Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Strawberries ❯ Bouquet ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: See Chapter One
Lemon Content Warning: This fic contains graphic depictions of sex. Reader discretion is advised.
“*” Spoken
`*' Thoughts
Love Hina:
Wild Strawberries.
Chapter Five: Bouquet
Naru wiped her face with a wash cloth, settling back and letting the outdoor bath soothe away the stress and tension she was feeling, a calming sensation that radiated throughout her entire body. It didn't take very long, since she didn't have all that much to be worried about anyway; her classes were going well and since it was mid term break she had no tests or assignment to weigh in her mind. She looked up at the darkening sky, smiling to herself as she thought over how things were going for her; she didn't believe in waiting for the other shoe to drop, so she just accepted how things were going, and if something changed, so be it.
Her apparent serenity must have attracted the attention of the others in the bath, for the next thing she knew, Naru felt Motoko sit down across from her. “You're in high spirits,” the kendoka observed.
“Can't complain,” Naru replied with an enigmatic smile. “How about you? Are your studies going well?” She looked at Motoko and saw her start to fidget.
“They aren't bad,” Motoko allowed. “But I'll have to do better to get into Tokyo University…”
“Still chasing after Keitaro?” Naru smiled.
“It's not like that,” the swordswoman denied. “It's the best school in the country, I should try to go there.” Privately, Motoko had other ideas. `I've tried just about everything else…'
Naru didn't buy it for a second. “You'd better hurry up and get in,” she reminded her. “Shinobu and Su are right behind you.”
“Of course they've got a few years before they can try-”
“No,” Naru clarified. “I mean, they're right behind you. Look.”
Motoko glanced over her shoulder and saw Su and Shinobu practically hovering over her; the blonde foreigner was wearing her usual sunny grin while the chef looked to be on the verge of tears. “I-I'm not after Keitaro!” Motoko squawked, her cheeks going red. “I just want to go to Tokyo University!”
Naru watched the scene with hidden amusement, wondering if she'd been like that when she was trying to pass the entrance exam. She tried to ignore the racket and relax until Motoko apparently decided that a strategic deflection was in order. “Naru, what will you be doing with your time off?”
She considered that for a moment before she gave her answer. “Kenichi and I were thinking of going to Hokkaido for a few days.”
“A school trip then,” Motoko nodded.
Naru suddenly felt uncomfortable. “…not exactly…” she murmured.
Motoko's eyes widened at that and she saw the older girl blushing a little. Taking a quick look to make sure Su and Shinobu weren't listening in, she took a seat next to Naru. “Just the two of you? Alone?”
“Yeah,” Naru admitted reluctantly.
“Any particular reason?” Motoko asked after some consideration.
Naru gave serious thought to just walking away but she decided she wanted to confide in someone. `I figured I'd be talking to Kitsune about this kinda thing…' “We-we both wouldn't mind some privacy for once.”
“For once…?”
“It-it can get… dicey sometimes…”
“You've done it here?” Motoko nearly cried out, whispering at the last second. Naru didn't say anything but her cheeks spoke volumes. “Why here?”
“Why not? We're dating, and he lives with his brothers, he's got no privacy.”
“A hotel?” Motoko suggested.
Naru shook her head vigorously. “No way. I can imagine the kind of person that uses those sleazy dives.”
“Same here,” Motoko agreed. “Perverts…”
“Can-can you keep this to yourself?” Naru pleaded. “I'm not ashamed, but I don't want to advertise either…”
“I promise,” Motoko told her. “I'll never-”
“This is all your fault!”
Everyone in the bath jumped at the sudden bellow of outrage. Naru and Motoko looked up and saw Kitsune stomping towards them, still dressed, and looking like she could chew nails. “Kitsune?” Naru asked her oldest friend.
“It was you two!” she accused. “You did it!”
“Did what?”
“You turned Keitaro gay!”
Naru and Motoko recoiled in shock, while Su had to keep Shinobu's head above water when the blue haired girl fainted. “W-what do you mean?” Naru stammered when she rediscovered her voice.
“The two of you hit him so many times Keitaro went and switched teams!” Kitsune charged.
“Are you drunk?”
“Don't go blaming me-”
“Kitsune, why the hell would you say something so… so… stupid?” Naru wondered.
“Because he turned me down AGAIN when I asked him out.”
“That's it?” Motoko asked incredulously.
Naru rolled her eyes. “Kitsune, you're attractive, really, but not every guy is going to say yes just-”
“I was wearing my new outfit,” Kitsune cut in.
“New outfit,” Naru murmured before she realized what her friend meant. “You mean that bra and panties you bought? The dental floss and postage stamp outfit?”
“That's the one.”
Naru considered that for a moment. “Maybe he is gay…”
“See? And you-”
“I'm kidding,” Naru interrupted, shaking her head in frustration. “Look, maybe you just aren't his type.”
“Then what is?'
“I've got no idea,” Naru admitted. “He's going way on a trip in a few days. Alone. Maybe offer to go with?”
“I tried,” Kitsune explained tiredly, her anger having evaporated. “He thanked me, said he was flattered, but he said he wanted some time to himself.”
Motoko narrowed her eyes at Kitsune. “You went that far?” she murmured softly, her words chilling the air noticeably.
“Like you wouldn't have,” Kitsune shot back.
Not wanting to see her friends come to blows, Naru moved between them. “Cool off, okay?” She saw Kitsune and Motoko reluctantly nodding, like siblings forced to make up by their parents. “Just… just leave Keitaro alone, both of you… Ever think that you're both trying too hard?”
“Maybe…” Kitsune admitted grudgingly, Motoko nodding faintly as well.
“You can't make him choose you,” Naru told them. The way she said it reminded everyone about her own experiences. “Leave him be, and he'll decide who he wants on his own…”
Defeated, Kitsune turned and walked out of the bath, Motoko sitting back down with a contemplative look. Naru let out a breath she'd been holding and slumped. `Who do you want, Keitaro?' Naru asked silently. `You've already captured their hearts, when will you let someone capture yours…?'
Keitaro adjusted the grip on his backpack and absently moved his fingers on the handle of his suitcase. It had been a busy day for him; getting up and prepared for his flight to Guam, making sure he had his passport, travelers checks and insurance. The residents had all come to see him off at the airport, bidding him goodbye as he prepared to pass through security. Naru had wished him a pleasant flight and given him a hug that warmed his heart. Su had jumped up and nearly knocked him over, giving him a big wet one right on the cheek that had passers by chuckling, while Shinobu's embrace had been almost reserved. Motoko's hug had lasted so long it had almost made Keitaro uncomfortable, and Kitsune… Kitsune had boldly reached down and grabbed his butt, almost making him yelp.
He'd waved goodbye and gone through security, patiently waiting for his flight to be called. The flight to Guam had been uneventful, touching down a little after 11 AM local time. He'd cleared customs, collected his luggage and placed it in a locker, then took a cab into the city. Keitaro had walked around for a few hours, seeing some sights and taking a lot of pictures. He called Hinata House and let them know he was alright, then reminded them to ask Haruka if there were any problems at the residence; he'd only be gone a week and she could hold the fort until he got back.
“I'm going to go on a little vacation,” he'd told everyone two weeks earlier. “School's been kinda hectic, I just need some time on my own. I figure I'll head to Guam, I've always wanted to go there.” His announcement had been accepted with some reservations, but at least no one had been openly opposed either.
“You gonna kick it loose and go drinking? And then fuck some Filipina bargirls?”
Kitsune had been the exception.
Keitaro had recoiled at the very thought and denied the accusation vehemently. Kitsune had apologized for her remark and Keitaro didn't have it in him to hold a grudge. He thought of Kitsune when he bought the small bottle of local liquor, figuring she'd enjoy that. He'd bought gifts for everyone, bought a cheap bowl of ramen and then took a cab back to the airport. He packed his purchases in his retrieved luggage then gone to check his bag for his flight to Saipan.
He'd spent almost nine hours walking around Guam, buying souvenirs, and if asked he'd be able to tell a few stories about his time there. What he'd never admit was that most of his trip would be spent on Saipan. The approximately one hundred and twenty miles between the two islands were a short trip on the airliner, and it took longer to clear customs and get his checked bag than the flight had been. The sun had gone down by the time Keitaro walked out of the airport and hailed a cab, the full moon lighting up the night sky. Getting off at his destination Keitaro tipped the cabbie and walked into the lobby of the hotel, making his way to the elevator he waved off the bellhop and took the car to the tenth floor.
Getting off on his floor he walked down the hall, stopping in front of room 1007, knocking on the door. Hearing “it's open,” Keitaro walked inside and closed the door, setting his luggage on the floor, idly noticing the single king sized bed that dominated the room. “I'm out on the balcony,” a smoky voice called out.
Keitaro walked out through the doorway, pausing briefly to admire the view; the city shone brightly with neon, the full moon was just reaching its maximum height and was reflected on the ocean, the white breakers contrasting with the dark water. But to Keitaro the most breathtaking sight was standing at the side of the concrete outcropping, Chiharu Aoyama in a blue skirt and a cream colored blouse, the moon making the silver in her hair almost glow. “Hello Chiharu,” he breathed.
They stared at each other for a few moments before Keitaro took a step towards her and caressed her cheek with his hand. “You look beautiful.”
“Thanks. You look handsome… How was your flight?”
“Not bad, except…”
“Except what?”
“While flying to Guam, a stewardess tried to come into the bathroom after me. She said it was an accident, but I don't know…”
“…you're kidding, right…?”
“Busted,” Keitaro admitted sheepishly. “As if I'd want anyone else.”
Chiharu looked annoyed. “I should toss you off this balcony for that.”
“I'm sorry,” Keitaro replied. “I'll make it up to you.”
Keitaro didn't bother to answer that, he simply leaned forward and kissed her, his lips opening up and their tongues snaking out to rub against each other. Chiharu went limp against him and Keitaro gently held her head as they kissed, feeling her arms wrapping around his shoulders. He carefully led her to the wall next to the sliding doors, letting her rest against it as he took hold of the back of Chiharu's neck with his left hand, tracing his right along her figure, delicately squeezing her left breast as he did so. She moaned into his mouth and pulled on his ass, grinding him against her, the warmth from her reaching his hardness even through their clothes. Breaking the kiss Keitaro hungrily moved his lips to her neck, kissing and licking, his left hand now tracing over her body as well.
“Keitaro,” Chiharu breathed. “Shouldn't we -Oooh!- go inside…?”
“No,” he rasped, kissing her under the chin as he moved to the other side of her neck.
Chiharu froze for a second. “But… we're outside.”
“Don't care.” Keitaro grabbed the edge of her skirt with his right hand, hiked it up and placed his hand on the front of her panties, rubbing her through the silky fabric.
A cry managed to escape Chiharu's lips before she clamped her mouth shut. Keitaro continued to ravish her neck even as he slid his fingertips over her lower lips, making her start to squirm uncontrollably. On the one hand Chiharu was mortified; Keitaro seemed unconcerned by his actions, ignoring the notion that others might be on their balcony, able to hear, or worse, see that they were up to. She was also the head of the Shinmei Ryu, and even without her sword, if she decided to make Keitaro stop he had no way of resisting her will.
But on the other hand, Chiharu was astonished to realize the very idea of being watched, being discovered, was exciting to her. She wondered if this was how Keitaro had felt when she had made him start fingering her when he was on the phone with Motoko. Another cry was ripped from her throat when Keitaro slipped his hand into her soaked panties and shoved a finger between her dripping lips. He muffled any further cries with his mouth, kissing her eagerly as he began to probe inside her with his digit, touching nerves that had had to be honed to a razor's keenness. Moving his tongue in time with his finger, Keitaro slowly moved in and out of her, methodically starting to wind her up, tension building slowly, like sand in an hourglass.
Keitaro's entire hand was wet, Chiharu's warm fluids coating his fingers like melted butter. Pulling his head back, but not moving away, he saw the far off, dreamy look in her eyes, the moon's reflection filling them, her mouth open, her warm breath washing over his face, her skin and the silver in her hair glowing in the soft light. Taking a step back he dropped to his knees between Chiharu's legs, grabbing her drenched underwear with both hands and with a sharp yank tore the garment right off of her.
`Those were a new pair,' Chiharu barely had time to think before gasping when Keitaro forced his face against her fragrant cleft and drove his warm tongue into her.
Chiharu tried to throw her head back but the wall wouldn't let her, her hips pushing forward against Keitaro's face. She lifted her left leg and rested it on a patio chair, almost sobbing when Keitaro resumed fingering her as he licked. She could hear herself breathing hard like after some rigorous training and she glanced down to watch him and she almost laughed when she discovered that her skirt was covering his head. Reaching down she grabbed hold of the back of his head with her left hand and pulled him tight against her, her right hand holding on to the wall to keep her balance. She whimpered when Keitaro pulled his finger out of her and inserted his tongue and thrashed it about, her heart racing in response.
But when Chiharu heard the door to their room opening, her heart momentarily stopped.
“Room service,” a young man's voice called out from inside. “Hello? Is anyone here?”
Chiharu had to bite down on her tongue to keep from crying out when Keitaro gently bit down on her clit, acting as if nothing was wrong. “I-I'm outside,” Chiharu managed to force out, amazed that it had sounded almost normal. “I didn't order-” She choked off the groan that had welled up in her throat.
“Compliments of the management,” the bellboy continued, apparently unaware of her predicament. “It's a fruit basket. Where would you like it?”
“P-put it on the table and go…” Chiharu couldn't stop her hips from bucking forward as Keitaro continued to lick, kiss, and suckle her mercilessly.
“Are you sure you don't want me to bring it out to you-”
“Just leave it and go!” Chiharu rasped in desperation. If he took a few more steps towards the sliding doors…
There was a moment of awful silence and Chiharu imagined she could hear and feel approaching footsteps before the bellboy spoke again. “Very good ma'am,” he acknowledged, with more than a touch of amusement in his voice. The room door opened audibly, and when the bellboy called out “Enjoy your stay,” Chiharu could hear him smirking.
As soon as the door clicked shut Chiharu was about to lose her temper. “Keitaro, you bast- Ahh! Ahhh!” Without warning Keitaro had forced two of his fingers deep into her, and the sudden wave of pleasure combined with panic levels of adrenalin, sent her crashing headlong into orgasm, her eyes closing, her body going stiff and shuddering, and a hoarse scream tearing from her lungs. Chiharu felt herself convulsing, torrents of her wetness flowing onto Keitaro's face, and her head swimming from the rush of endorphins.
She was only dimly aware of Keitaro helping keep her steady, embracing her gently as she tried to catch her breath, amazed at the intensity of what had just happened. On some level she knew she should be furious at his recklessness, but she found herself returning his gentle smile, absently watching him use his mouth to clean his fingers and wipe his face on his shirt. Still feeling like she was floating Chiharu returned his kisses, allowing him to move her to the railing, suckling on the side of her throat as he moved behind her. She found herself watching the reflection of the moon on the ocean, holding the rail to keep her balance when she thought she heard Keitaro's zipper. Before that thought could fully register, she shrieked when she felt his iron hard prick batter it's way past her now sensitive lips and stretch her warm, tight sheath with its full length.
An almost frantic cry was ripped out of her as Keitaro grabbed her shoulder and waist, easing back his hips and then pulling hard on her as he thrust himself back into her. As soon as he bottomed out Keitaro withdrew and then repeated, pistoning his cock into her wet, well lubricated passage, hammering at her with an almost frantic speed. There was no technique, no form, just raw, unrestrained movement that fed his prick into her as fast as she could handle. Chiharu could hear herself crying out and through the tsunami of ecstasy she was enduring she found her normally reserved nature try to reassert itself. “Kei-Keitaro… Uhhh! P-people can - Uhhh!- see us…”
“I don't care,” he rasped. Keitaro was tired of a lot of things; having to constantly turn down Kitsune and Motoko's advances without explaining why. Tired of having to lie to Naru and politely decline her well intentioned efforts to match him up with someone. But most of all Keitaro was tired of having to hide the most important relationship in his life, and for tonight at least, he would be DAMNED if he would do anything to conceal it. If the bellboy figured it out, so what? If other guests heard their cries, who cared? Even if Chiharu's husband and the Hinata residents appeared on the balcony, Keitaro did not give a damn.
Keitaro didn't even waste half a second thinking about this as he claimed Chiharu as his own. Leaning forward he slid his right hand from her waist to her breasts, squeezing them through her blouse, the rock hard nipples clearly defined in spite of the clothing. He could feel the sopping walls gripping him along his length as if trying to hold him fast. Her long hair had fallen over her head concealing her face, but it did nothing to muffle her pants, gasps, and cries.
“Hufff… Hufff… Hufff…”
Chiharu could hear Keitaro grunting like a primitive beast as he hammered into her at an almost crazed rate. She felt her hands slipping on the railing, her sweat making them slick and she struggled to keep her grip. She could see the street below her, her long hair surrounding her head as Keitaro took her from behind. Even as she cried out she half expected to see people looking up and pointing, either from the street or another balcony. Sweat was running down her forehead and collecting on her nose and chin, drops falling off her and disappearing into the night. Her clothes were damp with sweat and she knew she'd have to have them dry cleaned before she could wear them again.
“C-Chiharu… I'm close…”
Making sure she had a good grip on the railing, Chiharu began pushing back against Keitaro's thrusts, wanting to climax herself, giddily anticipating the incredible rush of warmth into her when he finished. The head of his prick was nudging against her inner walls, sending sparks up her spine unlike any she could induce on her own, despite her best efforts. Keitaro's grunts were getting louder and louder, and when Chiharu turned her head back and looked over her shoulder she saw his face in a pained grimace, sweat beading on his forehead. He noticed her looking at him and squeezed her breast roughly, giving her swollen nipple a pinch.
Chiharu's scream was long and loud, sounding out into the night and Chiharu felt her back arch reflexively. Her pussy clamped down on Keitaro's cock and squeezed, and he let out a hoarse shout, liquid fire launching deep inside her, filling her almost to the point of overflowing. `So much,' she thought dazedly. `He came so much…' Chiharu could feel some of it leaking out, a warm trickle down her inner thighs, mixing with her own moisture. She screamed again as a second orgasm gripped her, her body shuddering from the overload of endorphins in her system. She slumped back against Keitaro, feeling him holding her tightly, his deflating cock sliding out of her with an obscene slurp. Chiharu listened carefully through their joint panting, trying to see if anyone had mistaken her screams for mayhem, but the only sounds were the normal noise of traffic. Still dazed, she gave Keitaro a quick look, confirming he was nearly exhausted. “Let's go in,” she murmured. “I need to lay down…”
“So do I,” Keitaro croaked.
“Not until you put on the Do Not Disturb sign,” she told him. “And this time make sure you lock the damn door!”
“Sorry,” Keitaro replied meekly, making his way to the door.
Seeing his cowered expression when he returned Chiharu felt her annoyance dissipate. “It's okay Keitaro,” she reassured him. “It wasn't too bad.”
“You liked it?”
“Maybe,” she admitted, before putting her foot down. “But don't get used to it.”
“Okay,” Keitaro agreed, collapsing next to her on the bed. “You should get cleaned up.”
“So should you.”
The two of them would end up showering together in the morning, but for now they got into an embrace, ignoring their sweaty, sticky clothing and falling asleep in each others arms.
Keitaro crumpled up the paper bag and tossed it into the garbage can, smiling when it dropped straight in without touching the sides. `I've still got it,' he thought. Making sure his hands weren't greasy from the popcorn, Keitaro reached out and found Chiharu's hand and the two of them squeezed each other. It had been a long time since he'd gone to a movie with someone, and it was nice to walk out of the theater holding hands. The little outing may have simply been dinner and a movie, but to Keitaro it was the most wonderful date he'd ever been on, if only for the company.
Keitaro had spent so much time thinking about the getaway with Chiharu he hadn't stopped to consider just what exactly he'd do with her when they were together. For the first three days it hadn't mattered, they'd never left the hotel room. Food had been strictly room service, and the only thing Keitaro had needed to unpack was his toothbrush. But even nearly constant lovemaking hadn't dampened their wish to just spend some time together, so on the fourth morning they'd showered, gotten dressed for the first time, left the sign to have the room cleaned, and gone out for a walk together.
The two of them stepped out of the lobby and walked down the street, eschewing the long line of taxis waiting outside the hotel. They knew they probably looked like tourists, but they didn't care, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, unconcerned what people might have thought about them holding hands. Keitaro suggested taking a walk along the ocean and Chiharu agreed, and they strolled down a path overlooking the Pacific ocean, both of them silently marveling at the majesty of it, watching the wind whip up whitecaps, and the waves crashing endlessly on the beach.
After a simple lunch from an okonomiyaki cart they headed back into the city, checking out the assorted tourist traps, including the fish market and the almost endless assortment of bric-a-brac that was for sale. Time seemed to fly by for Keitaro, dinnertime appearing to have come running up to them, and they decided to try an American style steakhouse and then catch a late movie. When Chiharu suggested a mystery thriller Keitaro let out a silent prayer of thanks she hadn't chosen a `chick flick.' He wouldn't have argued, but now he didn't have to worry about falling asleep from boredom. “So, how did you like it?” he asked her as they walked out of the theater into the sultry night air.
“I liked it,” she admitted. “I never expected the quiet girl to be a sociopathic killer.”
“It's always the quiet ones,” Keitaro remarked with a chuckle. “I'm still creeped out by what she did to that one woman.”
“Buried alive.” Chiharu shuddered at the unpleasant memory. “It's only a movie though.”
“I'll still have nightmares probably…”
Chiharu gave his hand a squeeze. “Will you let me help you chase away the bad dreams?”
“Always.” They continued to walk in silence for a few blocks, Keitaro taking note of the dark clouds gathering overhead, the occasional flash heralding the oncoming storm. At the next intersection he noticed some neon lights and loud music coming from down the crossing street. “What's over there?” he asked, openly interested.
“It's… nothing important Keitaro,” Chiharu explained after a beat. “It's kind of a rough section of town, I don't like walking through it.”
“It's that dangerous?” he inquired in surprise, wondering what could intimidate the head of the Shinmei Ryu.
Chiharu gave him an indulgent smile. “Not dangerous,” she replied knowingly. “But it's a nuisance having to deal with people there.”
“So we should go somewhere else?”
“Yes,” Chiharu agreed, linking her arm with Keitaro's and leading him away from the activity. She hadn't been entirely honest with him; that area of the city was notorious, but it was because it was the red light district, not for any reputation for street violence. She hadn't wanted to walk through the phalanx of prostitutes and show bars with Keitaro. Chiharu didn't think he would be interested in anything he saw there, but a voice in the back of her mind had wondered how she'd deal with it if he did. Avoiding the entire area was the safest course, but it made her feel guilty for not trusting Keitaro's feelings for her completely. She was almost relieved when a flash from overhead and a following rumble gave her something else to think about. “Looks like rain.”
“I didn't bring an umbrella, did you?”
“No. It was sunny when we left.” As if to mock her, the rain started then, sending Keitaro and Chiharu into a bus shelter.
Keitaro wiped a few drops from his face. “Should we wait it out?”
Chiharu shook her head. “Might last all night. Let's get a cab.”
“Wait here.” Keitaro left the cover of the shelter and went to the curb. “Taxi!” Whether through timing or providence a cab pulled over in under five seconds and Keitaro held the door open for Chiharu as she scrambled inside, following her seconds later. “Thanks pal.”
“No problem,” the cabbie replied. “You guys tourists?”
“It's that obvious?” Keitaro remarked with a raised eyebrow.
The cabbie just shrugged. “Been doing this a while, you learn… So, kid, where do you and your mom want to go?”
Keitaro froze in surprise, feeling a stab of hurt go through him when Chiharu flinched. He saw her lower her head as if stung, and he sat there temporarily immobile.
“Well? Where to?” the cabbie pressed.
“Just drive us around,” Chiharu replied coolly. “We're tourists.”
“No problem.” The driver either didn't notice the hostility she'd laced those words with, or he'd just ignored it.
Keitaro was about to give the cabbie a piece of his mind when Chiharu laid her hand on his knee and shook her head. Still mad, but not ready to go against her wishes, even if he felt the guy had it coming, he held his tongue. He sat back and switched between looking out the window and at Chiharu, the steady drumming of rain and the swishing of the wiper blades the only sound. Keitaro wanted to say something to her, try to raise her spirits, but he didn't know how; he did wrap his arm around her when she sidled up next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
Keitaro was astonished when he felt her hand settle on his knee, then slowly slide its way up his leg. Chiharu laid a soft kiss on the side of his neck, making him hiss in reply. He turned his head to ask her what she was doing but she silenced any possible question with a kiss. He happened to glance towards the driver and saw him staring at his mirror slack jawed. Keitaro responded to the kiss without hesitation, allowing Chiharu's tongue to rub up against his, a contented hum coming from her. Breaking the kiss briefly, he saw that the cabbie was still gawking. “Shouldn't you be watching the road?”
“Yes sir,” the driver replied meekly. “Sorry.”
Resuming the kiss Keitaro heard himself groan when Chiharu began to rub him through his pants, her hand tracing his prick and causing it to swell. Taking hold of his left hand Chiharu pulled it up under her skirt, resting it on the front of her panties. He began rubbing her through the fabric without hesitation, the soft cotton starting to get wet underneath his fingers. Keitaro began to move his hips as Chiharu stroked him through his clothes, already feeling constrained, using his fingers to trace along the edges of her lower lips. By now she was so wet the front of her panties were completely soaked and Keitaro eased his finger up one of the leg holes and dragged his fingertip over her dripping slit.
Chiharu then broke the kiss, a blush on her face and an excited gleam in her eye as she undid the button and zipper of his pants and attempted to pull them down. Keitaro immediately felt a moment of self consciousness, but the look Chiharu was giving him took all of that away. He lifted himself off of the seat and allowed her to pull his pants and underwear partially down his legs. Pausing to reach up under her skirt Chiharu pulled her panties off, moved so that she was straddling Keitaro's lap, hiked up her outfit and positioned his rigid cock against her glistening pussy and quickly sank down, enveloping him easily.
“Isn't the light green?” Chiharu panted without looking over her shoulder.
The driver didn't say a word as he released the brake and started forward. Keitaro belatedly realized that cars had been moving past them but he'd been too occupied to notice. The window had drops coating them and they were even starting to fog, but he didn't know if that was due to sex or humidity.
Then Chiharu lifted up and impaled herself back on his prick, and Keitaro quit thinking about mundane things.
Keitaro leaned forward and hungrily crushed his lips against Chiharu's`, his hands moving to her hips, taking hold and pushing himself up to meet her thrusts. He was pushing up as fast as he could, but she was moving even faster, frantically slamming down onto him, surrounding his cock with her exquisite warmth and tightness before lifting back up and repeating. They broke the kiss and leaned forward so their foreheads were touching, their heavy pants and gasps washing over each other. Chiharu was gripping his shoulders so tightly it nearly made him wince, but Keitaro drove into her even faster, desperate for release and wanting to see the way she looked when she came.
“Uwaahh! Ahhh!”
He hadn't had long to wait; Chiharu's pussy gripped him tightly as she was rocked by an orgasm, her body going rigid and her eyes rolling back for a second before she slumped forward against him, panting heavily as Keitaro kept thrusting, desperate to achieve his own release. He was nearly hysterical when Chiharu lifted herself off of his shaft, leaving it shiny and slick with her juices, and on the brink. “W-what are you-” he stammered.
Chiharu sat next to him and kissed Keitaro deeply, her right hand taking hold of his hard on and stroking him quickly. A few seconds later Keitaro groaned into her mouth as he felt the tension release all at once, three jets of his hot seed launching from the head of his prick, the sticky white streams splashing against the back of the driver's seat and some of it landing on the back seat. Trying to catch his breath, and feeling a thrill run through him when Chiharu licked her fingers clean, he heard her tell the cabbie to take them back to their hotel.
Letting Chiharu clean him up with a few tissues from her purse, placing her panties in it when she finished, Keitaro then pulled his pants back up, noticing that she simply tossed the tissues onto the floor. The two of them managed to get composed by the time the taxi pulled up in front of the hotel. The driver quietly told them the fare and Chiharu disdainfully handed him exact change. Before she stepped out of the cab she hit the cabbie with a withering glare. “Still think he's my son?” she hissed.
“No,” he whispered. “At least, I hope not.”
“Good night.” Chiharu got out and walked away in obvious contempt.
“Sorry about the mess,” Keitaro added as he exited.
Keitaro and Chiharu headed for the front door of the lobby, a young couple heading the opposite direction towards their taxi. Moments later a cry of outrage and disgust rang out behind them. “Clean up on aisle four,” Chiharu muttered under her breath.
“What was that?” Keitaro asked.
“Never mind,” Chiharu told him, taking hold of his arm. “Just keep walking.” They made it into the elevator and reached their floor without incident. However, when they were in the hall Chiharu let out a sigh. “I'm sorry Keitaro, that was petty of me.”
Keitaro shook his head dismissively. “Don't worry about it, he was a jerk.”
“It was still immature.”
“So what? He deserved it.”
Chiharu gave him a half smile. “That wasn't strange for you?”
“A little,” Keitaro admitted. “Don't think I'd want to do that again.”
“Me neither.” They reached the door and Chiharu inserted her key card. “I'm still sorry I used you like that.”
“You can use me anytime,” Keitaro told her with a smile.
Chiharu smiled in reply. “Really…” She lead Keitaro into the hotel room, hung the Do Not Disturb sign on the knob and locked the door behind her.
Keitaro wiped his hand across his brow, clearing away the perspiration that was beading there. “Where are we headed?” he asked.
Chiharu looked over her shoulder and gave him an enigmatic smile. “You'll see…”
It was the last day before the end of their time together; that morning as they lay together in bed Chiharu had invited Keitaro to go someplace special with her and he'd instantly agreed. They'd showered, gotten dressed, and Chiharu had had two box lunches sent up from room service, placing them in a bag with a few other items she didn't let Keitaro see. The two of them boarded a bus and got off at the end of the line forty-five minutes out of the city. Along with some other people Chiharu and Keitaro started walking along a path into the jungle, the clear blue sky letting the rays of the sun wash over everyone.
One by one the number of people went down as they reached where they were going, and the trail became less well defined. The trail finally seemed to disappear completely to Keitaro, but Chiharu continued walking, as sure footed as a mountain goat, marching with clear purpose, though he had no idea what it was.
“Is it much farther?” he wondered. At least this far into the jungle the canopy blocked off most of the sun, but the humidity was appalling, his shirt damp with sweat and sticking to him. Not to mention every sound he heard unnerved him, causing him to imagine all sorts of predators stalking him.
Chiharu stopped and turned to look at him. “You almost sound like a child,” she observed with a smirk.
Keitaro blushed. “Sorry,” he murmured. “It's just a little hot.”
“It won't be much longer,” she promised.
“Okay.” Steeling his resolve Keitaro fell back into step behind Chiharu, carefully following in her footsteps, admiring how she hardly seemed to be exerting herself, she didn't even seem to be sweating. They kept walking for almost ten minutes, Keitaro wondering if they were lost, until he heard a faint roar that became louder with every step. It suddenly dawned on him what that noise was and he felt his spirits rise when he figured out what Chiharu had in mind. A few minutes later he could see an opening in the jungle, some mist rising in the distance; reaching the clearing Keitaro could only stare in wonderment, his breath taken away.
Keitaro was looking at a well hidden grotto, with a small pool under a waterfall that had to be five stories tall. The water cascaded over the drop, a fine mist rising from the small pool, forming a rainbow in the sunlight. The vegetation around the grotto was ringed with colorful orchids, and tropical birds were singing in the trees.
“Do you like it?” Chiharu whispered in his ear.
“It's beautiful… How-how did you know about this place?”
“I found it while training years ago,” she told him. “I've never seen anyone else here.”
“It's a secret?”
“Not really,” Chiharu replied. “But it's out of the way, you have want to find it.”
“I've never seen anything like this.”
“You're the first person I've ever shown it to,” Chiharu cooed. “I was hoping you'd like it.”
“It's magnificent. Thank you…” Keitaro leaned over and gave her a kiss. When Chiharu broke the kiss he took her hand and let himself be led to the edge of the water, setting down the bag he'd been carrying and looking thoughtfully at the water, absently wiping his forehead. “I'd love to go for a swim.”
“Go ahead,” Chiharu told him. “That's why I brought us here.”
“But I didn't pack my suit…”
“Neither did I,” Chiharu replied with a wink, undoing her blouse and slipping it off of her shoulders, letting her skirt glide down her legs, leaving her in a bra and panties. She casually undid her bra and dropped it, pushing her panties down her legs and standing naked in front of Keitaro, who was watching her in disbelief. Chiharu walked into the water, sighing when the water lapped over her calves, looking back over her shoulder, wordlessly calling for Keitaro to join her.
Keitaro hesitated for a second, thinking that they were out in the open and anyone could stumble onto them. Then he remembered that Chiharu was naked and she wanted him to join her. He yanked his shirt over his head, pushed his pants and underwear down, kicking off his shoes and hopping on one foot as he took his sock off the other. When he managed to get them both off he ran into the water, chasing after Chiharu, jumping and swimming when the cool liquid reached his thighs. Lifting his head from the water, brushing his hair from his forehead with his hands, Keitaro saw the older woman swimming easily towards the waterfall. As smoothly as he was able, which wasn't very, he swam towards her, catching up and treading water next to her just short of the water fall. “The water's great!”
“It's so nice on a hot day,” Chiharu agreed, treading water backwards until she was under the falling water, finding footing on the submerged rocks and standing up so that the water was cascading over her.
To Keitaro she looked like a water nymph, the liquid flowing over her like a curtain. He joined her on the rock and kissed her, the water crashing down around him, the roar of it blocking out all the other sounds and it felt like the world had shrunk to the size of the grotto, nothing else mattered to him. Reluctantly breaking the kiss to draw a breath, no easy feat where he was standing, Keitaro dove back into the water, exulting in the surroundings and the company. Chiharu joined him a moment later and the two of them swam, splashed around, and generally acted like they didn't have a care in the world.
For some time they stayed in the shallows and watched the waterfall, Chiharu sitting in Keitaro's lap with only their shoulders above the water. When she was in his arms he felt a great sense of peace and happiness come over him; Keitaro forced himself to not think about all the things about their relationship that were wrong and concentrated on the now, the way she felt in his arms, and how he felt about her at that moment. They occasionally traded kisses, Chiharu smiling when she noticed him stealing glances at her body under water, moving her hands and allowing him to touch and caress her.
The sun marched across the sky, making them move a little to stay in the shade of the tree that hung over the water. After an unknown, but precious period of time the two of them swam over to where they'd left their clothes, Chiharu pulling a blanket out of the bag and spreading it on the ground. Giving Keitaro a towel and wrapping one around herself, they sat down and dined on the lunches they'd brought and drank some bottled water. Keitaro and Chiharu took turns feeding each other with chopsticks and savoring the time together. Finishing her water, Chiharu packed up the remains and got up, dropping her towel and heading back into the water, using her finger to gesture for Keitaro to join her.
“Shouldn't you wait half an hour after eating before swimming?” he asked.
“It's a myth,” Chiharu explained dismissively.
Not feeling a need to argue with the woman he loved, Keitaro followed her into the water, swimming with her towards the waterfall. Once again Chiharu stepped under the wet curtain, but she continued on leading him through it and into a dark and damp cave behind the shimmering barrier. There was some sunlight getting in, refracted by the moving water, but it was still dark enough that Keitaro had to watch his step. “Is it safe here?”
“Safe enough,” Chiharu assured him. “When I was training in this area, I would come here to meditate.”
“Peaceful enough,” Keitaro remarked. There was the sound of falling water and the dripping from condensation, but it was quieter than he might have expected. He took a look over at Chiharu, who was absently brushing her hair off of her face and was once again struck by her beauty. She looked ethereal in this low light, like she'd been born from the mist of the waterfall itself. Her wet hair clung to her lithe, toned body, silver streaks almost glowing, and the way drops were slowly running down her skin caused him to stiffen. The cool water had had the expected effect on her nipples, and they were standing out brazenly, as if calling out to Keitaro to either pinch or suck on them.
Chiharu saw him watching her, witnessed his body's response and smiled, slowly walking towards the mesmerized Keitaro, like a cobra hypnotizing its prey before striking. When she was in front of him she took hold of his head and kissed him hungrily, moaning when his prick swelled up to its full length, its head brushing up against her. She deepened the kiss when Keitaro reached up and gently squeezed her left breast, softly pinching the hardened nipple between his thumb and forefinger. As Keitaro broke his lips off from hers and began eagerly laying his lips along the side of her neck, Chiharu reached down with her right hand and began stroking his now throbbing erection.
Keitaro grazed his teeth along the side of Chiharu's throat, like a vampire preparing to partake of her blood, but he never even came close to piercing the skin, his tongue trailing over her flesh, lapping up the occasional drop of water. He was almost as surprised as Chiharu when he let go of her breast, wrapped his hands around her ass and lifted her up against him. She looked uncertain as she hooked her ankles behind him, holding onto his shoulders as if she was afraid he'd drop her. His prick was pressed up against his stomach, her labia rubbing against it, and it twitched in excitement.
“Keitaro, is this okay?” Chiharu asked. “If you have to put me down, I won't mind…”
“No, it's okay,” Keitaro breathed, shifting his feet to insure good footing on the wet sand of the cave floor. “Because it's you, I can do this.” To prove his point the lifted her up and away from him a little. Chiharu then carefully reached down with her right hand and took hold of his cock, guiding the head of it against her warm lips, letting out a languid moan as Keitaro lowered her back down until she had his hardness surrounded.
Chiharu leaned her head forward and bit Keitaro on the right shoulder as he pulled down on her ass, feeding even more of his cock into her wet sheath. She tightened her grip with her legs and held onto his shoulders firmly, breathing through her mouth as Keitaro rolled his hips forward to thrust his prick into her. She bucked her hips forward to meet him halfway and impale herself on his hardness, her muscles squeezing at him as they moved together. Chiharu frantically kissed him, her tongue darting into his mouth and rubbing up against his as he drove inside her with every move he made.
Keitaro kept his eyes open while he kissed Chiharu, not wanting to miss the way she looked when they made love; he lived to see her face twisted in a grimace when they were together, or the dreamy, faraway look in her eyes after she climaxed. She broke the kiss and placed her forehead against his and they stared into each other's eyes, their mutual pants, gasps and cries audible even over the dull roar of the waterfall. Even though the air was cool in the cave Keitaro could feel himself start to sweat, but that heat was nothing compared to the hot, wet tightness that held his aching prick, his balls tightening up as he felt himself approaching his peak.
Chiharu could feel Keitaro's fingers holding her ass in a rock hard grip, there was no way he was going to let her fall. She'd been surprised, then amazed that he could stay standing like this, his balance was better than she'd ever seen it, and the knowledge that he was doing it for her touched her heart. However, his cock was also touching other places, secret places that contained thousands of nerve endings, and it was sending flashes up her spine that threatened to overload her mind. Chiharu stopped thinking about anything else besides the hard flesh Keitaro was hammering into her, every bump and vein on his shaft setting off fireworks in her head.
Keitaro felt himself approaching the edge, and he tried to think of something else, bit his lip, attempted to hold back to keep it from happening, but it was too much. With a cry he fired off a salvo of his sperm into Chiharu, the warm, white seed splashing deep into her, his body seizing up for a moment as he lost all voluntary control. His vision went grey at the edges as a final spasm sent more of his cum into her.
Chiharu threw her head back, her mouth open in a silent scream as she clenched at Keitaro's prick, her dripping walls squeezing him as she came, her body racked with shudders. The molten heat seemed to reach her very core, abolishing any feeling of chill she may have had, her body trying to draw all the warmth Keitaro had offered. “Warm… It's so warm,” she moaned as she hugged herself to Keitaro, wanting to feel his body against hers. She was only dimly aware of Keitaro taking a few steps back and sitting on a rock, making no effort to separate from her or to pull himself out.
Keitaro stayed on the rock as he tried to get his wind back, watching Chiharu slowly regain her control as well. This moment of absolute bliss was tempered when he realized that after today they would go back to seeing each other secretly again. He discovered that he'd come to enjoy spending time with her, and not just when they made love, but going out for walks, sightseeing, dinner, or even just catching a movie. But he'd also known that this was going to be a special week for them, and that it wouldn't last, so this wasn't anything unexpected. When Chiharu leaned forward and kissed him again, Keitaro reminded himself to stay in the moment, and not let the future get him down.
Chiharu ended the kiss and gave Keitaro an extremely bittersweet smile. “Oh Keitaro… This week has been magical…”
He nodded. “For me too, I'll never forget it. Never…”
Chiharu let out a heavy sigh and rested her head against his. “I almost wish this didn't have to end. Part of me doesn't want to leave tomorrow…”
Keitaro let out a shuddering breath. “It-it's only a small part though, right?”
“…yes… Keitaro… I-I'm sorry…”
“It's okay, I understand,” he rasped, his eyes burning with imminent tears. “But-but could you just hold me for a while? Please?”
Chiharu didn't say a word, she simply embraced him, resting his head on her shoulder, stroking his hair with her hand, and noticing that his shoulders were shaking softly. Or maybe it was her own shoulders that were shaking, or maybe both, she wasn't sure.
Neither of them moved or spoke for a long time, the roar of the waterfall continuing to fill the cave, punctuated by the sound of falling drops, but not all of these were from water condensation.
“You have everything Keitaro?” Chiharu asked later as she finished buttoning her blouse.
“It's all in the bag,” he replied without looking, continuing to watch the waterfall.
Chiharu came up behind Keitaro and gave him a hug. “I'm so happy I got to show you this place.”
“So am I,” he replied as he gave her hands a squeeze.
“Maybe we can come here again one day?”
“I'd like that,” Keitaro agreed with a smile as he looked back over his shoulder and kissed her. They reluctantly separated and Keitaro went over to pick up the bag before stopping short. “Wait,” he told her.
“What is it?”
He didn't answer, he went over to a plant and plucked an orchid, heading back to Chiharu. “Here, for you…” He placed the flower in her hair over her left ear.
Chiharu felt her heart skip a beat. “Thank you,” she whispered.
Keitaro stood there looking at her with the orchid in her hair and the waterfall behind her, wishing he could take a picture but knowing he couldn't. Burning the image into his memory and placing it where he kept his most precious thoughts and memories, most of which already involved Chiharu, Keitaro vowed to himself that he'd remember this until he died. “Let's go.”
Chiharu took his offered hand and the two of them began the long walk back; they didn't let go of each other until they reached their hotel room later that night.
Keitaro walked up the stairs to Hinata House, smiling as the residence came into view. `Has it really only been a week?' he thought. `It feels like it should have been much longer.' He'd had a long day already; they'd gotten up early, made love one last time, had a shower together, gotten dressed and packed, had breakfast in the hotel restaurant, and caught a cab to the airport. Keitaro and Chiharu were both returning to Japan, but were taking two very different routes; she was flying direct to Kyoto and Keitaro was flying back to Guam, then catching a flight to Tokyo. At the airport they had an hour to wait together before Chiharu's flight was called. They'd kissed, embraced, and then she'd gone, both of them fighting back tears.
Keitaro's flight to Guam was an hour later, and he had a five hour layover before his flight to Tokyo, so he spent some more time sightseeing and taking pictures, making sure that if asked he could talk about it enough to not raise suspicions. The trip to Narita was uneventful, if a little turbulent, and when Keitaro cleared customs again he caught a cab to take him home. He hadn't wanted anyone to meet him at the airport, so he'd asked Naru ahead of time to make sure everyone stayed home.
Letting out a sonorous yawn, and stretching his arms to work out the last of the stiffness, Keitaro picked up his suitcase from the top of the stairs and walked to the porch, opening the door and taking off his shoes, glad to be home. “I'm back!”
“Welcome back!” Naru called out as she walked into the hallway. “How was your trip?”
“Memorable,” he replied, giving her a friendly hug. Keitaro smiled when he saw Kitsune and Motoko enter as well, but a headcount came up two short. “Where are Su and Shinobu?”
“Shinobu's out shopping for some things for the celebration dinner now that you're back,” Motoko explained. “Su decided to tag along.”
“I see.” Keitaro repressed a shudder at a mental image of trying to get Su out of the produce section. “I guess I'll give everyone their souvenirs when we're all here…”
“Aww, that was nice of you Keitaro,” Kitsune purred, sidling up next to him. “I may have a little something for you then later…”
“He's had a long trip, he probably needs to rest,” Naru told her with a shake of her head.
“I bet he's tired from all the fun he had,” Kitsune pouted. “I bet you met up with some sweet young thing and spent all your time with her, right?”
Motoko rolled her eyes. “What color is the sky in your world?” she asked. “Keitaro would never do that.”
“She's right,” Keitaro agreed, nodding his head sagely.
“She was a housewife.” All three of the girls froze, slowly turning their heads to look at Keitaro in stunned disbelief. “She and her husband agreed that they needed some time apart,” Keitaro continued, ignoring the looks he was getting. “My first night, we were both sitting at the restaurant bar, waiting for a table. We started talking, and we decided to have dinner together, and afterwards she invited me up to her room. We ended up spending the next three days there, having room service send up food, and we in bed constantly. I had to have a toothbrush sent up, I never had a chance to get mine.”
Keitaro could feel his lips turned up in a wistful smile as images of those three incredible days flashed through his mind. “Eventually we went out together, we had to have the bed sheets changed if nothing else, and we did a little sightseeing, did the dinner and a movie thing, and we even fooled around in the back of the cab that took us to our hotel.” By now Kitsune and Motoko looked stricken and Naru was giving him a look that appeared to be both supportive and accusing. “We spent just about every moment together, we only parted this morning, and then she gave me some good advice.”
“What advice?” Naru asked neutrally.
“That if there's anyone special in my life, I should tell them,” he explained. “I thought about that the entire flight home.”
Keitaro took a step towards Kitsune, who had developed a severe facial tic, and took her hand. “K-Keitaro…?”
“I started to realize, maybe there is someone special in my life. Someone I hadn't considered, someone I haven't seen in that light… Maybe it's time that changed. Kitsune…?”
“Y-yes…?” she whispered, a dreamy look in her eyes as she gazed at Keitaro in open adoration.
There was only silence for a few seconds as a look of complete disbelief crashed over Kitsune, broken when Motoko started to snicker. “W-wha…? I-I don't… How…?”
Keitaro let go of the fox-eyed girls limp hand, chuckling to himself at finally turning the tables for once. By now Motoko's laughter was in full force, an almost melodic sound that danced in his consciousness.
Kitsune was torn between shock at having Keitaro -of all people!- pull one over her, and fury at being a laughing stock to her romantic rival. She looked to her oldest friend for support and was galled to see that Naru's shoulders were shaking as she tried to hold back the laughter. “I'll get you for this!” she yelled after Keitaro, who had run for the safety of his room, his laughter audible even at a distance.
“It'll have been worth it!” he called back, brushing tears from his eyes as he savored the long overdue payback against the sou's resident trickster. Still chuckling, he realized that it had been an impulsive decision, but he wouldn't have changed a thing even if he'd thought about it. He smiled when it dawned on him that he'd just told an almost completely truthful tale of what he'd done on his trip, only fudging the meeting. Now that he thought about it, Keitaro reasoned that by making it seem like a joke, no one would bother to question him about it, which would help keep the truth hidden.
Setting down his suitcase and laying on his futon, Keitaro looked up at the ceiling, for once having no concerns in the world. His vacation had been magical, his secret was safe, and he'd finally gotten even with Kitsune. “Somebody up there likes me.”
End of Part Five
Author's Notes: None, except this was pre-read by Rx7.
All errors are mine, not his.