Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Fourty-Two ( Chapter 42 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Fourty-two:


Kurama walked down the rather busy street, in search of a metal work shop. On the way he spotted many other interesting places, but not what he was looking for. Near the end of the street, he finally came to the store and entered.

"Can I help you, sir?" a rather young looking man with short-cut but stylish brown hair said, gray eyes smiling friendly at him.

Kurama smiled at the `sir'. "If you are Kito, then yes you can," he said with a polite small.

"I am he," the 30 or so year-old said. "What is it you need?"

"I have a vest that I would like weighted," Kurama said, removing his bag from his shoulder and digging through it with his left hand, leaving his right hand hanging uselessly by his side.

"Of course," Kito said. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your hand?" he asked conversationally while Kurama pulled out his black red vest.

"Performed a jutsu incorrectly and it blew up in my face," Kurama said simply, holding the vest up to Kito, who took it and started closely examining the makeup.

"Well, for one, this is a very nice vest. I'm surprised you got such good quality in this day and age. Must have been fairly expensive. How heavy do you want this to be?" Kito asked.

Kurama frowned at that. How heavy DID he want it to be? For one, he wanted to get rid of the weights Gai made him wear, because all the metal did get rather irritating to have hanging off his body… so that was 1600 pounds total… 400 of Gai's… If he wanted to get rid of Gai's, how much did he want to start carrying around? "How heavy can you make it?" Kurama asked.

I seem to have made many mistakes considering Kurama's weights in the past. Sorry `bout that. Let's just say that the total weight, at the moment, is OFFICIALLY 1600.

Kito blinked before narrowing his eyes, calculating the vest and turning it over and over to look at it at different angles. "Well, I'd say I could make it around 800 pounds or so… That'd be pushing it though. I'm not sure how long your vest would last, even with the extra supports I'll be putting in it.

"Would it last relatively long with 700 pounds?" Kurama asked.

Kito blinked. `Is this kid actually SERIOUS about putting that much weight on?' "It'd probably last for a few years before you'd have to replace it. At 600 pounds it'd last around 5-7 years."

Kurama thought about it for a moment. He REALLY didn't want to have to carry 300 pounds out of the blue, so… "I'll go with 600," he said simply.

Kito nodded.

"How much will this cost?" Kurama asked suspiciously.

Kito thought over it for a moment. "Well… My work isn't cheep… Around 200,000 yen."

Kurama blinked. Pulling out his money bag, he started counting bills. He came up with 185,505 yen. Muttering curses under his breath, he wondered what he would do… "Could I pay the rest with weights I'm going to get rid of by any chance?" he asked.

"Could I see them?"

Pulling up his sleeves, Kurama removed all the weights Gai made him wear (and some wrist weights he'd gotten before the Final exam) and showed them to Kito.

Kito's eyebrows raised. "Wow. This will more than pay for the vest. Including the weights, I'd say the price is lowered to… 140,000 yen."

Kurama smiled. "Perfect. How long will it take for you to finish it?"

"Around three days. There are a few different stages I need to do to finish the whole thing. Can you wait that long?" Kito asked.

Kurama sweatdropped. "I don't want to, but I will if I have to," he said, counting out 140,000 yen and placed it by the weights on a nearby table.

"Alright then. Be back here on the morning of the third day," Kito said, waving to Kurama as he left.

`This is going to be a long three days…' Kurama thought to himself with a sigh, leaving the town to sleep out in the woods and train, feeling lighter than normal without 400 pounds on him.


"Jiraiya?" Naruto asked as they traveled to the next town. "Where's Kurama?"

"Had to do something. Said he'd catch up," Jiraiya said dismissively.

"What about the third stage?"

Jiraiya stopped walking. "Heheh. The third step can be done while walking," he said, reaching into his yukata and pulling out a balloon, which he blew up. (Note: I do not really know what a yukata is, I'm just guessing here. I THINK it's the shirt thing with the part down the middle… or whatever… coffcoff)

Tying the balloon, Jiraiya tossed it to Naruto, who caught it. "Eh? What's this? Looks normal."

"The first step was to spin. The second step was power. Finally, the third step, is this!" Jiraiya said, holding up the balloon, which shifted slightly.

Naruto stared hard, watching Jiraiya's balloon. After a while of nothing happening, he blew up. "WHAT THE HECK IS `THIS'?!!"

Jiraiya chuckled. "It may seem that I'm just holding the balloon… But, I'll show you the same thing in my left hand. Let's see what's going… inside the balloon," he said.

Naruto's eyes widened when he saw the twirling typhoon of chakra in Jiraiya's hand. `Whoa… the chakra is spinning rapidly and increasing in pace… but it remains a perfect sphere…'

"Just like a small typhoon, eh?" Jiraiya said, smirking as he looked at his left hand.

"So that balloon in your right hand is the same as your left hand?" Naruto asked.


`Even with that much chakra spinning, the balloon doesn't even twitch. There must be more power and speed to it than when I popped the rubber ball!' Naruto thought to himself, convinced.

"Listen up. This third step is giving all you learned from the previous two, and charge it. Basically, you max out the spin and the power of your chakra. But you make the a wall within the balloon, and concentrate your power," Jiraiya said seriously.

"I GET IT! So, I do the spinning from the last exercise, and try not to pop the balloon?!" Naruto asked excitedly.

"Aye! You've gotten quicker," Jiraiya said, grinning.

"Hmm… So, why do we have to do that?" Naruto asked unintelligibly.

`I retract my comment…' he thought to himself. "This is why. Watch closely… up to the second step is like this," Jiraiya said, walking over to a tree. A spinning swirl of chakra appeared in his hand, and ate a swirl design into the tree. Afterwards, he made the third stage rasengan and ate a whole out of the tree.

Naruto's eyes widened in shock.

"If you can keep this tornado in its form, the power doesn't dissipate. It'll start to spin faster, and its power will be highly concentrated," Jiraiya said with his old many cocky wink.

A determined look formed on Naruto's face as he looked down at his balloon. `Alright, I can do it!'

"Alright, the chat's over. We're gonna practice while walking," Jiraiya said.

"Eh, why must we hurry, I need to prac…"

"We took extra time to get your body healed. There's no guarantee that Tsunade will stay in the city longer either," Jiraiya said, turning around and walking away.


"Not as if an old buddy's gonna appear before her and start to chit chat. LET'S GO!"

"… Alright," Naruto said, walking along rather bummbed out. "And Kurama?"

"I already told you, he'll catch up when he catches up."


Tsunade frowned. "It's been a while, Orochimaru."

"I have a little favor to ask from you," Orochimaru said, his hands twitching at his sides.

Kabuto began, "Tsunade-sama, I'm assume you've figured out Orochimaru's condi-"

"Hey, you can go find someone else. I quit being a doctor."

"That's not possible. Only you can cure this wound," Kabuto said.

Tsunade glared as Orochimaru mentioned her lost loved ones.


Kurama sighed. It was only the first day, and he was already bored out of his mind. He'd started training at first, but that had quickly stopped when his body refused to get any benefit out of the exercise from a lack of weight. Although he was quicker than normal, it was still irritating training and training and getting nothing out of it.

Plopping down on his butt, he wondered what he could do… Rasengan was out of the question. His skin was only half healed… But then, there was always his left hand… Looking down at it, he frowned softly. He didn't want to fry TWO hands. He didn't want to be almost completely incapacitated.

Falling backwards onto the ground, he stared up at the clouds. Maybe he could invent some cool jutsu while he waited… Something that didn't require hand seals for… That idea flew out of his mind, however, when he remembered his sword…

A devilish smirk spread across handsome features as a wicked training idea came to mind…


Naruto held his hands together, trying to form the rasengan. He tried to power it up, but ended up blowing the balloon to pieces.

"Hey, don't slack off," Jiraiya said, frowning. "You gotta charge 100% of your spin and your power into it.

`You've got to be kidding me. I need to control all I've got perfectly… Now I understand… this third step,' Naruto thought to himself, staring at his hands. `It's on a completely different scale!'

Jiraiya smirked. "I told you, its rank A difficulty. Extremely high level ninjutsu."


"You alone can cure Orochimaru," Kabuto said, trying to be persuasive.

"What did you do to your arm? That's no ordinary wound," Tsunade asked sharply.

"Heh. Just a little momento from when I killed the third."

Tsunade's eyes narrowed.

Tsunade's companion was boiling with anger. Shooting in front of Tsunade, she pulled the strings of a mechanism on her arm and shot tiny needles at Orochimaru in anger.

Kabuto was quick to deflect them. `Poisoned…'

"Calm down, Shizune," Tsunade said commandingly to the dark haired girl, who was panting, a vein throbbing in anger. "Orochimaru, you haven't changed one bit," Tsunade said, eyes shut and curved up in a wicked smile. "You know how I am, don't you? Don't kid around with me," she said.

Suddenly, the wall behind Tsunade shattered as he slammed her fist into it. Eyes had narrowed in anger and blood lust. "I'll kill you," she said dangerously, a look of absolute hate on her beautiful features.

A huge chunk of wall went down with an explosion of dust, sending many small bits flying outwards from the point of destruction.


Another poorly controlled Rasengan blew up in Naruto's face… again.

"Tsunade is really short tempered you know…" Jiraiya said thoughtfully to himself, hand leaning against a large pillar. `I hope she's still around…'


Orochimaru only remained collected and confident after Tsunade's mighty show of freakish strength.

"We're not here to fight, but to negotiate," Kabuto said calmly.

"I said it once… Get out of my sight," Tsunade said sharply.

"You're the only one who can cure his arm," Kabuto said, standing in front of Orochimaru as he tried to negotiate with her. "Please calm down… It won't be a bad bargan…"



Kabuto sighed.


Tsunade frowned. She knew Orochimaru wouldn't leave without getting what he wanted, but she was still going to try.


Orochimaru remained impassive.


"I can revive your brother and the man you loved with the forbidden seal I have developed," Orochimaru said confidently, brining out his trump card.

Tsunade's eyes widened in shock.

There was silence for a moment. Shizune was shocked that Tsunade seemed to even consider it for a second. The pig by her side oinked in confusion.

"You haven't killed us yet… Does this mean we have a deal?" Orochimaru asked, smirking slightly as Tsunade looked down and thought it over.


Meanwhile, Jiraiya was gambling for information.

"Pick cho or han. Even or odd," a man with a fro said.

"Alright! Um…" Jiraiya thought over it for a moment. `My age is an even number, so…' "Cho!"

The man removed the cup, and Jiraiya's eyes widenend.

However, just at that moment…

Naruto's Rasengan blew up in his face again.

The dice flipped from 2 and 5 to 2 and 4, to Jiraiya's relief. `Nice timing Naruto!' "Hehe, seems like my win," he said confidently.

Naruto's eyes were slitted, the middle pointing downward with a frown. `Dammit, screwed up again!!' he thought to himself rather ironically.

`Damn, she's got to be somewhere around here!" Jiraiya said annoyed to himself.

Naruto, however, was ignoring him as he looked at a gambling machine. Seeing a coin on the ground, he put it in with a cute wide eyed expression of innocence. `Do I insert my coins here?'

They came out of the gambling joint with Naruto's frog wallet filled to bursting with coins. "Gama-chan, you look cuter when you're full of coins," Naruto said happily, rubbing the frog against his face with a heart floating over his head.

`Damn, Naruto won so much from just one coin… He must have a talent in this sort of thing…' Jiraiya thought to himself with a sweatdrop. `Although he's a moron with ninjutsu.'


Kurama smirked dangerously as he went through a few different katas with his sword. Narrowing his eyes in concentration, he forced sick chakra into his sword and took out a huge chunk of land, the evil energy dissolving the ground more than normal chakra would. Stopping his kata, he held up his sword and surveyed the damage. He'd done a good job, if he said so himself.

Getting an idea, he burnt out his sick chakra (or at least, what was LEFT of it) and forced his youki into the blade. Holding it up, he came down on a huge bolder with force.

A huge explosion resulted, and the rock shattered and cracked from the shear power of the attack, turning the whole rock into tiny pebbles.

Resting his sword on his shoulder, Kurama smirked. He could get used to this.

-Toki Mirage-