Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Forces ❯ Unexpected Visitor and Offer ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Unknown Forces
Chapter 3
Unexpected Visitor and Offer
Sesshomaru watched Rin fall into sleep. He didn't want to leave her alone, afraid that something else would happen to her. Naraku was pretty avid about having her for some unknown reason, which had Sesshomaru on edge. He needed to go talk to that man traveling with Inuyasha though. He had a sneaking suspicion that the outsider could help him protect her.
A rush of warmth ran through Sesshomaru almost bringing him to his knees. He sat there for a long moment panting hard and trying to get his body under control as pleasure circled up his spine and had him gasping. He didn't want to have to deal with this now and his heat couldn't have come at a worse time. This was half the reason why Sesshomaru couldn't fight to his full capacity. His heat wasn't in full bloom yet, but it would be soon and Sesshomaru had a tendency to not be able to concentrate on anything, but needing to be touched, kissed and most of all fucked.
He let out a heavy sigh as he forced his unresponsive body to its feet. He made his way over to Jaken and stood over him. He really didn't want to leave the annoying creature in charge, but he had to do these things before he wasn't able too. He needed to talk to Itachi soon, before his body wouldn't allow him.
“I have to leave again. If anything happens to Rin again, while I'm gone. I will kill you.” Sesshomaru growled.
“Yes, Lord Sesshomaru.” Jaken stuttered, swallowing hard.
Sesshomaru exited the cave and gave pause as the cool night air washed over his over heated body. It felt really good and seemed to clear his mind enough for him to decipher the direction of Inuyasha's party. He sniffed the air, picking up the scent off to the west. He made his way swiftly and elegantly through the trees toward their camp, letting his nose guide him. He was not thrilled that he was going to have to ask a complete stranger for help, but it was better then asking his brother. Inuyasha would just have too much fun teasing him. His younger brother was only half demon so he didn't go through heats, so the man wouldn't even understand what it was like for Sesshomaru.
Furth more, this stranger had powerful abilities that would be a big asset to Sesshomaru's plans. He still wasn't happy though. This Sesshomaru never needed help from anyone, but today he had absolutely no choice on the situation. Rin's life was in danger and so would be his when the heat took full effect. He wouldn't run it past Naraku to take the situation into his own hands and cause much mayhem because of it. If Naraku were after Rin to get to him, Naraku wouldn't have gave chase.
He did though, which made Sesshomaru believe Rin had something that Naraku wanted. With the heat coming on, Sesshomaru was almost defenseless to the half-breed bastard that just wouldn't due. Therefore, he really had no choice but to find Rin a bodyguard for the week he was going to be out of commission. He heat always lasted a good month, but it was just the middle week that his brain did function at all and his animalistic instincts took over. He had been in the first stages of his heat for seven days already and he could feel the second stage starting to take effect of his already sex hungry body. He had to do this quickly and then go hide away from everything.
He had to get to Itachi. He was the only plausible candidate. The man took Naraku out without even lifting a finger. Sesshomaru was never impressed with anyone's fighting, but this outsider was good. He had an undeniable skill for battle. The stranger had made four duplicates of himself and then produced fireballs through his mouth. Ultimately brought Naraku to his knees, which is not an easy feat, just by staring at him. The man was nothing short of amazing. Sesshomaru needed that power. He needed the security that the outsider could offer his group.
He smelled the smoke from the fire mixed in with the human blood. Inuyasha's scent was further off though. Sesshomaru paid no attention to it though. He wasn't here for the hanyou mutt. He was only here for Itachi and he would have the strange human. For Rin's sake, he would make the human come with him.
As the camp came into view, Sesshomaru stayed hidden in the shadows. Everyone was huddled close to the smoldering fire, fast asleep. The stranger was nowhere near the group. This confused Sesshomaru. Why wouldn't the outsider be with the group? Was he off somewhere with Inuyasha? Sesshomaru doubted it. The man didn't seem to be the conversing type and Inuyasha never knew when to shut up.
Sesshomaru sniffed the air, looking for the scent he wasn't familiar with. He picked it up instantly and it wasn't far at all. In fact, it seemed to be right in front of him. He slowly walked out into the glowing firelight that seemed to cast an eternal glow about him. He saw the stranger sleeping against a tree off toward the right, almost hidden in the shadows.
He soundlessly made his way over to the young man. The stranger looked a lot older then he looked asleep. Right now, the man only looked about eighteen. He was still a pup in Sesshomaru's eyes, but the demon lord wasn't going to deny that the man was absolutely stunning. Exactly opposite from his own looks, this boy's was more darker and mysterious. Where as his were very much eternal and angelic.
Sesshomaru knelt down, so he could get a better view of the human. The man had a perfect complexion, nose was in great proportion with the beautiful face, bottom lip was full and luscious looking, screaming to be sucked on. Sesshomaru couldn't stop himself from running his tongue along his suddenly dry lips. He hated his heat more then anything right now. Any other time this wouldn't even be on his mind, but because of his time of year he was all about jumping the unconscious human's bones. There was thin lines that were slanted across his face from the bridge of hi nose. He wore a strange black forehead protector, which had a rectangular metal piece on it.
In the middle of this piece was a weird design that looked similar to a leaf. There was a jagged line that ran across the metal plate through the design. Sesshomaru lifted his hand to run across the scrap. He was curious on what could cause such a large cut through solid metal.
Before his slim long fingers could touch the cold metal piece, his hand was caught in a hard grip. His eyes snapped down to see the stranger's blood red eyes that had three black looking ying yang halves. In between the dots were black lines almost like rays of darkness. It was the most amazing thing Sesshomaru had ever seen, especially this close.
They stared at each other in a long silence. Neither on of them going to speak, just waiting for the other to react. Sesshomaru slowly eased back and the stranger seemed that this was suitable letting him go while watching him closely. Sesshomaru rose to his feet golden eyes never leaving red ones.
“We need to talk, but not here.” He said flatly.
He turned on his heel and headed away from his brother's camp. He didn't bother to check to see if the man followed. He was convinced that the outsider's curiosity would get the best of him. He made his way to a small stream that was close by and turned to face the black haired behind him.
Itachi stopped a couple feet away from the dog demon. He was a little irritated that he was awoken from his dreamless sleep, but he was a little intrigued that the Prince of the Western lands would specifically seek him out to talk. He didn't find Sesshomaru a threat at all, but still kept his guard up. No one could trust a demon. They were always after one thing. Human souls and Itachi was in no big hurry to part with his.
“What is this about?” Itachi demanded.
“I'm sure Inuyasha has already told you, but I'm Sesshomaru. I'm the daiyokai of the Western lands.”
“What does that have to do with me?”
Sesshomaru's jaw twitched in annoyance. He hated dealing with cocky humans. Especially this one in particular. For some reason, this outsider crawled under his skin. Scratch the fact that the man acted a lot like him that wasn't the point. He fought back his anger and held his indifference.
“I've been trying to figure out what you did to Naraku and haven't come up with any answers. You will tell me what happened.” Sesshomaru demanded.
“I've already explained it twice. I don't care to do it again.” Itachi stated relaxing his body against a big boulder next to him.
Sesshomaru was close to blowing a gasket. He figured out why this man pissed him off so badly. He had this look in his eye when he looked at Sesshomaru that clearly stated that the demon lord was no match for him. He was the quiet deadly type just like Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru was happy with being that way also he just didn't want to have to deal with it from anyone else. He made his way over to another big rock and settled himself down on top of it. He stared at the stranger for a long time. The man held his gaze the whole time.
Sesshomaru had to admire that. Not many humans or demons for that matter would dare meet his eyes let alone hold it. He let out a sigh of defeat. He'd have to bring up this topic another time. Maybe when the man was in a better mood. He just didn't want to deal with it right now.
“What shall I call you?”
Itachi raised an eyebrow. The whole ordering thing that this demon had was not flying with him. He never answered to anyone and he wasn't about to start. He turned on his heel and started to walk away. Whatever had this great dog demon's panties in a bundle was not his problem. Sesshomaru could come back to him when he could show some proper respect, but as far as right now, Itachi was done with the conversation.
“Where are you going?” Sesshomaru called from behind him.
Itachi ignored it and kept walking. Sesshomaru was irate by this point. How dare the arrogant human walk away from him. He let the stranger go though; he didn't need the man that badly. He rose to his feet and was about to walk the other direction when a wave of smoldering heat crashed over his body almost bring him to his knees. He did double over and wrapped his arms around his midsection as he begun to pant heavily.
Sweat beaded at his temple and slide down to his cheek coming to rest on the end of his chin. He gritted his teeth as another flash of heat swam over him and he felt his cock harden slightly. Shit, he thought frantically as he tried to take deep breaths to calm his body. The heat came on faster then he had predicted. He really couldn't afford this right now, but this did remind him why he needed the outsider's help so much.
As soon as he got a hold of his body as best as he could and was able to rein in some of his hormones, he was tearing through the forest to catch up to the man that had left him. He came to a sudden stop in front of the stranger, almost making them collide.
Itachi stopped as he narrowed his eyes. The demon was flushed and panting a lot. Itachi doubted running to catch up to him would make the yokai look like this. Itachi watched closely as Sesshomaru's body shuttered and the demon had to place a hand on the nearby tree to keep himself from falling. Something was wrong.
“Itachi Uchiha.”
“What?” Sesshomaru asked, looking up at him startle.
Itachi just stared at him and then it seemed to click in the dog demon's head. Sesshomaru nodded once and started to relax. He moved closer to the tree to put his full body weight against it. He moaned a little as the silk of his hitoe brushed against his nipples. Itachi's eyes were now only slits as he took in every move the dog prince made.
“I need your assistance, Itachi. I promise that you won't be doing this for nothing, but you are the only one I approve of to do this task.” Sesshomaru forced out on a panted breathe.
“And what is it?” Itachi asked, cautiously as he got a feeling he wasn't going to like this.
“I need you to protect Rin for a week to two.” Sesshomaru almost looked ashamed as he said this.
“Why?” Itachi knew he wasn't going to like this.
“Because I won't be able too.” Sesshomaru's voice held a note that stated he wasn't going to elaborate on the situation.
There was no way he was going to let an outsider, let alone a complete stranger know that he was at his weakest time. No one could know or it could mean a lot of trouble for him. He was already risking too much standing out here when any demon miles away could pick up on his scent. The look on Itachi's face told him that he wasn't going to get out of this without explaining more of the situation though. He had to make the choice and had to make it soon.
“Come with me. As soon as we get back to the safety of the cave I'll explain more.” His voice almost sounded pleading and he didn't like it at all, to the point, he felt sick to his stomach, but he had to do it for Rin.
Itachi wanted to tell Sesshomaru no. He just wanted to get out of this place. He almost missed his home, which was really rare. He knew that Pein was going to be furious that he had been gone for so long and wasn't with Kisame completing the mission that had been assigned to him. There really wasn't anything he could do about that right now. He was stranded in this feudal Japan and had to make the best of it until he could figure out how to leave.
He weighed his options and decided it would probably be the wiser choice to stay with Sesshomaru, then the half-breed dog demon. He nodded his consent and followed as Sesshomaru took off the opposite direction at a decent speed. The sun was already starting to rise over the horizon when they came across the entrance to a deep cave.
Sesshomaru entered with Itachi close behind. The yokai went straight over to a bundle of blankets that were close to the small fire. He leaned down to make sure Rin was still sleeping soundly. He touched her cheek lightly. She stirred but didn't wake. He rose, turning away from her to face Itachi. He motioned to another opening that was to the right, indicating that they should go in there to talk. Itachi did so and as soon as he made it pass the small cave hall, he was greeted by a bigger fire and the ugly green creature known as Jaken.
“Prince Sesshomaru, you're back. I also see you brought the stranger. Is this wise, my lord?”
“Yes my lord.” Jaken started to pass them, but hesitated when he came to Sesshomaru's side. “Are you in your heat, Lord Sesshomaru?” Jaken asked, startled as he got a good smell of Sesshomaru as he was passing him.
“Leave.” Sesshomaru snarled.
Jaken yelped and scurried out of the room in fear of his life. Itachi looked over at the flushed Prince and studied the body language. It took a couple of seconds before it hit Itachi about what Jaken was talking about. Heat, as in a dog in heat. Sesshomaru was practically itching to get fucked and Itachi almost had to choke back a laugh at that. The great lord dog demon was a bitch in heat, how classic was that.
“So this is way you need my help, so you can go out and get fucked?” Itachi stated flatly.
He saw the punch coming at his face a mile away. He dodged the first swing and grabbed the fist with his hand of the next coming flying toward him. Sesshomaru gritted his teeth against the pain of the jagged rock slicing in his back so that Itachi could almost hear them.
“How dare you!” Sesshomaru bit out.
“You came at me first.” Itachi pointed out as he pressed his body firmly into the struggling one he was holding up against the wall.
“You needed a lesson in manners.” Sesshomaru spat out as he tried to push off the wall.
“Listen to what you preach dog boy.” Itachi hissed.
“For your information bastard, I'm not going anywhere. I will suffer this god-forsaken heat alone. However, unfortunately I will be disabled from fighting to my full capacity. That's why I need your help. If I had a choice, I would have never asked you.” Sesshomaru snarled, but let his body go lax in the man's grasp, just too tired of fighting anymore.
Itachi brushed off the words not caring and let go of the diayokai. He moved over to the fire and made himself comfortable. He was too tired to continue fighting either. It was apparent that this demon needed him to much to harm him so there was no threat on his life so why fight? He looked back at Sesshomaru and couldn't help the corner of his mouth from twitching up slightly.
“So let me see if I have this straight. Not only am I babysitting this girl Rin, I'm protecting all three of you guys.” Sesshomaru looked away and didn't respond. “I see.” Itachi thought for a long moment. “One condition.”
“What is it?” Sesshomaru asked in surprise and hope.
“You help me get back to my era.”
Sesshomaru thought about it. He didn't know if he'd be able to help Itachi at all. He didn't know the first thing about time jumping, let alone how Itachi got here in the first place. He let out a heavy sign and sat down on the other side of the fire, getting his thoughts lost in the dancing flames.
“What if I don't know how?”
“You help is all that is required.” Itachi countered.
“Then you have it.” Sesshomaru answered.
Itachi turned away from the dog demon and laid down. He was exhausted and he really needed to get some sleep or he wouldn't be able to protect himself, let alone anyone else for that matter. He needed to figure out someway to get home, but a week here wouldn't kill him, then he'd have a demon lord to help him get home. He wasn't worried now. Or at least, not as much as before.
Sesshomaru watched the younger man fall into a light sleep. He let out a mental sigh of relief. That had turned out a lot better then he had originally planned. Now, Sesshomaru needed to find a part of the cave where he could isolate himself. His heat was just getting started and if he thought it was bad not, it was only going to get ten times worse before it ever got better.
He glanced at Itachi one more time before he made his way out of the room. He reentered the area he had been in previously. Rin was still sleeping and Jaken had laird out a bed for himself close to the young girl and was fast asleep himself.
Sesshomaru went outside and let his senses reach as far as they could. He didn't detect any threats so he went back into the shelter of the cave. He decided he would deal with setting up a haven for himself tomorrow, but today he wanted to stay as close to Rin as possible. Plus the fact that he was both emotionally and physically drained from the heat, he had a feeling he wouldn't be waking till sunset.