Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koukyuu ❯ Enter...Madara's Choice ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"This is who you chose to come into the organization next Madara?" Sasori said, wrinkling his nose in disdain, before turning to stare at the man.

"At least Itachi is somewhat good looking. This guy is just a freak," Pein agreed, his mouth curling in an amused manner at his lover.

"Kagome?" Madara asked, turning to look at one of two females in the room, the one who would be sharing his bed at least.

"Zetsu, eh?" Kagome asked contemplatively, and turned to glance at Itachi, who just looked back impassively.

"I would approve. So long as he doesn't try to eat me," the Uchiha said, smirking at her slightly, making her laugh.

"I approve as well then," Kagome said, smiling, and Pein chuckled.

"You have strange taste, babe," the masochist said, grunting when Madara elbowed him in the ribs.

"Nobody is going to ask what I think then?" Konan asked, staring at Pein expectantly, who looked at her in surprise.

"Oh, sorry hun! I forgot you were there!" Pein twitched when he felt murderous intent come from his female, and turned to smile at her.


"This should prove interesting," Itachi said as he and Kagome sat in a tree, watching as Madara approached a clearing.

"He is being silly," Kagome scoffed, and Itachi turned to look at her, his eyes dropping to her chest momentarily before going back up to her face.

"How so?" he asked, tossing his kunai into the air in a bored manner.

"This man is plant based. If he were here, he would already know we're hear. Madara is being silly," she said, jumping down from the tree to stand behind the Uchiha, who sighed at her.

"Must you sass me at every turn Kagome?" he asked, and she smiled at him, before turning to glance around the clearing.

"Well, I know that you heard me, Zetsu. Would you care to give us an audience?" she called out, and they watched as a man seemed to phase from the ground in front of them.

"That's pretty damned creepy," Kagome said cheerfully, smiling at the yellow eyed man, who was watching her with amusement.

"I would have to agree with you Kagome. But it was pretty cool," Itachi commented, making her giggle.

"Good to see you again, Zetsu," Madara said, nodding to the other man, who lifted his eyes briefly to look at him, before turning them back to the female in front of him.

"Who are you, little one?" he asked, making her blink at him before smiling and extending her hand to him.

"I'm Kagome," she said as he took her hand in what she thought was going to be a freindly hand shake, but turned into him bringing her hand to his mouth and nipping it with sharp teeth.

"What a lovely little morsel you've brought me, Madara," Zetsu said, his voice deeper than it was a moment before.

"She is not to eat, Zetsu. We came with a request," Madara said, pulling Kagome away from him gently.

"If you pay me, I'll do it. You know that, 'He Who Does Not Age'," Zetsu said backing up slightly to pace around them slowly, as if in thought.

He...talks reminds me of someone... Kagome thought, watching him move as if he had all the time in the world.

Inuyasha's dad...that tree! Bokusenou! That's who he reminds me of! Kagome thought triumphantly, and cleared her throat lightly.

"Zetsu...are you a plant of some kind?" she asked quietly, and he looked at her in amusement.

"You ask because of my...appendages?" he said, fingering the large, sharp plant that protruded from her shoulders.

" me of someone I used to know. He was a tree demon," she said, and he grinned, a feral bearing of fangs that shocked her.

"I am...of that sort, yes," he said, and looked at Madara.

"Whatever it is you want, I'll do it. Free of charge. If only to get to know this...interesting little one, better," Zetsu said, making Madara smirk.


"This one is Onigumo...and Kagura...Come on Zetsu! You can't be full already!" Kagome smiled as sharp, leaf-like appendages closed around a spider eagerly.

She held another spider up, and they clamped down on it again quickly, making her pull the chopsticks back lest they get caught in the wood.

"I hope Naraku doesn't give you indigestion, Zetsu," she said affectionately.

"What are you doing?"

She jumped at the curious voice, and turned to stare at Zetsu, who was staring at the plant she was 'feeding'.

"Oh...I...was just...feeding...the plant you gave me!" she said, closing the lid to the jar of spiders she had asked Sasori to catch for her.

"You named the venus fly trap 'Zetsu'?" he asked, smirking at her when she blushed.


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