MegaMan NT Warrior (Rockman) Fan Fiction ❯ The Clash of Love ❯ One Step at a time ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Clash of Love

Chapter Eight: One Step at a time

By KellyQ


Chaud helped Lan sit up as the nurse; Jesse came in with a wheel chair. Lan slid off the bed carefully and managed to be on his good leg. At that moment, Lan's leg gave way, making him use his injured leg. Pain shot through Lan's body and he yelped in pain.


Jesse stepped up just as Chaud did too, and caught Lan in his arms. The brown haired boy let out a whimper as he tried to regain his composure at the amount of pain. Jesse pushed the wheel chair closer. She watched the two closely, and made up her mind.

"I'm sure you can handle things from here, Mr. Blaze."

Chaud just ignored her and helped Lan sit in the wheel chair. The nurse walked out of the room.

"Are you sure you want to do this," Megaman asked, concern showing in his big green eyes.

Lan's expression went firm, as he moved his fist up and down. Chaud frowned in confusion. Being able to read the silver haired boy's expression, Lan sighed.

"I want to learn to walk again," the brown haired boy manage to say.

Chaud wheeled Lan into a spacious room. The wall ahead had a big window. The right side of the room had two parallel bars. The left side was empty.

Chaud pushed the wheel chair to one end of the parallel bars. Lan took hold of either side of the bars and pulled himself up. He used his good leg and gripped the bars to steady himself.

"I know you can do it, Lan!" Megaman cheered.

Lan blinked a few times. Then he noticed there was a small built-in TV screen on the wall, behind Chaud. Protoman and Megaman were in the screen. Chaud stood in the middle, with the wheel chair beside him.

"Take one step at a time, Lan," Chaud informed him. "And you'll do fine."

Lan looked at them. Chaud, Protoman, and Megaman gave him a reassuring look. Lan nodded his head feeling new energy go through him. Okay, one step at a time? I think I can do that. Lan gripped the bars and carefully placed a little weight on his injured leg. It hurt a little, but it wasn't bad the first time he put weight on it. He slid his hands forward and gripped the bars again. Lan put weight on his left leg again.

This was repeated until Lan was halfway there and lost his balance. Chaud stepped up and caught Lan in his arms.

"Sorry, I missed my footing," Lan murmured.

"That's okay," Chaud reassured, helping Lan steady himself. "Can you go on?"

The brown haired boy nodded. Chaud stepped back and watched Lan continue taking one step at a time, gripping the bars.

"You're doing great, Lan," Chaud informed, giving Lan a reassuring look. "just a few more steps."

Lan nodded his head. Sweat was dripping down his face, and he was panting. I know I can take a few more steps but I'm just tired, and my body hurts.

"Uh ... Chaud," Megaman hesitated, "I think we should call it ... Lan looks really exhausted."

Chaud knew that, but he also knew that Lan had to be strong. He stepped up and looked at the brown haired boy.

"If I help you the rest of the way, will you walk the rest of the way?" Chaud asked, offering two helping hands.

Lan nodded again and placed his hand in Chaud's. At that exact moment, the silver haired boy noticed that if Lan let go of the other bar, the brown-haired boy would put to much weight on that leg. He was still going to have Lan take the three steps that were left.

Anetta walked down the hallway, she wanted to mentally smack herself for being late. She wanted to be there and support Lan.

"That's it. Just one more step," came a voice that happened to be Chaud.

Anetta barged into the room, and stopped. Lan just took a step and lost his balance and was leaning up against Chaud.

Anetta smiled, wishing that she had her camera. "Kodak moments are always the best."

Chaud and Lan turned to see that it was Anetta. Her smiling face changed to concern.

"Sorry that I'm late..."

Anetta's voice faded when she noticed how tired Lan looked. She stepped up and took hold of the wheel chair. Anetta pushed the wheel chair to the other end of the parallel bars and stopped behind Lan.

"Tired..." Lan quickly murmured.

Chaud looked at the brown haired boy. "Do you want me to carry you?"

Lan nodded his head. Chaud gently lifted Lan so that he now carryed the brown-haired boy in his out-stretched arms.

"I can bring the wheel chair and Net Navi's to the other room for you, Chaud." Anetta offered, "besides, I want to talk to them."

Anetta turned to face the Net Navis. "So how are you two holding up?"

Megaman sighed. "I'm holding up."

Anetta's eyes sifted toward Chaud's Net Navi. "How about you, Protoman?"

Chaud's Net Navi didn't really want to answer that, and seeing Anetta brought Protoman quite a bit of guilt. Megaman sighed again and elbowed Protoman to get him to answer.

"I'm fine," Protoman finally answered, looking the other way.

"Don't mind his sour attitude, Anetta," Megaman apologized to her. "He can be great guy though..." he continued, and winked at Protoman.

A light shade of pink formed on Chaud's Net Navi's face again. "Will you please stop embarrassing me?"

It was more a demand than a request. Not that Protoman minded being complemented - he just wasn't quite used to new feelings that were starting to surface.

A playful look made it self known on Megaman's face. He leaned up against Protoman, like a dog. "What's there to be embarrassed about? There's nothing to be a shamed about telling people you're a great guy ..."

Anetta watched with amusement and chuckled, as Protoman managed to push Megaman gently away.

Chaud walked into the room just as Miss Mari walked up too. She quickened her walk and pulled the covers back. Chaud laid Lan down as Miss Mari pulled the covers up.

"So how did Lan do?" she managed to ask.

Miss Mari really wanted to be there to cheer Lan on, but she couldn't find someone to take her place at school. She felt really bad she lost two good friends. Lan's family were really caring people, and she was going to support Lan the best she could. Though she knew the brown-haired boy was getting plenty of it from Chaud, Megaman, and Protoman.

"I ... I lost my footing a few times," came a murmured voice that happened to be Lan.

"And that's okay," Miss Mari reassured Lan. "This is just like Netbattling, take it one step at a time."

Lan nodded his head and closed his eyes again. He couldn't help but smile. "Thanks for helping me Chaud ..."

The silver-haired boy blinked. Chaud's expression softened, as he looked down at Lan's innocent face. The brown-haired boy was out like a light.

To Be Continued...