Mortal Kombat Fan Fiction ❯ Of Serpents and Sirens ❯ Ignite ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The dark was pierced by a sliver of green light, that increased in brightness as another fracture marred the urn's surface. The tendrils writhing and pushing back against the surface as if trying to pull themselves free but the chains marking the binding spell flickered to life and the tendrils retreated back into the fracture.

"I will be free. Nothing will stop me this time. Not even you, 'dear' husband."

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Even with everything going on, the tournament never stopped, it couldn't be stopped not with the fate of Earthrealm hanging in the balance.

Or that's what her brother told her.

There had been two more fights since her seizure.

Scorpion had went against Frost and ended up ripping her spine out. She shuddered at that. 'Eeugh.'

Kuai or Sub-zero had went against a person called Erron Black, who was apparently from Earthrealm but was now working for Outworld's Kahn.

"Okay, this is a lot to take in, Johnny. So the Kahn is the emperor right?"

"Yeah. And his name is Shao Kahn. Wields a big hammer, tried to make Cassie one of his harem."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, weird guy. He really wants to rule Earthrealm too."

"Okay so how did Sub-zero's match go?"

"Whoo boy, he turned that guy into a popsicle, shattered his arms and legs and then he took his head off. So the basic dismemberment by ice he does."

"Ouch. I mean Shang had told me some of what they could do. Hey is it true that Kuai isn't the original Sub-Zero?"

"He told you that? Umm...sis that's a bit of a touchy subject with them."

"I know. Shang told me that too."

"Damn. Just don't go asking Hanzo or Kuai about anytime soon, alright?"

She nodded her head, "Got it."

Looking down at her half eaten plate, she paused a moment then she looked up at him.

"Hey Johnny?"


"I'm sorry. About...all this." She waved her hand in the air. "I didn't mean to make you angry."

He ran a hand through his hair, "I should've warned you about him. I'm the one who should be sorry. I mean what do you see in him that made know..."

"Sleep with him?"

"It gives me the heebies every time its said. but yeah. Are you sure he didn't force you at any point?"

She shook her head, "No, he gave me the choice to walk away at any time."

"But you chose to stay?"

"I don't know, Johnny. I just feel drawn to him. Like I'm meant to be here."

"What, like fate?"

Lily shrugged.

"That's what's confusing me. There are moments where he's so guarded and other moments where it seems like I can find every answer in his eyes. When I told Cassie, she just laughed and said-" She blushed at the thought.

"Oh god, what did she say this time? Do I even want to know?"

She giggled, "She said I was...her words not mine...'addicted to that dick'."

Johnny groaned, his head in his hands. "That kid. Sometimes I just don't know about her."

"Like father, like daughter, huh?"

"Oh hahaa, sis."

He pointed to her plate, "You finished with that? I'll take it back to the kitchens, if you are."

"Yeah. I'll definitely have to thank Cass for arranging it."

There was a knock on her door before it opened and Cassie rushed in, slamming the door shut behind with a slight pink tinge to her cheeks. Lily noticed and sent her a questioning look.

Cassie shook her head as if to answer, 'Later.'

"What took you so long getting back?"

"What? Oh nothing. I got chocolate."

Lily's eye widened and she smiled, "Oh god I haven't had chocolate in forever."

"Oh come on, you had some just before we came here."

"Hey Johnny could you take this please. I think I'm going to save the chocolate for tomorrow. I'm really sleepy all of a sudden."

"Sure. Hey kiddo, you going stay here tonight?"

"Yep, Can do dad."

He ruffled her hair and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"See ya tomorrow. Night kiddo."


When the door closed behind him, Lily nudged Cassie with her foot.


Cassie flopped back on her bed, "God if it wasn't for the staff being there..."

"What happened?"

"I ran into Fujin on my way to the kitchens. He decided to help me with getting food for you."

Lily grinned, "Spill. I did about me and Shang...your turn."

"I climbed the counter to get the chocolate, slipped, nearly fell if it wasn't for him catching me. He called me 'Cassie' not Cassandra...Cassie. So of course I kissed him and we made out for god knows how long. Right in front of the kitchen staff too."


"Yep. Which means Raiden will find out sooner or later and then we will both get the third degree about it. I really hope the lecture comes after I take Fujin for a ride."


"What? If that staff hadn't been there, I already would have."

"And you say I'm addicted? You haven't even slept with him yet."

"Key word: 'Yet'. I plan on it. So you need me to vanish tonight?"


"Well, are you and Shang getting rowdy tonight again? If so I will disappear. Hopefully into you know who's bed."

Lily turned red, "Umm...he might be."

Cass sat up and gave her a sly look, "Alright. I know that look. What happened when he was here? Did you-"

"Cass, come on."

"Nuh-uhh. What...happened?"

"She ground on my face until she screamed her release."

Their eyes snapped to the door in shock.

Cassie was the first to speak, "Well damn. No fucks given, huh?"

Shang Tsung approached the bed, eying Lily with a grin. "Well perhaps a few."

Cassie shuddered, "Oh, okay. I get the hint. I am gone."

"Oh and so you know Cassandra. Fujin will be staying in the pearl rooms."

"You are a horny bastard but thanks for helping a girl out."

He bowed, "You are quite welcome."

She peeked her head back in after a moment, "Hey snake man, don't wear her out too much. Lil's have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't."

Lily burned in embarrassment as she threw out her retort, "Oh and what is that?!"

"Not much!...not much at all!"

"Oh god why?"

Shang chuckled, "She is fearless, isn't she?"

"Too much at times. That kid has no filter, none."

"So you have been partaking in 'girl talk' have you?"

The bed dipped low as he crawled up over her kissing her fiercely.

She moaned, pushing at his shoulders and he pulled back.


"How much have you told her?" He dipped back down to kiss her jaw, biting at the flesh just below her ear.


"Oh, Really? Did you tell her how much of a slut you become with my cock inside you? How you beg and plead for me to fuck you senseless?"

She shook her head.

"No, what did you speak of then?"

"How"-he licked down her neck and bit down on her collarbone, sucking hard.


"How many times I...that you.."

"That I brought you to orgasm, is that what you told her?"


"Anything else, my dear?"

His hands slid up her shirt, brushing the underside of her breasts.

She arched into his touch, "Just...about th-the dreams..."

He stilled above her, looking down at her strangely before he pulled up to his knees.

"Dreams? About me? What type of dreams, hehua?"

She turned red and turned her head away, "Just dreams."

He gripped her chin and forced her to look at him.

"What kind? Naughty ones, my dear?"

She nodded.

Shang grinned devilishly, "Oh, how many?"




"When did you have the first one?"

"The night of our dinner."

"Naughty hehua. You wanted it even then did you? What was it about?"

"Why are you so interested in them?"

He kissed her again and pulled at her shirt.

"So if I am able to, I can make it a reality."

She sat up and kissed him quickly before pulling her shirt off. His hand wrapped around the shirt, her wrists and hands still stuck. He pushed her back with her hands above her head. It caught her off-guard.

"Shang? What?"

"Calm yourself, hehua. If you do not want to continue just tell me, anytime. You will know only pleasure at my hands, I promise you that. Now tell me about the first dream."

His free hand skimmed over her breasts lightly before trailing down her abdomen and slowly playing with the waistband of her leggings.

" was in the bathroom here. I-I was floating and you were there..."


" were just holding me, kissing my neck. I woke up before it went any further."

"And that was why you were out walking that early in the morning. Well, we know how that ended."

'Yeah, with me pinned to a tree.' She remembered hotly.

His hands grabbed her pants and pulled at them and she raised her hips allowing him to slowly pull them off her. His hands slid up her calves and down the inside of her thighs, making her gasp.

He grinned at her, "Still no panties? Deviant..." 

She groaned, "Shang..."

"And the second one?"

He gripped her thighs tightly, fingers toying with the edge of her folds.

"Tell me."

"Earlier today before you...before we..."

"That's why you were so impatient, wasn't it? You still had that in your mind."

She nodded and moaned low when fingers dipped inside her, a thumb rubbing over her clit. She still held her hands in place, not even noticing that he had let go of her wrists earlier. 

"What happened to make you so eager hehua?"

"We...hmmm...were in the grove. On furs. were behind didn't hold back. Rough but god...I felt I was on fire."

He groaned at the implications of her words. Her surrounded by lilies as he took her roughly...That one...that one he needed to make real.

"A rather delicious imagination, dearest. I think Cassandra was correct."

He leaned over and brushed his lips against her ear, "You are addicted to my cock."

She arched up into him with a whimper, and finally noticing her hands were free, she reached for his vest, tugging at it.

"Please...I need..."

"Need what?"

"You. Inside"

He growled, viciously capturing her lips as his hands made fast work of his buttons. She kissed back just as hard, her fingers diving to his belt and tugging it loose. Once his vest was undone, she pushed it off his shoulders as his hands snaked around her back, quickly unfastening her bra.

They pulled away just a moment...for her to pull her bra off and him to toss his vest behind him.

Their mouths met again roughly. His tongue licked at her bottom lip and she gasped, allowing him to stroke the inside of her mouth and against her own tongue.

Both their hands clashed as they both reached for his zipper, he turned and rolled off the bed, stripping off the last of his clothes.

Crawling back over her she gripped his shoulders and pulled herself up to kiss his throat. His pulse jumped and he grabbed her face and slid his mouth gently over hers.

Lily stopped thinking, all she could do is feel him. His mouth moving against hers and his hands...she gave a throaty moan, her breath mingling with his. 

He groaned, his hands running down her neck and shoulders, down her arms, moving to encircle her waist, and finally pulling her flush against him, hands gently kneading at her ass.

Shang broke away for a second, pressing his forehead against hers as his hands pulled her legs up around his hips.

"Nǐ shì dúpǐn."

He again kneading the flesh of her thighs, moving slowly back up to grab her ass, pulling her to him as he slid into her wet heat.

"Nǐ huǐle wǒ"

His lips stopped mere inches from hers. She could feel his breath on her face and smell the spice of the wine he had drank eariler. 

"Nǐ shì wǒ de..."

She moaned as her mind worked out the words.

He pulled out slowly and slammed back, bottoming out in her.

'You are a drug.'

His lips worked against hers, biting her bottom lip and plunging his tongue past to slid against hers. She pushed her tongue back and licked his lips. He gripped her tighter and thrust hard into her, making her buck her hips into his. They breathed a moan in each others mouth.

'You have ruined me.'

His pace picked up and he roughly slammed into her, it was a vicious pace he set and it drove her wild, her fingernails dragging down his back as she clutched at him.

'You are mine.'

Their bodies were sliding across each other, skin wet with sweat, the wet sound of their rough coupling added to their ragged breathing. 

"Look at me, hehua."

She opened her eyes, gaze locking with him and she keened loudly into his mouth.


"Yes. Feel what you do to me...see what you do...I could fuck you off and on for days like this and not tire of it."

"Ohh! Oh god..."

He rolled over, pulling her to sit on top of him. When she sat up they both gasped at the angle he hit.

"Damn you for this."

He snapped up into her, pulling her down at the same time and growled.

"This shouldn't be so damn good, but it is. You are."

Her hands reached up to play with her breasts as she circled her hips over him.

"Yes hehua, give in. Show me how much you enjoy this. How much you enjoy riding my cock like this."

"Ohhh...yes...soo good. God Shang...its..."

"Its sweet agony, isn't it? Do you know how much I wanted Damn you, damn you for feeling so good around me."

A hand dipped down to rub quick circles around her clit, flicking it as his other hand gripped her thigh and kept her moving in rhythm with the jerk of his hips.

"Damn it, hehua. Cum! Cum now!"


She shuddered and cried out as her orgasm exploded, sending bright spots across her vision and her body locked up as he grabbed her hips and pounded up into her as his release tore through him and he gave a hoarse shout as she quivered and clenched over him.

Lily laid across him, stunned and struggling to catch her breath. 

He laid his cheek on her head and wrapped his arms around her.

Both didn't speak, they just laid there entwined as their thoughts raced over what just happened.

He had said far too much, but it seemed every time he fucked her, it chipped away at his stone mask. Only two days of her and he already didn't want to let her out of this bed.

He was addicted, that he knew. Obsessed with her even.

She had quickly become a weakness.

A dangerous weakness.