Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.
Phantom Blood
A Danny Phantom/Naruto crossover based on the thread from the Maximum Addventure.
Part Two
Kakashi Hatake was standing in front of the Hokage after he had dismissed the other jonin that had been summoned for teaching, which let him know that something important was about to happen. He wondered if it had to do with the fact that he was about to teach the Uchiha prodigy or the fact that he was going to teach the holder of the Kyuubi, either one would be an interesting time in teaching. He was keeping his cool as he wanted to save his energy in case he had to move with a sudden burst.
"Kakashi, I know that you know that two of the students that you will be testing this year could be the hardest pupils that you will have to face. However, something had just occurred that could also influence the teaching path you now face. The Reichi has been activated." The Hokage told him as the silver haired ninja's single visible eye widened with shock and awe. Kakashi had known about the incident of the traitor who had placed the artificial kekkei genkai in the baby that would be used as the sacrifice to hold the nine tailed fox. The fact that the Yondaime had used that bloodline to aid in the binding of the beast was a pure sign of his skills.
"So Orochimaru's experiment works. Has it effected Naruto in a negative way? Is he alright?" The one eyed man was wondering for the safety of the young genin as the boy would soon be his charge and would also be a member of the team if they passed his little test.
"Naruto is fine and his personality is the same as before, even if he was a little shocked at the nature of the kekkei genkai. He managed to demonstrate the bloodline in defence of his sensei against the traitor Mizuki. It was also in that incident that he learnt the shadow clone jutsu, but there seems to be a limit in using that jutsu while Naruto was in his ghost form." The leader of the leaf informed the jonin of the well being of the blond boy.
Kakashi had gained a little respect for the fox boy in that moment as the will of fire had risen in one that had been given nothing. His mind realized, 'If we could translate that urge to protect his precious people to the other people of this village, he might reach his goal of becoming Hokage. A good Hokage at that. But if I am going to be able to teach him, I will have to know what kind of abilities I will being dealing with. Which is likely the reason for this meeting.' So he asked his elder what it was that he could expect from Naruto with this bloodline.
"His physical abilities seem to be enhance in his ghost form, including strength, speed and agility. He has show the ability to fly through the air with the same heightened speed, perhaps even being able to go almost a hundred miles per hour. He also seems to have the ability to turn himself invisible and has the ability to phase through solid matter. The information that we have gained from the traitor that injected Naruto with the bloodline states that his powers should continue to grow and increase. She stated that he should have the power to control ectoplasmic energies in various ways, including offensive and defensive abilities. He might also show the ability to use elemental attacks while in ghost form. What those two last abilities might mean, we are not quite sure of. It is also possible that he might be able to possess people much like the Yamanaka clan, but in a different way. I will give you a copy of the files we have on the kekkei genkai, as well as some of the research that we have done on ghosts and spirits." The Hokage explained, moving back into his role as the famed Professor of the leaf.
The silver haired man thought over the information that he know had on the new ghost boy. He then spoke, "Many of these abilities would be useful in the ninja way, but those same advantages would make training harder than if it was just the power of the Kyuubi behind him. I take it that you have done research on spirits both for Naruto's sake and to counter the possible plans of Orochimaru. Knowing that snake, Naruto is not the only experiment that he has used to create this new bloodline. It is possible that he has his own minion with the Reichi or some form of it."
"We have been working on this problem with a crew of specially selected ninjas, using the knowledge that we have gathered from folklore. We have developed tools and jutsu that are useful in fighting spirits, including a foam that neutralizes a ghost powers for a while and a rope that is effective in holding a ghost without them phasing through it with their powers. They have not been heavily tested, but there have been some success with the ghosts that inhabit some of the more haunted places in our lands. We have been working on a gate that would allow us controlled access to the spirit world, as well as a way to hold ghosts until we can send them back to that world. They still need work though. I will let you have files on those tools as well as the working tools that could be useful in training." The leader then pushed forward a number of files for the jonin. As well as a piece of paper that would lead him to the centre where the studies of spirits were going on.
"While we are at it, I want to show you the way that Naruto is currently living. It might open your eyes to the mind set that Naruto has developed before gaining his Reichi. I expect great things from him, perhaps even fulfilling the dying wish of the Yondaime in becoming the hero that Naruto should have been. I know that he has had low grades that has been the result of trying to control the power of the nine tails while dealing with the hatred and shunning of the citizens of the village. He does show potential with his his dedication to his training as was shown with his learning the shadow clones jutsu in one night. With the right teacher he could be a great ninja, so I hope that you remember that when you start to teach him. " The Hokage then started to lead them away to visit the place where the ghost boy called home.
Naruto was getting sick of waiting for his new sensei, it did however give him time to think about the mixed luck that he had since gaining his Reichi. The first thing was finding a rival with old man Hokage's grandson, Komohamaru. The kid had wanted to know the sexy jutsu that he had used to beat the old man and all of the other perverts, and Naruto had been willing to teach him if only to get him out of his hair.

'But then I got to know him and he seems so much like me, except I'm not that annoying. Each one of us is trying to be recognized for being ourselves and not be judge on things that are out of our control. I'm glad that I set him straight about the fact that only by hard work can anyone become Hokage, that you can't become the best ninja in the village just by hoping and wishing that. If it was that simple I would be Hokage ten times over. Plus it was a hell of a lot of fun to freak out that teacher of his with my new harem jutsu. There a part of me that wishes that he can become Hokage, after me of course.' Naruto remembered his time with the boy and wonder if he would be meeting him again.

But that had cut into his time in trying to figure out how to use his new bloodline, he did get some help with that from the notes that the Hokage had passed on to him through Iruka-sensei. It was basically guesses that they had taken from the traitor that had given him the bloodline, but it was some place to start with his training. He had been going over the basics of his bloodline with the ability to turn invisible, being able to phase through matter and his power to fly. He had discovered that he could turn other things invisible, but he was having trouble with do a large area for a long period of time. The larger the area, the shorter the duration. Hard work was causing that to increase, but he still needed to work on that. The same thing happened with causing things to become intangible, with the exact same problems. The only other major problem was that even his non-ghost form had the power of the Reichi in an uncontrolled manner.

'I'm just lucky that I wear a track suit, or else I would keep loosing my pants in front of everyone. Old man Hokage promised to get me a different outfit that would work better with my kekkei genkai, whatever that means. I just hope it makes me look like a super cool ninja the future Hokage is suppose to be,' Naruto wished that he could look like he wanted to be, then his thoughts turned to the cloning problems he had. 'With the shadow clone jutsu I can create hundreds of clones at once, but when I am in ghost form I can only create a piece of that. I keep feeling resistance against creating clones, like I'm doing something wrong. What the heck is the problem with that thing?'

'Still, maybe my sensei can help me with this damn glitch. It does seem to help with my training to use the clones of both my human and ghost forms, but I have no idea why that is. But it does help to learn how to fight by have many different mes try and beat the crap out of me. It does help with my flying speed and my combat skills, but my ability to avoid attacks using my phasing ability. It should be more than enough to begin being the best ninja in the village.' Naruto thought with a smile, before frowning again as he thought about the announcement that Iruka-sensei had given about the teams.

'Then there are my teammates. I couldn't believe my luck when I got the same team as Sakura-chan, it would have been a dream come true to work with her if it wasn't for the other guy. I still couldn't believe my luck when I got stuck with Sasuke, I can't stand that guy. He gets everything handed to him, while I have to work with everything I got. Still, I got my bloodline before he got his.' Naruto was proud of his bloodline, especially after Iruka-sensei had given him a brush up of the bloodlines of the village. Which include the doujutsu duo of the Uchihas and the Hyugas, the Sharingan and the Byakugan. Naruto still felt that his was much cooler, and could wait to be able to pull out his newest trump card against an enemy or even in a fight with Sasuke where he could kick the arrogant bastard's butt.

'I can't take it any more!' Was the thought that echo in his mind as he moved up from his seat and went to the black board to pick up one of the chalk erasers. Moving to the only door to the room, he opened it just in the right way to hold the eraser so that when the door was open further it would fall on the person that was passing through the doorway. He looked over at his teammates and saw that Sasuke was brooding as always, while Sakura was looking like she was getting angry at him again.

"Dobe." Was the soft reply from the last of the Uchihas, as he paid little attention to his male team member.

Sakura was louder than that when she answered, "Naruto, you shouldn't do that. Our sensei is a jonin and not going to fall for that kind of childish prank." Naruto just gave her a foxy grin as he moved to take his seat once again. He really didn't care if it was childish or not, just as long as it made the sensei that they were getting look a little foolish. It would certainly make him feel better at wasting all of this time he could be using to learn about his new powers, rather than just sit here and wait.

It was just a few moments later that they heard someone touching the doorknob, opening the doorway wide open so that the eraser fell on top of him covering the grey haired man in a soft layer of chalk dust. He turned to look at the different genin as Naruto was laughing his ass off, Sakura holding back the laughter and Sasuke held a sly smile on his face. Turning to look at the with his one eye, he said, "My first impression of the three of you... is that I hate you all. Now if the three of you would just follow me to the top of the roof, the first meeting of Team Seven will take place."

On the roof...

The team of three had just arrived at the roof as Kakashi tried to think about the collection of the three young people that had followed him up. He was not sure that these three would figure out the first and greatest test that he would show them, that of the importance of teamwork within the world of ninjas. His next move is to have them reveal more of their mind set, perhaps getting a surprise from his first impression of these young ninjas. With careful words he asked, "So why don't you introduce yourselves, one at a time?"
Sakura looked a little confused as she asked him, "Introduce ourselves? What do you mean by that, sensei?"
Kakashi just sighed within himself as he explained it to his charges, "Things you like, thing you hate, dreams for the future, hobbies."
This time it was Naruto who answered him with, "Why don't you go first, sensei? I mean before we talk, why don't you tell us about you so that we know how it's done."
"Me? I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate... I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future... never really thought about it. As for my hobbies, I have a lot of hobbies." The teacher could not help but smile behind the face mask that he wore. He had showed them how it was done, while not revealing anything about himself at the same time. The looks on two of his students told him that he had frustrated them. He continued, "Why don't you go first pinky?"
"I'm Sakura Haruno! I like, well... the person I like... " she started as she looked at Sasuke in a way that screamed school yard crush. She continued, "My hobbies are... well, my dream is to..." She continued to look at Sasuke, even as he turned away from her without noticing her.
Kakashi was not liking the fact that Sakura was more interested in living a romance novels about ninjas rather than being one. It didn't help when he asked her what it was that she hated that she answered the name of her other teammate. Kakashi mused, 'This is not going to help any with the teamwork test. I might be sending these three back to the academy, if I don't convince them to quit instead.' The masked man motioned to Naruto to speak next.
"Believe it! I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen in a cup, and I really like the ramen Iruka-sensei got me at the Ichiraki Noodle Shop. But I hate the three minutes you have to wait after you pour the water in the ramen cup. My hobby is eating different kinds of ramen and comparing them, but I am also interested in training and learning more about myself. And my future dream is to be the greatest Hokage! Then the whole village will stop disrespecting me and start treating me like I'm somebody--- somebody important!" Naruto said with a bright foxy smile on his face as he spoke. Kakashi wonder if it was the Reichi that was the reason for the learning more about himself. Kakashi motioned to finish up the introductions with Sasuke.
"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don’t particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I’m going to restore my clan, and destroy a certain… someone." spoke the last of the Uchihas, which placed looks of terror on Naruto's. Sakura continued to look in a dream like trance at Sasuke.
"Tomorrow we are going to have a little test to see if you should become genin." Kakashi started before he was interrupted by Naruto.
"But aren't we already genin? I didn't work my ass off to pass that test." Naruto said as he looked crossed at being told his work was for nothing.
"That was just a test to see if you were ready for this next test, one of pure survival in your life as a ninja. Out of the twenty-seven academy students that pass the final exam, only nine of those students become genin. The other eighteen are weeded out and sent back to the academy for training." Each one of the students took on a look of determination that varied from the high intensity of Naruto to the light touch of Sasuke. Which would help make the coming test more difficult, but would make them that much stronger when they passed. Kakashi gave them further advice that would make the test more difficult, "I suggest that you get in some hard training and some good equipment. Also I wouldn't eat breakfast since this test has the tendency to make one throw up."
The first elements of the test were set up, he had a few other elements that he had to set up for the next day's little exam. In his heart, he hoped that these students would see past the deceptions that he would place before them. To prove that they would be worth of taking part of the 'Will of Fire', the very strength of their village that had lead to their peace. The very lessons that took him so long to learn at the cost of the life of a friend he had neglected. So far, not team had been able to see past the lies he had told them to see the one truth that he would give them. But he continued to hope, or else he lose everything he believed in and that he would not allow.
He disappeared from the students as he thought about the unique problems that the ghost boy would be giving him. He had limited ghost line as the careful addition of chakra as well as warding seals that were used in it's construction was very expensive. He would have to use it just right if he wanted to trap the ghost boy, since anything else would just pass through him with the power of the Reichi.
'Well, I at least know about most of the tricks that he could show me during the fight tomorrow. Of course, since this is a new bloodline anything could possible appear from Naruto. It should make the fight more interesting if he decides to use it, since I will be the first person other than Mizuki to see this new bloodline in battle. I might even have to pull out my secret weapon.' The man named after a scarecrow thought to himself as he prepared to eat a good dinner and a good breakfast. He would need it.
Author's notes:
Well, that is another chapter finished and we will soon see Naruto in combat with Kakashi. A fight that might show the new bloodline off to the young scarecrow man and his young charges. A fight that might last at least the next couple of chapters, once it gets going. I am also thinking of revealing another one of Naruto's powers during the fight, even if it is only one that he can barely command at this time. Two options are the ghost ray or overshadowing abilities, but I am open to any other option. Remembering that Naruto has had a week of training with his shadow and ghost shadow clones, which might have increased the speed of learning for the ghost boy.
I am also looking into any development of romance in the fic, even if all you will see at the most is kissing for now. I will try to move slowly with this aspect of the fic as well as keep it from bring down the action. One idea is to have Ino as a possible love interest due to the similarity of her family's special jutsu and Naruto's ghost powers. I can see Ino trying to discover how to increase her own abilities by working with Naruto, which might cause romantic sparks to grow. But I am open to other matches and even a harem if it is not too large. You should be able to post your suggestions in your reviews, I will take a time to figure it out while leaving opening for any other characters who might work as well.
I have also thought about ninjas learning to use ghost attacks by using their chakra, but if I was to do that it would be at a weakened rate as ectoplasm is not chakra. I have also been thinking of different jutsu that might be able to counter ghost powers, I even have one that has an interesting base in fact that will cause a lot of problems for Naruto much later in the fic. I am also looking for a Vlad character to counter Naruto, one that is likely to work for Orochimaru and the Sound Village. I am not sure if it should be an exact duplicate of Vlad or a character with the same powers as him. I don't think I should merge it with a canon Naruto character, so it might be new. I would like to here you comments on that in the reviews if you can.
Thank you for reading and I hope you have enjoyed this, '