Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway? Mobile Suit Gundam's! ❯ Props and Party Quirks ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Whose Line is it Anyway? Mobile Suit Gundam's! Pt 3

AN: No I will not do that winner does game with host bit.

Houou: Hey, welcome back to Whose Line is it Anyway, the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. Just like geometry class, it just doesn't matter. Our next game is called Props. You'll split into two pairs of two, Amuro and Mirai, and Bright and Char. [tosses a tiger print steering wheel cover at Mirai and a giant white bowl at Bright] You guys have to come up with as many uses for this item as you can, starting with Amuro and Mirai. [Amuro is holding the cover over Mirai's head.] Amuro: What a strange halo you have there. [Char is holding the bottom of the bowl to his head.] Bright: You picking up the International Channel on the satellite yet? [Mirai has the cover around Amuro's head.] Mirai: And here we observe the planet Saturn. [Char is wearing the bowl like a hat, covering his eyes.] Bright: Nice new helmet, Char. [Amuro is trying to put the cover around his waist.] Amuro: I think the hula-hoop's too small. [The bowl's on the ground.] Char: The giant's contact fell out! [Mirai's looking through the cover.] Mirai: Hey, I can see the harbor! [Bright holds the bowl, bottom side up. Char presses down on it.] Char: Eent! What is Canada? [Amuro holds the cover up.] Amuro: Rumor has it that he ran away from the other Olympic rings. [Char runs by. He is bent over and the bowl's over his head.] Bright: Look, Ma! A bullet train! [Houou triple buzzes] Houou: 9 billion points to my drama teacher for providing the props. Let's move on to our next game, Party Quirks! Bright, you're the host of a party and your guests are Mirai, Amuro, and Char, but you have to guess who they are. Bright: I'll just put up more flashy lights. [doorbell rings] Oh, that's the door. Hi Mirai. Mirai: [screen says "Navi on caffeine"] HEY! HEY! HEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEYHEY! Bright: Um, hi. Mirai: HEY! LISTEN! LISTEN! LISTENLISTENLISTENLISTENLISTEN! Bright: Okay, I'm listening. [doorbell rings] Hey! It's Amuro! Amuro: [screen says "matador"] Toro! Toro! [tries to get Mirai to act like a bull] Mirai: HEY! Bright: Okay.[doorbell rings] Hello Char. Char: [screen says "attack dog trained to attack Amuro"] [bites Amuro on the ankle] Amuro: OW! Bright: Okay, there's no attacking Amuro you dog. [buzzed] Amuro: [pretends to do that cape thing] Ole! Bright: And I believe that Spain is looking for matadors. [buzzed] Mirai: HEY! LISTENLISTEN! Bright:'re a hyperactive Navi. Houou: Close enough! [triple buzzes]