Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Forces ❯ Answers and Battles ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Unknown Forces
Chapter 2
Answers and Battles
Inuyasha stopped short as he stared at Itachi. The man was somewhat scary now that he thought about. Those eyes always seemed to send chills down his spine whenever he looked at him. Sesshomaru was just a hard ass, but for some reason this man was down right terrifying. Inuyasha slowly lowered himself to a sitting position on the ground, as he let out a heavy sigh.
“What do you want to know?”
“What are you?” Itachi demanded.
“I'm a half demon. Sesshomaru is a full dog demon and he is the Lord of the Western lands. Shippo is a fox demon and Kirara is a cat demon. Sango is a demon hunter and Miroku is a priest.”
“A very perverted one.” Sango muttered.
Miroku reached over to grab her ass just to piss her off. A slap rang though out the clearing. Everyone glanced over to see a hand handprint on Miruko's face. The man just gave a silly grin and rubbed at the hot flesh. Itachi ignored them. He wasn't in the mood to deal with immature people.
“Who's she? You're not from here either, so what your purpose?” Itachi said to Kagome.
“No, I'm not. I'm a priestess. I'm here collecting jewel shards.”
“Jewel shards?”
“Well it was an actual jewel, Shikon jewel to be exact, until Kagome shattered it and the pieces were spread all over Japan.” Inuyasha answered, bitterly.
Kagome knocked him in the back of the head. Then stuck her tongue out at him for good measure. Itachi sat up and moved away. He figured this was going to take a long time. Apparently, this group couldn't stay focused for the life of themselves.
“Well excuse me for trying to help. I didn't realize the jewel would shatter and shower all over feudal Japan.”
“Wait.” Itachi spun back around to face them again. “You did just say feudal, right?” Itachi asked as disbelief seemed to sweep over his body as he stared at them speechless.
“Yeah.” Kagome said cautiously.
Itachi sat there silently. Therefore, he had somehow stumbled across a time portal. It still didn't make much sense though. How could such a thing exist? Well it had to if he was standing here in feudal Japan with no way back to his realm. He glanced around and then shook his head, there had to be some way back. There wouldn't be an in it there wasn't an out… right? He just didn't know anymore. He was so confused and a little disoriented.
“So how do you get back to your time?”
“There's this well that I climb down and when I climb back up I'm at my family's shrine.”
“So, I just go back to where I had originally came?”
“Sometimes it isn't that easy.” Came Sango's soft voice.
“What do you mean?” Itachi figure as much, but he still wanted to be sure.
“Well you see if you were summoned here by an unknown force, you won't be able to leave until that purpose is fulfilled.”
“And you think that this is why I'm here?” Itachi snapped know starting to get frustrated.
“It's the only explainable answer. You didn't actually see a portal, right?” Miruko asked.
“No.” Itachi would had elaborated on what exactly happened, but he just felt like it was pointless.
“You're here for a purpose, Itachi Uchiha. Now you just have to find out what it is and then you can go home.” Sango responded.
“Wonderful. Just fucking peachy. Therefore, I'm fucking stuck here with you idiots for lord knows how long. Fucking wonderful.” Itachi spat as the anger of the situation rose in his chest and festered.
He couldn't help but to lose a little of his normal calm physical appearance. He was stranded in an unfamiliar place with no way back. Yeah, he was a little irate to say the least. He was ready to beat the shit out of something, that's what he was ready to do. Who in gods name would have summoned him here? What could possible be the thing that he had to do in order to get home? He had no clue what it was so it was like searching for a needle in a goddamn haystack. Yeah, he was fuming to say the least.
“Hey asshole, we're not exactly thrilled about this either. We don't need a shit talked in our group.” Inuyasha yelled while jumping to his feet.
Itachi snapped open his cloak to his waist. He pulled out four kunais, two in each hand. He spun around on the balls of his feet, releasing the kunais and efficiently pinning Inuyasha to a tree by the half-breed's Yukata. He already had a festering headache. He didn't want to have to listen to anyone else's screechy voice most of all the dog man's.
Inuyasha looked at him startled. Itachi made a hand signs for his fireball jutsu and released one to strike the tree above the man's head, so that the tips of his ridiculous ears could feel the heat. Everyone stared in awe and poor inuyasha looked like he had just peed his pants with the look of fear that was sliding across his face. Itachi wondered if he should have just fried the dog demon then pushed it from his mind.
“Let's get one thing straight, half breed dog demon, or whatever the hell you are, I don't shit talk and everything I say I can back up one hundred percent. So it would be in your best interest to watch your tongue, because I have no problem disposing of you.”
“Why you despicable asshole!” Inuyasha yelled, while struggling to get unpinned from the tree.
Sango and Miruko tried to get the blades out, but with no such luck. They were embedded deeply within the bark of the trunk. Kagome looked at Itachi with displeasure. She was starting to think that Sesshomaru and Itachi would get along really well. They both preferred fighting over talking.
“Listen, Itachi. We really are sorry that this happened to you, but we maybe able to help each other. So can we at least be civil with everyone until we figure out what is going on and why you were brought here.”
Itachi glared at the young girl with annoyance, but he did walk over and easily pulled out the kunais. Inuyasha instantly went for his sword, but Kagome stopped him, by grabbing his hand in hers. Inuyasha growled at her in displeasure, but did as she silently bade.
“This goes for you too.”
“Fine. Whatever.” Inuyasha turned to glare daggers at Itachi. “Just stay out of my way human.”
Itachi raised an eyebrow but refused to answer to the taunt. No wonder Sesshomaru was the way he was to his little brother. Itachi already felt like ridding the planet of such a pathetic being. The man was worse then Sasuke and that was saying something. He turned his attention away from the infuriation.
“Are you hungry, Itachi?” Kagome was ignored. “Well, let's head back to camp anyway and get some sleep. We have to travel a long way tomorrow if we are going to get to Naraku's faster.”
“I agree.” Sango answered climbing on to Kirara.
Itachi followed as they all headed back to the place he had first met them. He found his thoughts wondering back to Sesshomaru. For some reason Itachi felt compelled to find the demon. He was convinced that it was because of the power the man was sure to have locked inside him. It would be a great to the Akatsuki's. He cringed at the thought of Leader-sama's reaction to Itachi's disappearance. The man would not be happy at all.
They arrived back at the camp and everyone started laying out bedrolls. Itachi settled down on the forest floor, leaning against a tree trunk. He wasn't planning to sleep any time soon, even though his body was screaming at him to do so. He just felt too uncomfortable and would be able to rest fully anyway. Kagome slowly made her way over to him and placed a bowl of Miso soup in front of him. He picked it up not saying a word, but the girl didn't ask for one. She just made her way back over to her blankets.
Itachi didn't realized how starved he really was until he started eating. He was finished in record time and carefully sat the bowl aside as he stretched out as much as he would allow his limps, which wasn't much considering he was very aware of everything going on around him. Itachi glanced around the dying fire and could tell everyone was falling asleep. He looked out into the dark night, allowing himself to relax a little. At least this was familiar. He let the soft sounds of the forest wash over him as he turned his eyes up to the small patch of night sky. That's when he spotted Inuyasha sleeping soundly in the treetops.
Itachi finally let his body relax all the way, letting his eyes close. He cleared his mind and calmed his spirit. He didn't know how long he says like this, but a disturbance to his calmness brought him out of his meditation. He jumped to his feet at the same time Inuyasha landed next to him. He glanced at the dog boy.
“Don't wake anyone. Follow me. You'll get a chance to prove your worth.” Inuyasha was running through the forest with Itachi close on his heels.
Itachi let the last comment slide. One had to choose his own battles and Inuyasha was a lot like Sasuke so he let the comment slide. The boy already felt threatened by him, he decided that now was not the time to exploit that point. He decided on silence as the best root for this conversation.
They took to the treetops moving at a decent speed through the forest. As they got closer, they could hear the sounds of swords clashing together in a heated battled. Inuyasha came to a sudden halt, forcing Itachi to fall still behind him. The half demon pointed down and he glanced to the forest floor. Sesshomaru was fighting against a man with long black curly hair.
Itachi glanced behind Sesshomaru to see a young girl. She had to be younger then Sasuke. She looked completely unfazed by the battle between the men. Itachi wondered if this was the girl that was mentioned earlier. A loud clang sounded and Sesshomaru was disarmed, sword flying through the air to land somewhere behind Naraku.
Itachi was already making hands signs. He jumped down as he did so and grabbed a hold of Sesshomaru, pulling him back away from his attacker so they were next to the young child. Sesshomaru instantly pushed away from him, but he ignored it as he focused on the dark haired man in front of him.
“Shadow Clone Jutsu: Clone Great Explosion.” He stated calmly.
Four clones appeared surrounding the attacker. They all exploded, sending the man flying back against a tree. The attacker let out a bone-chilling laugh as he staggered to his feet. Inuyasha was now standing next to Itachi ready for battle. Itachi on the other hand just stared at the man he had just attacked in surprise. Itachi had never seen anyone take one of his attacks with so much easy. The man didn't even look winded.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here? That was quite some attack.”
“What do you want Naraku?” Inuyasha hissed.
“My business is not with you, half breed; it's with your brother.”
“Well, now you have to with me because you've disrupted my sleep.” Inuyasha retorted. “Wind Scar!” Inuyasha's harsh cry echoed through the forest as his sword struck hard against the ground causing a fast and deadly energy that was heading straight for Naraku.
Itachi decided to take this attack as his opportunity to surprise their attacker. He jumped up to the closest branch, forming hand signals in the air. His feet hit the branch and he secured his balance as he released his Great Fireball Technique. Several balls of fire exploded from his mouth and rained down on the unexpected man.
The first hit as Naraku dodged Inuyasha's attack falling straight into Itachi's. He let out a cry of pain as he barely managed to avoid the other flaming balls coursing toward him. As the last one crashed into the forest floor inches away from his feet, he was presented with a new problem. Itachi Uchiha.
Itachi had slide his right arm completely out of the Akatsuki cloak so he had it only on his left shoulder and was now holding his katana that his father had given him when he had made ANBU. He had jumped from the branch he had been perched on and was now falling straight for Naraku.
The man looked up at him with a cruel smile. Itachi didn't like that at all. It usually meant trouble on his end of the fight. He needed to stay on his guard since he had made the stupid move and left himself open for an attack. Naraku barely avoided his attack. What happened next caught him by surprise.
Tentacles slide around his ankles as soon as his feet landed on the ground, securing him firmly in place. He glared at Naraku as he sheathed his sword. It didn't matter how opened he was or how prepared he was for an attack nothing would have made him expect this. He slipped his cloak back over his right shoulder, hiding his hands from view. He didn't want to expose that his hands were his source of his jutsus.
“Whoever you are I'm very impressed with your fighting techniques. In fact, I've never seen anything like it.” Naraku purred as he moved slightly closer studying the man.
“And you never will.” Itachi hissed with his eyes closed.
He opened them slowly letting them pinwheel into the Mangekyou Sharingan, waiting for Naraku to meet his eyes, knowing the man would. He wasn't disappointed and he dragged the half-breed into his mind where the Tsukuyomi was all around them. Naraku was now the one bound to a tree with nowhere to go. He looked around startled. He tried to free himself with no such luck. Itachi was slowly making his way over to the struggling man.
“It's no use. You are now trapped in my Tsukuyomi and there is no way for you to escape.” Naraku glared at him.
“What a neat trick.” He snarled.
“It's net a trick. It's a bloodline trait called a Genjutsu. It's an illusionary technique, but the pain that I will inflict on you for the next twenty four hours will be very real.” Itachi almost purred as he stared down at the struggling man.
Inuyasha stared at Itachi and Naraku in confusion. Why were they just standing there? Sesshomaru stepped up next to him, watching the scene closely too. Inuyasha glanced at him, then back at the two motionless men. He was really confused and it looked like his brother was just as baffled as he, what was going on with them? This was the craziest thing he had ever seen. It was like someone had taken one of those picture devices that Kagome had back in her time and used the box like receive that controlled the picture device and pushed the pause button to freeze the picture on the picture device. Why weren't they moving?
“What's going on?” He demanded of his brother.
“I don't know half breed.” Sesshomaru stated flatly, as he continued to watch the motionless people.
They both waited and they wondered if the two of them had died standing up. Suddenly, Naraku let out a chocked cry as he collapsed onto his knees, panting harshly. Itachi kicked away the tentacles that held his ankles and they released him instantly. He stepped up to Naraku, grabbing a hold of his hair and yanking his head back harshly.
“Be glad I didn't kill you.” Itachi stated.
He let go of the man's sweaty hair and dismissed him as unimportant. He made his way over to the child. He wanted to see what was so fucking special about this girl that would have to grown men fighting over her. He never got to though, because Sesshomaru blocked his path. Itachi stood there staring at the demon lord. Sesshomaru didn't say anything for a long moment, and then opened his hand holding it out to his side.
“Come Rin.”
“Yes, Prince Sesshomaru.” The little girl said happily, as she slipped her tiny hand into Sesshomaru's big graceful one.
They both turned away from Itachi and made their way from the battlefield. Itachi watched them go, his anger boiling under the surface of his flesh. That bastard of a demon didn't even thank him and for some reason that just crawled up under his skin. He never did anything unless it somehow benefited him in someway. Well, this hadn't. For some reason he felt compelled to protect them and that Lord Sesshomaru or whatever the hell he was didn't even have the decency to thank him. People wonder why so many people hate royalty, Itachi thought bitterly.
He turned back to Inuyasha. The half-breed was about to ask a bunch of questions and Itachi wasn't in the mood for it. Tsukuyomi always took a good amount of energy. He was already tired from all the events that had previously happened, but now he was exhausted.
He took to the trees, heading for the camp. Unfortunately, Inuyasha was faster then him so the mutt easily caught up to him. He tried to ignore the half-breed, but Inuyasha had a special gift on drawing people's attention whether they cared or not.
“What happened back there? What did you do to Naraku? Hey, are you listening? Itachi, you can't avoid this forever.”
Itachi stopped suddenly. He turned to glare at the approaching demon. Inuyasha stopped on the branch directly in front of him and he felt this insane urge just to push the fucking mutt off the branch. He closed his eyes for a brief second trying to get his bearings back and then looked back at Inuyasha. The half-breed had his hands on his waist and tapped his foot impatiently. Itachi let out a sigh of irritation. He couldn't help; Inuyasha was enough to drive anyone crazy.
“What do you want to know?”
“What the hell happened back there?”
“I defeated Naraku.” Itachi stated flatly, eyes narrowing in slits.
“I know that dip-shit. I want to know how?”
The demand crawled under Itachi's skin making him growl to himself, but he jumped down from the branch and landed lightly on the ground. He lowered himself into a sitting position and waited for Inuyasha to do the same. He didn't like to explain anything to anybody, but he felt like he owed an explanation to this half-breed even if he didn't want to admit it.
“So how'd you do it?” Inuyasha's excitement was rolling off of him in waves.
“It's an illusionary technique. I sucked him into my other worldly dimension and tortured him for a day, thought to you guys it was a matter of minutes.”
“Wow. But how did you manage to suck him into another dimension that's not here and how do you get your eyes to change from black to red?”
“It's called Sharingan.” Itachi said annoyed. “It's a kakigenki, which is considered a bloodline trait. I was born with it, raised as The Prodigy because of it and wiped out my whole clan because the result of it.”
Inuyasha's jaw dropped. Did he hear Itachi correctly? Wipe out an entire clan? What was this man? He didn't look at all like someone who would kill mercilessly. He swallowed hard and searched for the words that would get answers without putting Itachi on guard. Inuyasha needed to learn more about this man if he was going to let him travel with his adopted family.
“So why did you kill the clan?”
“It's none of your concern.”
“No! You wanted to know how I defeated Naraku, I told you. We are done.” Itachi rose to his feet and continued on his way back to the camp.
Inuyasha followed, but was not happy about it. Now that he knew, the newest member of the group was a kin slayer he was really uneasy. What would stop Itachi from killing all of them? Inuyasha decided he was going to have to watch this man very closely. His friends' lives depended on it.
Kitty- The reason why I'm getting these up so fast is because I had already wrote them on paper and decided that it was time that I put the darn thing on the computer so here is the next chapter. I hope it's as good as all the rest of my stories. I was really unsure about making a crossover fic because I'm not too big on them but I did anyway and will someone please tell me YAY or NAY before I waste all my time on this if it isn't any good. Thanks.