Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Fourty-Three ( Chapter 43 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Fourty-three:


"Don't you want to meet them again, Tsunade?" Orochimaru asked with a slight smirk.

Tsunade seemed to think it over. Her loved ones… `Yuuki… Dan…' "If I cure your arms… what are you planning on doing?" she asked curiously.

"I'm going to obliterate all of the Leafs… once and for all."


"Hey! So where's this castle supposed to be?" Naruto asked, holding a hand up to shade his eyes from the sun, looking for a non-existant castle…

Jiraiya's eyes widenened.

Rather, a destroyed one.

Both were silent as they stared at the collapsed castle, one huge pile of wreckage. "What happened here?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"Hey! You over there!" a man running down the street called out. "You guys should run away too!! There's a demon beast up there!!"

"Demon beast?" Naruto said incredulously.

"This demon beast… what exactly was it?" Jiraiya asked seriously.

"A hu-huge snake!! Toppled the building instantly!!"

"How big was this snake-beast again?" Naruto asked. "Back in my village, I also encountered a snake-beast…"

"Hey Naruto! This snake… is the same snake you met before," Jiraiya said, running along the top of the wall. Naruto followed him.


"Destroy the leaf village?!" Shizune bit out angrily. She turned to Tsunade and was shocked that she was even considering this at all. "Tsunade-sama!"

"You're answer is?" Kabuto said.

"You can't do this, Tsunade! You're brother and uncle wouldn't want this! Have you forgotten your dreams? I understand reality is thus, but you-"


The dark haired girl quieted immediately, a frown of concern on her face.

"You don't have to answer now. However, we hope to come to a peaceful resolution…" Kabuto spoke calmly. "Also, this forbidden jutsu needs a supply of life. There, we've prepared two good bodies."

"Tsunade-sama!! Kill these bastards! Orochimaru is weak right now! This is a good opportunity… if we fight together, we can beat them!" Shizune yelled determinedly.

Tsunade was silent.

Orochimaru lifted his arm to his mouth and bit a finger and held it out for Tsunade to watch the blood drip.

Tsunade immediately backed away, shivering, clutching at her necklace desperately.

"I know your weakness, Tsunade. Kong Shrei Zheng… Terrifying blood disease," Orochimaru said with a smirk

With that said, they disappeared.

Jiraiya made a flying entrance, along with Naruto. However, Tsunade and Shizune had vanished, leaving the two alone with a broken wall before they could even spot the two women.

"Just a little too late," Jiraiya muttered to himself. "Let's go, Naruto.


"BOSS! MORE SAKE!!" Tusnade shouted, a drunken blush on her cheeks.

"Tsunade-sama… you drink too much," Shizune said softly. Tsunade only burped as a reply, crossed her arms on the table, and leaned forward. Shizune watched her `sensei' with worry. `Tsunade-sama…'


"Oh well, let's just heat dinner here."

"What? Isn't this place a pub?"

"Dumbass… Information is always around places like this," Jiraiya said, entering the pub with Naruto trailing behind. "Hey!" he called out in surprise, "Tsunade!"

"Jiraiya…" Tsunade mumbled. "Why are you at a place like this?" she asked, her cheeks flushed from the alchohal.

`That… girl is the person we're looking for? Is she really 50 years old?' Naruto thought to himself incredulously.

"Finally, we've found you," Jiraiya said, sitting down with Tsunade and Shizune. After a while, they ordered food and started eating.

"Why did you come to see me?" Tsunade asked seriously.

"To tell the truth… The Village of the Leaf has issued a request for you to be the Godaime Hokage," Jiraiya said seriously.

Everyone at the table was surprised except Jiraiya. Even Naruto was shocked. The result was him choking on his food and hitting his chest to cough it up. `The fifth Hokage??? What the hell?? All of a sudden…' he thought to himself.

"The third is…" Jiraiya began, his eyes softening slightly.

"It was Orochimaru's work I heard. He told me," Tsunade said, taking another sip of sake.

"THAT BIG SNAKE GUY?!" Naruto yelled in outburst, "He's the one who killed out Hokage?!! Who the hell is this bastard?!"

"He was with us… The three of us together were called the `Three legendary Sennin'," Jiraiya explained.

"Then weren't they from the Leaf? Then why?"

"Who is this boy?" Tsunade asked, causing Naruto to turn his attention to her with an angry look on his face from the previous conversation.

"He is Uzumaki Naruto…" Jiraiya said with a smug look on his face.

`This kid… is the kyuubi,' Tsunade thought to herself in surprise.

"Hey! How come she gets to be the Hokage? Why?!" Naruto yelled in outrage.

"Quiet kid…" Jiraiya said in irritation. "So… Your answer is? Are you willing to accept?" Jiraiya questioned Tsunade.

Tsunade thought it over carefully.


Kurama sighed slightly, his body aching from his harsh physical and chakra training. Sitting down against a tree, he stared up at the moon, wondering what Naruto and Jiraiya would be doing at this time of the night. Probably sleeping…

Which was what he SHOULD be doing. Which he wasn't… because he was too restless. Sighing gently, Kurama went in search of the town's bath house, wanting to relax his aches and pains away. The town was still rather lively with adults, considering the time of night. Most of them were either entering or leaving bars or gambling joints. They watched Kurama curiously as he walked down the streets, wondering what a boy could be doing up at that time of the night.

When he arrived at the bath house, he paid a small fee to the lady at the counter and was directed in the men's changing room that led to their hotspring. Walking through the doorway, he was surprised to see almost no one there at that time of the night. It was practically empty of all life. Which was a good thing for Kurama, because he didn't want the company of pedophiles.

Undressing, and ignoring the other man in the room, Kurama couldn't wait to finally clean himself. It had been a few days, and he felt gross. Placing his clothes to the side, Kurama removed his weights, ignoring the pair of eyes that stared at him. After placing the weights to the side, he started washing himself. After he was done, he poured a bucket of water over his head and started cleaning his black Chinese outfit carefully. After that, he got all the soap out of it with clean water and let it hang from some hooks that would normally hold the customer's clothing. Since no one else was there except that one man, however (it WAS around midnight), Kurama took advantage of the room. After that, he started cleaning out what grit was in his weight's joints and straps, and dried them off quickly afterwards with a towel. Placing them in a locker, he discreetly put a small makai seed on the door to his locker so no the plant could inform him of anyone trying to steal his clothes or stuff.

Grabbing a clean towel, Kurama wrapped it around his waist and went into the hotsprings to relax his tired muscles. The other man was in there as well, and Kurama studiously ignored him, closing his eyes and sinking into the warm water.

Kurama stayed in the hotsprings for the better part of an hour, having nothing better to do. After sufficiently becoming a prune, he left the hotsprings and went back into the change rooms. Drying off quickly, Kurama opened the locker and pulled out his bag. Digging around in it for his green Chinese outfit, he smiled when he found it. Pulling all out everything he'd need, Kurama put it down on a bench and gathered up his weights and still wet black Chinese outfit.

Slipping on a pair of boxers, the thought of what Jiraiya and Naruto were doing came to mind again. Had they found Tsunade? Had something bad happened? Did they need his help right then? Were they sleeping and oblivious to his worrying? Questions like that continued to plague his mind as he put on his weights. Afterwards, he slipped on his pants, shirt, and cover. Wrapping the sash around his waist to hold it together, Kurama sighed and put on his sandals. Whatever the two were doing, surely Jiraiya could take care of them.


"I decline."

All present were surprised at Tsunade's choice, even the pig they took with them everywhere.

"I remember in the past… You saying the same thing when I asked you out on a date," Jiraiya said humorously.

"Huh?! I thought you said we came here for an interview… What's going on?!!" Naruto asked in angry confusion. "You just wanted her to come back to the village so she could check on Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei's health, right?!! Yet… you asked her to be our Hokage?!! And she declined!!!"

Shizune looked at Tsunade, whose eyes were shadowed. `Tsunade-sama… maybe she's hesitating because of Orochimaru?' she thought to herself.

"Don't worry so much… This person right here, Tsunade… Is the only person who can become the Godaime. She was the one that brought victory in the battle… No one has been able to acquire her techniques. Also, Tsunade is the grand-daughter of the 1st Hokage. So, she is the most appropriate person for the position," Jiraiya explained. "If she becomes the Hokage… She would have to go back to the village. And then, she could check on those two. This was a decision made by the top members of the leaf. You have absolutely no say in this matter," Jiraiya said to Naruto with a rather pleasant old guy smile on his face.

Naruto made a face and looked away.

"Jiraiya… This kid seems worse than your previous apprentice. In terms of looks, speech, and intelligence," Tsunade said with a slight smirk.

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Naruto shouted indignantly.

"Well… It's tough for anyone to be compared to the Yondaime… because he really had the talent… to become top-rated ninja. He was smart, reliable, and handsome like me too!" Jiraiya said with a smirk to Naruto, who turned to look at him.

"But even Yondaime died quickly," Tsunade said with a hooded look. "He gave up his life for his village…" Tsunade said, and both Jiraiya and Naruto were staring at her seriously. "Life is different from money… It can't be gambled that easily… Whoever puts it at risk so easily is a fool," Tsunade said, eyes narrowed slightly.

Naruto's eyes widened as she said that, and he gritted his teeth.

"My grand-father and the second Hokage focused too much on bringing peace to our home, more than anything else. But, as a result, they just died in the middle of their dreams, like the losers," Tsunade said bluntly.

"You've changed a lot, Tsunade… I don't know what you've been thinking all this time, but you've just said all that's on your mind," Jiraiya said.

"Well… I'm already in my 50s. Age changes people," Tsunade said back. "It's the same for Sarutobi-san. No wonder he died… Because he was too old to live in his dreams…" Tsunade said with a smirk on her face.

That comment angered Jiraiya, and he glared at Tsunade.

Naruto clenched a fist, angry with Tsunade's words.

"Being Hokage is a shit… no one but a fool would do it!"

That was enough for Naruto. Angry, he jumped at Tsunade with a fist raised. However, Jiraiya caught his shirt before he could reach her. "LET ME GO!" Naruto shouted indignantly.

"Don't you realize we're at a bar?" Jiraaiya said calmly.

A few people in the bar stared at the commotion as Naruto calmed down.

Tsunade smirked and Shizune watched her sensei warily. `Tsunade-sama…'

"I can't forgive anyone that says bad things about our Hokage and Yondaime!" Naruto yelled angrily. "I don't care even if she's a woman!! I'm going to kick her ass!!!" Naruto said with a scary expression and a vein throbbing, cracking his knuckles.

All present were silent for a moment before Tsunade put a foot on the table and leaned in to Naruto's face. "You've got some guts talking to me like that," Tsuande said with a smirk, "Let's take this out side…"

"Tsunade-sama…" Shizune said desperately.

Naruto growled angrily.


Kurama sighed as he plopped down on a branch at the outskirts of the city. He didn't want to pay for a hotel, as he was much more comfortable outside, he didn't want to go to a bar, because pedophiles were there, no doubt. And so, he ended up staying out in the forest, bored as hell, and too tired to train, yet too restless to sleep. Quickly getting frustrated, Kurama hit his head against the back of a tree. He KNEW he had to wait, but he didn't want to…

Suddenly, an idea hit him. Why didn't he see how his speed had improved over the last year? Untying his cover enthusiastically, he tossed it on his bag. Pulling off his shirt, he threw that on top of the cover and started removing his chest weight and arm guards. Putting them on the wide tree branch, he pulled his shirt back on and took off his pants, not caring if anyone was watching (which was highly unlikely at that time of the night). Pulling off his shin guards, he placed them with his other weights and quickly pulled his pants back on. After that, he slipped on his cover and tied it. Gathering up his weights, he stuffed them into his bag and placed them inside a crevice he created in the tree. It quickly closed after he removed his hand, leaving his things safe and sound.

Hopping on his feet gently, Kurama smiled in delight when might as well have been jumping. Gently stepping off the tree branch, he landed gracefully, feeling as light as air. Doing a few quick warm ups to accustom himself to his new weightlessness, he smiled happily. It was an incredible feeling, being able to run faster than Hiei probably could. Testing himself out, he shot from one spot to another, and turned around to just barely see an after image before it vanished. Grinning, Kurama closed his eyes and smelt out Jiraiya and Naruto's trail. Finding it quickly, he shot after it so fast he almost crashed into a tree. Having to slow his speed slightly so his eyes could adjust, Kurama grinned as he raced through the forest.

Absolutely giddy with his new and amazing speed, Kurama was quick to make it to the town Jiraiya and Naruto had gone to. It took a total of 5 minutes. Stopping at the outskirts of town, Kurama wasn't impressed with his slow stop. He'd skidded a long ways before stopping, and that wasn't good. Frowning slightly, he pushed the thought away and sensed out Jiraiya and Naruto's aura. Finding them quickly on the other side of a destroyed building (castle?), Kurama jumped from the roof tops and landed beside Jiraiya in a few seconds.

His abrupt arrival surprised Jiraiya, but Naruto and a woman with blonde hair and big breasts ignored him or failed to notice him.

"I've been one of the three legendary Sennin… I don't even have to be serious to fight with this little ninja boy," Tsunade said with a smirk, eyes closed.

"SHUT UP!!" Naruto yelled.

"One finger should be enough…" Tsunade said to herself as Naruto pulled out a kunai and charged.

Kurama blinked. "Jiraiya, what the HELL is going on here? And who's the voluptuous cocky woman over there?" he asked, not turning his eyes away from the free show.

Jiraiya sighed. "Basically, Tsunade said bad things about the Yondaime, Sarutobi-san, and those who would want to be Hokage. That pissed Naruto off."

Kurama thought about it for a moment before nodding. "I see. You should update me on everything when we have the chance. I can't stay for too long. I have to train some more and pick up my new weighted vest in another two days," he said, watching as Naruto punched at Tsunade dodged Shuriken and Naruto's arm. Using quickly movements and pressure points, Tsunade stole Naruto's kunai and used it to hit Naruto's hitai-ate off. After Naruto yelled an angry `shit', Tsunade flicked him on the forehead and sent him flying backwards.

Naruto's body dug a trench in ground before he stopped moving. Standing up slowly, Naruto's eyes widened when the kunai slammed down a few inches from his face into the ground in front of him.

Naruto's hitai-ate hit the ground with a small thump of cloth and metal.

Jiraiya and Kurama stood at the side of the street, watching.

"Unlike you… I really want to succeed the Hokage name… and I will…" Naruto said determinedly, striking a cord in Tsunade. "Because It's my dream to become Hokage…" he said with seriously with a determined expression.

Tsunade's eyes widened as she saw her little brother and Dan in Naruto's face. Her head lowered slightly in thought.

`Oh?? She's vulnerable now…' Naruto thought to himself. Bringing a hand to his face, he concentrated hard, eyes closed. When he opened them again, they were slitted slightly and tinted red, his scars accented slightly. Brining his right hand to his left, he moved his quickly, spinning the chakra and forming it into a sphere, shocking Tsunade. Naruto yelled out a war cry as he ran at Tsunade. "TAKE THIS!!"

Tsunade watched in shock as Naruto got closer to her, about to hit…

-Toki Mirage-