Mortal Kombat Fan Fiction ❯ Of Serpents and Sirens ❯ The First Sip ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

There's a moment, 

Between glance, and a kiss. 

Where the world stops,

For the briefest of times. 

And the only thing between us is the anticipation

Of your lips on mine.

A moment, so intense,

It hangs in the air as it pulls us closer.

A moment, so perfect,

That when it comes to an end,

We realize;

It's only beginning. - Anonymous


Going to bed the previous night had been rather uneventful. She peeled off the cold fabric of her dress and just crawled under the covers where the warmth of the blankets seeped into her flesh and allowed her to drift into unconsciousness.

She found herself floating in the hot spring in her bathroom. The warmth was delicious and soothing. She kept her eyes closed and let herself drift.

Hands gently but firmly wrapped around her waist startling her and she jolted down under the water. The hands pulled her back up right into the concerned face of Shang Tsung.


"I did not mean to frighten you, hehua.'

'What are you doing here?' She quickly realized that he was in her bathtub and she was facing him, everything in full view. Suddenly she whipped around, covering her breasts.

He laughed, 'Still so embarrassed, my dearest?'

One hand trailed soft feather light touches up her spine and up to her jaw, causing her to shiver. While the other hand wrapped around her left side. His head dipped and lips connected with her neck causing her to arch back with a moan.


She could feel his breath against her skin as he whispered.

'Yes, give in, hehua. Give in to me.'

She jolted awake, her thighs quivering and core clenching.

'Damn that man.'

Lily knew after that dream she wouldn't be going back to sleep any time soon. She had to do something. The heat in her core gave her one idea but she quickly ignored it.

'I literally just met the guy. I...I can't just...ahh! Walk!'

She jumped out of bed, surprisingly not tripping over anything. 'Big points there.' Grabbing some shorts and a tank top she pulled them on, grabbing her flats and she was out the door.

It was pretty quiet in the hallway as she hopped on either foot tugging her shoes on. 

'Now where is best place to go for a walk here? Beach? Hmm...he said it was dangerous but what if I keep close to the compound? Yeah.'

When she entered the banquet hall she could see a few people passed out on the floor. Soft snores coming from some of them. She giggled and shook her head.

'And that, boys is why you have only 2.'

She made her way out the double doors and down into the courtyard, where monks were busy sweeping and clearing it for that day's series of fights.

She waved to one monk who immediately bowed to her. "Umm excuse me? Is there anyway I can go for a walk on the beach? I know its dangerous out there, but hopefully not so close to the compound."

The monk nodded and pointed to a different set of doors close to where Shang Tsung's private balcony was.

She gave short bow back. "Thank you."

Lily jogged through the door and followed a small stone pathway that led her down to the white sandy beach. She stopped when the smell of salted air hit her and she took a deep breath in, letting it out with a sigh.

Kicking off her sandals, her toes sank and wiggled in the slightly cool sand. Seagulls screeched above her head as the sky lightened as more of the sun began to peek over the water. Her mind drifted back to last night and Shang Tsung's words to her.

'I'm a possessive man. When I finally have you, I will have all of you.'

And then that damn dream. 

'Give in to me.'

Her stomach flipped and she rubbed her wrist when he kissed it.

"'Finally?' Pretty damn sure of yourself aren't you?"

When the seagulls moved further from her she could make out the faint sound of grunts. Curiosity had her following the sound until she was right next to it and when she stepped out from the foliage, she found the source.

Lily stopped dead in her tracks.

Here she had just been taking a walk to clear her mind, especially after that 'dream' and who does she come across but none other than Shang Tsung.

And he was shirtless, with baggy pants that hung loose on rather trim hips. She bit her lip. She could make out a small marking on his shoulder. Ahh, so thats where his tattoo is.

She watched breathless as he slowly moved through several sets of fluid movements where he looked like he was gliding across the sand before he quickly threw a set of punches forward making the muscles in his back contract and release.

He was all lean muscle and lightly tanned skin...she licked her lips as she watched sweat bead down his back.

And then he turned around and they both froze in surprise.

Lily's mind was too occupied with his bare chest to barely register that he had walked closer to her.

He didn't expect her to be standing there watching him when he had turned around. He had been training, running through katas like he has every morning for centuries but when he noticed how her eyes kept trailing over his shirtless form he felt a thrill of male pride.

"Enjoying the view, my dear?"

She jumped and quickly looked anywhere but at him, cheeks flushed.

He couldn't help it and laughed. "If I had known all it would take is being shirtless in front of you. I would have done it from the start, hehua."

She turned, kicking sand at him and he quickly side stepped away from her, laughing harder at her face glaring at him.

"You are such an ass, Shang Tsung."

"I dare that you rather enjoy it."

"Do not."

He walked barefoot to the shade where a table and chair stood. He leaned over and grabbed a towel off the chair, wiping his face and neck.

"Now why are you out her?"

She shrugged, "Couldn't sleep so I thought I'd take a walk."

"This island is dangerous Lily."

She put her hand on her hips, "Then why are you out here?"

He chuckled, "I'm decidely more dangerous than anything out here?"

"So then I should be fine, right? As long as you're here? Unless..."

He paused from reaching for a glass of water and arched a brow, "Unless what?"

"Unless you have something devious planned for me?"

Placing the glass down, he grinned, raking his eyes down her frame and taking slow steps towards her until he was only inches from her. She quickly placed her hands on his chest, stopping him from coming any close.

She could feel his heartbeat, steady against the palm of her hands. While her own heart raced, a rapid beat against her ribs.

Lily couldn't move, frozen by the look in his eyes. His gaze shifted from her hands, flicking up to her lips and then back to her own eyes. He traced a finger along her chin.

"I have many wicked things planned actually. The choice has always been yours, hehua."

His skin felt warm and solid beneath her palms and she suddenly felt devious herself. So she flexed her hands and lightly dug her fingernails into his flesh.

He groaned at the sensation. "Feeling courageous are we?"

Smirking at him, she raked both hands down his chest hard, catching a nipple as she did, causing him to gasp. But when he reached his hand to grab her, she smiled and took a few steps back.

He took a step forward and she took one back, shaking her head.

Shang Tsung glared at her, "Do not test my patience, little one."

"Didn't you say you could wait for what you wanted?"

A snarl was her only answer as he surged towards her, one hand gripped her arm and dragged her against him as the other hand burrowed into her hair. Their lips crashed together ripping a sound somewhat between a groan and a growl from him. She was a forbidden fruit, sweet and irresistible.

She moaned, melting against him as he viciously attacked her mouth. Both of his hands gripped her ass and in response one leg rubbed along his thigh until a hand grabbed it and lifted it to hook around his hip. He lifted her up, snugly pressing her into the nearby tree, a thigh pressing between her thighs against her core. 

Her hands found their way into his hair, pulling and tugging, pulling a gasp from the sorcerer.

He broke away from her mouth to nip and lick a fiery trail down her jaw and neck to her collarbone.

She whined and arched, rubbing herself against his thigh. "Shang..."

He chuckled, nibbling at her lips. He enjoyed this...this moment when they become so responsive to his touch.  

"I said I had patience, little one, not that I had an infinite amount of it."

He returned to attacking her neck drawing a yelp from her as he bit down on her collarbone, soothing over the mark with his tongue. It made him painfully hard...this chase...this back and forth...and he tasted sweet victory on her lips.

"You taste exactly like I imagined, deliciously sweet, my dear. I wonder-"

Just then the echoing sound of bells ringing filled her ears and back to reality.

She didn't want to move, god his mouth left fire where-ever they touched and her center throbbed from the sensation of him pressed against her. But this was going fast, much too fast.

Lily pushed at him, panting heavily.

"I..uh..think I should get back."

His lips halted their assault, and he looked at her, his eyes flashing with brief moments of confusion and annoyance. 'Damned Tournament.'

His hands were warm against her skin, fingers tracing over her ribs just under her breasts. Quickly he captures her lips once more and she moans into his mouth, arching up into him, moaning as she inadvertently rubbed herself against his thigh again.

Slowly he lets her down, her body sliding flush against his and they both groan at the tortuous sensation.

"Very well, my sweet. I'll relinquish you this time."

Her body was on fire and her core ached painfully. She could only duck her head down, letting her hair cover her face.

He chuckled, hooking a finger under her chin, forcing her gaze to lock with his.

Her lips were swollen and red, cheeks tinged pink and chest flushed.


"Embarrassed hehua?"

He leaned close and nibbled at her earlobe. She gasped.

"I will just have to help you with that."