Now… you hardly look like yourself.”
“You shouldn't lie Keitaro, it's unseemly.”
“I'm not! I lo- care for you because of who you are! I thought you were beautiful, I still do. How-how could you think that I'd want you to do that?” he implored, sounding hurt.
“What's so beautiful about an old woman like me?”
“Please, stop saying that,” Keitaro pleaded. “It hurts to see you acting like that and dressed that way…”
“Why don't you like the clothes?” Chiharu challenged. “They're revealing, isn't that enough?”
“They're beneath you,” Keitaro instantly replied. “Like wrapping a beautiful sword in old newspaper, you deserve better…” The outfit reminded him of what Kitsune might wear, or that Yuna girl Naru had tried to match up with him. It was so trampy, so sleazy, and so slutty that it would make any father turn over in his grave if his daughter wore it. “They don't suit you.”
Chiharu looked at Keitaro closely, as if seeing him for the first time. “You really feel that way?” she murmured.
Keitaro winced. “You have to ask me? Haven't I told you how I feel about you?”
“I never really believed it,” she confessed.
“Because why should you?” she shouted. “I'm old, you're young, I'm married, and you should be after someone like my daughter. You shouldn't be wasting your time with me! I found you intriguing when I met you, I did something stupid, and now you still haven't figured out you shouldn't be with me! And I haven't been able to give up seeing you either,” Chiharu finished in a whisper. Then her resolve seemed to firm and she gave Keitaro an unflinching gaze. “What if Motoko asks you out? What are you going to tell her?”
“She did,” Keitaro told her. “She's nice, I like her, but-but I don't feel the same way as I do about you…”
“Sleep with her a few times and you will,” Chiharu remarked with a hint of bitterness.
“You really think that's why I feel this way?“ Keitaro nearly snarled before his anger evaporated and an anguished look came over him. “Why can't you believe me?”
Chiharu let out a harsh breath and then slumped. “Because if I do,” she whispered, “it means things won't be the same again…”
“I-I can't expect you to love me,” Keitaro spoke softly. “But I'd be happy if you'd believe me…”
A bittersweet smile appeared on Chiharu's features. “I'll try,” she sighed before she closed the distance between them and embraced Keitaro, resting her head on his shoulder. She let him hold her for a few minutes, silently asking herself some hard questions, ones she didn't have the courage to speak aloud. “You really think I'm ugly like this?”
“No, I could never think that,” Keitaro assured her. “But it doesn't really suit you…”
“Am I a desperate old woman?” she asked, looking into his eyes. “A hag trying to ensnare a stupid young man?”
“Not at all…” Keitaro punctuated his opinion by leaning forward and kissing Chiharu gently.
The kiss was soft and tender and sweet, and when Keitaro broke it off Chiharu could feel that her cheeks were warm under her rouge. “You've got lipstick on you…”
“See? Make-up's a waste,” Keitaro told her. “Don't worry, it'll wash off.” He then stepped behind Chiharu, not letting her out of his arms and embraced her from behind, bending down to kiss her neck, making her hum in contentment. Taking hold of the lapels of the mesh jacket Keitaro eased it open and slipped it off of her shoulders, whispering the garment down her arms and discarding it on the floor. Slipping his right hand under her right breast and cupping it in his hand, Keitaro used his left to gently caress Chiharu's cheek as he kissed her deeply, his tongue easing between her opened lips and dueling with hers. Keitaro heard himself moan when Chiharu pushed herself back against him, grinding her ass against his growing hardness.
“Ummm… Keitaro…” Chiharu murmured as she broke the kiss. “Do you…”
“What?” Keitaro asked before he took her earlobe between her lips, suckling the delicate fold of skin.
“Want me to kneel down and s-suck you…?” she stammered. “O-or do you want to-to eat m-my cun-”
“What are you saying?” Keitaro interrupted, stopping cold and looking at Chiharu closely.
Chiharu had gone as red as a beet, even under the make-up she wore. “I-I read in a magazine that men like it when their women talk dirty,” she whispered.
Keitaro shook his head. “Was that the same magazine that suggested this?” he wondered, indicating her outfit with his hand.
“Do us both a favor, burn that magazine,” he told her. “You don't have to be someone else for me.” Keitaro pre-empted any possible argument by resuming the kiss, gently squeezing Chiharu's breast through the lace bustier. The garment may have been sleazy but at least it felt nice; Keitaro was more interested in what was under it, and he slid his hand slowly down till it reached bare skin before he slipped it back under.
Chiharu moaned deeply into Keitaro's mouth, pushing herself back against the bulge in his pants. Reaching back with her right hand she worked to undo his belt and zipper, finally getting them undone after a brief struggle. She gave them a gentle push to get them down his legs and Keitaro stepped out of them and kicked them away. Chiharu laid her hand on the bulge in Keitaro's boxers, softly caressing it through the fabric.
Keitaro moved his lips to her neck, laying kisses along the warm skin, taking care to not leave any incriminating hickeys. He reached down with his left hand and used his fingers to hike up her skirt, resting his hand on the front of her black silk panties, noticing they were already wet with excitement. He could taste the perfume Chiharu had applied to her neck, a harsh flavor that he had to work to ignore. Chiharu's make-up was already smudged, but he wasn't going to let something as unimportant as that ruin things.
Chiharu then moved her neck away from Keitaro's lips, turning in his grasp so that his hands were resting on her panty clad rear. She gave him one last kiss on the lips before she carefully took a step back and slowly knelt down, taking a moment to wad up her discarded mesh jacket like a cushion and setting herself down on it. Still massaging Keitaro's erection with her right hand she used her left to take hold of his elastic band and gingerly pulled it down, allowing Keitrao's rampant prick to spring free.
Keitaro heard himself swallow as he looked down to see Chiharu gazing up at him, her long cool fingers stroking his length. She looked up at him, gave a lascivious smile, and then extended her tongue, the tip of it touching the underside of his cock where it connected to his balls, then slowly dragging it up towards the tip. Letting out a gasp Keitaro closed his eyes when Chiharu repeated the lick, this time tickling the head of his prick with her tongue. Groaning, Keitaro reached down and tried to fondle her breasts, surprised when she pushed his hand away.
“You don't have to do anything, just relax and enjoy,” she cooed.
“No arguments.” Chiharu then ended the discussion by swirling her tongue around the head of Keitaro's prick before taking it between her lips.
Keitaro cried out when the heat from Chiharu's mouth surrounded him, around the tip at first but more and more of him as she took his cock between her lips until her nose was brushing up against his pubic hair. She wrapped her lips around him and slowly brought her head back, her cheeks drawn inward as she sucked him deeply. When the head of his prick had almost escaped her lips Chiharu moved her head back forward, her warm slick mouth making him see stars.
Keitaro felt his head swimming as Chiharu kept up her oral assault. Looking down he could see that her lipstick was hopelessly smudged, faint traces of it on his rock hard cock, although every time Chiharu moved her head back and forth some of the smudges were obliterated. Her mascara seemed to be running and there were small streaks around her eyes as her sweat began to lift her eye shadow. In spite of all this, and what he'd said earlier, to Keitaro Chiharu had never looked so erotic, and while he wouldn't have wanted her to wear that kind of make-up again, he was grateful to have had a chance to see it once.
Keitaro bit his lip and grabbed the back of the chair to steady himself when Chiharu had shaken her head a little when she had his entire length in her mouth. She'd also taken one of his balls in each hand and was kneading and squeezing them, making Keitrao feel like he was going to blow his mind. He could feel the tension building with every stroke Chiharu made, and when he felt her take his warm sack in one hand he began to pant like a winded dog, but he could still hear the wet sounds her mouth made. Keitaro felt Chiharu tremble when she slipped her right hand into her panties and finger herself, but he nearly jumped out of his skin when she moved her now slick finger to his ass and tease his puckered anus.
Chiharu heard Keitaro cry out in surprise at the unexpected stimulation, but he made no real effort to stop her. She looked up at him as she continued to suck his cock, her mouth full of his hardness, the taste of his pre-cum on her tongue, and the head of his prick brushing up against the back of her throat, almost triggering her gag reflex. The look of exquisite torture he was wearing, with a few smudges of her make-up, made her unexpectedly happy. His breathing was ragged and he had a strained look on his face as he desperately tried to hold himself off.
Grinning internally Chiharu felt Keitaro getting even more tense and when she judged he couldn't stand much more she took her self lubricated finger and pushed it up his ass. He nearly lost his footing and let out a surprised shriek but a moment later a hoarse cry replaced it as he fired three jets of his hot seed into her mouth, filling it with the flavor of his essence. As he struggled to keep his balance Chiharu continued to move her head along the length of his now deflating cock, swallowing the seed and trying to draw every last drop she could. When it was all gone she used her tongue to clean him off, leaving his flaccid prick shiny with her own spit.
Through the fog of a mind shattering orgasm, Keitaro felt Chiharu remove the intruding digit before she gave his limp member a last farewell kiss. Collapsing into the chair he'd used to support himself Keitaro tried to get his heart rate and breathing under control. `I never expected that would feel good…' he thought in a daze, absently embracing Chiharu when she sat in his lap. She managed to remove his sweaty shirt and rested her head on his chest as he regained his self-control, giving a heart felt kiss to the older woman, trying to convey all his feelings with this one gesture.
When he felt more like himself Keitaro broke the kiss and whispered, “Stand up.” He removed his socks as Chiharu got back to her feet and he quickly went on his knees in front of her, placing his hand under her skirt, using two fingers to pull aside her drenched panties and began licking her pussy. When Chiharu cried out and took hold of the back of his head, Keitaro forced his tongue between her dripping wet lips, pushing his tongue as deep inside her as he could manage before he started licking frantically.
Chiharu lifted her left leg and rested it on Keitaro's shoulders, grabbing onto the chair with her left hand to maintain her balance, her right hand entwining itself in the young man's hair and holding him tightly against her. She was leaning against Keitaro, desperately trying to let him further into her, pushing her hips forward even as he took hold of her ass and pulled her against him. Looking down she could see his eyes but they weren't looking at her, they were closed as he frantically threw himself into his task. Her moisture was flowing freely, Keitaro's face was wet with it, and a steady trickle of it was dribbling down Chiharu's thighs.
“Haahh…Huufff… Huuhhh…”
Chiharu's rising gasps served only to encourage Keitaro, and he wasn't willing to stop even to pull off her thoroughly soaked panties. His face was dripping wet by now, and Chiharu's sweat made it harder for him to hold onto her, but he still continued to explore the inside of her warm, slick tunnel with his tongue. Making sure she wouldn't fall, Keitaro let go of her ass and pulled his tongue out of her, her whimpers of disappointment giving way to cries when he replaced it with his fingers, pushing them into her up to the third knuckle, then using his tongue on her swollen clitoris. Chiharu began to squirm as he pumped his fingers in and out of her, her walls gripping and stretching as he moved.
Chiharu's head was thrown back, opened mouthed pants rasping in the silence of the room as Keitaro mercilessly stimulated her with his lips, tongue and fingers. She knew she was wetter than she'd been in a while and she was a little embarrassed by it, but Keitaro wasn't deterred in the slightest, he almost seemed to take it as a challenge. Chiharu started murmuring, babbling more accurately, words she'd never be able to understand or remember as Keitaro continued to push her closer and closer to her peak, the waves of pleasure growing ever higher before they broke over her consciousness.
The near delirious noises Chiharu made sounded like the sweetest music imaginable to Keitaro and he reveled in hearing it. If Chiharu had asked, he would do this all day for her, he never got tired of it, or seeing how she went crazy when he did. His face was drenched as if he'd been caught out in the rain, but he gave no thought to even pausing briefly to wipe his cheeks and chin. He paused in his licking for a second, more to take a quick breath than anything else, Chiharu's trimmed hair tickling his nose, then he took her clit between his lips and sucked on it before gently biting on it and sawing it with his teeth.
Chiharu let out a shrill scream, her entire body writhing with pleasure as she came, her grip on the chair and Keitaro's head becoming so tight it almost brought tears to his eyes. She nearly stumbled, her toes curling in response to her orgasm, and only Keitaro stabilizing her by grabbing hold of her ass kept her from tumbling. Keitaro kept pumping his fingers in and out of her and licking as she climaxed, pushing her over the edge a second time, her body quaking uncontrollably for about a minute.
When the tremors of her orgasm had abated, Chiharu let go of Keitaro's head and let herself slump against the chair, carefully easing her leg off of his shoulder. She was breathing hard to get her wind back and she noticed Keitaro was wiping his face with his hands and then using his fingers to try to straighten his hair. When he stood up she let herself rest against him as he led her to the bed, his hard-on clearly visible. Chiharu let him lay her down before he got in behind her, embracing her from behind, gently supporting her breasts with his hands, his prick brushing against her inner thighs.
Keitaro nuzzled Chiharu's hair, the scent of her shampoo, mixed with sweat, perfume and sex wafting into his nose. He laid gentle kisses along the side of her neck and nibbled on her earlobe as her breathing slowed to more normal levels. After a few moments of tender kisses Chiharu turned her head and met his lips with her own. As soon as she started slipping her tongue into his mouth Keitaro decided she was ready to continue, and he reached down with his right hand and eased her panties down her legs. He then took hold of her right leg behind the knee and raised it, moving so that the head of his prick was resting against her soaking lips; as wet as she was, calling her ready was a titanic understatement.
Chiharu felt Keitaro moving behind her, slipping his left arm under her to reach around and squeeze her breasts, and she cried out into his mouth when he slid his entire cock into her with an abrupt shove. Keitaro broke off the kiss and began to nibble on her earlobe, pulling his prick almost all the way out and forcing it back in. He started a slow, methodical rhythm that was like ripples on a pond, starting small but with the chance to grow. Keitaro's breath was even and steady in her ears, quiet grunts emphasizing his thrusts, corresponding to the waves of pleasure she felt. Chiharu happened to glance at the pillow she'd rest her head on and was aghast to notice that she'd left a mixture of make-up and sweat on the pillow case, and she found herself wondering what she must look like.
If Keitaro noticed Chiharu's ruined make-up he obviously hadn't cared. He supported her right leg, their sweat forcing him to adjust his grip occasionally, and continued to feed his entire length into Chiharu, moaning at the way she gripped at him when he moved. Keitaro's left hand had continued to explore her breasts, the sweaty fingertips gliding over the wonderfully full mounds, gently squeezing and pinching the stiff peaks. They were both slick with sweat and he could feel the blankets sticking to him and the two of them were sticky where they touched. The slowly building cries from Chiharu almost made min speed up his efforts but Keitaro restrained himself, even when she began to move to meet his thrusts, clearly wanting more.
Reaching down with her right hand Chiharu took hold of Keitaro's ass and pulled on it, letting out a frustrated whine when he made no effort to go faster. The slow, steady rhythm Keitaro was using may as well have been from a metronome it was so consistent, and each delicious push of his hips sent sparks up her spine, but it was so gradual she was afraid it'd take all day for her to finish. Using her left hand to bring his head closer to hers so she could kiss him, Chiharu moaned into his mouth when he finally increased his pace a little. Breaking the kiss she saw the tense look in his eyes as his body became ever more insistent in its demands for release. His teeth were starting to clench and he looked to be in pain as his body picked up the tempo, the desire for release more irresistible by the second.
Keitaro was now moving as quickly as he could, moist sounds audible with every time he drove his cock into Chiharu's sheath, its heat and tightness calling him to climax like it had countless times before. He was panting now, a red haze over his vision as he felt his balls tighten up in anticipation, and Chiharu's frantic cries filled his ears as they locked their gazes on each other, both wanting to see the other finish. Then Chiharu pulled his head even closer and moved her lips to his ear.
“F-fuck me…” she whispered, her warm breath flooding his ear.
It was too much for Keitaro. Chiharu had never said that before and the vaguely forbidden notion of what she had said turned the already intense experience all the way to white-hot. With a savage thrust and a loud cry Keitaro came, volley after volley of his sperm firing against Chiharu's slick walls, some of it reaching her cervix. The intense rush of warmth pushed Chiharu over the edge as well and she cried out, her toes curling and her body going rigid as the two lovers briefly became one.
After a few seconds the two of them collapsed against the other, sweating, panting, and holding on to each other. The sounds of their harsh breathing filled the room for a while as they worked to collect themselves. After untold minutes Chiharu turned to face Keitaro, his prick slipping out of her and a mixture of his seed and her fluids spilled out, leaving a wet spot on the bed sheet. She slipped into his embrace and laid her head on his chest, listening to his heart for a little while before speaking. “I thought you didn't like dirty talk…”
“I usually don't,” Keitaro admitted. “I guess once in a while it's nice.”
“The outfit and make-up too?”
Now Keitaro frowned. “I told you, you don't need them, I feel the way I do because of who you are…”
Nothing more was said for a long while before Chiharu suggested they get cleaned up. “You've got make-up on your face,” she told him.
“So do you,” Keitaro pointed out.
“I'm afraid to look in a mirror…”
“C'mon, I'll help you wash up.” The two of them got up and made their way to the bathroom for a shower.
Chiharu stood in front of the sink, looked at her reflection in the mirror and sighed. The silver streaks were back in her long hair, the water going down the drain had been grey for some time while she and Keitaro shampooed it out. The make-up had been far easier and she could see the faint lines around her eyes which would only get more pronounced with time. Securing her towel around her chest Chiharu leaned forward and used her hands to try to smooth the wrinkles away, frowning when they stubbornly returned. She absently brushed a few damp strands of her hair out of the way and took a hard look at herself in the mirror. She missed who she'd been over twenty years ago, for while her body was still in amazing shape for her age, it couldn't hold back the march of time.
The shower curtain opened behind her and Chiharu saw the reflection of Keitaro using his towel to dry his hair a little before stepping out and wrapping it around his waist. He came up from behind and embraced her, resting his head on her left shoulder and looked at their reflection, his lips turning up in a smile. “That's better,” he murmured as he kissed the side of her neck.
“What's better?” Chiharu asked tiredly.
“That's it,” he replied, pointing at the reflection. “That's her. That's the face of the woman I… care for…”
Chiharu didn't need a mirror to tell she was blushing. She laid one of her hands over Keitaro's and squeezed gently. “She looks old.”
“She looks elegant.”
“She's going grey.”
“She's regal.”
“She's worn out, and not as lovely as she once was…”
“She's wrong,” Keitaro whispered in her ear, his right hand sliding slowly down the front of her towel. “She's always lovely…” His hand reached the edge of Chiharu's towel and touched her inner thigh before it started to move upwards.
Chiharu let out a quick breath as Keitaro's fingers gently traced over her lower lips. She opened her mouth to object but Keitaro silenced her with a kiss, his tongue dueling with hers and urging a moan from the back of her throat. When his middle finger teased along where her lips joined she blushed deeper, almost embarrassed when she realized it was making her wet. Keitaro began to gently squeeze her breasts with his left hand through the towel, and in the corner of her eye Chiharu saw that the garment was starting to slip. “Wh-what are you doing…?” she murmured.
“Proving something.”
“You'll see…” Keitaro began to vibrate his finger quickly and it softly eased its way between Chiharu's lips, only the very tip of it nestled between them.
Gasping at the sudden, if delicate, intrusion, Chiharu saw the towel slip off of her in the mirror, and she saw and felt Keitaro caressing her bare flesh in the bright light of the bathroom. When he softly pinched her nipple the small bud hardened instantly, standing out brazenly in the mirror as she watched. Through the spark of pleasure that was sent out she noticed that the blush was now covering her upper chest, and Chiharu whimpered when Keitaro squeezed the other nipple, making it stand out like the first. His fingers on her nipples had felt almost unbearable, but she was shocked to discover it was even more unbearable when he took them away. But in spite of all the stimulation she was receiving Chiharu let out a surprised cry when Keitaro slipped his finger inside her. Red from embarrassment she started squirming in his grasp, feeling very self conscious. “Keitaro… T-this is… Haahh… em-embarrassing…”
“No,” he whispered in her ear as he nibbled on her earlobe. “It's beautiful…”
Chiharu let out a whine when Keitaro pushed a second finger into her and began plunging them in and out of her. Looking at herself in the mirror she was astonished to realize she could see her own juices running down her inner thighs. `I-I'm that wet? That's what I look like?' She could also see the sweat glistening all over her, despite the fact the bathroom was cool and she had stepped out of the shower minutes earlier, or had it been far longer? She couldn't tell. A deep groan rattled from her throat and if she hadn't seen her reflection she wouldn't have known that she'd lifted her left leg and placed in on the vanity, her body wanting Keitaro to touch her deeper. She lifted her left arm up and gripped the back of his head, her body resting completely against him, Keitaro almost completely holding her up.
“Uhhhh! Ahhhh!”
In the mirror she saw her reflection biting her lower lip, her face contorting in a twisted grimace as Keitaro's fingers churned inside of her. Chiharu's right hand shot to the nipple he wasn't squeezing and she took it between her own fingers, pinching it and sending the indescribable sparks up her spine. `I look possessed,' she decided. `H-how can he find this beautiful…?' Chiharu found herself gripped by curiosity, she'd never seen what she looked like during something like this, and she hardly recognized the figure that was writhing in Keitaro's arms, touching herself and making herself feel like this.
Chiharu was dimly aware that she could feel Keitaro arrogant prick pressing into her through his towel. Part of her wanted to tear loose from his hold on her, throw him to the floor and impale herself on his pillar of flesh, but she wasn't willing to stop feeling like this long enough to do that. Aside from driving his fingers deep into her, Keitaro was watching her as if entranced, a look of almost awe on his face. She continued to writhe in his grip but he held her securely, not letting her escape or catch her breath or pause. Pushing herself against his hand as best she could Chiharu frantically tried to get herself off, gritting her teeth in exertion.
“Ohhhh! Ohhhhh! OHHHH!”
Chiharu hardly recognized herself in the mirror, a writhing, sweat covered figure whose face was twisted as if by pain. But she was as far from pain as she could imagine, and she wanted to turn her head to kiss Keitaro, bite him, anything, but his head kept her facing her reflection. Chiharu felt a sudden rush of fire between her legs and a shrill cry was torn from her throat. Her back arched and she began thrashing, Keitaro somehow managing to keep her from falling. She went rigid for a few moments before slumping against Keitaro, her left leg falling from the vanity to the floor, but she still couldn't have kept her feet without help.
Thoroughly dazed, Chiharu felt Keitaro placing kisses on the side of her neck and saw him smiling at her in the mirror as he carefully pulled his drenched fingers from her shuddering and soaking hole. She watched in fascination as he brought the fingers to his lips and carefully licked them clean and he continued to help hold her up. After a few moments of panting hard Chiharu was able to stand on her own and she looked at Keitaro. “You-you think that was beautiful…?”
“Yes. Because it's you. I love seeing you like that. And knowing I caused it…”
Chiharu noticed that he was still pitching a tent in the towel and she reached for it, only to have him take hold of her hands and shake his head. “Keitaro?”
“You don't have to,” he told her. “I did it to make you feel good, that's all.”
“Are you sure?”
“It'll pass,” he assured her. “I'll probably just deal with it myself when I get home.”
The thought of Keitaro stroking himself sent an unexpected thrill through Chiharu. She then realized how she looked; she was sticky with sweat and her legs had her fluids seeping down them. “I need to take another shower,” she mused.
“Go ahead, I'll get ready out there.” Keitaro gave her a kiss and left the bathroom, leaving Chiharu to her shower and her thoughts.
When Chiharu came out of the bathroom she was wearing a long grey skirt and a simple blue blouse, a look that brought a smile to Keitaro's face. “You all ready?” he asked.
“Almost, just have to take care of a few things.” She was carrying the bottle of hair dye and a cheap pouch with her make-up, and she gathered up the remains of the outfit she'd worn.
“You have a bag for those?”
“Yes, but I don't need it,” she answered. “Or these.” Without hesitating she dropped them into the garbage, making Keitaro smile even wider.
“Let's go.”
“Wait.” Chiharu walked up to Keitaro and reached up under her skirt, slowly easing her panties down her legs. She took the simple, white, old fashioned cotton undergarment, folded it neatly, and placed it in his hand, covering it with her own. “I want you to use these. Tonight. When you think of me…” She whispered into his ear.
With a suddenly dry mouth, and gripped by a stirring feeling Keitaro nodded. He slipped them into his pocket, knowing that he'd have them out later that night, alone in his room. “T-thank you.”
Chiharu kissed him and then the two of them left the room and made their way to the elevator, heading down to the lobby. As they were riding alone in the car, Chiharu reached out and held Keitaro's hand, not letting go until the doors opened in the lobby.
End of Part Four
Author's Notes: None, except this was pre-read by Rx7.
All errors are mine, not his.