Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.
Phantom Blood
A Danny Phantom/Naruto crossover based on the thread from the Maximum Addventure.
Part One
She looked over the records of the mothers that were coming in for their prenatal check ups to make sure that the children they were carrying would grow up health and strong. She thought to herself, 'Little do they know that one of them has been selected as a test subject for the serum that Master Orochimaru has developed during his experiments with forbidden projects involving spirits and the dead.'
The female doctor had been amazed by the work that the banished sannin had developed as results of his dreaded works with things that many though would be best left alone. It was even hinted that the great ninja had found a way to become immortal in form allowing him to survive death in any number of different ways. That was what had drawn her to the most feared man in Konoha, the chance to survive death as it had haunted her for years even while she was a young woman. The lives of ninjas tended to end rather quickly than death in bed at the end of a long life.
The bio-chemical compound that was in the syringe that was disguised as a booster shot was in fact a mixture of ectoplasm, the blood of ghosts that had been collected and purified by her dark master. Added to those supernatural chemicals were bonding agents that would connected the ectoplasm to human DNA, creating a new kekkei genkai that was suspected to give the infected the abilities of a ghost. Making a powerful line of ninjas if the formula behind the planning was correct, the wielders of the Reichi kekkei genkai.
'Now to just bring in the mother and subject.' She though as she spoke out loud, "Come in ma'am. I am ready for you know."
A month or two later...
The female doctor was on the run from the hunter ninjas, trying to save her own life while delivering the important information that she held in her mind. She had somehow slipped up and left some clues to the fact that she had been working for Orochimaru in her office that had been noticed by one of her aides that informed the hokage on her.
Fortunately for her, she had managed to hear about the fact that she was wanted for questioning just a few minutes before she had been hunted. But now she had to get to a predetermined meeting spot where one of Orochimaru's agents would be there to collect her for extraction. She would then inform the snake sannin about the test subject that had been used to test the newly created kekkei genkai, even though there had been not time to see if process had take in the baby that had been used to become the great ninja's next tool in seeking revenge against Konoha.
She moved carefully in the woods, trying to avoid the ninjas that she was running from. She had learnt the basics of the world of ninjutsu before she had joined the world of medicine and before she had fallen under the spell of Orochimaru. But what she had not expected was the fact that some of the best trained jonin would be after her once it had been learnt that she was working for the snake sannin.
So she didn't expect the sudden attack that knocked her down and out. Several people wearing masks of different animals looked down on her body, as one of them stretched out and pulled her up on their shoulders.
Later in the Hokage Tower...
Sarutobi studied the information that his interrogation division had gather for him from the traitor of the village. The fact that one of his precious villagers had turned their backs on their home had always made him heartbroken, but the actions that they had taken while in the village was unforgivable. Turning on their fellow villagers to make them a human lab rat to test out a possible future bloodline, one that no one would know if it would be effective or even if it would hurt the one that it had been given to.
Sarutobi, the third hokage of the village of the hidden leaf, knew that he would have to keep an eye on this injured party so that everything would be at the ready when this child started to display any changes. This child, this victim.
Sarutobi looked at the report from the interrogation department about what the traitor had been thinking during her escape attempt, noticing that the woman had made mistakes with the dates that the events had occurred. He thought, 'It was only a few months before the events of the attack of the Kyuubi that took the life of my successor and added more trauma to the body that she altered with her insane experiment. Why did fate decide that this boy, Naruto Uzumaki would be given two great trials to live through? To be given a bloodline from one of the most hated men in Konoha and then become the container of the most feared demon in all of the world."
The Sandaime Hokage was trying to think about what it was that they could do for the boy given the events that had befallen him. The Yondaime had wanted him to be seen as a hero, as being the one born on that day had made him the only one that could hold the Kyuubi, his undeveloped chakra coils created a prison that the beast could not escape. The fact that he seemed to have a ghostly material in his D.N.A. might have stopped a normal person from trying to hold the monster in the boy's body, but the Yondaime had prepared for this eventuality working in some extra elements on the seal that would use this element as an extra safeguard in sealing the giant fox's spirit.
The people didn't see it this way as they only saw the beast that had killed so many of their precious people instead of the boy that would save them all form the demon's power. The Sandaime had made sure that the secret of Naruto's possible new powers would be kept secret as at the moment it could only cause things to get worse. So he had created the laws that would prevent anyone from speaking about the Kyuubi's sealing and the experiment.
'The experiment is something that Orochimaru would be trying with all of his immoral desire for the secrets of immortality. To bind the blood of ghosts to this boy and make it his own is something only his mind could come up with . He was looking for a way to become immortal and learn all of the techniques that ninjas know, looking for a way to make himself the ultimate being. The traitor had also mention that the snake sannin had even had a few breakthroughs with the dead and dying. But this brings up the man made Kekkei Genkai, the one that lies dormant in the body of young Naruto.' The Sandaime looked at the guesses that the traitor had made about the abilities that would result from the infusion of strange ghostly blood.
'The skills that would be gained would make this tempting if it was not for the possible costs that would occur with this. Invisibility and intangibility would make for powerful tools for a ninja to have as well as the ability to float through the air. There is also the suggestion that it could allow for the possession of people like the techniques of the Shintenshin no Jutsu of the Yamanaka clan, but in a possible different method. But much of the powers that Naruto would develop would likely be based on his unique genetic structure, so could vary greatly to the reports that she had admitted in her session with the interrogation squad. There was also the note of weaknesses that could occur when battling against jutsu that involve large amounts of spiritual energy that could be used to counter the powers of the ghost infused Naruto. The winner would depend on the strength of spiritual energy, Naruto or his foe.'
The Sandaime heard the cries of a baby which could only mean one thing, Naruto needed him for something. The old man thoughts turned to the boy's safety given his problems, 'Orochimaru knows that the woman has used the solution but he doesn't know which child it was given to. He would not be expecting use to use the ghost child as the guardian of the Kyuubi, so that might actually grant him some protection even given the treatment of the people of the village. All I can do is try and find a place that would at least tend to his needs and keep my own personal eye on things so that his life is as bearable as possible.'
Naruto was currently trying to hide from Mizuki and keep the scroll of forbidden techniques that the blond had been tricked into stealing as he tried to digest the information that he had just been given. The fact that they young ninja student was the Kyuubi, the creature that had nearly destroyed the village that he lived in and killed the Yondaime Hokage who lead it. The fact that the teacher that he so admired had been one of the people to keep the facts away from him was also hurting the blue-eyed boy. Then he heard Iruka answer Mizuki's claim that Naruto was a demon who hungered for power and revenge.
"Your right, Mizuki, the Kyuubi would do that but not Naruto. Naruto is a loyal ninja of the village hidden in the leaves that works hard to learn the skills that he will need to become the Hokage. He never gives up and has made me proud to know him, making him the complete opposite of both you and the Kyuubi. He is Naruto Uzumaki of the Hidden Leaf Village! " Those words that Iruka spoke causes a feeling of joy and happiness that had been lacking in his life, as well a strange feeling of strength that seemed to fill him.
"You know, I was fully prepared to let you live just a little bit longer..." the rogue ninja said as his annoyance increased, " ...but you just changed my mind. Say goodbye, Iruka!" The white haired ninja prepared to released his giant shurikan in a death attack that was meant to end the life of his opponent.
It was then that the weirdness was released! A circle of white light appeared instantly around Naruto as it rose and he could feel himself change, but that didn't stop himself from launching into the sky with a new found power of flight. With the speed of a deadly gale, Naruto slammed into the enemy villager in a way that caused him to drop his shuriken. Speaking his mind, Naruto said, "If you touch my sensei... I will kill you!"
It was then that Naruto noticed that Mizuki was looking at him like he was confused, but the foe recovered within a minute before returning the threat of Naruto. The white haired man told the young ninja, "I don't know why you have changed your look or how you learnt to fly, but I'm going to take you down!" Mizuki then took out another huge shuriken to launch at Naruto, signalling that the battle had just begun. The fox boy just nodded in a way that he thought was cool and then used the hand sign for the Shadow Clone Jutsu, however he felt a sort of resistance when he was trying to do that technique that he couldn't feel when he had done it before. Instead of the hundreds of clones that he had been hoping for, he had just ten clones appear to fight his now least favourite teacher.
Naruto guessed that he would just have to make do with what he has, as he moved to give a major break down. It was with the first punch that Naruto noticed that something strange was going on, as a fist to the face caused Mizuki to sail back with more motion than Naruto's strength would have normally had done. But he continued to move as Mizuki seemed to have slowed down while they were fighting as Naruto kept on giving punches and kicks to the traitors until the fox boy was sure that he would not be getting up again. The ten clones looked over the unconscious form of his former teacher. Turning back to see how badly hurt his teacher with the scar was he returned to him, not noticing that he was flying. The boy looked at his teacher who had his eyes wide in shock.
"Naruto, what happened to you?" Naruto was about to ask what it was that Iruka-sensei was saying, but then Naruto's reflection was shown. It had the fox boy's face, but the hair was a deep shade of violet that bordered on black while his eyes had turned bright green and glowed with an inner light. He was also still wearing his orange jumpsuit, but with this new appearance it just didn't seem to fit. It was then that Naruto's eye started to twitch for a second before he let out a scream!
"Naruto, just relax! I'm sure that the Sandaime Hokage will know what has happened!" Iruka called out above the screams of his student, needing to repeat it a few time before Naruto stopped stretching his voice. Naruto was still scared at what it was that had happened to him, after gaining the knowledge of his darkest secret. The dark haired man then told the purple haired boy, "Close your eyes. I want to give you something that might make you feel better." Naruto shut his eyes as he tried to figure out what it was his favourite teach could do to make up for this weirdness. Naruto could feel something being slipped on his head before the scared elder nin told him to open his eyes.
Naruto noticed that Iruka was not wearing his forehead protector, before feeling his own forehead to sense cloth and engraved metal. Iruka smiled as he said, "Congratulation, you pass! I saw you make at ten clones and not only clones but shadow clone. That takes a lot of hard work and you deserve to be recognized for it. No we just have to turn Mizuki to the interrogation squad and return the scroll to the Hokage as well as get some answers for this weird change that has happened to you."
Later inside the Hokage Tower...
The Sandaime Hokage had dismissed most of the searchers for Naruto and the hidden scroll after he explained what had happened and what it was that people could expect when the fox boy and his teacher returned with the traitor that they had caught, making sure that Ibiki was ready to uses his special skills to find out who had corrupted the former ninja of the leaf. Before him stood both Iruka and Naruto, the latter had returned to his blond hair appearance rather than the purple hair that he had seen in his crystal ball. Both were asking questions about what it was that had happened to Naruto.
The Sandaime started his tale, "Months before Naruto was born and before the attack of the Kyuubi, a traitorous ninja who was working for one of the greatest foes of the leaf injected his mother with a serum that they believed would alter his DNA. This serum would create a possible kekkei genkai that they called Reichi for the fact that is was made from a substance known as ectoplasm that is basically the blood and flesh of spirits..."
He was interrupted by a nervous blond who was asking, "Those that mean I'm dead, that I'm a ghost!?! I don't want to be dead, old man!" The look of terror on his face was something that neither of the older men wanted to see on the boy that both loved like a son or brother.
"Not exactly, Naruto. You are not a full ghost, but more of a combination of a living being and a spirit. A combination that gives you greater powers than that of a normal human, such as your heightened physical abilities and the ability to fly like in your battle with Mizuki." The fear on Naruto's face grew less extreme as a hint of interest came on that face in reaction to the Sandaime's words. The Hokage continued, "It is also likely that you will develop other powers based on ghost like invisibility and intangibility, both of which could come in handy since you are a ninja. Ever since you were given the bloodline, we have been maintaining a limited study of spirits so that you can improve your powers and at the same time counter the power of the demon that give you these abilities." Naruto's foxy grin appeared spreading from ear to ear and the young man nodded, likely covering the confusion he was feeling under that superhuman smile.
"I will make sure that you know more about your abilities, Naruto. Remember this though, you are always a ninja and citizen of the leaf and so a precious person to me. I will do all in my power to protect you from anything that could try to harm you." Honesty came from the Hokage's voice as made sure that Naruto understood that. Looking at the ghost boy, he saw true happiness cross the young ninja's face which was duplicated on the face of his teacher.
Author's notes:
I have been trying to get this fic out for a while as I wrote the components of the fic on both the Maximum Addventure and the Anime Addventure, but while those had problems with the timing this one has had those problems corrected for the most part. I messed up the timing of the Kyuubi attack and added Lee as an option while he might not have had the time to be injected with the serum. It is still possible, but would need a way to retroactivly add it to the continuty of the story. But I hope this is acceptable, especially with the voting of my fan who wanted Naruto to gain the Reichi, while Sakura was a powerful runner up.
I will be moving within months and I am trying to get as much writting done before I loose net connection. One of the things that I want to do is update the Sakura 10 thread and in addition add to the Sakura 10 story. I just have to get off my butt and work on that. I am also working on new ideas that I had been developing including some that have been turned into threads on the above addventures. I also have some ideas that I have been holding back as I don't want to overload myself at this time, but I am thinking of posting them to the Idea Vault Forum I created here. It was in that vault that I posted and developed the idea that made this fic.
I am curious about people's reaction to this fic and it's idea. I have some ideas for the future of Naruto and his new powers as well as some new foes for him as well as new allies. Feel free to speak up and comment. Thanks.