Mortal Kombat Fan Fiction ❯ Of Serpents and Sirens ❯ Voodoo ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

If things hadn't been awkward at first they were now. She couldn't even look at him.

She was sitting down watching the tournament below as Shang Tsung stood next to her. It was quiet. She didn't know what to say...I mean what do you say after that?

She had literally humped herself to an orgasm like a dog in heat and on his-

Her face burned.

"You're blushing again, my dear."

Lily shook her head, pressing her palms against her cheeks.

"The sun's pretty warm today."

He chuckled, trailing a finger along her shoulder, lightly brushing over the mark on her collarbone. She hissed at the contact.

"Then you should retire to your rooms, dearest. We wouldn't want you to get heat stroke."

"I should be fine after some water."

Shang leaned down to her, "I insist. Go soak in the bath and sleep. You will need it."

'For tonight.' She finished mentally, swallowing thickly.

She gave a nod and stood up, stumbling forward before he stopped her with a hand on her hip.

"Careful hehua."

Her gaze flicked from his eyes down to his lips and back. He slyly grinned at her.

"Is there something you want, my dear?"

She hesitated as the roar of the crowd cheering below filled her ears and he gaze shifted to where she saw fire engulfing a fighter. Scarlet had lost and had been left a charred husk on the ground.

A touch on her arm broke her focus and she looked back at Shang.

"A fatality. The blood mage barely stood any chance against Raiden's chosen one."

"Chosen one?"

The sorcerer waved her off with a smug grin, "nothing you need be concerned with. Go now. Rest. You've earned it."

She couldn't look any of the monks in the face as she walked past them, cheeks tinged pink.

Her mind was a jumbled mess as she made her way down the stairs, not paying attention to the goings on that surrounded her.

"Lily Cage are you well?"

She jumped, startled out of her thoughts, straining to look up at the thunder god in front of her.

"Ra-i-iden?! You startled me."

He gave a curt bow, "my apologies. I had seen you leave Shang Tsung's balcony early. Johnny was concerned for you."

She laughed nervously, "oh, no need. I'm just a little overheated. I was going to go rest in my rooms for a while."

Raiden nodded in agreement. Looking up at the glaring sun above. "The sun is indeed strong today. Mortals do tend to be more susceptible to its heat. It would be good for you to get rest."

She gave a quick bow and walked away with a wave of her hand.

The banquet hall and hallways were empty except for the occasional monk that scurried back and forth carrying baskets of linens.

Then as she reached her door, she heard what seemed to be a faint whisper. Her eyes scanned the hallway and not seeing anyone she shook it from her mind.

"Please...Wǒ yīngjùn de shé..."

There it was again.


Suddenly breath caressed her ear, "Jiù tā. Shìfàng tā."

Her hand shook as she stumbled forward and as she slumped backwards to the ground, unconsciousness  slowly claiming her, the soft voice whispered again.

"Ài tā."

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

She was disoriented when she woke up, groaning and clutching her head.

"Sis? Oh thank god you're awake!"

Lily groggily opened her eyes, "what happened?"

"Apparently not eating and getting too much sun are no bueno for you. You passed out right in front of your door. Some monks found you and notified me. Told you you should have ate something..."

She groaned, throwing an arm over her face. "Shut up, Johnny."

"From now on-"

"Oh go...and leave me to my fate."

He clutched his chest in mock horror before busting into a laugh.

"Always so melodramatic."

"Says the actor."

"Hahaa, very funny. I'll have you know the critics raved over my last film, thank you very much."

"Just go. Cassie will probably be worried."

He nodded, standing up.

"Yeah, today was pretty intense but she's tough, like her mom."

"She gets some of that from you too ya know?"

He scoffed, waving her off with a grin.

"Of course. I am the number one action star in the US, after all. I'll see you tomorrow sis, rest up, okay?"

She smiled softly when he pressed a kiss to her temple shoving him away when he turned it into a raspberry.


When his hand touched the doorknob, her voice stopped him.

"Hey Johnny?"


"How'd you know Sonya was it?"

He sighed and his shoulders dropped.

"She didn't take any shit. And she was tough as nails, still is, but I don't know, it just felt right, being with her."

"You still love her, don't you?"

He nodded, "I did some shit, said some shit I really regret. I did wrong by her and my little girl, but I hope someday she can give me another chance, you know?"

"If you say exactly what you just said, she just might."

"Thanks sis. Good night. Don't let the bed bugs bite."

Johnny reached for the knob, and the door opened to reveal Shang Tsung.

Johnny froze before he glared at the sorcerer.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Shang calmly strode into the room, hands behind his back.

"Calm yourself, Johnny Cage. I just came to check on Miss Cage's health personally."

"She's fine and plus don't you have minions for that?"

He smirked, "she is a guest on my island. Contrary to popular belief, I make sure my guests are well taken care of."

Lily groaned, "Johnny, drop it."

Her brother gave her a sharp look.


"Its fine. I doubt he's going to do anything with you standing there."

The sorcerer held his hands up. "I am just being a concerned host."

Johnny snorted, "you concerned? If it doesn't involve prospective souls to suck, I doubt you would be concerned at all."

Shang's jaw clenched and he bit back.

"Oh and how is your marriage to the lovely Sonya? It must be such wedded bliss."

Johnny clenched his fists and took a step forward.

"Listen you son of a-"


Lily was off the bed in an instant standing in between her brother and the sorcerer.

"Johnny stop."

And she pointed a finger at Shang.

"You too, mister. I've got a horrible migraine and you two bickering like kids fighting over a toy is not helping matters!"

"But sis-"

"No! Out! Both of you!"

Shang tsung tilted his head at her arching a brow.

"You are my guest. You do not order me about like a servant."

She groaned, rubbing her temples.

"Please? I...just go."

He shifted from foot to foot before he relented.

"Very well, Miss Cage."

There was no emotion in his face as he looked down at her and curtly added, "As you wish."

He spun on his heel and with a flourish of his jacket he was gone.

Johnny gaped like a fish, "what the hell?"

And before Lily could stop him, he was out the door hot on Shang Tsung's heels.

The door slammed behind him and she slumped back on her bed.

'Well shit.'

"Shang Tsung!"

The man in question stopped and turned partially towards him.

"I don't know what the hell you think your doing but you need to stay the fuck away from my sister."

The sorcerer smiled widely.

"Oh? Very well then but..."

"But what? There's nothing else to add here dirtbag."

"What if she comes to me?"

Johnny laughed, "her go to you...willingly? You got a screw loose, man. There's no way in hell she would."

The sorcerer chuckled dryly, "you are correct. What would she ever want with me?"

He turned and disappeared down the hallway, leaving Johnny with an unsettling feeling.

He had to talk to Cassie. Something had to be done.

/  -   /  -   /

Lily laid back on the bed, eyes closed, willing her head to stop trying to split open. She sat up and pulled her shirt, tossing it to the side before laying back down. 

When cool hands touched her face she jolted up, very nearly slamming her face into Shang Tsung's, his hands quickly grabbing her arms to stop her.

"Shang! How did you-"


She fell back. "You scared the hell outta me."

"Not my intention, hehua. Now tell me what happened."

He sat down next to her, brushing the hair from her face, gently rubbing circles into her skin. It felt warm and tingly as his fingers slowly rubbed and gently kneaded away the tension in her temples.

"Oh that feels wonderful."

He smiled, "relax. What happened?"

"I must have gotten too overheated because just as I got to my room I heard a whisper."

His fingers stilled momentarily before threading through her hair and kneading her scalp. She moaned lowly.

"And? What did this voice say?"

I dont know. I could only make out the word 'please' the rest sounded like it was maybe Chinese."

He ripped his fingers from her hair, swearing under his breath.

Lily got confused, one minute his hands were in her hair and feeling very nice and now he seemed upset.

"Is something wrong?"

He looked back at her and shook his head.

"Nothing is wrong, my sweet."

"Then why did you stop?"

Shang did not want to discuss that matter. Not yet anyway. So he did the only thing he could.

He chuckled, "you seem to like it when I pull your hair, don't you?"

She bit her lip.

"I like it better when you kiss me."

"I see."

He leaned over her and slanted his lips just over hers, stopping just a breath away.

"You forgot to say please."

Exasperated she rolled out from underneath him to the opposite side of the bed.

"Fine. I'm going to go get something to eat."

He looked her up and down in amusement and thinly veiled desire.

She looked down at herself and yelped quickly spinning and crossing her arms over the very see through lace of her bra.

"I think not. At least not until you put some clothing back on. But you could just dine with me and not bother getting dressed at all."

She bit her lip at how her core pulsed at the thought.

He played with the strands of her hair before brushing it to the right, placing a kiss on her left shoulder. He peppered biting kisses up her neck gently worrying her earlobe between his teeth. His hands tentatively rubbed over her hips.

His warm breath ghosted over her skin in puffs as he mumbled lowly.

"If you were just dressed like this, I doubt we would be eating anything. Well I would. I would pin you to the table and devour your aching cunt. Do you want that? To become dessert, my sweet?"

She whimpered, letting her head drop to the side, revealing more of her skin.

One hand slide over her ribs just under her bra, a lone finger dipped under the fabric, stroking the skin just between her breasts.

The other dropped down to the waist band of her shorts, lightly drumming against the button slowly popping it free.

"How is your headache, my sweet?"


She was confused, why was he asking about her head? She couldn't think straight, not with his breath on her neck and his hands touching her. And his cock was rock hard and hot pressing into her back.

"Your headache?"

She stomped her foot, whining.  "Damn it! Just stop this torture already Shang! I need-"

His mouth attached to her neck, sucking hard at the skin as his hand slide into her underwear, lightly skimming over her clit. She bucked her hips as she let out a high pitched squeak.

Chuckling darkly, he licked over the red spot he just made.

"My, my, hehua, such a new sound from your lips. Delicious."


His fingers petted her in long strokes as she squirmed and bucked against him. The finger that had been between her breasts was replaced by a whole hand as he pinched and rolled one nipple then the next.

"Oh, oh, oh my...I..."

Her legs quivered and shook as she struggled to stand. His hands were hot on her flesh and the slow strokes over her clit were maddening.

His fingers dipped lower and pressed up into her pussy. He groaned at how tight she was and so damned wet.

He crooked his fingers inside her, grinding his palm against her clit and she cried out, quickly muffling it with her hand.

Shang growled in her ear, "why keep quiet, Lily? You don't want anyone knowing what a wanton little slut you are? Coming apart so easily with just my lips and hands?"

He picked up speed and ground harder against her clit.

"Wait until my cock is buried in you, you won't be quiet then. You'll scream my name. I'll make you sure you do."

She bit down on her hand, a strangled cry caught in her throat as her body seized in his arms, her orgasm viciously ripped from her. Her legs gave out and she collapsed back against him and they both sunk to the ground, Shang smoothing her hair.

"Good girl."

She was breathing heavily clutching his arm.

"Are you alright?"

She giggled, "alright?! That's twice now today!...that I...that I've...its always been so hard to."

"Then you haven't been fucked properly."

She felt rather courageous in that moment. Still coming down from the high her orgasm had given her, she quickly turned in his arms catching him off guard as her lips caught his and bit down hard, drawing blood. It tore a groan from him and his fingers tangled yet again in her blonde locks.

She gave a breathy sigh, pushing herself up flush against him. 

"Then fuck me properly. I'm done thinking I'm fireproof. Burn me Shang Tsung. Mark me. Do whatever the fuck you want to me...just don't stop touching me right now."

The words she uttered made him painfully hard and he gave a ragged breath.

This was far more than he had ever planned. He had planned to just toy with her and discard her as he had most women he seduced, but this woman...Fuck. She was so touch starved for needy for him. She was magnificent to watch.

Her hands pushed at his jacket forcing off his shoulders. He shrugged out of it as her hands slide down his front undoing the buttons of his vest.

He nibbled at her lips, pulling her head back, and trailing kisses down her chin, licking along the jaw.

"Do you know how addictive you are, hehua?"

He grabbed her hands with one hand when she started to undo the buttons of his shirt.

"Not here, Lily. Oh I do intend to have you writhing underneath me, utterly and completely fucked, screaming my name...but it will be in MY bed."

She whined into his mouth.

His free hand flicked in the air, summoning a portal. He lifted her into his arms and still devouring her lips they stumbled into the portal.

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

A knock sounded on the door.

"Hey, aunt Lily? You awake?"

Cassie slipped into the room quietly and eyed the bed.

'Not there, huh. Must be in the bathroom then.'

"Hey, aunt Lils! I came to see if you wanted some dinner!"

There was no answer.

"That's odd."

So she made her way to the bathroom stumbling over a clump of leather on the floor. Picking it up she realized what it was.

"What the fuck!"

'What is Shang Tsung's jacket doing here? And where the fuck is aunt Lily?"