Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Seven:

One thing was on both their minds:

`What do we do now?'

Neither of the boys had an answer to that question, so they went home. Kurama expected to just pretend it didn't happen, yet Neji had other plans…

Kakashi blinked when Kurama came through the door, muttering, "Tadaima," as he went. This strange behaviour concerned Kakashi, yet he remained behind his book, not knowing how to ask what was wrong. He muttered, "Okaeri," back, and watched as Kurama made his way silently to his room.

Kurama opened his door and shut it behind him. He was slightly disappointed that they couldn't continue. But at this point, there was nothing he could do about it. A sigh escaped his lips; he remembered how those fingers brought him incredible pleasure with but a gentle touch. A shudder of pleasure ran down his spine at the thought.

He knew he was only torturing himself. Neji would want to pretend it didn't happen, and so Kurama would respect his wishes. He placed his hands on his face, a groan coming out of his mouth. How could they have done that? They had just become FRIENDS! Would Neji hate him for what had happened?

Kurama didn't know what to think, and he was worried. He felt dirty for what had happened, and he went to have a shower.

He conveniently forgot that Neji was the one to make the first move. He also didn't know that once Neji got something he wanted, he wouldn't give it up. Ever.

The warm water of the shower poured over Kurama, relaxing the daily tensions from his muscles. He washed his hair and body, then just stood underneath the warm spray. He turned the water off after a while, not wanting to use all their hot water. After all, Kakashi might want to take a shower later as well.

Once he got out of the shower, with only a towel wrapped around his waist, he walked to the kitchen to get something to drink. He walked right by Kakashi on the way, and ignored the jounin's eyes on him. He got himself a glass of orange juice then walked back to his room, closing the door softly behind him.

Kakashi stared unseeingly at his picture. He hadn't known that Kurama was so… well sculpted… for a kid his age. His skin was a creamy tanned colour, and he was very… earthereal… Kakashi shook the thoughts from his head. He held no attraction towards Kurama, and he planned to keep it that way. He had his eyes set on a certain… sensei…

Kurama got dressed in his nightclothes, and slipped underneath the comforter on the futon. He wanted to go to bed early tonight.

----Neji Pov----

What was he going to do? What would Kurama do? Neji didn't know. He was slightly confused himself, but he knew what he wanted, and he would get it in time. Kurama may pretend nothing happened when they met up again, but Neji liked what they had going on, and he wanted to continue where they left off. Eventually.

With this thought, he arrived at home. He walked to his room, and prepared to go to bed. It was only around 8, but he didn't care. He couldn't wait for the next day, when he got to see his only friend again.

Neji fell asleep with the smallest of smiles on his face. He hadn't been happy in a long time, with his father's death and the main family's hatred towards him. It was kind of ironic, that he, of the branch, was more powerful than Hinata, of the main.

----No Pov----

----Next Morning----

Kurama awoke to scent of an intruder in his room. His eyes remained closed as he sensed for the chakra… Neji. Huh? What was Neji of all people doing in his room? Kurama didn't know… but he took no chances. Moving quicker than lightning, he had Neji pinned to the wall. The white eyes were wide in surprise, as Kurama stared down on him with deadly eyes. The green eyes lost their intensity when Kurama saw no ill intentions in Neji's eyes. He released the boy just as Kakashi came running into the room, a kunai in hand.

Kakashi blinked when he saw Kurama standing in front of Neji… who was planted against the wall. Had Kurama attacked him? "What are you doing here, Hyuuga Neji?" Kakashi asked, his tone deadly, even though his eyes remained lazy.

Neji stared at Kakashi. What was he supposed to say? Luckily, Kurama saved him.

"Neji and I are friends. He came to walk me to school," Kurama said, incredibly smoothly for a lie. So smoothly, in fact, Neji began to stare at Kurama. How come he hadn't even flinched? Hadn't batted an eyelash as he lied? It was something Neji needed to ask Kurama about later.

Kakashi blinked. Oh… He'd just come to walk Kurama to school? "Why didn't you come by the front door, then?" he asked lazily.

"Because he prefers windows as much as you do, Kakashi," came Kurama's smooth reply.

Kakashi blinked again. Kurama was good… "Very well," he said, and shut the door on his way out.

Kurama turned his calm eyes away from the door, and trained them on Neji. "Now, what WERE you doing here?" he asked calmly.

End chappie. Hope you liked it! And if you want me to update, then review!