Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.
Phantom Blood
A Danny Phantom/Naruto crossover based on the thread from the Maximum Addventure.
Part Three

As soon as he could, Naruto ducked into an alley and used his power to shift into his violet headed form, before turning invisible and flying off to one of the training sites that he used where people wouldn't be watching him. Taking his visible form again, the ghost boy took off his track suit so that he was dressed in his black t-shirt and a pair of boxers so that he would not be linked back to the fox boy everyone looked through. Then he spoke, "Shadow clone jutsu! " to split in about five clones so that he could perfect his use of his ghost form. Then he began to fight against those clones, dodging their kicks and punches using his ability to phase through solid matter.
"If I can get this right, I'll have another option when I have to dodge. I can just get let their attack to go through me, making their fighting styles useless against me." It was after two of the clones had vanished due to suffering too much damage, that the other three took out their kunai and threw them at him. Watching those throwing knives carefully, he used his instincts to allow those blades to pass through him before he moved to flip in the air as he flew. Using that flip, he then grabbed the same kunai that had just flowed through his flesh. He turned those weapons against their users, causing two of the trio to pop out of existence. But the third one was clever enough to use it's own phasing power to avoid being hit.
Deciding to get back to being out numbered, Naruto summoned four more clones to do battle with him. The original clone then nodded to the new quartet to come over to him so that he could make a plan, which the four other clone follow and move so that they could listen to him. The glowing green eyed boy also took that time to prepare for the battle that would be coming up, trying to think of a way to get the clones to suffer enough harm to cause them to go pop. Shortly, the five clones moved into a circle formation around the real violet haired boy for an all-out attack. They moved as one as they attacked him on five sides, causing him to react to the attacks of the five. Dodging one punch only to have to phase through a kick while twisting out of the way of another kick, he was learning how to use his powers when under a complete attack. He tried to give as good as he got, but it was hard to grasp something that could become intangible.
It was after the pop of the first clone that gave Naruto his answer, to try to phase at the same time as he grasped a clone that was phasing itself. Doing that had given him an easier time in causing his attacks to gain traction on his doppelgangers. Taking care of three more of his duplicates, he hit a surprise as the fifth clone used that same trick against him to throw him into the bushes that ringed the training ground. For a second, the ghost boy was distracted. Then he was really confused as he saw all around him at once, seeing beside him as well as behind him. Looking down at himself, he noticed that his hands looked different and he seemed to be dressed differently but in a familiar look.
Moving out of the bushes, he turned to face his doppelganger. The clone said one word, "Hinata? "
It was then and there that Naruto figured out what it was that was happening to him, 'I must have some how taken over Hinata's body, which means that I'm in her body. Which is way I can see all around me, she has that Byakugan thing that Iruka told me about when he told me about kekkei genkai.' The first moved that he did was try to dismiss the clone that he had created, which seemed to work even as he was in someone else's body. Then he wonder what would happened when he left the body that he was possessing. Phasing out invisibly, he watched as Hinata slowly came out of what looked like a dizzy spell.
"W-wh-at hap-pen-ed? I-I thought I-I heard Na-na-ruto-kun." Hinata said in her soft voice as she stumbled across the words, looking like she was confused with the state that she was in. She continued, "I-I was on th-the other s-s-side of th-those bushes." Naruto not wanting to revel his bloodline yet, with to behind some other bushes without being seen and then reversed his transformation so that he was his usual blond self. Then he walked out from behind the bushes.
"Hinata, I thought I heard you. I just had to go for a leak before I get ready to start some training in before a big test tomorrow. What brings you here? " He asked her, as he was curious about what it was that had brought her to this private location. He had tried to pick out a place that he could practise his ghostly powers without being spotted, but that was something that he would have to put on hold for now since he had an observer.
Hinata blushed for a minute before she spoke again, "I-I was lo-oo-ok for so-ome herbs, to-oo make he-ealing s-s-salve." She looked like she was nervous to be here for some reason that couldn't tell. Naruto remember thinking that the young heir looked weird, but now after seeing her bloodline as well as having his own he saw that she was cool. Then he got an idea to combine some more training, while helping Hinata with her job.
"I can help, " he said as he focused on the sign that would activate the shadow clone jutsu. Soon over a hundred Narutos appeared in the training ground, and the blond boy continued, "I can use my clones to help you look for the herbs that you need for your salve." The blond boy and his duplicates all took on foxy grins as they were glad that they were helping a friend while getting stronger at the same time.
Naruto could swear that his white eyed friend seemed to fill with a colour of red that he had never seen on a human for a couple of seconds before it starts to fade. This cause him to ask her, "Are you feeling alright? You looked like you we going to be sick. Are you getting sick, Hinata?" She just shook her head side to side as she turned her head down.
"N-n-no, I-I was j-j-just glad th-that you wa-wanted to hel-elp me." Hinata said as she looked up at Naruto with her face a slight pink and a soft smile. Smiling back, the fox boy moved his clones in on the quiet girl so that she could tell him what her herbs looked like so they could look for it together.

The next day...
Naruto was remembering the aid that he had given Hinata just yesterday, which allowed him to practise his shadow clone jutsu while improving his searching skills at the same time. It hadn't taken long before one of the clones had come up with the herbs that Hinata was looking for, and the two of them reached the spot where the wild plant grew. Naruto took that as a victory of his new knowledge of ninjutsu, before he dismissed his other clones.
"I don't know why it was that Hinata wanted to leave so quickly, it was nice to have someone with me that didn't give me... the look that everyone else does." The fox boy shivered at the knowledge of the look that he had been given, the one that seemed to go through him like he was nothing. Nothing, like he shouldn't exist. Nothing, like he didn't deserve to exist. The loneliness of nothing that had caused him to seek out any attention, even if it was just the anger and annoyance of pulling a prank. But now he had a kekkei genkai, he was going to be a ninja and finally get to be a somebody. Or at least he would be once his sensei showed up after all of this time waiting.
He also remember getting the special outfit that the Hokage had created for him, and outfit if black that was highlighted by orange collar around the neck, a thin orange belt and orange boots. There was still much of his favourite colour, but at the same time it wasn't screaming out kill me like his old track suit. The Hokage had told him that it wouldn't be prone to embarrassing phasing as any other outfit, so that it was a bonus. When he had arrived with top meet his team, the two of them seemed to like the change. With Sakura saying that he finally looked like a ninja, a strange ninja but a ninja. Sasuke just mumbled that at least Naruto would be less likely to get himself killed. The fox boy took this as a compliment.
Finally Kakashi appeared before his students, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. That caused a surge of anger to flow up through the fox boy, that was duplicated in his teammate as they spoke in the same voice, "You're Late! " The one eyed man just smiled in a sly way before he spoke to them.
"Sorry, I was just on my way when I ran into a black cat that was crossing my path. So I had to take another way to the training area, but the cat seemed to be following me..." He explained giving an excuses that was so unbelievable that no one could be expected to take it seriously.
"Liar!" Sakura accused as she showed that she didn't buy a word of it. Naruto could only agree as he waited for his sensei to move on to the test that would prove that they could be genin. Naruto turned and looked at Sasuke who was looked annoyed but uncaring, unlike their female teammate.
"The test is one of combat survival. You are to come after me with everything you have, in order to get one of two bells. The student who can take a bell, passes." Kakashi held up a couple of little silver bells that jingled for a moment. The jonin continued, "You will have to get these bells within the next couple of hours, before noon. At noon, those who do not get a bell will be tied to a post and have to watch as those who pass as well as myself eat all of the lunches in front of them." Naruto could not help be feel like an idiot as he realized the reason that his sensei told him not to eat, cursing that he would find a way to prank his new sensei back once he had passed the test.
"But sensei, there is only two bells. There are three of us, so what does that mean?" Sakura asked, causing the fox boy to notice that fact as well. He wondered if this was another trick of the jonin, one that he would have to overcome to become a true genin.
"Well, that is simple. Only two thirds of the students pass this test, so that means that at least one of you will be sent back to the academy for retraining. Of course, it is possible that only one will pass or that all three of you will fail. So you are going to have to come at me with everything that you got, which include shurikens or any other weapons that you have. You will have to come after me with pure killing intent, or you will fail to pass.
"You can't be much of a threat if you fell for my eraser trap. This should be a piece of cake." Naruto said while giving a little laugh at his ability to make his so-called sensei look foolish. But when the blond open his eyes he saw his sensei shaking his head before speaking.
"Class clowns often are the weakest links and not really a threat to anyone who knows better. It looks like we might have already found the team member that is going back to the academy already," spoke the scarecrow like man, before he reacted to the attack of the blue eyed blond. Knocking the punch aside he smiled for a moment before he continued, "I guess that the test has started." Within seconds, Sasuke and Sakura had disappeared into the shrubbery. That left Naruto and Kakashi all alone with each other facing each other with a deadly stare.
Deciding that if his sensei want his full power, he would give it to him. Yelling out a single word, "Reichi! ", Naruto was surrounded by a ring of white energy. His hair turned it new dark violet coloured and his eyes glowed with their green light, as he rose up in the air to use that as an advantage. He moved into a fighting stance, while at the same time holding a secret back that could help them win this battle. Naruto's new overshadow jutsu, the one that had allowed him to take over Hinata's body and make it his own.
'But first, I'm going to kick his butt before I make him give me the bells. Believe it! ' Naruto thought to himself as he moved in to attack the sensei that was the only thing holding him back from being a true ninja and going back as a failure again. Something that he would not be doing again after all of the work and stress that he had been through, he had to win!

Kakashi spoke as he stood looking at the transformed ghost boy, "First lesson is Taijutsu, however it also looks like we will be having a lesson on kekkei genkai." Naruto looked a little surprised at the mention of his bloodline limit, but he continued to teach the students that he had. "A kekkei genkai or bloodline limit is a genetic ability that is linked to a family that allows them to perform acts that would take much more chakra to use a jutsu or to use moves that could not be duplicated by jutsu. The particular bloodline limit that Naruto is using is called the Reichi."
Naruto's eyes opened wide as Kakashi gave him a wink as the teacher spoke again, "To explain it to your teammates, it is a rediscovered bloodline that has the power to turn a person into a living ghost with the powers of a spirit. Which includes abilities like being invisible as well as being able to pass through solid matter, just to name two of it's powers." While the jonin was doing this he was placing on his hands a set of black gloves that he had gotten from the ghosthunter team that the Hokage had created. It was something that they had just invented, and test just a couple of times before they gave it to him for a good test in a combat situation.
The ghost boy seemed to be frozen for a second before he attack with his fists and feet at the jonin, which as dodge with every move before the young ninja could make a hit. Slipping behind Naruto, the silver haired one forced chakra into the gloves as he made the hand sign of the tiger for an attack. He heard a cry of, "Naruto, get out of there! He's going to kill you! ", which caused him some joy as their was at least one teammate that was willing to help a fellow ninja even if in a small way.
'They think that I am doing some kind of killer fire jutsu since most of those involve the tiger sign in some way. They didn't notice that I was giving a lesson in taijutsu, so that don't know my true move, ' thought the one eyed ninja as he spoke out loud, "Too late! Now for the leaf village's most secret and and sacred jutsu! One Thousand Years of Death!" Then he shoved his fingers up the butt of his violet haired charge, which caused him to scream out in surprise, shock and pain.
After jumping up in the air before levelling out in flight, the green eyed one turned and looked at his teacher with anger in those same orbs. He said, "How the heck did you touch me? Your hand should have passed straight through my body, there is no way that you should have been able to touch me with out ghost powers! "
"Normally, that would be true. It turns outs that the Hokage has been working to fight against enemy ghost, which includes equipment like these Ghostgrabber Gloves. When the right amount of chakra is channelled into the gloves that can hold on to beings and items that can pass through solid matter. So that allows me to fight you without having to worry about passing straight through you." Kakashi hoped that Naruto would not notice that the gloves wasted chakra in order to work, so that he would have to limit his use of the device. Making this fight both easier and harder than expected.
Minutes earlier, in the brush nearby...
Sasuke could not believe that the dobe had his own bloodline limit, just like the one that the Uchiha had. He added, 'Worse, he seems to have gotten it before I could even activate my Sharingan. It gives him an advantage that I could copy with my doujutsu since it's blood based, not jutsu based. I have never heard of this Reichi before, but if it is a rediscovered limit that might not be unexpected. That's both a good thing and bad thing. Good that Naruto doesn't know how to use it's full power against me, but bad that I don't known what kind of power he's hiding.' Sasuke could hold back a shiver in his wonder of the idea that the Reichi might be more powerful than the Sharingan, which would have given him the power to kill his older brother.
He saw that his cyclops like sensei was about to attack with a tiger sign, a signature of a fire jutsu. Sasuke could only wonder if the elemental jutsu could effect something that was suppose to be like a ghost. Then he witnessed the true attack their teacher used against their violet haired team member, using the special gloves that allowed the jonin to attack the young ninja. One word crossed the mind of the avenger, "Idiots!" The moody boy could not believe that he was being taught by a ninja that would use such a silly move or that he was competing against a ninja with a powerful bloodline that would fall for that kind of move. Sasuke could only think of the ease that he would have with getting that bell so that he could get on step closer to gaining his vengeance. If he was the only on to pass, all the better.
'For now, I'll let the two of them fight it out. Hopefully, Naruto will tire out our sensei enough for me to be able to over take him without any effort.' Sasuke thought as he planned his next move.
We turn to a different point of view of the same events...
Sakura could not believe that Naruto, of all people, had access to a kekkei genkai. Especially one that would give him the powers of a ghost, powers that would make him a dangerous ninja if he was properly trained. In her mind Sakura thought, 'This almost makes Naruto seem cool, especially given the new outfit that he's wearing that makes him look less like a reject.' Then she saw that Kakashi-sensei was about to use a fire attack from the tiger sign that he was using, so she called out to Naruto to warn him. But it was too late as the jonin attack with what amounted to a butt poke, which caused Sakura to grimace at the embarrassing attack.
Though, she couldn't help but be jealous as she saw Naruto show off his ability to fly. Her thoughts turned on that point, "I can't believe that his bloodline allows him to fly, that is so cool!" She waited continued to wait for her move to grab the bells for Sasuke and herself. Part of herself felt bad for having to send Naruto back to the academy, but this was a mission of love and she would complete this with her power of romance!

Author's Notes:

First thing, this is to update the voting for the romantic pairing for Naruto in this fic. I don't think that vote was the right word, the more correct word is would be something like suggest or discuss. I want to hear your ideas for the possible romantic flavour for the fic that I am writting at the moment. Most of the people who replied in the review have done a good job of giving reasons why one pairing might work over the other or where their hearts lay in Naruto's love light. I will make the final decision, but I am willing to take input from others. Until that time is decided, I will create paths so that any option is possible. Paths where the different female characters can get a chance to look at Naruto in a new an better light.

Also this is being updated more than I would have normally done due to multiple reasons. They include having limited access to internet for a long period of time, an upcomming move at the end of April, concentrating only on the threads that are story connected and an urge to express myself. So this is causing those fics to move ahead faster than the rate that I would normally make for fics, but there is also the fact that I have been writting bite size sections of writing that allows me more time to type as the ideas are closer together. Let's hope that this continues to work out.

Continue to write in, giving me you opinions and feedback. I am interested in your thoughts, but remember that I might not agree with them. Thanks,
