Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Fourty-One ( Chapter 41 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Fourty-one:


Disclaimer: The majority of text from this section of the manga comes directly from inane scalations (which I didn't actually GET from inane, because I can't get their stuff from their site. I got their scanlations off two other sites). I DO take credit for what Kurama does (he's not mine), and I do not take credit for what I took out of said scanlations, and am too lazy to specify what I copied, so figure it out yerself. Now, on with the ficcie, heheh.

Beachan18: When I first read your review, my eyes were wide as hell. You scared the CRAP out of me yelling that they're only 11 years old… for a second there I thought you were serious. [takes deep breath]. Thanks for scaring the crap outa me there in that wonderful review. And yes, we're both freaks, as you put it. Heh. [Grin]

And now, on with the ficcie…


A thought occurred to Jiraiya. "Why don't you heal like Naruto does?" he asked curiously.

Kurama smiled sincerely and looked Jiraiya in the eyes. "Because I don't know how."

Jiraiya looked thoughtful for a moment. "Since you can't train, obviously, then why don't you finish wrapping up your hand and come with me to gather information?"

Kurama thought it over. It wasn't that bad of an idea, and Jiraiya was right in the aspect that he couldn't train for a day or so. "Alright," he said, tying the bandage and putting everything back in his bag. Once he was done, he picked it up with his left hand and threw it over his shoulder.



"Orochimaru-sama… The medicine! Quickly!"

Blood spattered over walls of a room with little light. Orochimaru sat in his bed, blood all over his sheets, panting from pain.

"Please take the medicine immediately… Ahh, I have to clean the room the moment I get back?" a voice asked from the open door, light surrounding them in a halo. The person was revealed to be Kabuto.

"That kind of crappy medicine I don't need."

"I mixed the medicine myself… It should make you feel at least a little better," Kabuto said, pushing his glasses up on his nose.

Orochimaru growled as he stared down at his hands. "The burning pain in my arms… I never expected it to be so bad…"

"Sarutobi, the Sandaime… The wound comes from his final curse. No wonder it's painful," Kabuto said, walking past the dead body laying on the floor.

"No need for further explanations… By the way, the woman… did you find her?" Orochimaru asked, slitted eyes narrowed.

"…Yes. It seems she's at a place called Tanzaku Street."

"Tanzaku Street… Is that so…" Orochimaru said, a smirk coming to his face.

"However, it won't be easy to capture her," Kabuto said.

"Heh… The best cure is always the hardest one to find… right?" Orochimaru asked in a dangerous voice, eyes shadowed.


On the ground Naruto lay, punctured rubber balls all around him. "Damn…" he muttered, "I've gotta concentrate more…" He stared at his shaking hand, the swirl planted in the middle. Breathing out deeply, he tried to concentrate again.



Kurama almost sighed as the first place they went to, to `gather information' was a bar. `Typical…' he thought to himself, watching as Jiraiya got to work.

"Have you seen this person before?" Jiraiya asked, holding out a picture to one of the men at the bar.

"Nope, never seen her before…"

"I see…"

"I know that person…" a voice said to Jiraiya's left. "I even know her whereabouts."

Kurama turned his eyes to the one who had spoken. Getting bored rather quickly, he plopped up by the bar and asked for some sake.

The bartender looked at Kurama. "You old enough to be drinking?" he asked.

Kurama raised a cool eyebrow as his only response, glaring at the bartender slightly.

"Alright then… it'll be there in a minute," the man said, placing down the cup he'd been cleaning and going off to warm up some sake.

Kurama tuned back into the conversation a few seats down from him.

"That sis… she's rubbed me off quite a bit, y'know?" Jiraiya said. `She's still losing?' he thought to himself incredulously.

"That legendary hitter… is still gambling even now…" the man said, taking a drink from his glass.

"Here's your sake, sir," the man said, and Kurama paid for the drink. Pouring some sake into a cup, he downed it with a gulp, remaining perfectly sober. Pouring himself another glass, he sipped it and thought of how he was going to train during this trip. `At the moment I'm useless… at least until my hand heals. I'll still have to be careful with it, though… Running for hours on end is becoming too easy. I'm going to have to get more weights during the trip or when I get home… I wonder where I could find the same weights... or I could add them in different spots…' Suddenly an idea occurred to him. `Why don't I sew weights into the lining of my vest? I haven't even worn that outfit yet… it's perfect!' he thought to himself, his lips twitching upwards slightly.

"Where?" Jiraiya asked.

"Tanzaku Street."

"That's pretty close," Jiraiya said to himself with a slight smirk. "Kurama, we're leaving…" he said, turning around and gaping at Kurama drinking sake at the bar. Walking up to the kid, he asked, "How did you get sake? You're underage!"

Kurama coughed as the bartender looked at him accusingly. "So what if I'm underage?" he said cockily, gulping down the remains of the sake bottle, his cheeks not even tinged red. Reaching out a hand, he pulled Jiraiya out of the bar and on to the street. "So, where are we going now?" he asked, slightly drunk although he hid it pretty well physically.

Jiraiya blinked. "Damn, can you hold your liquor!" he exclaimed.

Kurama rolled his eyes. "Yes, I can. However, this body isn't entirely used to it, so let's get going before I stumble into someone I don't think I should."

Jiraiya nodded his head, and was about to leave with Kurama when the redhead stopped walking. "What?" he asked.

Kurama stared at a store across the street. "How about you go get Naruto and wait for me with him. I need to buy a few things before we leave," he said, not waiting for an answer before he walked off to the store.

Shrugging, Jiraiya made his way out of the town, wondering what Kurama would need to buy.

Kurama smirked. The store had weights displayed. Walking inside, he made his way to the front counter. "Excuse me, sir," he said politely, "Could you please show me your stock of weights?"

The man blinked. "Sure. What are you looking for?" he asked, leading Kurama to the back.

"Something I can put in the lining of a vest of mine," Kurama said with a half smile.

"So you'll probably want disks, right? Hm… Probably size 4 with your body width," the man said, as if Kurama knew what he was talking about… which he didn't, entirely. The man picked up a rather thin disk around 3 inches in diameter and held it up to Kurama's chest. "Is this what you want to sew it into?" he asked, indicating Kurama's `cover'.

"No, I want to sew it into a vest that hangs open, normally, and hangs down to mid-thigh," Kurama explained.

"How heavy do you want the over all weight to be, approximately?"

Kurama had to think for a moment. "How heavy CAN you get it?" he asked.

"It depends on how many disks you want in the clothing. If you want, you could just sew weight pockets onto the inside of the vest and add as many as you made pockets for," the man said. "Do you have this vest with you?" he asked.

Kurama put his bag on the ground and began to open it with his left hand, leaving his right hanging by his side. The vest was pretty close to the top, and he pulled it out without disturbing the rest of the bag's contents, although he had to remove the sword to get the thing open at all. He held the vest out to the man, who looked at it appraisingly.

"This is a nice vest. Good makeup. Strong material… If you want to put weights in this, the best thing to do would be to take it to my friend Kito. He can fill the lining with lead. He's been doing it for years for other ninjas, too, so you don't need to worry about him ruining it," the man said, handing the vest back to Kurama. "When you leave this shop, go to the left and walk a ways down the street. Kito's store's a metal work shop. Can't miss it. The only one in the area," the man said with a smile.

Kurama nodded his head and put his vest back into his bag and flipped the flap closed and tied it. After that, he tied the sword back on. "Thank you very much," he said with a friendly smile and left with his bag swung over his left shoulder.

`That's even better than what I had in mind…' Kurama thought to himself happily.


"This time… My arms… Will be healed…" Orochimaru said as he left his village.

Even though it's a good cure… That reason will not let you have it easily you know…" Kabuto said to Orochimaru, who was walking ahead of him.

"Hah… We're going to Tanzaku Street NOW!" Orochimaru said commandingly, making some people think he was constipated. Or, that's what I think at least…


"WOW!! HOW RARE!!" Tsunade's dark-haired companion (who was carrying a pig) called out happily

"How could I get triple sevens?" Tsunade said to herself. `I have a bead feeling about this…'

The two of them left the gambling joint, Tsunade feeling rather anxious.

"What's wrong?" her companion asked. "It's a miracle that you actually won this time… why are you still unhappy?"

"This place… I have a bad feeling… let's get outta here fast."

"What? But this is a beautiful place… we should explore the castle more and…"

"Then we'll take a quick look around and then get out of ASAP!" Tsunade said strictly.


Kabuto and Orochimaru walked through the forest, taking their time. "I know a bit about Tsunade-sama too. You see… I was in the medics before," Kabuto said to Orochimaru. "It's now become standard procedure… to include a medical specialist in a group of four ninjas. Prior to this… it was difficult for a group of shinobi to battle without any medical attention. You can't anticipate what might happen on the battlefield. Which is blindingly obvious."

"Hm… That might be a good system even for veteran fighters… But such a system would only increase the casualties of war," Orochimaru said dangerously. "It's human nature that people won't realize the true value of something unless they lose it. And whoever told the story of the medical specialist who's from the 3 legendary ninja… became the victims of that ninja.


Naruto struggled to stand. "Argh… it hurts…" he groaned out before collapsing. `This is the limit… it hurts too much. I have no chakra left. Lemme rest a bit…' he thought to himself, turning over onto this back.

Leaves blew in the wind, and one landed itself on Naruto's forehead… with it, came a memory of when he was younger.

Iruka caught them trying to sneak out of class, and lectured them on concentration. As punishment for some back talk… they had extra class.

Iruka taught them about concentration, and put a leaf on their foreheads, which would teach them to concentrate all their chakra to that leaf. "You'll only be acknowledged as a ninja if you have good concentration!" he had once said…

Naruto brought a trembling right hand to his face. "This is the same thing…" he said to himself weakly. "…If only I'd listened to Iruka-sensei back then… I'm so dumb…" he muttered to himself, sitting upright, the leaf falling off his forehead. "But it's too late to regret it now." Licking his thumb, he smudged the ink on his hand into the symbol of konoha… a swirly leaf. "Alright! I can do this!" he said to himself determinedly. `Must concentrate…'

Picking up another rubber ball with his left hand, Naruto placed his right over top and concentrated his chakra into it. In his mind's eye, he saw the leaf symbol. Chakra started to slowly swirl around that one spot, focusing. `NOW!' He snapped his eyes open and moved his right hand like he did with the water balloon, causing the rubber ball to blow up in his hands and send him flying.

Crying out from the force, Naruto held his arms to his face as he skidded across the ground on his right side. His momentum was stopped by a hand on his back.

"Ahh… it's done…" Naruto managed to get out of his tired body.

"Seems like you've mastered the second stage," Jiraiya said, looking at the burns on Naruto's right hand. `Wow… to concentrate chakra to the extent where it burnt his hand… This kid… is quite amazing… Kurama is amazing too. He focused enough power into one spot that the chakra flew out of his control and blew up in his face. Both of them are going to go far…' he thought to himself, smirking.

Naruto weakly suggested that he start the third stage, but Jiraiya was quick to say otherwise. "Leave it for later… We're gonna meet Tsunade now. I'll explain the basics of the third stage on the way.


"Tanzaku castle has such a fabulous view even from the ground. That's why it's called the treasure of arts!" Tsunade's companion said.

"Don't waste anymore time. We must get out of here as soon as possible," Tsunade said.

"Can't we stay a little bit longer? Don't you see this beautiful view? It's for free, too."

Suddenly, the magnificent castle crumbled to the ground with a boom, shocking both Tsunade and her companion. In it's place towered Orochimaru and Kabuto on the head of a snake.

"Orochimaru," Tsunade muttered under her breath, sweat trickling down her cheek.

"I finally found you," Orochimaru said with a smirk.

Rather short chapter there, but I wanted to end it on a cliffhanger. So… yeah. That's what you get for me updating again so soon! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! [get's hit over head by fan] ouch. [runs away from rabid fans]. Anyway, I'm hoping the next chapter will be up soon, so look forward to it!

AI-SAMA: please email me and let me know if you received my email to you answering your questions in chapter 37.