Mortal Kombat Fan Fiction ❯ Of Serpents and Sirens ❯ Dinner With the Devil ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

'There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.' - Mark Twain

"Holy Hell! This is your room, Aunt Lily? You sure weren't kidding about the flowers."

Cassie spun around, whistling low.

"Hey, you have a balcony too!"

She ran to the double doors and threw them open, revealing a small balcony also decorated with bouquets of lilies.

Lilly giggled at how childish her niece could be. 

"Hey, slow down. You're supposed to be helping me pick an outfit out. Something somewhat formal but something that doesn't scream easy, you know."

"So a polite let down outfit. Well first you gotta take a bath. There's a bathroom, right?"

"I think its through that door next to the fireplace."

Her niece grinned, "Alright, you go take a bath and I will go get some things from my room and when I come back we'll go through your outfits."


Lily hadn't seen the bathroom yet but she hadn't been expecting that and more than anything she hadn't been expecting the dress that greeted her when she opened the door.

It was lowcut, but not too revealing and had no back to it, that much she knew from looking at it. The fabric was black with a slight shimmer and was floor length. and off to the side were matching shoes. Flats. 'Thank god.'

"Its beautiful."

When she picked up the skirt portion she noticed slits on either side of the front panel. On her they looked like they would stop just mid-thigh.

She groaned, dropping the skirt. "Of course he would."

Pointing at the dress, she shook her head. "I'll deal with you after my bath." She turned to the bathtub and whistled. It was huge and along the sides were different sizes and colors of bottles. Probably different bath oils and shampoos. There was also a few small squares wrapped in wax paper. Probably bars of soap.

"It's the size of a kiddie pool, Shang Tsung, what the hell?"

As she undressed, her eyes kept going back to the dress. Should she wear it?

Sinking into the hot water of the bath, she sighed in relief. Lily shrugged her shoulders and reached for one of the bottles.

"Well here goes."

She opened and smelled every bottle, settling on one that smelled of vanilla and strawberries. The squares actually were soap, so she chose the one that smelled like vanilla.

When she rinsed off and got out, the faint scent of strawberries laced with vanilla followed her. Wrapped in her towel, she just stood there staring at the dress.

There was a knock at the door.

"You decent?"

"Yeah. Come on in Cass."

Cassie peaked in the door and her eyes widened when she saw the pool. And then she saw the dress "Well, damn. I guess he thought of everything."

"Yeah, I know."

"So I brought a few things with me. I don't know if you have any makeup or not."

Lily shook her head. "You know I don't wear it. And I definitely don't want to give him any ideas."

Cassie scoffed, "Hey, he may be a creepy ass but that doesn't mean you can't look like a million bucks."

The older woman laughed, "Fine. But one question?"


"Why did you bring makeup to a fighting tournament?"

She shrugged, avoiding her gaze. "Oh no reason."

"Could it maybe be because of Fujin?"

When Cassie stilled, Lily knew she had hit it on the head.

"Oh Cass, really? He seems like a good guy."

"He's sweet, strong and absolutely gorgeous, but he's also a god. Like he would ever be interested in me as anything more than a friend."

"You never know sweetie. I mean he seemed genuinely interested in your reaction to his hair."

Cassie put her hands on her hips, "Hey! This isn't the time for this okay? Plus, you still have a dinner date to get ready for."

Lily groaned, "I know!"

The younger Cage woman grabbed the dress and looked it over. "Well, lets see if we can give the old creep a heart attack. He definitely deserves it."

"Now lets not get carried away. It's not like this is a date or anything. This is just dinner, nothing more."

"I know that. Now where's my good red lipstick?"

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

The evening gong sounded, just a knock echoed in her room. Lily was suddenly very nervous looking down at herself, hands shaking as she smoothed the dress down.

'Well, its time.'

When she opened the door, her throat went dry. He was dressed to match, with a crimson red shirt, a black vest and slacks. 

He seemed a little surprised at first but then he grinned and gave a short bow and as he straightened back up, she could feel his eyes raking over her figure.

"Magnificent, my dear. I'm pleased you wore it. I knew it would be prefect for you. " His eyes lingered on her bare neck before flicking to her lips, stained cherry red.

Shang Tsung turned and with a single flick of his wrist, conjured a portal. He looked back at her and offered his arm.

"Our dinner awaits."

She took a breath and squared her shoulders before she grabbed his arm. His hand was warm as it covered hers. The feeling snaking up her arm and sending her pulse thumping.

When they emerged through the portal, they were in an alcove and she could hear rushing water.

She looked to him questioningly, "Where are we?"

He chuckled, patting her hand. "All in due time. Come."

He led her down the dimly lit alcove towards an archway lit up with the strong glow of firelight. When they stepped through, she gasped.

There was a fenced in stone balcony overlooking the most beautiful waterfall she had seen. And there was a small table with two chairs, one on either side. It was a small table, so much that if she were to stretch her legs out after she sat down, she would touch him.

She blushed at that thought. 'Good lord girl. Remember who he is...'

Shang Tsung smiled smugly to himself at her reaction to the table. 'Excellent.'

"The meal will not be too heavy as the only way in or out of this area is by portal and that tends to be...problematic to the stomachs of those not used to it."

Lily rolled her eyes, "So don't eat too much or I'll throw up? Not a great way to make a good impression."

He pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her back, letting his thumb graze the bare skin there. "Wanting to impress me, are you?"

'Such soft skin.'

She stepped away, putting some distance between them, hoping it would calm her racing pulse. "No..I..I just agreed to this dinner as a way to thank you for the flowers and how pleasant I've been treated here so far."

"I see. Well, then shall we eat?"

The sorcerer was all charm as he led her to her side of the table, pulling the chair out and helping her to sit. When he reached his side, he motioned to the bottle.


"Yes, thank you."

He slowly poured a small amount into her glass and then his.

Raising it to her, he muttered, "Its a wonderfully vintage Italian wine, nearly 100 years old. Perfect for this 'special' occasion."

She raised it back, "And what's special about this dinner?"

Taking a sip, he sets the goblet down. "A delicious meal, accompanied by a beautiful woman who looks equally delicious. What's not special?"

"I don't know what you think is going to happen during this dinner, but I'm going to have to disappoint you rather early. I'm no whore, Shang Tsung. This is dinner ONLY."

She could tell that she hit a nerve when his jaw clenched and he sat back in his seat.

"I never said you were, Lily Cage. But a man like me, who has lived as long as I have, appreciates beauty when he sees it, especially in a dress of his own choosing. Oh no, my dear, this is dinner, yes, but how long will you last before you give in?"

She glared at him, "How long will you?"

He threw his head back and laughed heartily, "My dear, I have lived for nearly 10,000 years. I have learned patience. I can wait for what I want."

Lily blushed at the insinuation in his tone.

"So that statement I made yesterday about..."

"Teaching me new things? I found it amusing and intriguing. It makes me wonder-Ahh, here is our meal!"

Now she was intrigued. Just what was he wondering about?

She studies him out of the corner of her eye as she grabs a spoon and digs into the stew set in front of her.

After a few bites, he questions her.

"How is it?"

Lily smiles, "Its really good."

"The monks here are quite adept at cooking. This stew is one of my many favorites."

Without thinking she stretches her foot out and it grazes Shang's ankle. He stills, quickly looking up at her.

"Sorry, my foot is cramping up."

"Apologies are not needed. Are you finished with your stew?"


He grabs a napkin and quickly wipes the corner of his mouth before standing up and holding a hand out to her.

"Walk with me. I would like to show you the waterfall."

She pauses a moment, looking at his hand.

He shakes his head. "Just dinner and a walk. Friendly conversation is all I want at the moment."

A nod and she takes his hand.

They walked down a small staircase that had been carved into the rockface. He still gently held her hand in his as they descended down the steps. 

"This staircase took some time to carve as the monks had to be careful not to fall. They would throw ropes down the side and one would be lowered down. They would trade places every so often but it was still grueling work for all involved. but I do believe it was worth it."

When they reached the bottom of the staircase, she could see another set of stone steps, this time leading down into the water.

Shang Tsung motions to the waterfall, "This is one of two safe areas to swim. I wouldn't suggest swimming in the ocean surrounding this island."




"But I did not bring you down here for a swim. Some other time perhaps."

Her face burned and she looked up at the open sky, willing her face to cool down.


She glanced at him and noticed a small boat in the pool with a monk handling the oar.

"That wasn't there before."

"There is an opening behind the waterfall. I'll help you in."

Lily shook her head, "I...I don't do boats."

He chuckled and gently gripped her arm. "Where's your courage, my dear?"

"Hey! I...oh fine! Ass."

She slipped off her flats and pulled up the edge of her skirt, stepping down into the boat and taking a seat.

Shang sat down next to her, his side pressing against hers and motioned to the monk who pushed off from the small dock.

"Now, I will warn you...there is no magic for the waterfall. You are going to get drenched."

Spluttering in mild terror, "What? But the dress?"

"If you like it so much, I'll just have another made for you."

He leaned close to her, lips brushing her earlobe.

"Or you can take it off."

Her hands clenched the fabric of her dress and bunching it up she revealed the edge of black ink on her thigh, he grinned.

"You have a tattoo?"

She looked up at him puzzled until he pointed to the edge of ink being shown.

'Oh. Oh shit. Did he have to notice that tattoo?'

"Umm, yeah. I have a few actually. There. One on my back. My neck. and my ankle."

"How delightful. What of?"


"Usually when one gets a tattoo, it is to represent something, is it not?"

"Do you have any?"

"Yes. One."

Just as she opened her mouth to ask about it, the waterfall rushed over them and she gasped for air, shaking from the sudden shock of cold. 

He laughed at her reaction. "It's invigorating? Isn't it?"

"Its cold damn it! I'm not wearing much to begin with, Shang!"

Oh he knew. He watched the water trickle from her hair and slide down her cleavage. The black fabric clung to her like a glove and he could see the faint pebble of her nipples through the dress. His throat went dry.


She stilled and locked eyes with him and heat hit her hard. He was looking at her like he did earlier that morning. Like he wanted to devour her. Her thighs clenched and she quickly looked away.

That's when she noticed where they ended up. They were in a little grotto, completely filled with the purple lilies that she found in her room.

"The lilies."

"Yes. I thought you would like to see them." 

The monk guided the boat to another dock and quickly jumped out and tied the boat off. He bowed to them and left quickly.

He stepped up and reached back for her, gripping both her hands and when she stepped up, he finally was able to see the tattoo on her thigh in full. It was of a surprisingly familiar subject which he filed away for, hopefully, future use.

She smiled softly at him as she stepped away to stand among the lilies. "Thank you."

A Lily among the lilies. The shiver as she wrapped her arms around her middle put him strangely at ease.

"No, thank you hehua."

"What did you call me?"

He traced her cheek with a finger, "You have been such lovely company tonight, Lily Cage. I hope that we can have dinner again."

She looked around. "What? Here?"

"It can be arranged."

"Now I didn't agree to anything."

"Your choice, my dear. but on one condition?"

Lily rolled her eyes, "Always conditions and deals with you isn't it?"

He bowed deeply, "It is one of my many endearing traits. But what is a tattoo depicting Shibari doing on your lovely thigh?"

She didn't speak, she just turned away from him taking a few steps, stopped, took a deep breath then turned back to him.

"It might surprise you to know that I actually practice it. Well, used to."

Shang Tsung arched a brow at her, "Used to? Why is that?"

"That is not a discussion I wish to have right now."

"As you wish."

He reached a hand out and motioned down the walkway, a portal appearing out of thin air. "It is getting late, I'll take you back to your rooms."

She actually looked at him in shock, "What?"

"I would not wish for you to be too tired in the morning. I wish for your company watching the tournament tomorrow."

Laughing, she took his arm and his arm twitched but then he pulled her closer and in a rush of warm air they were back in the hallway, right in front of her door.

"You are freezing, hehua."

"You know you still haven't told me what that means."

He shook his head. "He was a fool, you know?"


"Shibari is considered an ultimate form of trust. For one to break that trust...they understand nothing of it."

"How do you know about it?"

He stopped and took her arms and bent them gently behind her back and pressed her against him. She stilled against him, glancing up at him through her lashes. "There are few private joys of mine and seeing beautiful flesh bound and waiting for my touch is exhilarating. Just one of the many things I could teach you, my dearest."

She was breathing heavy, her skin was flushed and she was biting her lip. She was soft against him and he lightly brushed fingers over the smooth skin of her back. It made heat curl low in his abdomen. He wanted her, viciously. But she would come to him. Not the other way around.

He held her against him, her breasts pressed flat against his chest. She could feel him breathing slow and even as her own breathing became uneven and ragged. He just looked down at her, a questioning look in his eyes. She glared at him even as her core clenched.

Damn if it didn't bring back memories of being tied up and left hanging until the blood rushing to her head left her that feeling of being high. It was a similar feeling she had now as he held her. She didn't want to but god she liked it.

Then all at once he let go of her, taking a step back and she stumbled forward until he caught her.

She angrily poked him in the chest, "What the hell was that!?"

He smirked at her, "Just a test. My sincere apologies."

She stomped a foot and huffed. "You! You...I swear sometimes I just want to..."

She trailed off as her cheeks tinged pink.


"Nothing. Good night."

He backed her up against her door. "Its not nothing if you're blushing, my dear."

She pushed at him, "Nope. Not saying a word."

"Do not be embarrassed, my dear."

He gripped her hand and turned it over, placing a gentle kiss on her wrist over the pulse.

"If its any consolation, your wrist is a pale comparison to those lips of yours. Every time you licked them or bit them tonight, I yearned to be the one to do it for you."

Lily's thigh clenched. 'Damn.'

"So why don't you?"

The sorcerer said nothing as he placed another kiss on her wrist, eyes locked with hers before stepping away. 

She suddenly felt bereft, lost in a wave of lust.

"Only when your sure of this, hehua. If I kiss you now...well, I'm a possessive man and when I have you, I will have all of you. Every inch. Good night."

Her stomach flipped and her pulse was racing, pounding in her temples. 

He had only taken three steps down the hallway when she called out to him.

"One more question, Shang?"


"What does 'hehua' mean?"

He only smiled and shook his head.

"All in due time, dear one."

She opened her door, stepped inside and slumped against it as it closed, clutching her throat.

"My god, that man is going to ruin me."