Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koukyuu ❯ Enter...Respect ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"You think this is a game little girl! We have to kill him!"

It was supposed to be a simple retrieval mission. Of course, nothing ever seemed to go simply for her. No, she was time traveling, dimension hopping miko extraordinaire! With her puppet side-kick, Pinocchio! -Err...Sasori!

"You've got to be kidding me!" one of the two enemy ninja grunted as he punched Sasori in the stomach, only for his knuckles to crack.

"I must say, those last minute touch ups are seeming to come in handy," Kagome said quietly as she kicked her opponent in the back of the head, knocking him out.

"I would have to agree," Sasori whispered, slicing the throat of his opponent deftly and without much thought, making Kagome pale.

" doesn't always feel to good in bed," she said, looking at the steel reinforced abdominal muscles lightly, noting the severe bruising the carefully constructed metal under-plate seemed to have caused.


"Did you get it?"

Kagome turned to stare at Madara as Sasori tossed him the bag of rings. She then turned and walked out of the room, blatantly ignoring the puppet master as he called out after her.

"What did you do?"

Sasori looked away from the Uchiha when his eyes landed on him, and shrugged.

"I killed the enemy ninja. I don't know why she's so upset..."

"Fool, she is a priestess," Madara scoffed, glaring at the boy when he just blinked at him.

"Life is precious to her. It is not something to be stolen or thrown around. You killing so...heedlessly, in front of her, probably made her think differently of you," Madara said, sighing as he remembered when himself and Pein had to calm her after she watched them kill a group of bandits.


Kagome sat outside the base in a calm meadow the next day, humming as she watched the clouds blow by. She was half asleep when a shadow blocked her vision of the sky, and she jumped.

"I could have killed you, Kagome," Sasori reprimanded, and she smiled.

"I'm very accustomed to your aura. I would have noticed a stranger," she said, before she stood.

"What is it? Were you ambushed?" she asked quickly, noticing the dirt on his person, and he shook his head slowly.

"I would like you to come with me."


"Why did we come back? I know we got the right rings..." Kagome asked, nervous as they neared the clearing that they had battled the scouts in.

"There's something you must see," the puppet master said, and led her to the bloody clearing, where a crudely constructed grave now was.

" did you know it was here?" she asked, blushing and looking away when he turned his pink-brown eyes to her.

"I returned just last night to do the very same thing. I assume it was you that beat me to the punch?" he asked, and she sighed, nodding, before looking at him in surpise.

" were going to make a grave for him too?" she practically yelled, making him frown in warning.

"There is something you should know about me. I create puppets from the bodies of the ones I cherish most, and respect most. Those I find powerful. That is my way of honoring them. If I do not care for someone, then they die. I will normally leave them there. I returned to bury this man...because it came to my attention that while I might not care if he lives or dies, or what happens to his body, you did," Sasori whispered thoughtfully, and she smiled, stepping forward to wrap her arms around him.

"Thank you...for trying to understand me..." she said, leaning up to press her lips to his.

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