Mortal Kombat Fan Fiction ❯ Of Serpents and Sirens ❯ Combustion ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It took her a while to find the rooms but when she knocked, no one answered. 


She quickly tried the handle and found it unlocked. 'Yes!'

Cassie was treading on dangerous ground, just barging in to his rooms like this but she hoped he would forgive her. 

The pearl rooms were gorgeous, light blues, dark grays and silvers. and the bed was huge, just as big as Aunt Lily's, with silver curtains instead.

'Which I'm quite sure she's getting mileage out of right now.'

She shook her head in disbelief...her aunt and Shang Tsung, going at it like rabbits. Her aunt was getting it more than she was at the moment, which was kind of frustrating. She was wound pretty damn tightly after all her fights and then making out with Fujin like she had...if she didn't get it soon...she was going to go crazy.

The door slammed opened and shut causing her to quickly turn towards it, ready to fight.

But then lips whispered against her ear, "What are you doing in here, Cassandra?"

She jumped, lightly punching his arm. "Damn it Fujin! You scared the hell out of me!"

He chuckled, "I am sorry. You did not answer my question though...what are you doing in here?"

Cassie suddenly felt very nervous, her cheeks bright pink. "Umm...well, I was going to stay with my aunt but...she indisposed at the moment."

He looked at her oddly, "Indisposed?"

She rolled her eyes, "Currently getting railed by the snake man."

Fujin's eyes widened in shock, "Shang Tsung is with your Aunt...again?"

"Oh yeah. He's already paid her a visit while I was getting food for her and well you know how that turned out."

He ducked his head, a small smile on his lips.

"Yes, but it still doesn't explain why you are here and not in your own quarters."

She scratched her head, " see..."

"You wanted to stay here, is that right?"

"Yeah." She looked away shyly. Which she never really ever does but something about him, about the way he was looking at her made her do it.

His finger gripped her chin and turned her gaze back to him.

"Cassie, do not be shy. I am...this is...a unique situation. I am more than willing but I need to make sure you are as well."

She grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to her, and kissed him as hard as she had in the kitchens, but this time she nibbled at his lips and shoved her tongue in his mouth to slide against his.

He groaned, picking her up in his arms as their tongues battled. When they parted Cassie was panting, clutching at his shoulders as she pressed her forehead against his. He was breathing just as hard.

"Damn it Windy. You think I don't want this? Wrong. I've wanted this for too damn long. Now take me to that bed and fuck me senseless."

He chuckled and shook his head, pressing a quick kiss to her nose. "I admire that honesty, Cassie."

Lifting her up into his arms more securely, he moved to the bed and laid her onto the mattress.

As he crawled up over her, he spoke breathlessly. "Now lets see if that mouth of yours can make other noises."

"Oh fuck yes."

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

There's a shift and the chains flicker in and out. The green wisps continue to push and pull.

The urn moves barely an inch.

A laugh echoes.

/  -  /  -  /  -  /


She blinks a few times, clearing her vision. She's in the hallway and she barely makes out Shang's jacket as he turns the corner.


"Come here, Lily."

Running down the hallway, she's confused when she's see him out of the corner of her eye again.


"Hurry hehua. I want to show you something."

A strange feeling twists in her stomach and she shakes her head. 'What is this?'

Lips brush her ear, his voice husky with desire.

"Its a surprise, my dear, but you will like it."

His hands trail down her sides and she gasps.


A hand on her lower back guides her forward through a door and suddenly they are walking down a spiral stone staircase, candles lighting as they pass them.

"I can't wait to have you underneath me, hehua. Screaming my name, your nails raking down my back."

"Shang..." she whimpered and he turns back to capture her lips viciously.

He takes her hand and leads her further down the staircase until they get to a wooden door.

"Go in."

Lily pushes on the door and steps into pure darkness.

Green wisps flicker in and out, twirling through her hair and lightly brushing against her skin.


"Right here, my dear."

She turns as he emerges from the darkness shirtless, walking towards her with lust in his eyes. She's stock still until he grabs her arms and slams their lips together. She whimpers into his mouth when he wraps his arms around her, pulling her flush against him.


"Let me love you, hehua. Let me show you how much I want you."

He kisses her gently, hands sliding over her shoulders, pushing the straps off and down her arms. The silky fabric she was wearing pooled at her feet. His hands encircle her ankles before they trace circles up her calves and thighs. He grabs her ass and lifts her, sinking himself deep inside her. She clutches his shoulders, mewling into his mouth as he lifts her and pulls her down into his thrusts.

"You are mine, hehua. MINE."

"Yes, god yes. Yours..."

His thrusts were deep, hitting something inside her that made her cry out. He growled into her lips.

"I can't stop this, hehua. I can't stop wanting you like this. To see you utterly fucked by my cock."

He moves forward and sets her on something, continuing to pound into her cunt as his hand slides down over her abdomen.

"Can you feel me, hehua. Feel me fucking you?"

She tries to lean back but is stopped by the feeling of something cold against her back.

His hips snap forward and she moans sharply. 

Shang's fingers trace circles around her clit and he leans over to suck at her breast, gently biting her nipple.

Lily throws her head back as her orgasm suddenly crashes over her as the object behind her moves and crashes to the floor. She cries out and slumps back when just as quick she can't feel him anymore. When she looks back up, he's gone from her view.


"Good girl."

She stills.

That wasn't Shang's voice.

"Oh no, I'm not Shang Tsung. Oh, the man that was pleasuring you in that little dream of yours was of course him, but I'm the one that put him there."

Lights flare to life all around her and she turns to face the voice and finds a woman standing behind her, a grin on her face.

"You really enjoyed yourself didn't you? My husband was always quite skilled at love-making."

Her mind raced wildly.

'What was going on?' 

The woman laughs, "Oh you poor dear. You didn't know did you? That Shang Tsung was mine?"


"Oh don't worry."

She flicks a hand towards her and chains wrap around her body and she seizes up, pain wracking her body as she is pulled to a stop in front of È Mèng.

Who reaches up and touches her forehead with a single finger and pulls back, a strand of green breaking free from her.

She screams in agony, the sound echoing off throughout the chamber.

"You still have your uses."

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Shang groans sleepily as he rolls over, reaching for Lily but he stills when he doesn't feel her next to him. He opens his eyes as he sits up, scanning the room for her.


No answer.

"Lily? Are you there?"

His hands burn suddenly and when he looks at them, he sees green fractures stretching across his flesh.

His gut wrenches painfully.


Screams echo through the halls.


He's off the bed, quickly pulling pants on and with the flick of a wrist the door throws wide open.

When he rounds the corner, he can see Johnny Cage, Cassandra, and the two gods looking around in panic.

Johnny sees him first and rushes him, fist raised.

The sorcerer ducks under and sends an open palmed strike to Johnny's chest, knocking him down.

Before Johnny can move, Shang speaks, pointing at him.

"Now is not the time to fight. We must hurry if you wish to save Lily."

Raiden steps forward, "Is È Mèng free?"

He lifts his hands for Raiden to see. Cassie retches.


Fujin quickly passes him the vial he had collected then places a hand on Cassie's back.

"Then we must make haste."

But Shang is already moving down the hall, tipping the vial back, shuddering when he feels the Jinsei's restorative powers wash over him. He looks down at his hands, and seeing the green fade, he nods solemnly.

"Then stop talking and move."

His only thought was of Lily.

'Be strong, hehua. Soon you will be safe.'

"I will destroy you, È mèng."

His hands burst into green flame as they clenched in fists, "You should not have touched her."