Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.
Phantom Blood
A Danny Phantom/Naruto crossover based on the thread from the Maximum Addventure.
Part Four

Naruto was not happy with the fact that he had just had his rear-end violated by his teacher, especially with some kind of device that seemed to counteract the new abilities that he had just gained from him being unlucky enough to be chosen as a test subject for a traitor. He needed to prove to everyone that he was something special even with the drawbacks that he had been made to suffer, which was why he was saving his latest ability for the attack. The ghost boy thought to himself, 'I just have to get a couple of friends to help me out and hold those bells while I make Kakashi-sensei hand them over to my clones.' The violet haired boy then used his hand sign to summon the ten clones that he could make while in his spirit form, which formed a circle around the teacher.
The ten clones attack the jonin as the silver haired one tried to avoid their attacks while countering the force with those Ghostgrabbers that he used to embarrassed the fox boy, while the original Naruto used his power of invisibility to fade from sight to prepare to use his overshadowing jutsu on his instructor. The distraction of the combat had kept anyone from seeing that where they had been eleven of him, there was now only ten. Ten clones that were slowly being dropped in number as one eyed man hit the duplicates with the special gloves. With only two Narutos left, the original made his move and phased into the body of the jonin that he had just been fighting.
"Successful overshadowing jutsu, guys!" The body of the silver haired male said in the youthful voice of Naruto as the single eye he had open turned a glowing green colour. "Now I just have to give you guys the bells and we pass the test." From the bushes, shocked eyes looked in disbelieve as they saw their sensei speaking like Naruto and about to pass the bells over to his clones. But as the hand of the older man was about to touch the bells they froze.
The single eye returned to their original colour as he shouted out, "Clever Naruto, using something a power that I don't know about. But I am not your puppet!" Naruto could feel a force pushing against him as he tried to force his teacher to do his bidding. Naruto was guessed that his teacher was finding a way to fight against his control of his body, making it a battle of wills against the two ninjas of different levels.
Naruto forced more of his will as he tried to push down the rising will of his instructor, "I beat you fair and square, and now I deserve the bells. You can't stop me since I'm inside your body and in complete control. Now gimme those bells!" Naruto then tried to get the bells with the other hand, only to have that hand blocked by the hand that was under the control of the body's owner. As the battle of wills continued, everyone out of the body looked confused as it seemed that Kakashi was trying to fight against himself. The only ones that had any clue what was happening was the clones and they were not sure what it was that they should be doing as they didn't know how to help the original.
Meanwhile in the body...
Kakashi was surprised at the idea that Naruto was controlling his body, but was made aware of it with his knowledge of the Yamanaka technique of the mind transfer justu that was their family's claim to fame. He had been trained in what to do when his mind was taken over by an alien force, with S level training given during his time with the Anbu black ops given by Inoichi himself. So he was in a better position then most to fight against the control that Naruto had over his body, where a civilian or weaker ninja would have fallen under the boy's complete control.
Always the teacher, the jonin's thoughts turned to his student, "If he passes this test, I should really see if Naruto could train with the Yamanaka family. Their jutsu and this overshadowing power of his are very similar, with training they could help increase the skills of each other with their abilities. Of course, that is after I kick the little idiot out of my body and make him pay for turning me into a meat puppet!" The grey haired male slammed against the wall that Naruto had shaped around him that prevented him from keeping control over his own flesh and blood.
Centring his will into a single focused blow, he took his time to align that blow against the small cracks that had been made against that wall of imprisonment. Then with a final strike it blasted through that wall and hit the spiritual image of Naruto and forced him out of the mind-scape that they had been in, letting to return to the normal form that it usually had. Being able to see out of his body again, he saw Naruto shoot out of his body and crash into a tree across from him. The jonin could not help but shiver at the idea that he was made to loose the test with a single technique.
"I had better be ready to expect the unexpected when battling that one." He thought as he disappeared in the shadows that nurtured a ninja like a mother. Then with the sudden strike of a cobra, he launched two kunai at the clones causing them to pop into non-existence. He then waited for Naruto's next move, which was to search the spot that Kakashi had been in. A spot that held a rather obvious trap that he had left to test the young ninja's ability to see underneath the underneath. Which the ghost boy instantly failed, being yanked up by the special ghost rope that would hold him. It was also covered with a fine coating of ghost foam that should weaken him as well.
"Naruto, you have to learn that a ninja must see past all deceptions. A ninja must seen underneath the underneath." He told his student as he picked up the bell that he had left there as bait for his young friend.
"I get it, I get it. See underneath the underneath." Naruto yelled out as he tried to struggle out of the rope, which he reacted to by mumbling, "Why can't I phase through this rope?"
"You don't get it. You think you get it, which you don't, and that is something that is completely different from actually getting it. Get it?" He told the ghost boy, hoping that he was listening to him even while struggling with the trap. The Kakashi sense shurikens and kunai knives coming at him and he made his move.
Kakashi used his substitution jutsu to replace himself with a log that ended up looking more like a pin cushion, the one eyed man had to admit that the Uchiha had skills in noticing a weak spot. In his thought he told himself, 'At least I know what it is that I can expect with Sasuke and Sakura, even when they take me by surprise they're normal ninjas. Naruto, on the other hand, has an ability to become completely unpredictable. Including his ability to take over a body like a Yamanaka, without any of the drawbacks that is normally associated with their jutsu. I was left feeling dizzy and confused, and would have looked it if I hadn't had the special training that I have had.'
The grey haired ninja knew that even with the Sharingan, he wouldn't have had an advantage against Naruto's ghost powers. It was purely a case of equipment and training to get him out of the way, with that special anti-ghost rope with the extra-strength weave. He just hoped that his students could have used all of their abilities to come at him, but they would have had to figure out the answer to the training. Fighting Sasuke alone without help from Naruto or Sakura, just showed him that they didn't realize the truth behind the test yet.
The two ninjas do battle with each other with kicks and punches that were expected of the combat style of taijutsu, each fighting at a level that was higher than that of a normal genin. Kakashi could only think to the training tactics of the lost clan, 'It's likely that Sasuke was trained hard so that he could become one of the best ninja in all of the village, that's why his fighting style is more refined then the raw style that Naruto uses. It looks like I might have to put a little distance between the two of us.'
The scarecrow man leaped for the woods as he secretly made the hand signs that would create a clone to keep the attention of the Uchiha for a time, while he made sure that Sakura wasn't missing her own lesson in the ninja arts. He managed to track down her in a secluded part of the woods, where she couldn't quite see him but where she could hear him.
"Lesson Two, genjutsu." He said as he did the signs for the demonic illusion: hell viewing jutsu, one of the most basic low ranked jutsu for causing the subject to see a living nightmare. Having been told about what it was that she loved most, it was simple to show an image of Sasuke suffering from some of the most deadly and gruesome injuries that anyone could believe. What the one eyed man couldn't believe was the fact that the young girl fainted from the shock of the image, showing that she had a lot to learn if she was to be a ninja.
'Now I just have to find Sasuke to give him his own lesson in the ninja arts.' He thought to himself as he saw the young boy that he had been looking for with a look of determination on his face. The normally moody boy was smiling at Kakashi, which must mean that there will be major trouble about to hit the fan for the jonin.
"Well, I guess that you'll be taking a lesson on ninjutsu since all of the other lessons have been taken by the other students." he was telling the boy before he was interrupted by his charge.
"I'm different from all of the others." said the black haired young man as he took pride in his words, before moving his hands with great skill so that it formed the fire style: fireball jutsu that was common among his clan when they were alive. One that showed the skills of the genin prospect as that was a chunin level jutsu being performed by a lower level ninja, but then the Uchihas trained hard to perfect any and all fire jutsu so that wasn't a surprise.
Pulling out another chakra powered switch, he avoided the fireball that would have roosted him if he had been in that spot, but that switch allowed the teacher to get the better of the student by letting him sink into the earth under Sasuke without being detected. That was when he used his own jutsu on the young man that hoped to become a ninja, the earth style: headhunter jutsu to pulled down the boy dressed in blue into the earth until it was only his head sticking up from the ground that was now his prison.
"You're right, Sasuke. You are different from Naruto and Sakura, but as we say different is not always better. The nail that sticks up is the one that is going to be hammered down." Kakashi told the young man as he decided to go and check up on the first student to try and kill him during this test. Using the skills of his profession, he arrived to see Naruto finally getting himself free from the anti-ghost rope and figuring out how to get rid of the foam that was now covering him. Falling down to earth, Naruto finally landed in front of the lunches that Kakashi had set up for his students when the final aspect of the test would be revealed if they didn't pass the first aspect of the test. Naruto's stomach growled with the hunger of missing a meal and having a work out after words, proving that the boy was hungry.
Obviously thinking with only his stomach, the young man took on a devilish look on his face as he looked at the lunches. Licking his lips, he spoke out loud, "No one said it would be against the rules for me to have a little break to get my second wind. A little food and I should be back in the game." Naruto reached out to take the lunch that would have gone to the 'winners'. He takes a box and prepared to sit and eat, Kakashi caught him while wearing his special gloves and use some of the special rope that was remaining to tie the ghost boy to one of the wooden posts.
"Except that it wouldn't be fair to the other students who have been working hard on empty stomachs, now would it? So you will be waiting here until the test ends in, oh, the next couple of minutes." He told the violet boy, noticing that the boy needed work on his strategy. In his mind, 'You would think that he noticed that he could phase through the wood of the post.' He then waited for his students to show up before the time limit ended.
In the forests...
Sasuke was getting filling with rage as he thought about the way that he had been trapped by his sensei, stuck in the dirt up to his head just because he didn't expect the attack from below. Now he had to figure out a way to get out from his earthly prison, then he heard a voice say, "Huh?" He looked in that direction only to see his female teammate looking directly at him.
He called out to her, "Sakura?" He was hoping that she might be able to pull him out of the situation that he found himself in, as an extra pair of hands might be of use in digging himself out of the mess. Then she screamed at him.
"Sasuke's just a head without a body and he's still talking!" Terror could be seen clearly on her eyes as if she had seen a nightmare come to life when she was looking at him. Then the light went out of her eyes as she fainted in front of him, removing the only aid that he had to dig himself out of the hole that he had found himself in. Sasuke was stunned by her action as that was not something you would expect from someone who's job included killing other people upon command.
"And that's my partner!" He said sarcastically as he tried to figure out another what out of the land that held him.
A little later...
Sasuke found himself in standing next to the post that was holding Naruto, bound in rope so that he couldn't move. On the other side of the ghost boy, was his pinked hair stalker. There sensei was walking over to a stone that was engraved with something. Their sensei looked thoughtful for a moment, before he spoke, "On this stone is the names of some of the best ninjas of the entire village. Ninja who have earned the respect and admiration of the entire village."
"Well, my name is going to be one that stone some day, I'm going to be one of the best ninja in the village and when I am on that stone everyone will respect me!" Naruto exclaimed loudly as he continued to struggled with his ropes. Kakashi turned and gave Naruto a dirty look.
"Everyone on that stone are dead, having sacrificed their lives for the lives of the village." The grey haired man said softly, yet firmly. That caused all of the students to become silent, each feeling embarrassed by Naruto's comment.
"I have some good news, I have decided that I won't be sending any of you back to the academy." spoke the one eyed man as the students got their hopes up at the idea they had all passed before they were crushed by his next words. "All three of you... are being dropped from the program, permanently!"
"The reason behind this test was teamwork, something that none of you know anything about. Not one of you alone could take a jonin like me on by yourselves, but if you worked together as a team you would have gotten the bells." The jonin told them as he tried to explain the test.
"But sensei, there were only two bells?" Sakura asked as if to try and figure out what it was that Kakashi was trying to say. Sasuke could also tried to wonder what the reason behind the two bells.
"Those were a misdirection to cause you to think that only two of you could pass the test. If you had been able to see past that deception, you would have realized that a genin team is made up of three students and one jonin instructor for a reason. Teamwork is the answer." The scarecrow like man leaped with great speed and got Sasuke in a position where he couldn't attack. "Sakura, kill Naruto or Sasuke dies."
Sakura was frozen with dread, looking like she thought that their teacher had gone made. Kakashi let Sasuke up as he explained, "In this life there will be hard choices like that, but if you work as a team you will always find a way around these problems by working together. But you three couldn't do that. Sasuke, you believed that you are so better than anyone else that you don't need their help, but you do need their help if you are going to survive as a ninja, Sakura, you were so worried about Sasuke that you didn't think about teaming up with Naruto. Naruto, you were so fixed on doing things by yourself, and while you did have a good chance to win with your Reichi, you would have had a better chance using that Reichi with the aid of the others."
The Uchiha hung his face down as he had to look over the mistakes that they had made with the test, when he looked up again he saw his teacher standing before the engraved stone once again. The grey haired man turned to them again and spoke, "I am going to give you a second chance to pass this test, we will run threw it again after lunch. However, only Sasuke and Sakura are going to eat since Naruto tried to have his lunch early. That is an order, I'll be back soon." The teacher tossed the pink and black haired students two lunch boxes, then disappeared.
Sasuke thought for a moment about the test they had just experienced and then orders that Kakashi had just given him, he could sense that something wasn't right about that. Then her heard the growl of Naruto's belly and realized that they didn't have a chance if Naruto was weak.
"Eat, you'll be completely worthless in the test if you don't eat anything. I don't sense our sensei anywhere near us, so it should be alright for you to eat." Sasuke said, hoping that his hunch was right about the reason for the test. Sasuke was interested in seeing that Sakura was trying to fee Naruto her lunch as well, she didn't seem to like to feed Naruto while his hands were tied.
'If it was me on the pole, I bet she wouldn't have that much trouble feeding me.' Sasuke thought to himself, as they feed their teammate.
It was after the sound of Naruto's stomach had stopped, that there was a burst of smoke that signalled the appearance of their sensei. Kakashi spoke, "You have disobeyed my orders. I hope that you are ready to take the punishment that I am going to give you." As he did some hand signs, thunder clouds covered the sky as the wind picked up and lighting struck the ground behind them. The one eyed ninja asked, "Any last words? "
It was then that Sakura said, "We gave him food because he's our teammate and that the three of us are one!" With that Naruto was agreeing over and over again, as Sasuke just nodded in agreement in a subtle manner. He was an Uchiha and he would face destiny head on.
"The three of you are one!? That's your excuse?" The three young ninja looked on in terror at their sensei as they expected the worse, before being surprised by his words again in a soft voice, "You pass." That caused them to look shocked at the words that the older man had said.
"In fact, you're the first team that I have past and now you're my responsibility. To realize one of the most important rules for a ninja, those who break the rules are scum, that is true. But those who abandon their friends are worse than scum. Remember that when we start training tomorrow. You are dismissed." Kakashi turned to disappear, but spoke one thing before doing that, "Naruto, you do realize that you could have phased through the post at anytime?"
The black haired boy could only shake his had as the violet haired one had a look of pure stupidity on his face as he leaned back and into the post. The ropes loosing their hold on him, fell as the boy shot up the post to float above it in a clumsy manner.
'Well, this is going to be an interesting team.' Sasuke though as he headed home for more training.
Author's notes:
Well, this was a long one, but it just kept pouring out as I wrote it. I have tried to keep with my fusing of the two sources by using the next power that Danny developed which was overshadowing. Now people might be asking how Kakashi managed to break free of that power. For one it was recent power for Naruto, so he had not perfected the control over it. Second, Kakashi had training with the similar abilities of the Yamanaka clan as part of his advance Anbu training. I figured that those black ops guys would be trained to regain control over any mind altering effects. Now, if Naruto had training with his overshadowing power and time to grow, he could have been powerful enough to take Kakashi. That hasn't happened yet, so he has a limited weakness with that ability.
I have been looking over the suggestion about the possible romantic interests with Naruto Phantom. Hinata seems to be popular, which means me wonder if it is a case of the American for the nice guy (or girl in this case) and/or underdog finishing first. Ino seems to be a popular choice as well, with Tenten and Temari being in the middle. Harems also seem to be popular with the people, with at least one except being given to me. I have given a moment to Hinata in the chapter, which is a long way from being a romantic link but a good chance for the two to be closer friends. I am also setting up a chance for Ino in the near future as well.
I am also curious about your thoughts for the Wave arc that will be coming up. I have a few things that I need to clear up first, before moving to that storyline. I am thinking about it, but have not decided on the exact nature of everything in that storyline. Where to change it from the normal canon version to this new version.
I hope that you have enjoyed this chapter and continue to give me your support and feedback.