Mortal Kombat Fan Fiction ❯ Of Serpents and Sirens ❯ Flowers & Falls ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Master you called for us?"

Shang Tsung turned at the monk's voice. "Ahh, yes. I trust Miss Lily Cage has been shown to her new room?"

The monks nodded.

"And you have collected what I have asked for?"

Another nod.

"Good. Place them in her room before she wakes. They will be the first thing she sees in the morning. You may go."

The sorcerer chuckled, "Your move now, Lily Cage."

/   -  /   -  /  -  /

Lily followed the monk for thirty minutes before he stopped in front of an ornate carved door. He bowed and motioned for her to go in.

"Here are your rooms, miss. And this key will make sure your personal belongings are kept safe."

"Wait a second...rooms? Well it does make sense, considering my brother and niece will be staying here too."

The monk shook his head, "Kombatants have their own quarters. These rooms are your alone. You are a guest and will be treated as such. Another monk will be present in the morning to lead you back to the banquet hall for breakfast. Good night miss."

Another bow and the monk scurried off down the hall.

"Thank you!" She yelled after him.

She help up the rather weighty key and studied it closely, finding a small serpent etched into the metal. The very same serpent carved into the door frame.

'Okay, so he likes snakes.'

She took a deep breath and slide the key into the lock and turned it until it clicked. She timidly swung the door open and her jaw nearly hit the floor.

Blue, gold, and little hints of cream and red and dark stained wood filled her eyes. A giant plush carpet stretched from the door to the bed and stopped just shy of the fireplace. There was a fireplace! She could also see double door off to the right side of the fireplace. 'Probably leads to the bathroom.'

The room was beautiful.

'Guest, my ass. These is a room fit for royalty.'

Her thoughts trailed off as her gaze shifted upward to find a beautiful painting of the night sky. The stars seemed to flicker and blink as she looked on. She rubbed her eyes.

"I must be more tired than I thought. The bed certainly looks comfy enough."

It was a giant four poster bed replete with dark blue satin covers and sheer navy curtains stitched with golden serpents at the edges. It looked so inviting that she just shrugged her shoulders, kicked off her shoes and jumped into it. The mattress was soft and the blankets seemed warm to the touch as she pulled them out and over her frame. Within minutes she was asleep the last thought on her mind...

'I'll check the bathroom in the morning.'

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Darkness surrounded her, it twisted and swirled, lightly caressing her skin. it wrapped around her arms and slowly turned from black to orange and red, bursting into flames that formed into snakes. They nipped and licked at her and then all at once they fled like a flood from her and became a giant serpent with a single glowing green eye clutching a skull in its jaws. The snake bit down, shattering the skull and roared a hoarse sounding screech. It reared back and thrashed it's tail making the earth quake beneath her feet.

It suddenly rushed at her, jaws opened and she screamed, suddenly sitting straight up in her bed. She clutched her chest as it rose and fell rapidly, her lungs burning for oxygen.

'What the fuck was that?'

It was then she noticed a slight scent to the air and looked around her room in awe. There had to be at least twenty bouquets of white lilies in her room but one bouquet stood among them all and it stood alone on her bedside table. They were the most beautiful dark purple she had ever seen and nestled among the dark purple petals was a piece of parchment.

She groaned and fell back onto her bed. "Of course..."

Rolling her eyes she sat up and plucked the folded note from where it sat, almost mocking her. Flipping it open, she quickly read it, giggling at the last line.

'Damn it.'

'Keep it from the flame this time.'

A knock on the door startled her and she scrambled to get untangled from the blankets, which caused her to lean too far forward and she fell out of the bed onto to the floor with a loud thump, knocking her elbow on the side table in the process.


"Miss Cage? Are you alright? I am here to escort you to the banquet hall. Breakfast is soon to be served."

'Double shit.'

"Umm can you give me a few minutes?"

"Of course miss."

She rubbed her elbow, pulling back a blood-stained hand. "Well, fuck."

"Umm, is there a first aid kit somewhere?"

"You are injured? May I enter?"

"Yeah, of course."

The monk quickly entered and clucked at her when he noticed the cut on her elbow and then he pointed to her knee.

"Your knee is injured as well miss."

Lily rolled her eyes. "I'm a little groggy in the mornings so I tend to be a bit more clumsy."

He nodded. "Once I am done bandaging them, I will leave so you may get ready."

The monk was quick in getting the supplies, cleaning, and wrapping her elbow in a cloth bandage. Her knee didn't require a bandage so he just cleaned it and put a sweet smelling salve on both.

"There you are miss. Now if you will get ready I will take you to your friends."

"Thank you so much."

The door closed and she sighed, giving a sidelong glance to the flowers. "Well, what should I wear?"

She smiled.

'I have the perfect thing.'

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Johnny scanned the hall, looking for his sister. When he couldn't see her, he sighed, causing Cassie to elbow him.

"Don't worry Dad. You know she likes to sleep in."

"I know but after last night...I don't know, I just have this feeling something's going to go wrong."

"Well, dad, you don't have to worry too much because there she is and, oh my god..."


He looked up and shook his head, laughing.

She was wearing dark blue cut off jean shorts, a pale pink tank top and ballet flats.

Her hair was swept into a side braid allowing one side of her neck to be completely bare.

 'You're playing with fire, sis.' 

"Hello everyone. I didn't miss anything did I?"

"None at all. Why is your arm bandaged?"

"Fell out of bed."

Cassie fell over laughing, "See, I told you dad. Nothing to worry about. Same aunt Lily no matter where we are."

While everyone else laughed, Johnny stole a quick glance to where Shang Tsung was sitting and saw the sorcerer's eyes glued to the young woman and shook his head.

'Don't you dare think about it, snake man.'

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

He had to keep a strong grip on his drink when she finally entered the hall and he saw what she was wearing. So much skin. 

Then he noticed the bandage around her arm and his eyes narrowed in thought. He signaled to a monk.


"The monk that was assigned to Miss Cage...bring him to me."

A few moments later the man in question was before him, bowing low.

"What has happened to Miss Cage? Her arm is bandaged."

"Apparently, master, she fell out of her bed this morning, hitting her elbow on the bedside table in the process. It was not a deep cut but it was bleeding. I cleaned the cut, put salve on it and bandaged it.

"Good. Make sure you deliver my other gift before she returns to her rooms this afternoon. She will be dining with me tonight."

"Yes, master."

/  -  /  -  /

"So what happens after breakfast? Where will my seat be?"

"We will all meet in the courtyard in our respective groups and the tournament will start. Whatever you see sis, do not interfere or you may get challenged yourself. More than likely you will be placed with Raiden and Fujin as they do not fight unless directly challenged."

"Okay, noted."

She grabbed some toast and placed a few chunks of fruit on her plate. As she polished off her last bite of toast a loud gong sounded.

Johnny nodded, "Well action time boys and girls." 

Lily looked longingly down at the fruit left on her plate. "But my fruit..."

"Don't worry, the matches won't be long and there should be some refreshments."

Shaking her head, she stood up, following her brother out into the courtyard where the three of them met up with Jacqui, Takeda, Raiden, and Fujin. There were 4 others there that she hadn't met yet.

"Hey, Liu, how's it going man?" Johnny held his hand up but when Liu didn't return the gesture he dropped it sheepishly.

"Oh, hey, I want you guys to meet my baby sister. This is Lily. Lily, this is Liu Kang, Princess Kitana of outworld, you know Sonya and Mr. hat there is Kung Lao."

They all laughed at that last statement.

"Hey, my hat is dangerous, Johnny Cage. Don't make fun of it."

"How is it dangerous?"

Kung Lao's eyes lit up and Johnny groaned.

"Well, you see through my training I have learned to manipulate my hat and use the brim of it much like a blade. I have even used it much like a chainsaw to cut people in half."


Sonya stepped up to her and gave her a quick hug.

"How have you been, Lil?"

"Good. How about you? How's military life?"

Sonya chuckled, "As good as it can be."

"Liu Kang. Kung Lao. It is good to see you two. You two as well Kitana and Sonya. I trust you are all prepared."

Liu Kang bowed to Raiden. "Lord Raiden. We have prepared to the best of our abilities. Do you sense something?"

"An ill wind indeed. I have felt a dark presence here but cannot yet place it. Be vigilant."

Another gong sounds and this time Shang Tsung raises a hand.

"The tournament will begin."

Raiden places a hand on Lily's shoulder. "Come we must find a safe vantage for you to watch from."


When they turn, they come face to face with a monk who quickly bows to them both.

"Miss Cage, if you will follow me. Master Shang Tsung has invited you to watch from his balcony."

"She will stay with Fujin and I. She is more than safe with us."

"The master states that Miss Cage is his guest and his invitation only extends to her."

"I must insist you decline, Miss Cage."

She places a hand on his arm. "Raiden, its fine. I'll be in full view of everyone, so I doubt he'll do something. Now go make sure my brother doesn't say something stupid to the wrong person."

"Only if you are sure of your decision."

"Yes. I'll be fine." 

She waves him off and follows the monk up a set of steps.  She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly as the monk bows.

"Master Shang Tsung? Miss Cage has arrived."