Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Forces ❯ No Ordinary Heat ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Unknown Forces
Chapter 5
No Ordinary Heat
Itachi woke to a weird scratching sound, it was faint but his hearing was exceptional and it was enough to pull him out of his sleep. He slowly rose to his feet and wrapped his cloak around his shoulders. He fastened it as he proceeded through the cave to the entrance to the forest. What he found is not what he expected.
Lord Sesshomaru was on his hands and knees, panting hard. He was only dressed in his hakama and his nails were what had pulled Itachi out of his light sleep. They were causing craters upon the hard dirt under the yokai's palms. Long poisonous nails grinding against the rocks that was dug up from the ground.
Itachi stared a little unsettled by the sight. Whatever this dog demon was going through, it had to be really painful. This couldn't be any normal kind of heat. Itachi had experienced normal dog going through heats and they had never acted like this. Heats weren't supposed to be so painful, were they? Itachi was completely ignorant when it came to this sort of thing, but he did have his common knowledge.
Well the least he could do was let the dog demon know he was there, considering the man was too sidetracked to have noticed his scent by now. He moved forward until he was bathed in the moonlight. Finally sensing his presence, Sesshomaru sat up and glared at him. Well, it really wasn't much of a glare. It was more like a disturbed look, half glare, half-aroused to put it bluntly.
Picture this: There on the ground is a panting and sweating man. His mouth partially opened and his eyes heavily lidded, eyebrows drawn together more in concentration, then frustration, cheeks flushed form immense body heat that was being produced from being aroused. That was the way the great yokai looked at that particular moment.
“Why aren't you sleeping?” Sesshomaru demanded, breathlessly.
“Why aren't you inside the cave, rather then out here spreading your scent like a beacon?” Itachi countered dispassionately.
Sesshomaru grimaced, but didn't reply. He hadn't thought of that. He had been too overcome by the burning up of his body, that he hadn't thought of anything else but cooling the ache. He unsteadily forced himself to stand even though it took what little strength he had left.
Itachi watched him struggle. He ignored the human, of course. He was more focused on keeping some kind of dignity intact. He took a couple steps forward and his strength started draining. He knew he wasn't going to make it back inside the cave without some help. Itachi noticed also and actually stepped forward as if to help him.
“Don't touch me!” Sesshomaru snapped, almost in a panic.
He didn't trust his body anywhere near Itachi's, because the human made him feel weird. Unfortunately, Sesshomaru had lost his weak balance right after he said those three words and ended up in the human's strong arms. His whole body exploded in pleasure as they collided. Itachi's eyes widened slightly as a loud moan vibrated from the saliva-glazed lips of the dog demon.
Itachi would have moved if it would have been anybody else, but for some reason he had held his ground and let Sesshomaru fall against him. Not only that but he had moved his arms into the sleeves of his cloak and wrapped them firmly around the yokai's waist, just as Sesshomaru's slid his own around his neck. He told himself he was only doing it because the man was going to help him find a way home, but he knew that wasn't the extend of the situation. He was intrigued by Sesshomaru, something about the dog demon had his curiosity peaked and he was more then curious on where things could lead.
The dog demon's head was lax on his shoulder, loud breaths being expelled from the lean body. Itachi stood there, his body felt like stone as he stared at the dense forest in front of him. What the hell was going on and why was Sesshomaru practically drooling all over the front of his cloak? Okay, so the last statement was a stupid question on his part, but Sesshomaru's attention was starting to affect his body and he wasn't too happy about it.
He moved to push the yokai away, but a whimper stopped him. Did that just come out of the big bad dog demon lord that was known for being emotionless? He didn't know what to do, but every instinct in him was telling him not to push Sesshomaru away, which scared him… a lot.
Sesshomaru had no control over himself. He knew he should have left the group and found a safe haven far away from them, but he couldn't bring himself to leave Rin, especially if Naraku was after her. Now he was in the worst possible situation he could be in and it involved him pressed up tight against the human. Moreover, it didn't help that the demon inside of him was fighting with his mind.
Submit. Strong mate. Take.
He forced the voice from his head as he fought with his body. All it was craving was the feel of someone else's flesh. His body was on overdrive and his mind was fogging over. He couldn't bring his limbs to function and move, but his body was more the ready to grind against Itachi in pleasurable bliss.
Itachi forced some space between the two of them. He studied Sesshomaru closely. The dog demon was breathing hard and the lean muscles that Itachi was holding back was straining to get closer to his own. Itachi was slightly taken back. He had never been put in such an awkward position before. He had no idea what he was suppose to do with the almost lust induced yokai.
“Get a hold of yourself dog demon.” Itachi growled. “I've got plenty of your drool on me let's refrain from you cuming on me too.”
Sesshomaru growled and yanked his body away with sheer force. He stumbled back and the cave wall caught his impending fall. He tried to steady his breathing as he glared up at the human. Itachi's face was emotionless, but there was a sparkle to his eyes that foretold that the human was enjoying this situation way too much.
Sesshomaru didn't like this at all. He didn't like being weak and powerless. He didn't like not having control over his body or their actions. He didn't like to have to rely on anyone for any kind of help and he especially didn't like being the butt of this human's joke. He forced himself to stand as tall as he could. He raised his chin as he stared at Itachi with hard golden eyes.
“If I had full control of my body I wouldn't be anywhere near you, despicable human. So don't think that you're so special that I would choose you over thousands of people who would fall at my feet. It's the heat and that's all it is so get over yourself, human.”
With that, said Sesshomaru stumbled back into the confinements of the cave, leaving Itachi outside by himself. He let a smile split across his face, the dark forest the only witness to the rarity of the occasion. He couldn't help it though. The yokai was so full of himself just like his little brother it was comical. Both demon's egos were huge and it was painfully obvious that they were related. Itachi thought as he slipped his arms back inside his cloak.
He glanced up at the treetops, getting glimpses of starlit night skies. This made him feel calm and he found himself moving to the closest tree. He focused his chakra to his feet and walked up the tree trunk. He went up to the highest branch and perched on it to stare at the relaxing starlit sky.
“At least the stars are the same.” Itachi mumbled.
Sesshomaru stared in disbelief as he watched the human walk up the tree as if it was just a path along the dense forest ground. Not anybody else that was human would be able to pull that neat little trick off. Most demons would have to use their claws or demonic powers to accomplish such a feat. Who was this man?
Sesshomaru turned to walk away and try to lie down for a little while, even though his body was lit up like a firecracker. A scent caught him in mid step. It was faint, but his smell was sensitive and he picked up on it right away almost running back out into the forest. His heart clenching in his chest as the danger this could be putting Rin in fully sunk in.
He turned toward the wind and inhaled deeply. Oh yeah, he smelled demons alright and by each sniff, their scents were stronger with each passing second. They were moving at a fast pace and when they pinned pointed exactly where he was located it would be a lot faster. Sesshomaru felt the panic rise in his throat as the full capacity of the situation sunk into to his unresponsive body. They were definitely coming for him and if he got too close to any demon, he would be in a world of hurt.
“Can you fight?” Came Itachi's deep voice from behind him, making him jump in surprise.
“I don't know, probably not.” He answered, his knees going weak at the human's body heat that was radiating around Sesshomaru.
Itachi slipped a strong arm around his waist to support him. He glared at the human and went to move, but the scent was stronger and it seemed the demons had pinned pointed his location. They would be there soon and he didn't want to put Rin in any unnecessary danger. He sank against Itachi in defeat.
“We need to lead them away from here. They aren't going to be thinking correctly because of my pheromones.”
“Well, can you run?” Sesshomaru wasn't sure but he pushed off of Itachi anyway and let the panic spread so that the adrenaline spread through him.
He moved his legs and suddenly he was moving through the forest at a steady pace. Itachi was close behind him. They made fast work of the ground, but the demons were getting closer. Their cat calls getting louder through the trees. Sesshomaru tried to push it from his mind and stay focused on the task at hand, which was now to save him and Itachi from any pointless bloodshed.
Sesshomaru came to a stop and glanced around. They were standing in front of a lagoon with a beautiful waterfall. A wicked smile split across his face. He grabbed Itachi's arm and pulled him toward the water as a thrill of giddiness washed over his body bring out a playful part of him, that he didn't even know existed.
Itachi followed the yokai even though he didn't like to be dragged anywhere. Sesshomaru pulled the Itachi in front of him then pushed him hard from behind. Itachi fell forward, his eyes widening in surprise at the unexpected action, then he was swallowed up by the water.
Sesshomaru dove in after him and moved easily through the water, where as Itachi was dead weight because of his cloak. Itachi fought against the water trying to break to the surface. Sesshomaru grabbed for him, refusing him the air that he needed so badly. He spun around to lash out at the yokai, but Sesshomaru's lips sealed against his tightly.
He gasped in surprise and Sesshomaru's lips parted at the same time so that no water entered either of their mouths. They were now sharing each other's breath so that they could breathe under the water, Itachi's eyes widened, but his body reacted positively. He couldn't stop himself from moving closer, wrapping his arms around Sesshomaru's waist. He didn't get to enjoy it for as long as he wanted to though, because the dog demon pulled away from him.
Sesshomaru grabbed the human's hand and forced Itachi to follow him through the clear water to the waterfall. It was a hard feat to accomplish considering the water lugged cloak made it harder to push through the water on both of their parts. Itachi followed even though he was a little dazed and more then a little disgusted with himself from reacting to the demon's touch like he had.
What was it about this dog demon that threw him off his kilter? He knew his body as well as he knew his mind, but around Sesshomaru, his body's reactions were unknown and unfamiliar. He didn't like it at all. He didn't like the yokai either for that matter, but there wasn't much he could do about that at the moment.
They finally broke the surface right behind the waterfall, both gasping for breath. Sesshomaru watched the demons come to the clearing, scanning the area. He could hear their muffled talking but the noise of the water was too loud to actually make out words. Sesshomaru sunk down so that just the upper part of his head, just above his top lip was above the water. He yanked Itachi's arm, so that the human would follow suit.
Itachi growled in the back of his throat, but did as the yokai demanded as he unbuttoned the cloak under the water slowly slipping it off to not make too much noise. There was four demons in the clearing searching around, looking more then a little confused. Itachi knew the water had dampened Sesshomaru's scent so that the demon's lost track of it, but that still didn't do anything for the anger that was rising in Itachi's chest at the treatment, the yokai was submitting him to as of late. He seriously was considering killing Sesshomaru and save himself a whole lot of grief.
Itachi felt the dog demon tense up next to him, which brought his attention back up to his surroundings. One of the bigger male demons was moving closer to the waterfall and the closer he got the more Sesshomaru started to squirm. Itachi hissed as one of Sesshomaru's claws dug into his arm and he decided to take matters into his own hands.
He dunked Sesshomaru's head under the water as he waited for the demon to come closer. He slowly submerged himself under the water as the demon came into view and he pulled Sesshomaru toward him. He latched his lips onto the struggling dog demons mouth, pressing his fingers hard into the hinge of the yokai's jaw to force his mouth open. He pushed air into the oxygen-starved demon. As soon as the airflow seemed replenished something unexpected but not unwanted happened.
Sesshomaru's legs wrapped tightly along his waist and a tongue was thrust deep into his mouth. He couldn't stop himself from responding to the demand and was kissing the yokai back with just as much lust and vigor as the other. One hand sank deep into the white long strands as the other one supported the demons lower back. The blood drained from his head straight to his cock, making him painfully hard. Speaking of hard, he could feel Sesshomaru's own dick throbbing against his stomach and the ache become unbearable.
What the hell was going on here? What was he thinking? He didn't like this man at all, but his body was all up for the attention that was being offered from the yokai? This only fired his blood more and made him more vicious. His grip tightened in the long strands as he took full control of the kiss and devoured the sweet taste of the dog demon. Who would have known that a dog could taste so delicious, especially a demon? He pressed harder into the body in front of him, not realizing that they had waded through the water and he now had the yokai pinned to the rocky wall.
They pulled apart in surprise and both broke the surface of the water gasping for breath. Sesshomaru glancing around making sure they were alone. They were, it looked like the demons had giving up on the trail and their libido's had cooled off enough for them to go about their business. Itachi wished he could say the same. He was painfully aroused, but he forced himself away from Sesshomaru as he let the water try to cool his overheated body, which wasn't working out so well.
“They're gone.” Sesshomaru spoke with a normal hard voice, but Itachi could see the slight tremor.
He followed the dog demon out of the water, pulling his cloak off himself and letting it fall to the ground with a loud, heavy splat. He looked down at it like this whole situation was it's fault, which soon brought his attention to his skin tight pants and the straining erection. He turned away from Sesshomaru not really caring to share with the dog demon just what kind of affect the yokai actually had on him. It didn't seem to matter though because Sesshomaru had also turned away from him.
“We should go back to camp, before I dry too much and the demons pick up on my scent all over again.” Itachi nodded and picked up his cloak, but found that his body didn't want to go anywhere.
Instead, Itachi just wanted to relieve that tension. It had been so long that he had actually got sexually aroused, so he was in a lot of pain and he couldn't seem to shake the thought of burying himself in the yokai's tight ass out of his mind, no matter how much he didn't really want it. It didn't matter, because his body did.
He forced himself to follow though and it didn't take them long to retrace their steps and find the cave. Sesshomaru didn't say a word as he disappeared inside. The tension had been thick between them and Itachi knew he wasn't the only one that had been affected by the heated encounter. He climbed back up into the nearby tree he had occupied earlier and since his body had cooled down from the run through the woods, he let his eyes close and drifted off into a light sleep.
It wasn't that easy for Sesshomaru though. As soon as he was back into the safety of the cave, his knees gave out and he had enough strength to make it to his pallet before he collapsed. He was tearing at his wet hakama kicking it off, before throwing the covers over his naked body. He fisted both hands around his hard aching cock as he bit back a moan. He started moving them at a steady pace just needing to release as quickly as possible to take some of the edge off the heat.
His eyes slide closed and he almost bit off his tongue in surprise when an image of Itachi was what settled in his minds eyes. The demon inside him purred at the thought and the fire rose in his body. He whimpered as his demon rose higher almost fully taking over his mind but he forced it down. He would not let it win no matter how much it pushed.
Strong. Need for mate. Take.
Sesshomaru hissed in annoyance at the voice in his head, but that didn't stop the orgasm from ripping through his body. Cum released from his pulsating cock, coating both his hands and lower stomach. He shivered in bliss as he panted hard. He reached for a discarded clothe that laid next to the fire and quickly wiped away any evidence that he had lowered himself enough to actually masturbate, especially to the image of Itachi in his heat. All he knew that this was no ordinary heat. His demon half was taking the reins and it wanted it's mate and it wanted it now. Why did it have to be a human though? More specifically Itachi Uchiha!
Kitty- I had like half this chapter written up already and I almost didn't finish the rest of it after I typed up what I already had, but I had managed to post a chapter in my three on going stories so I decided why the hell not. So hear it is. This is what happens when I can't sleep, fucking insomniac.