Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Forces ❯ What The Hell? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Unknown Forces
Chapter 1
What The Hell?
He wouldn't be able to tell exactly how it came to be or what exactly happened. All he knew was that he wasn't in modern day Japan anymore. Where he woke up looked familiar, but the atmosphere of the place was off. This place was more quiet and relaxed. It seemed to be deserted.
All he could remember was flying through the trees to meet up with his partner. He had landed on a certain branch with excessive moss and slipped. He thought he had caught his balance, but some unknown force hit him square in the chest and knocking the wind out of him.
He was falling faster and he tried to correct his body in the air so that he would land safely on his feet. He couldn't get his body to respond though. In addition, that pressure on his chest hadn't let up yet. He clearly remembered the pain exploding through him as he struck the earth with a heavy impact.
His head was the worst, for it had struck against the tree root that was growing out of the earth. Instantly, knocking him unconscious. Now, he was sitting where he had fallen, feeling slightly dazed and confused.
He lifted his hand to the back of his head. He could feel crusted blood in his long black hair, cringing as he felt the tender lump behind his ear. He pulled his hand away, glad that there was no fresh blood on his long slender fingers.
He slowly rose to his feet feeling extremely unsteady and worse for wear. He placed a hand on the firm tree until he was sure his legs would hold his whole weight. Now that was accomplished, he glanced around wondering what he was going to do. He didn't even know where he was, so he had no clue the first place to start to get back to his era.
“Sit boy!” Came a strong feminine voice, ringing loudly through out the trees.
This made him pause in thought. It had been close. Suddenly the ground shook with a tremendous force. It wasn't an earthquake, but it was enough to make him sway. He decided to go investigating. He was confident there was nothing here that was too life threatening.
He silently moved his way through the forest. He knew he was getting closer, because he could make out female and male voices arguing headedly. A loud slap echoed through out the forest followed by a new feminine voice.
“Miroku, you pig! How many times do I have to hit you, before you learn to stop stroking my ass?”
He rose an eyebrow to that. Who the hell were these people? He thought to himself as he stopped behind a tree, hiding from the group in the meadow. He peeked around the tree trunk and spotted four people. Two young women and two men. A huge cat like creature with two tails and a child like creature. One of the guys had long white hair with doglike ears on his head. That made him pause. No one in his era looked anything like this boy. He wouldn't have been surprised if the kid was sprouting a tail.
That's when he noticed the commotion had stopped and the said man was looking around, his dog-ears twitching. Suddenly, there was a fury of motion and the man had moved so fast that his eyes had a hard time following the movement. He had enough of time to react as a huge blade came at his face.
He jumped quickly into the tree to stare down at his attacker. The dog like man stared up at him with hard golden eyes. He slowly lowered his body so that he was sitting calmly on the branch as he waited for the man below him to make a move.
“Who are you?” The man demanded.
“I was about to ask you the same thing.” He made sure his voice stayed calm and collected.
The man's group now gathered around the base of the tree he was perched in. He stayed motionless as he took in everyone. These people were odd, but he be lying if he said he hadn't seen weirder people. His partner being one of them. He decided these guys didn't look too threatening, beside the dog man with the blade drawn next to him, looking at him with deadly eyes.
“Who are you?” The man growled again.
He watched him for a long moment, and then decided that he really needed his own question answered. He relaxed his shoulders and leaned back against the tree in a casual position. He would be civil for the time being. At least until he found out what the hell was going on.
“I'm Itachi Uchiha.” He answered truthfully.
This seemed to relax the man in front of him and the sword was sheathed. He watched the length and width of the blade transform to the normal size of a katana. He found that a little interesting as he jumped down from his spot to stand in front of dog boy.
Well, the man's smart. Itachi thought as he watched the man step back. The girl that was in a schoolgirl uniform, moved forward with a questioning look as she gave him a once over. He wanted to hit her, but refrained from doing so. She was invading his space and most people died for that.
“You're not from around here are you/” It was a statement not a question, his irritation doubled.
“Obviously.” He stated, flatly.
“What she means, jackass, is that you're not from this era.” The white haired dog man snapped at him, like he was stupid.
His jaw twitched, but he was able to rein in his anger. He did let his eyes transform into the Sharingan as he glared at the nuisance. The man looked a little uneasy at the switch of eye color. Good, Itachi thought. The mutt wasn't entirely stupid. Just dense.
“I realized this.” Itachi responded in a hard voice.
The female girl that stood next to him, took a step back. This pleased Itachi. That meant that he was feared which gave him the upper hand. The dog man turned away and headed back over to the fire, clearly uninterested in the whole ordeal. Itachi felt the urge to kill him, but decided it wasn't worth the energy. He was just on edge from being in an unknown place. He figured the best thing was just to relax and take things with stride.
“I'm Kagome and I'm not from this era either.” Itachi turned his attention back to the young girl. “This is Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara. The hot-tempered one is Inuyasha. Um…” There was a long pause as the girl hesitated. “Why are you here?” She finally spat out.
Itachi felt the annoyance rise once again for this girl. She was just as dense as dog boy and had an annoying voice to go with it. Itachi looked up at the sky wondering why he had to be put in such a ridiculous situation. Then add a few retarded people to the mix and he was doing A-ok. He glanced back down at the girl hoping that he could at least feign some kind of niceness.
“I was hoping you could tell me.” He answered in a bored voice.
She looked sheepishly down at the ground. Apparently, she had no answers to that. Itachi's patience was thinning out and for the first time since he could recall, he felt mentally exhausted. All he wanted to do was sleep and hopefully wake up in his own side of Japan.
There was a crash behind him. He turned along with everyone else, to see Inuyasha in a fighting stance with his sword drawn. Itachi scanned the area, but didn't sense anything. What was this man's ordeal? Was he always this jumpy? Itachi wondered if he could have found a more irritating bunch of idiots. His thoughts were interrupted by a loud dog snarl.
“Sesshomaru.” Came a harsh cry from the dog boy before he was tearing through the forest after some unknown person… or thing.
Itachi decided that the man couldn't be human. There was something too off about him. The movement from behind him, made him turn to see what was going on. Sango and Miroku had climbed on to Kirara and the childlike creature had transformed into a bird.
“We've got to go after him.” Kagome explained as she climbed on the bird. “Are you coming?”
Itachi almost refused but he still had so many unanswered questions and he had to admit, things were getting interesting. He nodded, then focused his chakra and followed the crazy white haired man. He could hear the group following close behind.
Soon Kirara was leading the progression line. Itachi was close behind the two tailed cat demon. He could hear that the bird thing was near behind him. He didn't bother to glance back and confirm it though. He didn't care enough. Plus, the bow in the bird's hair was a little on the disturbing side and Itachi had yet to figure out if the thing was female or male… or just extremely gay.
They came to another clearing that had a small lake off to the side. They came to a halt before entering the area. Itachi clearly saw the red clothes that belonged to Inuyasha. He moved to the side and was startled to see a taller man with the same long white hair and golden eyes.
The only difference between the two men was that the taller one had elven ears instead on dog like ones and he had a blue crescent moon marking on his forehead. He also had red markings on his cheekbones. Itachi was entranced. The man was giving off such an intense aura. Itachi couldn't deny that the man was royalty and pure perfection.
The man stood proud and confident. He had this energy around him that spoke of immense power. The man was only wearing white pants. His hard chest was glistening with water that had yet to dry from when the older man was disturbed from his bath. The dog boy didn't seem to care at all though. Apparently, he had something entirely different on his agenda. Itachi's eyes followed the drops of water that filter down the tall man's chest disappearing into the hairline that ran to the rim of his pants and out of sight underneath. Itachi frowned as his eyes snapped back up to the man's face.
Itachi noticed that the man was relaxed and seemed unfazed by the threat the smaller man presented. It seemed like this was a normal occurrence between the two of them. The taller man was slowly pulling on his shirt, to cover up the amazing flesh that seemed to have Itachi mesmerized. Itachi watched the man's head reappear through the shirt and that's when he realized that the eyelids with a blood red before the golden eyes once more opened to take in the dog boy.
Inuyasha was growing more impatient with each passing second. Itachi would have found dog boy's short temper humorous if he had found humor in such trivial things. Itachi was also quite preoccupied with the mysterious man. The man was so much like him it was almost unsettling. Itachi took this as a challenge though. He was much about competing, but that had a lot to do with the fact that in his era not many people were stronger then him, but this was slightly different. It was almost like a feeling of dominance and he just couldn't place it.
“What do you want, half breed mutt of a brother?” The strange man's voice rang deep and calm.
Itachi raised a thin eyebrow. He knew that the two had to be related, but brothers. That was interesting. Another brother feud going on, just like him and Sasuke. This was turning out to be the most exciting entertainment that Itachi had in a long time. He jumped down from the branch so that he could resume his watching from lean against the tree trunk.
The taller man glanced at him and then turned back to face his irate brother, dismissing Itachi as unimportant. Itachi didn't seem to care though, he was more interested in the conversation then the fight. He wanted to know why these two brothers' were so bitter toward each other. He was curious on what could start a dog demon feud.
“Why are you here, Sesshomaru?”
“That is none of you concern, hanyou mutt.” This made Inuyasha growl and step closer.
“It's my concern if you out to hurt the humans.”
“Hump, don't flatter yourself. I would never waste my energy on such meaningless creatures.”
“Then what are you doing here?”
Sesshomaru wrapped his tail up on his right shoulder, his eyes never leaving his brother. He grabbed his swords, strapping them on his gaze turning to take in Itachi this time. His hard eyes taking in everything, not missing a single detail. He once again returned to look at his younger half brother.
“New recruit?”
“As if it's any of your business. No, he isn't. We just stumbled across him.” Inuyasha snapped.
“Too bad. He would probably be a great asset to beating Naraku. He's powerful.” Sesshomaru answered taking in the slightly shorted human standing off in the distance.
The man was confident even Sesshomaru could pick up on that. The man was not to be taken lightly with his long black hair, red fiery eyes, hard features, and a stern firm mouth. The man wore a weird black robe with blood red clouds displayed on the material. His feet were covered in sturdy sandals, nails and toes painted a deep purple color, which amused Sesshomaru.
Itachi watched the man whose name he had just learned inspect him over. He was suddenly feeling warm all over from the burning golden eyes. Itachi rose to stand his full height, the man's gaze making him feel a little uneasy, but he wasn't going to let it affect him. There was something about this that was off. In turn, Itachi found himself going n the defensive side. These people weren't exactly normal and he was going to need to keep his eye on them even if they didn't pose a threat.
Sesshomaru turned on his heel and started to walk away. He didn't bother to worry about his brother. The situation was just a waste of his time. This seemed to make Inuyasha snap. He ran at his brother with fury, sword raised for a downward slice.
“Sesshomaru, don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you, bastard.” Inuyasha's loud angry voice echoed through out the forest.
Sesshomaru kept walking like he hadn't heard his irate brother. Inuyasha leapt into the air a started to come down on top of the taller demon. The sword high above him, ready to take the daiyokai out with one solid blow. This didn't happen quite as well as Inuyasha had envisioned it though.
Sesshomaru moved so fast that it was hard to follow. One minute he had been walking away and the next he had unsheathed one of his two swords, turning to face Inuyasha. He easily blocked the life threatening slash as he glared at the hanyou.
“Foolish half breed, why do you continue to torture yourself? I'm surprised your ego hasn't shattered from all the failed attempts of my life.” Sesshomaru stated flatly.
Inuyasha saw red as he glared at his older brother. He jumped back to catch his bearings, before he was attacking Sesshomaru again. The older man blocked each furious strike effortlessly. Inuyasha's guard went down for a split second, but it was long enough for Sesshomaru to hit the younger with a solid elbow, sending him flying back into the nearest tree. The impact of his body made the tree splinter and dent. This showed just how much power Sesshomaru had really applied to his younger brother. Itachi was impressed to say the least.
“Lord Sesshomaru, where are you?” Came an annoying voice off in the distance.
The man in question, returned the sword to his side and turned to leave again. The voice was still calling him, more urgent this time. Sesshomaru was hesitant for a second, then turned back to the slightly dazed Inuyasha. The younger man's face contorted into a snarl at his older brother's gaze.
“Pathetic as always. Until next time, half breed mutt.” Sesshomaru turned and started to make his way toward the almost panicked voice.
“Don't touch me.” Inuyasha spat out when Kagome came to help him up.
Itachi ignored them. He couldn't explain it even if he had wanted to, but he felt compelled to follow Sesshomaru. Something about him was captivating. Itachi wouldn't admit it of course. He knew one thing though, he should be traveling around with the older brother. It was painfully apparent that the man was stronger and smarter.
Suddenly a small green like creature came running out of the bushes running straight into Sesshomaru's knees. The man kicked him away in frustration. The green thing fell backwards, his long staff that was almost as tall as Inuyasha, flew out of his hands. Sesshomaru glared down at the creature as if he was disgusted.
“What in the hell has got you so frantic and distort….and where's Rin?” It was almost an after thought.
“She's missing…I can't find her anywhere.”
“What!?!” Sesshomaru hissed, grabbing the green creature by the collar and lifting him so they were face to face.
“Um…well…you see-“
“No, I don't and if you don't spit it out I will kill you, Jaken.”
“I'm sorry my lord. Naraku took her I think.”
“You think?” Sesshomaru's eyes were solid red now and his canine's were elongating.
“He attacked us and I was able to hold him back, but when I off balanced him I turned to grab Rin and run, but she was already gone. When I turned back to Naraku he was gone as well.” Jaken rushed out.
Sesshomaru threw Jaken across the clearing where the creature hit the tree trunk Itachi had been leaning on, then fell face first against the ground. Itachi didn't pay any attention though. He was too transfixed by Sesshomaru, who was being swallowed up by a bright glowing blue light that grew until it practically touched the sky.
Suddenly, the light dissipated and in its wake was a huge white dog. Itachi was floored. Apparently Sesshomaru transformed into a huge demon dog and all Itachi could do was stare until the dog disappeared from sight. He would be lying if he said he hadn't seen that is his era. He just hadn't expect to see it hear and the whole fact that that was Sesshomaru's true form had him a little off kilter.
Itachi turned to face Inuyasha's group. Everyone seemed unfazed by the occurrence, so Itachi could safely assume this happened a lot. Inuyasha was now on his feet and looking even more fired up then before if that was physically possible. They all glanced over at him and he crossed his arms in a stance that stated he was done fucking around.
“What the hell is going on here?”
Kitty- I finally got the first chapter posted after so much talk of actually doing it. LOL! I hope you all like it. I don't watch much of Inuyasha, but I love Sesshomaru and I just had to do something where he gets his ass handed to him by Itachi in more then one way. Tee Hee I'm so naughty. lol.