Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Forces ❯ Uncontrollable ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Unknown Forces
Chapter 6
“ITACHI-SAMA! ITACHI-SAMA.” Itachi moved from his position by the base of the tree to turn to face Rin who was running from the cave.
He had fallen asleep without realizing it the night before. He decided after the incident last night that he was going to keep watch at the opening of the cave, but he hadn't expected to actually fall asleep. He must have been exhausted to let done his guard that much. He hadn't even remembered falling asleep at all.
The young girl stopped at his side, slightly out of breath. Her eyes were large and fear written all over her face. She stared down at him with that cute adorable face that almost made Itachi twitch. She was rambling something about Sesshomaru, but Itachi didn't understand a word she spoke, as she seemed to trip over her tongue in the process of getting the words out.
“Stop.” He ordered.
She instantly went silent looking at him with those damn large brown eyes as she sucked in deep gulps of air. He closed his eyes already feeling a headache starting to form. What a way to start a morning. A screaming child, lack of sleep, and a migraine. Just what he needed. He let his eyes open again and looked at the child.
“Now what is going on?” He commanded in a deathly calm voice.
“Um, well… you see…”
“Spit it out.” Itachi growled making the girl `eeped' in fright.
“Sesshomaru is groaning and whimpering. Something's terribly wrong with him and he won't let any of us near him.” She spoke softly, her gaze falling to the ground.
The sadness and concern poured off her in emotional waves, almost suffocating Itachi with it. He refrained from rolling his eyes as he rose to his full height. He made his way into the cave as bitterness started to leave a bad taste in his mouth. Now he was babysitting a human child, a dog demon lord, and a weird looking green thing. Just his luck. He couldn't even begin to comprehend how the hell he had gotten himself in such a mess. Apparently, some higher power really had it out to get him.
As soon as he entered the first area, Sesshomaru groans hit his ears and he cringed. The demon was just fine, except for a high dosage of sexual frustration. Those weren't moans of pain, they were purely longing and there was no way that little girl was going to understand that. He pinched the bridge of his nose. Oh yeah, life hated him hardcore.
He turned to face Rin, to see the disturbing green thing standing next to her. He thought for a moment as he glanced back at Sesshomaru. He had no idea how to handle this situation. All he knew was he was very unhappy about it and he didn't want to deal with it. When he turned back to the dog demon's companions, he almost groaned aloud. He wasn't blessed enough to get out of this though. He was going to have to deal with it.
“Can you create a sound barrier?” He demanded of the green thing.
Jaken looked at him skeptically. “Yes… Why?”
“Because I'm going to help your master and he may be loud.” He stated, pointedly looking at Rin.
Jaken followed his gaze to the human child next to him, and then back up at the black haired man. He nodded his head in understanding, knowing exactly what the human man was planning. He grabbed the girl's hand and started to lead her to the other part of the cavern.
“No!” She yelled, yanking her hand away from the green frog-like creature. “I'm not leaving Prince Sesshomaru's side.” She declared.
Itachi did roll his eyes at that. What insolence, he thought as he leaned down so that he could look directly into Rin's eyes. He let his eyes spiral into the Mangekyou and stared deep into the chocolate brown ones. She gazed on in awe as the commas came together at the pupils.
“It's time for you to sleep.” He stated and then caught the small body when she went lax.
“Wha… What did you do?” Jaken stuttered.
“She's only sleeping.” Itachi countered as he moved to the other small space that connected to the first part of the cave. “I didn't harm her.” That seemed to calm the creature for he didn't respond. He only followed.
Itachi laid the girl down on the furs next to the fire and then rose to his feet. He turned to leave, and then stopped short as he saw Jaken glaring at him. He raised an eyebrow in inquiry. The creature moved closer as the eyes hardened slight.
“You harm him. I'll kill you.” Itachi scoffed and turned, walking away.
“Don't forget the sound barrier.” He commanded as he disappeared into the area where Sesshomaru was panting harshly.
He stared down at the full-grown man and almost wanted to laugh at the sight. Sesshomaru really looked like a bitch in heat. Of course, he didn't say that audibly. He didn't feel like getting into an arguing contest with the overly aroused dog demon. Instead, he moved closer to the man's side.
“No!” Sesshomaru panted out. “Don't come near me.” He hissed as a wave of pleasure washed over his body. Itachi didn't listen to the demon. He continued forward until he could kneel down at the man's side. Sesshomaru glared at him, or at least tried too. It looked more like a lustful stare. Itachi couldn't stop the corner of his lips from twitching in amusement. This yokai didn't look all that threatening when he was withering in pleasure. “It's worse when you're near.” This last statement came out on a breathy moan, making Itachi pause.
That was unexpected to say the least and it looked like Sesshomaru wasn't happy on admitting that little bit of information. Itachi's red eyes narrowed as he watched the trembling body in front of him. He knew what the man needed, but for some reason he was hesitating. Did he really want to do this? Did he really want to get involved with this demon? He would have to leave him sooner or later. Not that he cared. He was never one to get attached to someone, but he was unsure of getting intimate with anyone, especially someone like him.
He growled and stood to his feet. He had to do something though or that kid was going to be freaking out the whole time. The look on Sesshomaru's face stated that he wasn't doing so well either. It looked almost like the waves of desire were boarding on the point of pain. He bit the inside of his lip as he debated.
“Get away now.” Sesshomaru almost cried as he convulsed hard and then released a loud moan.
Itachi almost took a step backwards, making up his mind that he couldn't do this. Suddenly he had arms full of the white haired demon and lips crashed down on his in an urgent demand for relief. His eyes widened slightly as he kept them focused on the man in front of him, even as he parted his lips to let the demanding tongue invade his mouth.
The tongue frantically battled with his as the strong body pushed harder against his. He felt a shiver run up his spine as he finally let his eyes close and his hand threaded through the silky white strands of the other man's hair, taking control of the kiss. A loud groan was released from the man as his tongue mapped out the creases of that extremely hot mouth. He had to admit that the dog lord tasted delicious and he found he couldn't get enough of the flavor as the kiss grew to the point of brutal. The yokai's hands gripped tightly to his cloak in desire.
Itachi's thoughts seemed to scattering in every which direction and all that seemed to fill his mind was getting closer to the burning body in front of his. He hadn't been this hard for anyone in such a long time and his cock was aching for release. He found that he just couldn't deny his body's demand. When he released the other's lips from the intense kiss, they were both breathing hard and Sesshomaru's body was shaking slightly in anticipation.
“You're to slow.” The yokai whispered against his lips.
“Shut up.” Itachi growled out as he pushed the man down to the furs next to their feet. “Or I'll have to make you.”
Sesshomaru's golden eyes darkened in anger at the order, but Itachi didn't give him time to retaliate. He swallowed up the words with another hard demanding kiss making Sesshomaru whimper out in pleasure. Itachi smirked into the kiss wondering how obedient the man could become. Apparently, Sesshomaru wasn't as cold as he portrayed himself to be. In fact, the heat rolling off the man under him was burning through Itachi's clothes making him just as hot.
As he continued to devour the mouth against his, he snapped his cloak open and removed it quickly. He let it fall next to him on the floor forgotten as he moved to releasing the robes that Sesshomaru's muscled body was covered in. He needed to feel skin-to-skin contact or he was afraid that his restraint would falter. He was reeled so tightly that he didn't know if he'd be able to be gentle. Not like he was every gentle when it came to anything. He just didn't want to have to put that much effort into this… or at least that's what he kept telling himself.
He was able to get his hands inside the yokai's clothes and his fingers flicked over the hard nipples of the man under him. The dog lord arched into his touch, a long groan surrounding them through out the cave walls making Itachi's body tighten in pleasure. He almost ripped the rest of the clothes off the man under him, his Sharingan eyes running along the creamy almost white flesh now exposed for his viewing pleasure.
Sesshomaru's skin was flawless. There wasn't a scratch, let alone scar on the perfect flesh. The man was a fighter, yet like Itachi, there was no marks. The yokai was as good as a warrior as he claimed himself to be. Only someone with great skill could enter a battle and come out unscathed. That pleased Itachi a lot. He wouldn't want to sleep with anyone who was any less than him.
He leaned down and took one of the hot hard nubs in his mouth. Worrying the nipple with his tongue, adding little nips just to hear the man's breathe catch. Sesshomaru's body was grinding against his almost urgently and Itachi wondered if the demon was even conscious of it. Itachi really didn't care either way. All he knew was the feel of the man's hard cock throbbing against his thigh was sending delicious chills over his body and he had to get that length in his mouth.
He moved further down the burning, sweating body under his, running his tongue along the lines of the washboard stomach to dip his tongue into the shallow belly button. Sesshomaru's reaction made him let out a small groan of pleasure as the man bucked up into his body. His leaking cock rubbing against Itachi's fishnet covered stomach. The precum soaking through to his flesh underneath. God, how he wanted this man, more then he thought he would. He was dying to be buried in that ass.
He moved further down ghosting his hands over the upper thighs of the yokai. Sesshomaru panting had grown ragged and hard. Itachi smiled against the white pubic hair that was so very close to that pulsing length. If he stuck his tongue out, he could have touched that dripping tip. He wouldn't though. For some reason he wanted to hear this great demon lord begging him for it and he wouldn't give in until he heard it.
He moved his lips down the inside of the man's quivering thigh as he lightly let his tongue pass over the flesh, causing the man to moan more frequently. He moved a hand more to the center of Sesshomaru's legs so his fingers could brush lightly against the tense ball sac. A chocked cry was released from Sesshomaru and he pushed his body toward the source of his pleasure, but Itachi pulled his hand back.
A growl filled the heated space as Sesshomaru's patience was coming to a quick end. Itachi ignored it, never giving in to anyone's demands, especially some dogs. If the yokai wanted this so badly he would ask for it. That was the only way Itachi was going to touch, suck, or lick the man's massive cock. And massive it was. It was not as long as Itachi's, but it was just as thick. The vein on the underside was bright purple and Itachi could see it pulsing hard with all the blood that was coursing through it. The man was very aroused and just the sight of it stimulated Itachi even more.
“Stop messing around.” Sesshomaru panted out, looking at Itachi with those iced golden eyes.
Itachi only raised an eyebrow at him then dipped down, letting his lips ghost over the crinkled flesh of the man's balls. Sesshomaru hissed as his exhaled hard, his body convulsing. Itachi heard a chocked word and couldn't help but smile in victory.
“Please.” That's all he needed and was sure that was all he was getting.
He moved up so that the tip of the cock was just below his mouth. He looked up into that lust filled golden eyes as he let his tongue lap at the precum that had started to trail down the edge of the dick. Sesshomaru broke eye contact to let his head fall back against the furs as he let out a breathy groan. Itachi leaned further down so that he could collect the precum that had slithered down the man's cock with the tip of his tongue.
“Oh god.” Was the response he got for his actions and he decided that he would give the yokai a little of reprieve.
He wrapped his lips around the head of the dick and dipped his tongue in and out of the leaking slit. He found that he enjoyed the man's taste a lot more than he had expected. It was salty, yes, but there was a unique sweetness to it too. He couldn't help himself from being selfish and sucking hard to get more of the flavor, he could easily find himself becoming addicted too.
Sesshomaru's back arched off the ground and the man's trembling hands threaded through his black hair knocking the hair tie to the ground in the process. Itachi didn't care though; he was too enthralled with the cock in his mouth that the world could have been ending. He moved his lips further down the length letting the tips of his teeth lightly scrape across the flesh. Sesshomaru cried out in lust and Itachi felt a wave of victory. He would have this dog lord a good little uke by the time he was done with him.
He bobbed his head slowly, ignoring the hand that tried to push him down harder and faster. He lifted a hand and shoved three fingers into the yokai's mouth. Sesshomaru's stunning eyes widened in surprise then narrowed in fury. Itachi stared back with unassailable eyes not in the mood to deal with Sesshomaru's superior facade. All he wanted to do was get off and he was sure that the dog demon would feel the same way. Those eyes didn't relent any, but that warm moist tongue started to move against the appendages in his mouth. Itachi chalked another victory won and to show his appreciation for an obedient lover. He started to pick the pace up with his mouth gliding smoothly up and down the length.
Sesshomaru moaned around his fingers, those eyes going glossy in pleasure as Itachi pushed his fingers slightly deeper. He wanted in the man so badly; he almost didn't have the patience to wait for the yokai to lather up his fingers with saliva. When he felt them covered with a good amount of spit, he pulled them out and moved his hand down the well-built body, reaching under the demon's balls to find that quivering muscle of flesh. He lightly traced the ring then worked a finger into the tight little hole, moaning at the way the flesh tensed around his second knuckle.
Sesshomaru hissed at the initial pain upon entrance, but as Itachi continued to thrust the finger in and out of the burning hot heat, the body relaxed. Itachi pushed another finger into the ass as he added hard suction as he moved his mouth faster along the cock he was deep throating. He pushed deeper in with both fingers upon entering and hit the prostate just as the body started to tense from the pain.
A loud cry was released into the cave and Sesshomaru's body convulsed hard as hot cum was poured into Itachi's mouth. Itachi pulled back a little so that he could catch most of the seed without swallowing it, but still softly sliding the cock in and out between his lips as Sesshomaru rode out the last waves of his orgasm.
When the yokai fell limp under him he pulled back as his free hand worked at the clasps of his black pants, releasing his aching cock from the confines. He spat the cum out into the palm of his same hand and started to spread it around on his pulsating dick. He bit back a moan, but couldn't stop himself from gasping for air. As he continued to prepare himself, he pushed a third finger into the lax body. He pushed against the man's G spot as he started to stretch the ass muscle so that the dog demon would be in less pain when he took him.
Sesshomaru cried out in pleasurable discomfort as he watched Itachi lazily. The demon spread his legs wider to give him a little more room to maneuver his body. He let his fingers slip from the tight muscle as he positioned his cock at the ring of flesh. Sesshomaru tensed and sucked in a harsh breath. Itachi's eyes snapped up to the demon. He leaned forward and took the man's lips in a passionate kiss as he thrust forward hard burying himself to the hilt.
Sesshomaru grunted in pain and bit down so hard on Itachi's bottom lip, both their mouths were filled with his blood. He couldn't hold back the moan that time as pain pleasure washed over his body. He pulled back gritting his teeth as he stared down at Sesshomaru's blood covered parted lips. He licked his own at the sight.
“You're so fucking tight.” Itachi growled out. His breath was ragged as he held his body as still as possible while his cock seemed to be sucked deeper into the clenching heat. “And so hot.” He added with a hiss as his dick twitched deep inside the ass in agreement.
He sucked in a breath as he slowly got his body under control. Sesshomaru wasn't doing too good either. He had his eyes screwed shut tightly and he looked to be in a lot of pain. Itachi felt the muscles squeeze tighter around his erection almost cutting off blood flow.
“Relax.” He hissed out in a hard husky voice.
Sesshomaru's eyes snapped open in rage as he glared up at the Uchiha. Itachi saw the words coming so he reached down wrapping a tight hand around the man's flaccid dick, giving it a few rough strokes. It hardened immediately and Sesshomaru seemed to stagger over his tongue, for the retribution never left his mouth. Instead, it was a heady moan. Itachi let a minor smile touch his lips as he pulled his hips back and then roughly pushed back in, angling his hips so the tip of his excruciating dick hit the fleshy nub dead on. Sesshomaru's lips fell open in a silent scream as his eyes widened as immense pleasure washed over him.
“Fuck.” Was the chocked word that was released from the tremulous lips a second later.
Itachi chuckled deeply as he picked up the pace, his own orgasm starting to build in the base of his spine. He pushed on the back of the yokai's thighs with his own as he rose up onto his knees so that he could get more advantage to go deeper into the now participating body. He could feel the sweat dripping down off his temple to roll down his cheek collecting at the bottom of his chin as he pushed rigidly and faster into the lean body under his.
His eyes fell closed as the pleasure building in his body started to reach its pinnacle. The pressure was so intense that he knew this was going to be one of those orgasms that were going to leave him completely worn out afterwards. He never got to achieve that long awaited release because the body under his started to struggle hard. He let his Sharingan eyes open to stare down at the yokai in vehemence.
“You've got to stop.” Sesshomaru moaned out as he thrashed his head from side to side.
Itachi opened his mouth to counter the man's hypocrisy, but fell still as he watched the fangs in the yokai's mouth length as the man moaned louder. Itachi was so stunned that he let his body relax a little as he backed off the one under him. That was all the space Sesshomaru needed to back away from him. He was so confused on what was going on but the whole fact that Sesshomaru's eyes kept flickering from that golden color to blood red made him falter. What the hell was going on because he was quite sure it wasn't normal, even for a demon.
He was starting to grow quite irate though. He had been so close to blowing his load and to be denied just made his irritation spin out of control. He almost snarled as he moved closer to the man he had just been fucking. He didn't care what was going on with the dog demon. He was going to finish what they started.
“Stop!” Sesshomaru ordered breathlessly. “We can't finish this.”
“Why, pray tell?” Itachi stipulated as he gritted his teeth against the fury rising in his chest.
“Because I almost marked you.” Sesshomaru countered getting just as mad.
“Marked me how?” Itachi bit out. His patience about gone.
“As my mate.” Sesshomaru hissed out in frustration.
That made Itachi pause. What the hell was the man babbling about? He really didn't care at all. He just wanted to get off and he wasn't going to wait around for the man's indiscretions. He tightly grabbed a hold of Sesshomaru's hips and harshly pushed him hard on to his stomach. A growl of warning released into the air. Itachi ignored it as he forced the dog demon on to his knees.
“If that's the issue, then I'll just take you like this.” Itachi hissed out as he brutal shoved back into the tight ass making Sesshomaru cry out in surprise and slight pain. “Then you can't `mark me'.” Itachi breathed out in a deep voice as he slammed in and out of the man below him, making Sesshomaru claw at the furs under him.
He reached around the lean stomach and wrapped a tight unforgiving hand around the throbbing cock of the dog demon. The cry that released into the cave was one of pleasure this time. Itachi spend up his movements as he bit rather harshly at the pale flesh of the yokai's shoulder. His orgasm was starting to boil in his stomach again and this time he was going to achieve it. There was no way Sesshomaru could stop him now.
He thrust rather roughly into the demon's ass on last time as his release slipped over the edge and sent him spiraling into oblivion. He moaned out Sesshomaru's name as his body convulsed hard almost making his eyes roll back into his head. He felt the muscles clench around his dick and he was releasing his seed deep in that quivering ass. He didn't have a chance to enjoy it though or react to Sesshomaru as the man bucked him off and moved away from him with lightening speed.
He was about to speak when he had a lap full of the demon and teeth were sinking deep into his vein in his throat. He winced at the pain, but it didn't last long as his dick went hard instantly. As Sesshomaru took deep pulls of his blood from his vein, the demon was encasing his cock deep into that tight body all over again. He cried out without meaning too. Sesshomaru thrust down on his lap three times hard and fast making his world spin out of control. He came hard again with aloud moan, his body shaking hard as his seed was released deep into the man once more.
He could feel his own cum leaking out from around his half-mast staff as he felt his head swimming from the pleasure overload. Sesshomaru pulled back slightly lapping like a puppy at the wound he had made at his neck. Itachi shivered in pleasure as he stared at the cave wall. He swallowed hard as the situation started to take hold. He pushed the demon off his lap harshly and felt his eyes spiral into the Mangekyou.
Sesshomaru stared at him calmly, the trembling of his body was the only thing that gave away the impact the situation had on him. Itachi's eyes narrowed dangerously as he slightly leaned forward, his rage making his whole body tighten as he restrained himself from reacting. Sesshomaru seemed unfazed by the human.
“Tell me why I shouldn't kill you?” Itachi spat, violently.
Kitty- Yeah, I know. That was a real shitty place to leave off, but that means you will all have to imagine just what is going to happen between the two of them until I'm able to write the next chapter. *evil laugh* I'm such a mean author. Tee Hee. Anyway, I really hope you all liked it. Please Review.