Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koukyuu ❯ Enter...Temper Tantrums ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"You enjoy this!" Kagome hissed at the Uchiha when they retired to their room for the night, and Madara looked at the miko in surprise as he slipped his orange mask off.

"What do you mean, koi?" the man was again surprised when their lover turned to stare at him as well.

"You like being 'Tobi'," Pein accused, coming to stand beside Kagome with his hands on his hips while the Uchiha stood across from them, his hands fingering the mask in them.

"I've no idea what you two mean," Madara said indifferently, turning his back to the two as he hung the mask on one of the posts of the bed.

Kagome glanced at Pein from the corner of her eye, and was shocked to see the normally cheerful and laid back man was staring at their partner intensely. His orange eyes glowed slightly as he narrowed them on the black haired ninja before them, and she sighed, catching his attention.


The man turned to watch the small female sit on the bed beside him, and he turned slightly to see that Pein stood where he was, watching her intently. Feeling significantly cornered now, the Uchiha turned his back to the wall, his arms over his chest.

"Were you like that when you were younger?"

The question caught him completely off guard. Enough so, that his crimson eyes went wide, and his mouth opened slightly. Kagome giggled at the sight, and lifted her hand toward Pein, giving the control driven man time to regain his cool. Pein smirked at her slightly as he strode to the bed to stand between her slightly spread legs and take her hand. Raising the appendage to his mouth, he let his tongue drag across her wrist, making her look at him heatedly.

"Now is not the time," she reprimanded, and he gave a light shrug.

"I take what I can," he said, and sat beside her on the bed.

Kagome looked back at the Uchiha and smiled when she saw him staring at them intently. She patted her other side, and he shook his head.

"I prefer to stand when talking of...this..." Madara said, a slight grimace on his face.

"You mean of your past?" Pein said, laying back on the bed comfortably, looking at him lazily.

"The reason you like playing were like that when you were younger?" Kagome guessed, and knew she was right when he flinched slightly.

"You've got to be kidding me! You were a hyperactive little shit when you were younger?" Pein said in a bored voice, grunting when Kagome elbowed him in the stomach.

"Well...yes. Before I became truly battle hardened, I was very care free," Madara admitted, a slight blush on his pale face, making Kagome grin.

"You're very cute when you blush," she said, and her eyes widened when his eyes flared in anger.

"I am not cute!" Both Pein and Kagome were lucky to dodge the side table that he threw at them.

"No aspect of me is 'Cute'! I am a man!" the two flattened themselves against the wall as the man proceeded to throw furniture, ranting very loudly.

"I don't think it's safe to call him that, Kags," Pein said as they inched their way out of the room.

"Do you have eyes woman! I am handsome!"

"Safe to assume that," the female agreed as Madara proceeded to flip over the rather large bed they all shared.

"I am sexy! I am hot! I am perfect! No part of me is cute!"

"But he is so going to be the one to clean up this mess," Kagome said, making the orange top chuckle.
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