Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.
Phantom Blood
A Danny Phantom/Naruto crossover based on the thread from the Maximum Addventure.
Part Five
Kakashi Hatake was sitting with the other two sensei who's students had passed the test that the Hokage had created to increase the teamwork of his ninjas. One was the son of the Sandaime, Asuma Sarutobi, who was teaching the current team of Ino-Shika-Cho combo that was made famous by their fathers. The other was a recent jonin by the name of Kurenai Yuhi, who was the instructor of the team of Hyuga, Aburame and Inuzuka. The former looked a little like a younger version of the Hokage, with black hair and beard, tan skin and brown eyes. He held a laid back personality and a vice in the form of a smoking habit . The female member of the trio was a lovely woman that a beautiful yet sisterly at the same time, with ruby eyes and long flowing black hair. She was a recent addition to the rank of jonin as well as being a mistress of the genjutsu ability to create illusion and alter behaviour.
The grey haired teacher was leaving one ear into the conversation as he thought of his students and their needs. It was then that Asuma asked him about his students and if they passed their test. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts from what he had been thinking, he began to explain that his new students had pass the test on the second chance. Then he began to discuss each student.
"Sakura needs to decide if she really wants to be a ninja or not, since it seems that she is just following Sasuke around as he travels this path. If she decides on being a ninja, and can see past being a fan girl, she might become a strong kunoichi. She is bright enough if she's not distracted by our little heartthrob, but could use more physical work to build up her chakra capacity. It is also refreshing to have someone that is a normal person on a team of oddballs." The two other ninja nodded as they understood the analysis of the student.
"About the Uchiha, how is he? He has a lot of people's hopes riding on him to bring back the clan as well as the honour that it once had." Asuma said as he mentioned the boy that was considered the golden boy of the leaf. Their eyes filled with interest as they wondered his fate.
"Sasuke, he's a piece of work. He is so focused on trying to kill his brother, he overlook the need for his teammates. He did think of other when he needed to, but it wasn't his first thought. I know that I have a lot in common with the boy as we both bear the Sharingan and tragic pasts, but I am worried that he might seek any power that could kill his brother at any cost. He's going to need more attention in order to make him realize the strength that can be gained by being part of the Will of Fire." The one eyed male said as he took a sip of tea before continuing, "He's the only one that doesn't have first loyalty to leaf, unlike Sakura and Naruto. Which will be the focus of my lessons with him, unlike the others."
"What about Naruto? I heard the rumour that he has managed to activate his kekkei genkai, the Reichi. With that and the other thing, is he dealing with it alright or might he need some counselling?" Kurenai asked curious about the student, while holding a concerned tone in her voice that was not common when dealing with Naruto.
"Naruto is a ninja filled with surprises, only one of which is the Reichi. The tools that the ghost-hunter unit has produce have been effective, even if they still need major work to become practical. The Ghostgrabber gloves alone waste too much chakra to be used long term. The anti-ghost rope still has the weaknesses of rope in that it can be cut or untied with enough work. What shocked me was his 'overshadowing' jutsu, which seems to be a natural version of the Yamanaka mind transfer jutsu. He managed to enter my body and take control of me for a few seconds. If it wasn't for the fact that he hasn't been trained to take over bodies and I was trained against having spirits invade mine, he would have won the test the wrong way." The sensei seemed a little proud at the action of his student, even if it wasn't something that he had wanted at the time.
"Still he has problems seeing through obvious traps and could use extra training with his strategy, genjutsu and taijutsu. Plus he seemed limited in the number of shadow clones that he could create in his spirit form, for some reason. I also get the feeling that we have only seen the top of the iceberg that is the Reichi, there is more that lies underneath that bloodline. The overshadowing abilities got me to thinking of the only people in the village that could help train Naruto in those kind of skills." He told them as they held the light of understanding in their eyes.
"Ino's family, the only clan in the whole village that specializes in spirit possession jutsu. I have to admit that they could help each other out with both of their skills in possession, perhaps even leading to the development of more powerful versions of those jutsu. The village legends did say that the clan learnt their abilities from a dead ancestor, but in what why are you going to introduce this to the family?" Asuma said as he lit up a cigarette, a minor hint of interest being revealed with the smoke.
"Well, most people do still look at Naruto... in a negative light. The clan is strongly loyal to the village and would help with anything that could make it strong, they also trust the Hokage's word even if they are cautious about Naruto. They are also close to the Nara and Akimichi clans, the young sons of those clans have been known to hang out with Naruto. So there is possibility that they might be willing to give him a chance because of those two. The real work would be getting Ino and Naruto to work together as they are of similar levels in their unique arts. With one being a top kunoichi Sasuke fan and the other being the annoying dead-last, the might make at least an interest pair to watch training. If they don't kill each other first." Kakashi said with a smile, which cause Asuma to laugh and Kurenai to hold back her laughter.
At a Certain Ramen Shop...
Naruto was eating his usual meal of ramen at his favourite restaurant, Ichiraku. He had taken a break from training after the test so that he could refill his belly with fuel, and was in the middle of his seventh bowl when he noticed that his teammates had just arrived at the stand. He was wondering why they were arriving at this stand, were they interested in ramen as well? He finished off the rest of his bowl as the two of them took the seats next to him, likely so that they could talk to him.
"Naruto, we were just wondering if you could tell us more about your Reichi. I mean, we never heard about it from Iruka-sensei in the academy with all of the other important bloodlines of Konoha. Is there a reason for it not to be known in our village, like your clan being from a different village? Is there an entire clan of people with the same kind of power that you have?" Sakura said, making sure that her voice was loud enough to be heard by the blond boy, but not be others.
Naruto thought back to the cover story that his sensei had started during the test, which he figure had been created by the silver haired man or been told to him by the Hokage. He began to spin the story, "I don't know much about it. I was told by the Hokage that it was an old bloodline that one of my ancestors had. The fact that I got it to activate just seems a random piece of chance. There has been a few pieces of paper that talk about it, but no body knows the full range of powers it hold. So I got to work hard to figure it all out and know what it is that I can now do. I can use some of it's powers without transforming but it's not under my control then. I can completely control it only by going ghost, so that means I have to practise in that form."
Naruto made a sign to order another bowl of ramen, which was followed by his teammates. The fox boy noticed that he was being observed closely by the last of the Uchihas, as if he was looking for a hidden treasure that Naruto was the key to finding. "So what have you found out about this Reichi so far? What can you do? " asked the black haired boy as he was stared at the black and orange dressed boy.
"I would like to keep most of it secret, but since we're on the same team I might as well tell you." Naruto explained the increase in his physical abilities during his transformation and the basic powers of flight, intangibility and invisibility. He also mentioned the power of overshadowing, his phasing into a person's body to take it over. He also told them that he had only a few days of practise with his new form and hadn't really got into any good training with his bloodline powers. He as he spoke, the bowls arrived for his team. He didn't keep quiet as he trusted old man Teuchi and his daughter, since they didn't give him the same eyes that most other people did. Likely because the ghost boy help to keep them in business with his hunger.
"I should really ask old man Hokage for more details on the Reichi. I have a feeling that he might have some notes on it that I can use in helping me train." Naruto said, before he was hit by the fist of Sakura.
"Naruto, you should be more respectful to Lord Hokage. You shouldn't be calling him an old man." The woman told him as she frowned at him. He was going to argue the point, but decided to drop it for now.
"It sounds like the Reichi could be of great use for a ninja, since it grants main abilities that could aid one on a mission. The ability to fade from sight and pass through most barriers as well as the rapid speed of flight would tip most battles in your favour, " Naruto looked smug as Sasuke said that. But that changed as the Uchiha continued, "However, Kakashi-sensei showed that it could be countered with the right equipment. Perhaps even with specially developed jutsu it could be neutralized or countered."
Naruto ate for a moment before he spoke in answer, "That just means that I have to work harder to develop my own skills in countering those counters, finding ways around those equipment, so that I can become Hokage. To become the Phantom of Konoha, the greatest ninja ever!" Pride beamed from Naruto's face as he gave his closed eyed foxy grin. His teammates just shook their heads in acceptance of the ego of the ghost boy.
Sakura was poking around with her food for a moment before she turned and looked at Naruto with curious eyes. She spoke a question, "Naruto, what is it like to fly? I've always wondered what it would be like to be able to fly. Even wondering if there was some kind of jutsu that would allow one to do that, but all there seems to be are exercises in advance jumping. What is it like to fly?" This question also got Sasuke's head up as he looked interested in the answer to the question his female team member had ask. Naruto wonder how to reply to that for a minute, while taking in more ramen. Then he told them.
"It's like running into the wind, faster than you can ever run on your own. It's like floating in the water, only without being push down by gravity. It's like being set free of all of the cares of the world, so that it's only you and the universe. It's jumping into the sky, but having no limit to how high you can climb. You can't describe it completely with out experiencing it." Naruto had his eyes closed as he told them of his experiences flying. He looked at them, to see the lost on their faces as they figured out that they might never be able to experience. Naruto had a brainstorm at that moment.
"With my enhanced strength of the Reichi and time to practise with that plus my flying, I might be able to carry you guys up into the sky with me when I fly. Then you can experience it yourselves." Naruto said, trying to bring the smiles back to at least Sakura's face. Both look with some joy, which was surprising on Sasuke's mug. It, however, made Naruto feel good to make someone else happy. Some that he wanted to repeat in the future.
At the Yamanaka Flower shop...
Kakashi had just walked into the shop after hearing that Inoichi was there that day. He had finished talking with his peers about their students and giving input on what they should do to improve their students. Everything about Naruto's bloodline came back to the fact that only people able to train him with his overshadowing ability were this clan. He was wary about trying to get their help as he was not sure their opinions on Naruto, with all of the people harmed by the Kyuubi they could be bitter against the boy. It could range from seeing Naruto as a hero for imprisoning the beast to seeing him as the demon reborn. So he was on full alert as he saw the older man working at the counter with his young daughter.
"Kakashi, it's great to see you again. I hear that you're teaching a genin team this year, and the rumours say that you pass them. So they figured out the secret behind your test." The older blond moved from behind the counter, so that he could shake the hand of the one eyed ninja. They greeted each other with the traditional greeting, before the visiting ninja expressed what he needed.
"Inoichi, I need a word with you. In private." Kakashi said, hinting in his voice that this was a secret related to the business that they were both in.
"Alright, follow me." The boar named man moved to take his fellow ninja to a private office that was used for business involving using flowers for official duties. Shutting the door so that they could not be heard, the flower shop owner asked, "What is it that you need me for, Kakashi? I can't figure out why you would need me if you're just teaching genin."
"The Hokage and I want to keep this secret for now, but I figure if I am going to get your full help that you have to be filled in. Naruto Uzumaki has awakened a kekkei genkai called the Reichi, it has the effect of duplicating the abilities of ghosts and spirits. That is on the lower end of secrets, the higher level secret is that it was created by Orochimaru. We have started a cover story that it is a lost bloodline that has been rediscovered. It has had no negative effect on Naruto, other than scaring him for a few minutes. We have not told him about Orochimaru." The grey haired man debriefed the story to his peer as he awaited an answer.
The Yamanaka nodded his head asking, "Wait, don't tell me. He has developed something close to the mind transfer jutsu that is my clan's trademark. Or at least some variant of that, and now you need my help in training the boy in the art of possession." The master of possession looked thoughtful as if trying to figure out something. There was a lot that the other man had to understand.
"You don't think that Naruto is the..." The Sharingan started making sure that the word unspoken was heard clearly.
"No, not really. I saw him with Chouza and Shikaku's sons with him, he didn't seem like a bad boy. It's just with my daughter chasing the Uchiha, I didn't have the much contact with him. However, there is a part of me that is envious of his bloodline. It was said that my clan gained it's jutsu from watching spirits, so to have those powers in the blood... It would certainly give a boost to my family's fortunes." There was a little smile on his face as he said this as he ended with a laugh.
"Look at it like this, if you train with the boy you might be able to find a way to improve those jutsu. With the ability to battle spectrally, it should increase skills in battling those that have more powerful defences. It can allow you to find out ways to use the experiences that you have with the spiritual aspects of chakra to increase your abilities. Even develop new family jutsu to pass down to Ino's children." The instructor asked his ally, hoping to entice him into teaching his student.
"I can teach him, but he'll also need a sparring partner to practise his skills with someone that same power level as he is. But I expect that you figured that out already and have talked with Asuma about getting time for my daughter to practise with him." Kakashi could only look a little shame faced as he made a motion in agreement. Inoichi continued, "I will take the boy under my wing if he promises to keep my family's secrets like their his own. Just like Chouza and Shikaku's kin, we keep each other's secrets like an extended clan. He would just have to be introduced into that brotherhood, do you think that he could handle it?"
"As long as you treated him honestly and with respect, I believe that he could do that. From what the Hokage has told me about the boy's relationship with Iruka, once he gained the trust of the boy Naruto was a loyal friend to the teacher. Even defending his sensei from the traitor Mizuki, who was on paper much more powerful than Naruto. I still have to see that and take some time to earn his trust, so I am just giving a second hand account. But I trust in the Hokage's judgement, he didn't get to be Hokage from being a fool." They looked at each other for a long time before Inoichi moved to a cabinet and took out a bottle of sake and a couple of glasses.
"Let's seal the deal with a glass of the good stuff. I'll give lessons to Naruto and treat him like he was one of my own, and you'll get him to help me to improve my family's range of jutsu in exchange. After a few sips, we'll work out what does of the week that he'll show up here for the training. I would also like a show of his skills with his bloodline with a little hand to hand combat with the kid. I'm just curious about the different abilities that this ghost blood of his can do." The rice alcohol was poured into the dishes and passed to the two men in the room, in preparation of the barter that they had made. The hope of improving both clan and ninja was on their minds as they did so, in alignment of the Will of Fire that held them together.
Author's notes:
I have most of the next chapter written up and just need the time to look it over for posting to this location. I am also thinking of the minor events that will occur before I shift it to the next major arc with the journey to Wave Country. The events in that arc is definately going to change with the addition of the new powers of Naruto, as will much of the series since the infusion of Danny Phantom Elements. I am currently developing a ghostly counterpoint for Naruto in Orochimaru's camp. The pale one is not going to stop his tests just because he looses access to his prize test subject, and some of that will be explored in the next chapter. Still before the Chunin exam, I am going to have to figure out the events of Wave and who will survive it.
I am also looking to develop some ghostly opponents for Naruto to battle against in the coming chapters. This will also be explained in more detail with the next chapter. I am curious about what kind of ghost should be used. In Danny Phantom, only a few of the ghost presented are actual dead people. Butch Hartmen as mentioned that some ghost are created from different elements like ideas or aspects of humanity. For an example of a combo of those ideas and the world of Naruto, there could be spirits of the five ninja elements. These spirits would be master of all things of the elements, including their elemental jutsu. Other powerful 'offspring' of these big five would be the mixed element jutsu like wood or ice. The creature summonings would be another example of powerful spirits with more physical forms. So this should be interesting.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have enjoyed this,