MegaMan NT Warrior (Rockman) Fan Fiction ❯ The Clash of Love ❯ Don't give up ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Clash of Love

Chapter 11: Don't give up


The room was a little bigger than the last. The right side of the room had a built-in TV. The left side had two parallel bars. The front of the room had a bed and window.

Lan pointed their P.E.Ts to the TV, and their Net Navis were in the screen. Chaud pushed the wheel chair to the center of the room.

"Do you want to rest or practice walking on that leg?"

"Practice walking," Lan murmured truthfully. Chaud nodded his head and pushed the wheel chair to one end of the bars. "Chaud," Lan spoke up again. "Do you think there's any hope Megaman and I will cross-fuse again?"

Lan's Net Navi shrank slightly. He had almost forgotten all about that! Now that Megaman thought about it, how were they going to keep the Darkloids under control? He knew that Chaud and Protoman couldn't do it on their own. This really stinks, Megaman thought, as his eyes shifted. He wrapped his arms around himself.

Chaud stepped to Lan's side and turned, putting his hand on the brown haired boy's shoulder. "What did you tell me when I thought I was never going to get Protoman back?"

Lan sighed. He knew that Chaud was trying to get the brown haired boy to think for himself. " 'Never give up on your best friend'. But this is different - I was in a car accident, Protoman was corrupted by the Dark-Chip. See the point? I lost some of my strength - you just lost your Net Navi!"

There was an eerie silence in the room.

"Megaman ..."

Lan's Net Navi turned to see Roll running toward him. She threw herself at him. "I heard what happened. Is everything all right?"

Megaman sighed, and gently pulled her away. "I just feel so helpless - it just seems that some sort of spark has gone out inside of Lan ..."

Roll nodded her head and started the conversation again: "I know how you feel, but Lan has lost his family, so he's going to be depressed for a while. The only thing you can do right now is support and love him."

"Oh I have - I just wish there's more I can do ... like what happened to Lan. He's too weak, that we can't even Cross-fuse ..."

"So you're just going to give up ..." came a voice that happened to be Protoman.

Megaman and Roll turned to see Chaud's Net Navi walk up to them. "It's not that I'm giving up, Protoman - I just don't see what more we can do ..." Megaman confided in Chaud's Net Navi.

Protoman stepped up and hit Lan's Net Navi on top of the head again. Roll's eyes widened in shock for a moment, wondering if she should step in - but she stayed back just incase.

"That's a reminder about Chaud -" Protoman reminded him, as Megaman shook his head to clear it.

"That's right," Roll spoke up. "Chaud could make something that will help with the Cross-Fusion."

Chaud sat in front of the computer, typing madly away - their conversation playing in his mind ...

[I was in a car accident, Protoman was corrupted by the Dark-chip. See the point? I lost some of my strength - you just lost your Net Navi]

The white haired boy's expression changed to a frown. He was going to find away - so that Lan and Megaman could still be Net-savers. Chaud was so deep in thought, he didn't realize that Megaman appeared in the computer.

"Chaud ..."

The white haired boy stiffened. "Huh .. oh ... What's up?"

"Protoman said that you're doing some research - do you need any help?" Megaman offered.

"No - that's okay ..." Chaud responded shaking his head.

"All right. But if you need any help, just let me know."

A hint of a smile slowly made itself know on Chaud's face. "Sure."

Needleman appeared in Miss Yuriko's P.E.T with a knowing expression on his narrow face. "Lan and Megaman have moved to the other side of the hospital. And the other interesting thing is that Chaud might find a way to make it so Lan and Megaman can still Cross-fuse."

Miss Yuriko's eyes shifted back to the Blazequest building, then to her Net Navi. She pulled out her dark sunglasses, and placed them on her face, with a dark smirk. Not everyone can fix things Mr. Blaze, Miss Yuriko thought.

"You know what to do," She said cooly.

Needleman nodded his head and he disappeared out of the P.E.T. Miss Yuriko put it away, and started to walk the other direction.

"Mr. Blaze," came a voice.

Chaud turned the chair around to see one of his staff members standing there. He wasn't alone - Maylu stood next to him.

"Miss Sakurai insisted on seeing you ..."

A sigh came from Chaud, as he turned his chair again. He started to type madly on the computer. "That's fine. Take a seat, Maylu."

The staff member turned and walked out. Maylu walked up and sat down. She had a firm expression on her face, with only one thing in mind: she was going to help Chaud.

The white haired boy turned his chair around. "What do you want?"

"I want to help," Maylu answered.

Chaud closed his eyes, as his expression changed to paranoia. "Is that the only reason you came here - is to whine?"

Maylu growled in frustration. Her expression changed to anger. "You're not the only one who wants to help Lan," she fumed.

Maylu pulled out her own Synchro-chip. The sound of the chip landing on the desk made Chaud open his eyes. He looked at it for a moment, then back at Maylu.

At that moment, the ground started to shake. The two went to the window to see that a Dimensional-area had formed.

"Chaud," Protoman spoke, as the white haired boy pulled out his P.E.T. "It's Needleman."

Anetta walked into Lan's room, to see the brown haired boy on the floor. The red haired girl ran up, as Lan tried to get in the crawling position.

Anetta bent down next to the brown haired boy's side. "Lan, what are you doing out of bed?"

"Just help me stand," Lan requested.

Anetta nodded her head, and put her arms around Lan's waist. She slowly helped the brown haired boy to his feet, that's when she noticed Megaman was not even in the room. What was going on? Then it occurred to her - something happened and Lan was going to help no matter what.

"Lan, you're in no condition to do anything," Anetta stated firmly.

The dark haired boy's expression turned dark with anger. "Chaud needs me -"

So that's what is going on, Anetta thought. "Chaud can take care of himself," the red haired girl reassured Lan. "And I'm sure that Protoman wont let anything happen to him - and you did send Megaman ahead?"

Lan nodded his head. Anetta gave the brown haired boy a weak smile. "The only thing you can do that will help Chaud is get better."

He stood there, not saying anything - he was really starting to get fed up with everyone worrying about him.

To Be continued ...