Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Thirty-Eight ( Chapter 38 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Thirty-eight:


Jiraiya swore. The girl he had gone off with earlier slung over his shoulder, unconscious. "Shit. Itachi puts a genjutsu on the girl, and now they're gone. Did they get Naruto? There's no sign of a struggle… SHIT!" Placing the girl in his room, Jiraiya quickly took off after Itachi's trail.

The only thought running through his mind was, `I hope I'm not too late…'


Kurama woke up to find himself within a long corridor. Water covered the ground up to his ankles, and pipes ran along the roof. `Where the hell am I?' he wondered to himself.

"Kurama? What are you doing here?" Naruto asked, standing behind the redhead.

Kurama blinked and turned around. "I don't know, I just woke up here," he said softly.

Naruto was silent for a moment before asking, "You want to see Kyuubi?"

Kurama blinked. Wasn't that what the `thing' had `said'? Kyuubi… they want Kyuubi… Nodding his head, he followed Naruto to the end of the corridor. They were met with a gigantic cage with a seal on the two gates.

"What do you want, foolish brat?" a loud and dangerous voice echoed.

"I want you to meet a friend of mine. Kurama, this is Kyuubi, the stupid fox as I call him."

"Shut up, whelp."

"It is an honor to meet you," Kurama said, bowing slightly.

The Kyuubi was shocked into silence at the show of respect. "What are you…?" he asked warily.

Kurama smiled before summoning forth his sick chakra. It churned around him in a sickly disorder, but Kurama was quick to, literally, burn it all away. He expended it without a use, and soon he was left with none of it. `I got to remember that for the real world,' Kurama thought to himself. Summoning forth his youki, he quickly changed his form to that of Youko Kurama.


"I am like yourself, Kyuubi."

Naruto blinked suddenly. "Hey Kurama, why is it that you're so pretty in that form?"

Youko sweatdropped. "Christ, stupid humans…" he muttered under his breath. "WHY THE HELL DO YOU THINK I'M PRETTY?!!"

Naruto took a step back from the emotionally unstable youko.

Youko took a breath and rubbed his temples. "Damnit. I'm getting a headache."

"You're also meaner in your demon form…" Naruto said, frowning.

Youko couldn't stop the laughter from bubbling up in his chest and escaping. "What did you expect, Naruto? In this form my thought pattern changes. That's the way it works for me. However, you don't work that way because you and Kyuubi are separate entities. I AM the demon, there is no human soul within me, although I have human emotions."

Kyuubi was silent for a moment before asking, "You understand how humans work?"

Youko blinked. "Yeah, I do. Sometimes it's a pain in the ass but at times it's also incredibly insightful." He shrugged nonchalantly. "Some I don't understand, however. They're all so very different."

"I see…"

Suddenly, there was a flash of light, and a beautiful entity came into the light that reached inside the cage. It stepped right past the bars, to both Youko and Naruto's shock. The creature looked slightly like Youko in the basic aspects. Blood red fur and hair, with the hair tied with a band half-way down its length (Yue style from Cardcaptors) with long bangs escaping. The hair reached his shin, and was shiny and sleek. Blood red, slitted eyes glowed with a strange light. He was dressed in a strange outfit composed of very baggy pants that tied at the ankles, slippers, a loose shirt, and a vest that hung down to his knees. All of it was a dark blood red, with strange celtic kinds of designs here and there in gold.

Naruto gulped. "How… How did you get out?" he asked weakly.

Kyuubi smirked. God, was he HOTT. "Easily, Naruto. You see, I've always been able to slip out in this form, although only in this part of your mind. I have none of my powers, however."

Youko blinked. "Like that, you don't seem so much like a monster," he commented absently.

Kyuubi smirked and approached Youko. Reaching out with a hand, he snagged Youko's chin and pulled him into a kiss. The wide-eyed Youko froze, seemingly unable to do anything. Once Kyuubi was done thoroughly tastingYouko, he pulled away and licked his lips. "Delicious, just like I thought you would be, Youko…" Kyuubi purred, keeping his fingers on Youko's chin.

For those who want a little bit of Kyuubi/Youko, go to the following url: h t t p : / / a d u l t f a n . n e x c e s s . n e t / a f f / s t o r y . p h p ? n o = 3 7 3 5 0

That pwp will have no relation to the story, however. Naruto stared with a comical face at the scene. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, STUPID FOX!" he shouted, pointing a finger at Kyuubi.

Kyuubi smiled innocently. "Nothing, nothing," he said, pulling away from Youko and smirking at Naruto.

The blond boy glared heatedly and muttered under his breath.

"So… What do we do now?" Kurama asked, having changed back into his human form.

Naruto blinked, then shrugged. "I dunno. Someone I have yet to see or sense is after us, and you've gone so far as to trap us in a root and put us in a coma."

Kurama sweatdropped. `When did Naruto get so smart? He's not supposed to be smart! Bad author! Bad!'

Of course, the author completely ignored him.

"Why don't youjust go kick those bastard's asses?" Kyuubi commented with half-lidded eyes. "After all, you seem to think you're invincible, brat."

Naruto's expression went comical as he tried to form words.

"No, that's not a good idea. One, because they are out of our league and into Jiraiya's, and two, I don't feel like it," Kurama said.

Naruto sweatdropped at the comment and muttered, "Selfish bastard" under his breath.

"I heard that, Naruto, and yes, I am a selfish bastard. Kitsune tend to be that way, especially ones as vain as me," Kurama said with a wicked smirk.

Kurama closed his eyes suddenly, trying to connect with the mind of something in the vicinity of their unconscious bodies. Sensing darkness in both souls, he steered clear and went in search of Jiraiya. Finding the guy quickly, Kurama wondered what the hell the guy was doing.

)For Christ sake Jiraiya, you're going too far to the left! How the hell do you expect to find us?!( Kurama shouted telepathically to the man.


Jiraiya jumped when he heard a voice yell in his head. `What the hell was that?' he wondered, looking around suspiciously.

)I'm talking to you telepathically, Jiraiya, and if you don't steer your course to the right, you're going to pass us by a kilometer. Adjust your course.(

Jiraiya decided to do what the voice said, considering he himself didn't know where he was going.

)To the right more… yep, that's good. Now prepare yourself to meet up with two rather strong enemies. Naruto and I are currently hidden, and will be fine as long as no fires start, okay? Ciao(

Jiraiya blinked. Since when could the brat talk to people mind to mind? Wasn't that considered impossible? Well, perhaps anything was possible when it came to a demon…


Itachi frowned. Where could the two of them have gone? Becoming frustrated, he slammed his fist into a nearby tree, again. Two trees down, a billion to go.

Kisame watched Itachi with his shark-like eyes. They needed to find Naruto quickly, else they would be discovered.

"Burn the forest," Itachi said, sharingan eyes glowing bloody red. His hands whipped through seals as he performed a forbidden fire technique. "Flame of Darkness no Jutsu!" he called out, spreading his hands before him and lighting the surrounding area on fire. The abnormal fire clung to the trees to which it had been spread, but never went any farther outward that Itachi intended.

Kisame watched, keeping his eyes open for activity.


Jiraiya's eyes widened when he saw black flame burst to existence not far in front of him. Rushing forward, he thought to himself, `I'm sorry Kurama, I was too late.'


Kurama blinked inside Naruto's mind. Soon his eyes narrowed dangerously, and a deadly aura surrounded him. "Naruto, we have a problem. The forest is on fire, and if we don't get out of this root soon, we're going to burn alive."


Kurama closed his eyes.


Jiraiya burst through the smoke and fire, stopping right in front of Uchiha Itachi. Narrowing his eyes, he quickly performed a water jutsu to put out the flames. Once the surrounding area was free of fire, Jiraiya looked around for any sight of Kurama or Naruto.

The trunk of a burnt tree exploded suddenly, sending many shards of wood all over the place. A shadow jumped from the debris to land by Jiraiya's side.

Kurama landed gracefully on the ground, eyes shadowed, Naruto's unconscious form in his arms. "Jiraiya, I thought I said no fire?" Kurama said softly, turning slightly to keep Itachi and Kisame in his line of sight.

Jiraiya rubbed his head, laughing uncomfortably. "Sorry about that, Kurama. Didn't get here in time."

Kurama nodded his head, and lied Naruto down on the ground.

"I presume you are here for Naruto," Jiraiya said, expression serious, "Uchiha Itachi."

The black haired man said nothing, and only stared at Jiraiya with his sharingan eyes.

Kurama placed two fingers to Naruto's forehead and sent a jolt of youki to his brain to wake him up.

Naruto's eyes shot open and his body arched for a moment before relaxing. The dazed boy sat up, rubbing his head, oblivious to the surprised eyes that stared at him and Kurama. "God… I feel like I was run over by a rabid bear…"

"Merely sideaffects," Kurama said, helping Naruto to his feet.

The blonde blinked in confusion before whispering to Kurama, "Are those the two following us?"


There was a silence for a few moments before Itachi suddenly said, "It has been awhile… Sasuke."

"Itachi... I will… KILL YOU!!" Sasuke said, eyes narrowed and angry.

"Sharingan. You seem to be familiar with Itachi… Who is this guy?" Kisame asked Itachi.

"He is… my younger brother."

Naruto's eyes widened, and Kurama remained impassive.

"I heard the entire Uchiha clan was wiped out… By you…" Kisame said.

Naruto's mind flashed back to the time they had met and when Sasuke had thrown himself in front of Naruto in Mist. A lightbulb went on in Naruto's head. `The man that he has to kill…'

Itachi and Sasuke stared at eachother.

"I've been wanting to say this to you… I've lived hating you… And I've lived only to kill you…" Sasuke said, power flaring as he formed a chidori. "I HAVE LIVED FOR THIS!!" he yelled, charging at Itachi.

Kurama watched as Sasuke's left hand tore apart the ground as he ran at Itachi. However, the older Uchiha merely caught the wrist, and a huge explosion resulted, blowing apart a few trees nearby.

"You are in the way," Itachi said, before breaking both Sasuke's wrists.

Sasuke cried out in pain, cradling his wrists to his chest.

With a burst of youki, Kurama had roots that were still alive under ground burst from the soil and pull Sasuke under. This caused confused expressions as they looked around for an enemy. Kurama allowed a small smirk to come to his face before he sent the roots after Itachi and Kisame. Itachi burnt them to a crisp, however. `How irritating,' Kurama thought. Reaching into his hair, he pulled out a makai seed. The movement drew attention to him, but he didn't care. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the seed in Itachi's direction. Before the Uchiha could burn it, Kurama made it grow in a split second, revealing a hideous monster of a plant that breathed fire.

A wide eyed Itachi and Kisame jumped out of the way, and made a quick temporary retreat.

Jiraiya stared at Kurama. "What the hell IS that thing?"

"Fire breathing plant. What does it look like?" Kurama said, transforming the huge thing back into a seed and tucking it into his hair with practiced ease.

Naruto blinked. "Is that your demonic ability?" he asked rather softly.

Kurama blinked, and Jiraiya turned to look at Naruto. "Yes, that is my ability. I control plants."

"Do I have an ability?"

Kurama gracefully turned to look at the curious blonde. `Could he have an elemental ability or something else?' he wondered absently. "I'm not sure, Naruto. I'd have to test you to find out, and we don't have time for that. We'll find out after the new Hokage is found."

Naruto nodded his head.

Kurama smiled at him gently. `Once this matter is resolved, I will train you, Naruto. Jiraiya may be training you now, but he is human, and cannot help you in certain aspects,' he thought to himself as he retrieved the unconscious Sasuke from the ground and slung the boy over his shoulder.

When he turned back to Jiraiya and Naruto, he was just in time to see a strange bowl-cut haired man kick him right in the face. He burst out laughing, unable to help himself, as Jiraiya went flying into a dead tree.

"Oh! Sorry Jiraiya!" Gai said sheepishly. "I was using my head protector to see, and didn't realize your head was so low to the ground."

This elicited a few chuckles from Kurama, who was smiling slightly as he made his way over to the three leaf-nin. "What are you doing here, Gai-sensei?"

Gai blinked. "Oh! Kurama! I should be asking you that," he said with his hands on his hips.

Kurama raised a cool eyebrow. "I'm here with Jiraiya and Naruto, helping them find the fifth Hokage. And you can do me a favor by taking this foolish brat back to Konoha," Kurama said with slightly narrowed eyes, tossing Sasuke to Gai, who caught him smoothly.

"Sasuke? Why is he here?" Gai wondered.

"How should I know? I would think the brothers began to hate eachother at some point..." Kurama said, standing next to Naruto.

Gai nodded his head, eyes serious. "Kakashi is at the hospital at the moment after a confrontation with Itachi. I'll take Sasuke back to Konoha," Gai said with a grin and thumbs up before he flickered out of existence.

Kurama blinked. "Kakashi's at the hospital? Damn. Itachi must be tougher than I first assumed…"

Naruto, who had watched everything take place, looked thoughtful. `When is Jiraiya going to train me, if we have so many new enemies?'

Jiraiya sighed softly and scratched his head. "Alright you two, we're going back into town. After a good night's rest we're heading out again. I'll start training you two then."

Naruto jumped for joy, a huge grin on his face. "ALRIGHT!!"

Kurama only shook his head with a small smile.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.