Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Forces ❯ The Nuisance and The Fight ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Unknown Forces
Chapter 4
The Nuisance and The Fight
Inuyasha came back to camp just after the sun was completely risen into the sky. He could smell the lingering scent of Sesshomaru and something sweeter. This confused Inuyasha. The sweet scent was mixed in with Sesshomaru's musky smell. Inuyasha didn't know what to think. Was Sesshomaru having a tag along female yokai in his presence? Did Sesshomaru actually mate? The man was such a hard ass he doubted it, but why was the scent of a dog in heat filtering through the air? It didn't make sense to Inuyasha.
Itachi was nowhere to be seen either. Inuyasha didn't understand what his brother would want with Itachi, but he was going to find out. For Sesshomaru to come looking for a human wasn't odd enough for Itachi to actually leave with him took the cake. He went into the camp to see everyone packing. Kagome saw him and waved him over. He rolled his eyes, but made his way over to her.
“What do you want?”
“I'm going home for a while but I'll be back soon.”
“Why now?” Inuyasha asked disbelieving.
“Because we need more supplies and I want to see my family.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
“Just hurry. We don't have forever.”
“I know that.” Kagome snapped. “Have you seen Itachi this morning?”
“No, but Sesshomaru was here last night and I have a feeling that if I find him, I find Itachi.”
“You'll take care of that while I'm gone, right?” Inuyasha glared at her.
Kagome flashed him a smile, then got on her bike and headed for Bone Eater well. Inuyasha turned his attention to the other three in the group. They had just finished eating and were cleaning up. He needed to find his brother and figure out what was going on with Itachi. He was a little surprised that the human would leave with the yokai.
“Hey guys, I'll catch up with you later, I'm going to see what my brother is planning.”
“Do you think Itachi's with him?” Sango asked.
“I know he is. That's why I'm going to see what's going on. It can't be anything good.”
Itachi woke up with a start. It took him a moment to figure out what was going on. Then it all came rushing back to him. He rolled on to his back to stare at the cave ceiling. He still couldn't understand how he got in this situation in the first place. Now he was stuck babysitting, which was not in his job description.
If he wanted to do that he would have took his brother with him. He sat up and glanced around the cave. Someone had tended to the fire, for it was blazing brightly. There was also tea boiling in a pan over it. The sweet aroma was starting to fill the enclosed room, making Itachi relax on the spot. A sudden urge for dangos was so strong he actually felt his stomach growl. He looked around and saw a cup. He picked up the ladle and begun to pour some of the tea into the cup.
Just as he was about to take a drink, Rin came bouncing into the cave with a bright smile. Itachi knew that his patience would be tested with this girl. He set his cup down as he savored the taste all he needed now was those haunting dangos and his morning would have been prefect.
“Good morning, Itachi-sama. Did you sleep well?”
“Prince Sesshomaru went out to gather some food. I have bread and cheese if you would like some to tide you over, Itachi-sama.” Apparently, dangos was to much to ask for.
“How did you come to be with a dog demon?” Itachi demanded while looking down at the sweet innocent girl.
Rin smile widened and she walked toward the fire. She handed him some food and settled down into a sitting position next to him. He raised an eyebrow as his eye twitched slightly from his personal space being invaded, but still stayed quiet as he watched her.
“He brought me back from the dead.” Itachi was skeptical to say the least, it wasn't humanly possible to raise the dead, but then again he was talking about a demon here.
“And how did he accomplish that?” Rin flashed him a brilliant smile.
“With his Tenseiga, of course.” Itachi refrained from rolling his eyes. Apparently, this was worldly knowledge and he should have know it.
“His sword, I take it?” She nodded enthusiastically.
Itachi almost smiled. The kid was kind of cute, if you were looking from the annoying space-invading point of view. He wondered why Sesshomaru kept the girl. She didn't seem like the type that the demon lord would keep around. Itachi was curious to know just what kind of relationship the two had.
“My family was killed by demons. Sesshomaru was walking by after my whole family was murdered and decided that he didn't want me to cross over. Ever since that day, I've devoted myself to serving Prince Sesshomaru. I owe him my life.”
“Literally.” Itachi muttered along the rim of his cup as he drank more of the tea.
Rin busied herself with picking at the bread, quite content with just being there in Itachi's presence. Itachi was surprised that the girl was so trusting and relaxed. Itachi had a vibe that most people wanted to retreat when in his presence, but this little girl seemed oblivious to the threat. She was so naïve that Itachi almost felt sorry for her. She trusted way too easily. He knew it was probably because of Sesshomaru. He wouldn't have let anyone near her if they weren't to be trusted but still.
“Rin.” Came Sesshomaru's deep voice.
“I'm in here Prince Sesshomaru.” Itachi cringed at the singsong voice of hers. It was enough to give him a splitting headache.
Sesshomaru appeared a second later, with two boars, one in each hand. He threw one down in front of the fire not bothering to look at Itachi. He made a motion for Rin to come and left the area. Rin went bouncing off after the dog demon.
Itachi was relived that the girl went with her charge. He started getting the boar ready to cook over the fire when he heard a loud bang. He looked up in surprise and a little curious. Then he heard Inuyasha's loud annoying voice.
“Oh my fucking god! You're the one that's in heat?”
Now that caught Itachi's attention. He stopped what he was doing and made his way to the other part of the cave. The look on the hanyou's face was priceless. Sesshomaru just looked irritated and more then bored. Itachi crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall. He decided that this was going to turn out to be enjoyable.
“What do you want, half breed?”
“I want to know why you came after Itachi.” Inuyasha asked still baffled by his brother's sweet intoxicating smell.
“Not your concern. Now leave.” Sesshomaru snapped, his heat making him testy.
“Itachi came to us not you. So what did you offer him to get him to side with your group?”
“Inuyasha.” Sesshomaru growled in fair warning.
“Did you promise to get him home, because even I know that you aren't capable of that?” Inuyasha yelled, not taking the warning to heed.
Sesshomaru unsheathed Bakusaiga and made toward his half-breed brother. Inuyasha's ears flickered slightly and he pulled out the Tessaiga. He recognized that look in his brother's eyes. Sesshomaru was out for blood. Inuyasha's blood. He felt himself smile. He was itching for a good fight. Inuyasha turned on his heel and made his way out of the cave knowing his brother would follow. He wasn't disappointed. Itachi and Sesshomaru both emerged into the light of day followed by Rin and Jaken.
“I wonder if you'll be as good of a fighter in heat or if I will be able to defeat you in one blow.” Inuyasha taunted.
Sesshomaru's eye twitched slightly. His brother was really starting to piss him off. He made a quick move and attacked his insolent brother. Inuyasha blocked and scrambled back barely avoiding the demon lord's next attack. Inuyasha needed to be a lot quicker on his feet if he was going to get the upper hand on this battle. He let a cocky grin split across him lips.
“Why, Sesshomaru? You seem really moody today. Could it be that the big mean Sesshomaru is PMSing?”
Sesshomaru snarled at that and charged his brother again. His anger boiling to the brim and spilling over. Inuyasha was ready for him. Their swords clashed together, the sound echoing through the forest, loud and clear. Itachi almost watched closely always interested in a god fight. This one was no exception. It was oblivious that the brother's had fought many times before, because each knew the other's moves well. Still the intensity of feelings behind the swords even made Itachi shiver. These boys were out for blood even if they were brothers.
Sesshomaru jumped back and reviewed the situation. Inuyasha was shaking slightly from trying to hold off all of his brother's strong blows, but his stance was steady and ready for any sudden attacks. The dog Lord made for the right side with lightening speed as the smell of toxic acidic poison started to drip from his fingernails.
Inuyasha was startled by the speed, but didn't let his guard down, knowing his brother Sesshomaru would attack when he least expected it. Inuyasha had just enough time to avoid the poison claws that were flying inches in front of his face.
Sesshomaru spun around and lashed out again. Still his younger brother got away with barely his life. Sesshomaru caught a flash of light before he heard the clank of metal against the forest floor. He jumped back in preparation. His sword was secured in front of him in a defense as the sparks and energy headed straight for him, tearing up the ground.
“Wind Scar.” Inuyasha's voice filled the forest.
Sesshomaru focused his power on his Bakusaiga, feeling it all collect at the base of his sword. The pressure and power vibrating in his hands, the energy warming his flesh. He brought his sword horizontal in front of his body. His eyes narrowed and he was about to release when the last thing he wanted to happen, happened.
The pleasure exploded in his chest and spread like a virus through out his whole body in a second. He was forced to lose his concentration and the energy evaporated around him. The desire was strong enough to bring him down on one knee. He panted heavily, struggling to stand. He couldn't though, he was too shaky and the Wind Scar was almost on top of him.
He braced himself, knowing that there was going to be an impact. He was thrown backwards; he made a solid connection with the tree behind him. He gritted his teeth as pain overrode the heat's pleasure. He slipped forward, falling out of the groove in the tree that was made by his body on impact. He landed on the forest floor on his hands and knees. He struggled a couple of minutes but gave up on trying to get to his feet. He was too weak.
Inuyasha watched the smoke clear. Then his golden eyes widened in surprise as he took in the scene before him. To see Sesshomaru on his knees knocked him hard. He had never seen the great Sesshomaru in a defenseless state before. Inuyasha was speechless to say the least. He lowered his blade and relaxed his fight stance.
Itachi stared onto the battle bored. He thought the fight would have lasted longer and he was slightly surprised that Inuyasha was the winner. He had expected more from Sesshomaru. The yokai had acted so high and mighty, only to see him on his knees. Itachi was disappointed and a little disgusted.
Inuyasha took a step forward as he stared at his brother in awe. Sesshomaru was struggling to get back into a fighting stance, but he couldn't quite make it up. He glanced to the side where Itachi was standing like he was bored. He looked at Inuyasha who was still stunned.
Sesshomaru finally managed to weakly make it to his feet. He placed the tip of his sword in the ground and braced his weight against the hilt. His anger was on the trigger and it's was ready to be pulled. It wasn't just for the fact that Inuyasha had the upper hand on him. It's also the fact that the heat was getting bad and it seemed to be worse whenever he was near Itachi, but he wasn't for sure on that. It was a theory he was going to need to test out after he was through with Inuyasha.
“Energy whip.” Sesshomaru hissed.
He forced his body into action and sped forward. Inuyasha wasn't ready for the attack, which caused him to be whipped across the chest twice. He was able to stumble away from the next attack but he tripped and fell to his knees panting hard.
Blood started to speckle the ground where he was. His chest burned furiously and it was hard to breathe. He couldn't believe he actually let his guard down with his brother around. He should have know better. He was able to sit back on his knees to stare at his heaving brother.
“Are we done here?” Sesshomaru asked, his body convulsing from the strain.
Inuyasha nodded slowly. He knew that now with the energy from Sesshomaru's whips rolling through his body, he wouldn't be able to stand a chance even if his brother was handicapped. It was best to admit defeat for now and try at a later date.
Sesshomaru forced himself to stay on his feet as he made his way back into the shelter of his most recent domain. He shouldn't have fought that battle, but he would have had to later on. It was better to get it done and over with. Now, he needed to rest and recuperate some of the energy he lost. He found that he was now starving.
Itachi watched Sesshomaru struggle back to shelter. Itachi could tell that the dog demon was suffering a lot from the supposed heat he was suppose to be going through. He had to hand it to Sesshomaru. The man had finished the fight and came out victorious, even if it was in a very un-cool way. Itachi turned to the half-breed. Inuyasha stared at him for a long time, and then let out a heavy sigh.
“I'll take it you are here by choice?”
“What if I am?” Itachi asked with hard red eyes boring into the one on the ground.
“Then who am I to stop you from doing what you feel you must.” Inuyasha answered with a shrug. “But let me tell you one thing.” He was serious now, which stopped Itachi short. “Sesshomaru will not be able to get you home. If anyone had a chance, it's Kagome. So decide wisely where you should be human.”
Itachi glared at the half demon, irritated. Inuyasha was now on his feet brushing off his hakama. Itachi found that he didn't give a damn about the hanyou's opinion. He was only a nuisance and that's all he would ever be. Inuyasha then flashed Itachi that cocky grin that he hated so much and started to walk off the way he had came.
“It's okay though, I didn't want you in the group anyway. You only would have gotten in the way.” Inuyasha called over his shoulder.
Itachi almost laughed out loud at the man's over confidence. The half-breed was so full of himself it was almost strangely funny. Stupid half-breed, he thought to himself as he turned to reenter the cavern and walked past the three companions. He stopped short when he noticed that the outer part of the boar was done and they were carving off pieces of the cooked meat.
“Come eat with us. We'll save the other boar for later.” Jaken told him as soon as he entered.
Itachi made his way to the fire and sat down next to Sesshomaru who was cutting off thin slices of pork. Itachi made himself comfortable as he watched the knife cleanly slice through the meat. The graceful hand guiding it was steady and efficient.
As soon as Itachi sat down next to Sesshomaru, the dog demon's body started to heat up deliciously. He tried as hard as he could to keep his hand steady so he wouldn't cut himself, but it was growing harder by the second. His body was strongly effected by this mortal and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He finally had a good slice of boar cut off and he handed it to Itachi.
The Uchiha reached out to take it. Their fingers brushed and his body exploded into pleasure in overwhelming waves. He couldn't stop the long deep moan that rose up from his chest. Everyone stopped and stared at him. Rin and Jaken were speechless, Itachi was more then a little curious. He had gotten that reaction from many girls but never a guy.
Sesshomaru felt a light flush of embarrassment slowly creep across his face. He couldn't believe that had came out of himself. He suddenly jumped to his feet and swiftly moved out of the cave. Everyone looking after him. Two in shock, one in almost amusement.
Sesshomaru let the cool air wash over his flushed body, calming the heat. He would be lying if he said he wasn't extremely embarrassed by what had happened. He prided himself in having control and he had lost it in there. His body hadn't cared that it was a guy touching him. It was content with any kind of contact. This upset him greatly.
He couldn't help, but wonder what Itachi thought of the incident. Would he leave them, because he was disgusted? Humans didn't have the same beliefs as demons. They don't seem to accept same sex relationships as easily as demons did. Heck, some nationality of demons only bred to the same sex. Humans were so different though. It was only excepted for a male and female to mate. So he couldn't help but to be a little freaked out by the situation.
Sesshomaru wasn't too sure he accepted any of this either. He had never enjoyed a man's touch, let alone found a man attractive. Until Itachi Uchiha. Until a human from a completely different era came crashing into his life like a god damn atomic bomb. He had no fucking clue what he was going to do. But one thing was for sure. He needed to stay very far away from this Uchiha Itachi.
Kitty- Oh god, I'm so done with this today. I've managed to type up the four chapters I had handwritten on to my computer. I have one more to do, but I don't want to do it anymore today. I'm so done. *rolls on floor and let out a big yawn* So done. Ja Ne!