Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Fourty-Four ( Chapter 44 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland
Chapter Forty-four:
Sorry people! But I made a typo in the last chapter about Dan being Tsunade's uncle. He's her boyfriend. I thank `c' for pointing this out, and I have no idea why my fingers typed `uncle'. Coff
And about the delay of the chapter… Um… blame it on fanfiction!! I became completely obsessed with Harry Potter fanfiction for a bit there (still am in fact) and haven't been reading much Naruto. HOWEVER, I made a bet with my mom that I would go fanfictionless for a month and I'd get $50. Sweet ass deal, no? Well… it sucks not being able to read them, but… oh well. N e way, this means I have time to WRITE!! Hopefully, I'll get a chapter for KSG.
`This Jutsu is…' Tsunade thought to herself in shock. Without finishing the thought, she raised an arm and brought a finger down onto the ground, cracking it.
Naruto lost his balance and fell forward into the crack, the Rasengan eating a hole out of the sides of the crevice.
`That Tsunade… her freakish strength hasn't changed… I remember being punched by her and ending up 100 meters away…' Jiraiya thought to himself with a grimace. `So… Naruto still couldn't do the Rasengan…'
`Never thought he would try to use Yondaime's jutsu… but that lack of power… its nothing like Yondaime…' Tsunade thought to herself with a hand on her hip.
“Are you okay?” Shizune asked, putting a hand on Naruto's shoulder as he hacked and coughed away.
“Jiraiya! Was it you? Who's teaching him Rasengan?” Tsunade called over to the man.
“I'm his master… in principle,” Jiraiya responded.
“The only people that can use that jutsu are Yondaime and you. Teaching something he cannot do, and believing you are his master… It's better if he doesn't think that way…” Tsunade said cockily, “So silly kids won't joke about foolish dreams like `becoming Hokage'.”
Naruto's eyes narrowed at that comment, and he growled slightly. “IT'S NOT A JOKE! YOU IDIOT! IDIOT!” Naruto yelled in outburst, angering Tsunade. “ALL I NEED IS THREE DAYS, AND I CAN MASTER THAT TECHNIQUE… JUST YOU WATCH!!” Naruto shouted.
“Heh… Some words, brat. A man's word should never be taken back…” Tsunade said confidently.
“I won't take my words back,” Naruto said, a smirk on his face. “That is my ninja way…”
There was silence for a moment, and Kurama smiled softly. Naruto truly was of good heart…
“Well then… Is that so… I'll give you one week. If you can master that jutsu, I will acknowledge that you could become the Hokage. I'll give you this necklace,” Tsunade said, jingling the cord of her priced necklace.
“TSUNADE-SAMA! THAT'S YOUR PRECIOUS…” Shizune shouted out in shock.
“I don't want that kind of ugly necklace…” Naruto muttered.
“Don't say that, Naruto… That is a very unique and precious ore that belonged to the first Hokage… If you sold it, you could by three mountains,” Jiraiya told Naruto in irritation.
“Well… alright then…” Naruto said.
Kurama sweatdropped. `I can't believe he's so hooked on money at such a young age…' he thought with a sad tone, shaking his head. The motion drew Tsunade's attention to him for the first time. He made eye contact with her, and hid a smirk at the blush on her face. `So she thinks I'm attractive, huh… Probably thinks she'll be acting like a pedophile too…'
`Bad thoughts, Tsunade, bad thoughts…' Tsunade reprimanded herself.
“But if you can't master that Jutsu in a week,” Tsunade said, holding Naruto's frog full of money in one hand, “then you lose. All your money will belong to me…”
“Ahh! My cute froggy!!” Naruto cried out in despair. `When did she take it?!'
And so, the night ended with Jiraiya telling Shizune to take the two `kids' to a hotel and stay there while he and Tsunade went out to drink sake.
Kurama, of course, was not pleased with being called a kid and was quick to nail Jiraiya in the gut. He ignored Tsunade's prying eyes as he dragged Naruto off to a nearby hotel, Shizune following behind.
“Kurama,” Naruto asked loudly, “When are you going to start training me?”
Instantly, Kurama stopped walking. Turning around, he bent his knees so he could see eye to eye with Naruto. “You and I will train after we have a new Hokage and I can take you out of the country,” he said, before pulling Naruto along again.
The blonde pouted, not noticing the curious eyes of Shizune as they walked.
“You've become even more beautiful…” Jiraiya said drunkenly to Tsunade.
“You haven't changed a bit. It's only you that I don't date,” Tsunade said with a slight smirk.
“It's not like I'm interested…” Jiraiya muttered, “After all, she's still a 50-year-old obaa-san.”
The two of them were silent for a moment as they drank sake at the little pub. Eventually, Jiraiya brought up Orochimaru as topic of conversation.
“Going to meet up with Orochimaru, aren't you?” Jiraiya asked seriously… or as seriously as he could with a blush on his cheeks.
Tsunade's eyes widened slightly at the accusation.
“I could tell from Shizune's expression. I don't know what sort of deal he offered you, but… don't make such a hasty decision. And there is one thing I'd like to make clear to you. The past Hokages protected those who lived in the leaf village. They reigned in troubled times yet still allowed the village to have prosperity… That ideal… They bet their lives on that dream… You too should understand their feelings…
“If you ever do anything that betrays the Leaf… I'll kill you…” Jiraiya said with slightly crazed eyes.
“It has nothing to do with me…”
“Only a murderer would show no feelings knowing people close to them are dead… You're not like that, are you? You do care for the safety of those that live in the village… because that time-“
“STOP LECTURING ME ALREADY!” Tsunade yelled, temporarily silencing Jiraiya, who watched out of the corner of his eye. “Why did you bring that brat along?” she asked suddenly.
“Aren't they alike…?” Jiraiya asked with a slight smirk.
Tsunade thought back to Naruto… and an image of her little brother soon replaced him. They looked so alike… even in personality and age… And most of all, they both had the same dream. `The dream was the same… their enthusiasm the same…' Tsunade thought to herself, eyes soft and sad.
Later that night, Naruto was yelling his determination to the moon when Shizune knocked and entered the room.
“I'm sorry for coming so late at night… but there was something I wanted to talk to you about,” Shizune said, coming inside the room.
“What are you doing here so late? I need to sleep well today so I can train well tomorrow…” Naruto said.
“I'm sorry… but I don't want you to misunderstand Tsunade-sama… Also, that necklace is…”
“Feh, who cares about that obaa-san!!”
“Tsunade-sama is nothing like what you think of her!! Please don't talk about her as if you know here!!!” Shizune yelled, silencing Naruto. “…I'm sorry, for yelling…” she said, looking down at the floor. “Before, she wasn't like this. She used to have a caring heart that loved the village… But… she changed… All because of that day…”
Naruto's curiosity was peeked. “That day? What happened?”
“Dreams, love and hope… were all lost on that day…” Shizune said. “Tsunade lost her brother the day she gave him that necklace… Then, she met a man named Dan who agreed with her views that medic-nin should accompany the team on ninja missions. His wish, as was her brother's, was to be Hokage. And so, Tsunade-sama gave Dan her necklace as well, as good luck… During a mission, he died, with his blood covering Tsunade's hands. She has a phobia of blood because of that incident…”
Kurama at that moment decided to make his presence known (he had been listening outside the door). “Ah, good morning Naruto, Shizune-san,” he said pleasantly with a smile before pretending to be surprised at the slightly tense atmosphere.
“Can you understand, Naruto?” Shizune continued on, ignoring Kurama. “From that day forth, Tsunade-sama has been struggling…” Shizune said. Her eyes widened in surprise when Naruto walked right by her with a `blah blah blah' expression on his face.
Before exiting the door, Naruto turned around and said with a serious expression, “I'm going to train!!”
Kurama smiled slightly at Naruto's eagerness. “I'll train with you, Naruto,” he said with a smirk that Naruto reciprocated. Together they left the apartment and a shocked Shizune behind.
“Kurama? Are you going to train me now?” Naruto whined pathetically, turning big round eyes to stare at Kurama. The redhead merely laughed lightly and smiled.
“Well, that depends. First of all, you have the Rasengan to master, and I would like to know what the final stage is,” Kurama said, sitting down on a rock. The sun shone brightly near the horizon, as it was early morning, and the golden beams surrounded Naruto's golden hair, creating a halo.
“Okay!” Naruto said happily, smile lighting up his face. “The third step is to increase the spin and power, while keeping it in the shape of a perfect sphere. But whenever I try, the chakra keeps flying out of my control,” Naruto said with a perplexed expression on his face.
A thoughtful expression touched Kurama's face as he eyed Naruto. Standing up, he walked around the confused boy a few times, feeling his aura and testing his chakra. What he found surprised him. Because of the slow process of molding Naruto and the Kyuubi's chakra, it was a huge strain on his body to contain it, resulting in incredible lack of control and waste of chakra. “Well, first of all, your chakra control is shit,” Kurama said bluntly, surprising Naruto, “And Kyuubi's chakra merging with yours is creating a fluxuation that you have yet to get under control. I can help you there, and once you can control your chakra more efficiently, then Rasengan should be a peace of cake with your power levels. What forms of chakra control have you done thus far?” Kurama asked.
Naruto blinked. “I've walked up trees and walked on water…” he said uncomfortably under Kurama's scrutinizing gaze.
Kurama nodded in understanding and motioned for the boy to follow him. “First we will do more advanced water walking training. Since we're in a hurry, I'm going to be pushing you hard. Kyuubi should help you recover quickly, as well, so injury shouldn't be a problem,” Kurama said before running into the forest at low speeds. Even at that speed, Naruto was lagging behind, causing Kurama to frown. Once they had secured the new Hokage, he was going to weigh him down with weights. His speed was abysmal.
Soon they arrived at a place Kurama had found in the area earlier. The clearing was composed of a pond and a small waterfall surrounded by flourishing wild life. It was the idea place for them to practice meditation and chakra control.
“First, Naruto, walk onto the water,” Kurama instructed, watching as the blonde jumped onto the water and waited. “Get on your hands and balance.”
Naruto blinked before trying it. He was up for a few seconds before plummeting into the water. When he came up again, he saw Kurama shaking his head.
“The point of this exorcise is to NOT get wet, Naruto. If you fall, I want you to release chakra from the points touching the water to keep you out of it. Now, get on your hands again,” Kurama ordered.
Naruto did so, and when he fell this time, his lower end sunk a bit under the water. The blonde frowned. `This is harder than it looks…' he thought to himself in irritation.
“Lie down on the water and keep yourself afloat, for starters.”
Naruto did so, still sinking slightly. It took a few minutes till he got it right.
“Now, I want you on your stomach, doing the same thing.”
Naruto did that, as well as other things such as resting his weight on one arm and a leg, and other variations. Eventually, he could fall over and land on top of the water with ease. Then Kurama had him doing hand stand pushups (Naruto glared at Kurama at this). By midday, Naruto could stay balanced on his hands on the water for an hour before falling over (and not falling into the water). The improvement shocked Kurama, as he hadn't expected him to pick up chakra control so quickly. This was a new development, and Kurama decided to milk it for all its worth.
Naruto collapsed onto the ground and rested as Kurama ran into town for lunch. Staring up at the clouds, he wondered what everyone was doing back in Konoha. Sakura was probably fawning over Sasuke… Sasuke was probably ignoring her as usual… and training. A frown formed on Naruto's face as he wondered how strong Sasuke was becoming… Getting up off the ground when Kurama showed up again, he grinned as he saw ramen, completely forgetting about his previous thoughts for a moment.
“I heard you liked ramen,” Kurama said, grinning as he saw Naruto tear into the pile of noodles he had brought back. Out of the ten to-go containers, Kurama only ate two. He had had to fight with Naruto for his second, actually…
“Now that you've essentially mastered that area of chakra control, we're going to move on to another,” Kurama said, walking over to the pond and sitting down on it with crossed legs. Motioning for Naruto to sit across from him, he closed his eyes and summoned forth a small portion of chakra. Bringing out his hand, he pushed the chakra into it and made a glowing sphere.
Naruto stared wide-eyed at what Kurama was doing. “I thought that was impossible… it's not even a jutsu…” he said in awe, poking the warm energy with a finger and smiling slightly.
“To humans it is, because they are unused to working it in its raw form without the seals to control the way it comes out. Rasengan is one of the exceptions in this world. Where I come from, however, we mold `ki' with our minds and will power, and that's how we control it. We have no such things as `seals'. What I'm going to be teaching you is a way of working with your chakra in its raw form. After we're done this training, you should easily be able to make balls of chakra to throw at opponents like bombs, exploding when they touch something.
“To begin, close your eyes and take deep breaths. The first step to molding raw chakra is to find your core, your source, and pulling a string away from it and moving it through your body to your hand, where you will keep it suspended,” Kurama instructed, dissipating his chakra and watching as Naruto closed his eyes and got a scrunched up focused look on his face. Smiling slightly, Kurama went behind Naruto and started massaging his shoulders. “You need to relax Naruto. Don't try to hard, or it will never come to you. Just wait for it.”
It took about two hours, but Naruto finally found his core in his minds eye and attempted to pull a small string away from it. It resisted initially, unused to being pulled from the source directly, instead of being unconsciously channeled through the body.
“Coax it away from the core, gently and comfortingly. Your core almost has a personality of its own, and it will be `confused' at first with what you're doing, and will reject you. You must calm the energy and gently and slowly pull away a string, and then give it back. Keep doing this, taking and giving, till it gets used to being accessed directly by your consciousness.”
Naruto nodded absently, and spent the next hour playing with the chakra, pulling away strands, tying them in knots, and then unraveling them and joining them onto the core again. It really did seem to have a `mind' of its own, and was almost playful with Naruto's experimentations.
It was late night before Naruto was finally able to permanently pull away a string of chakra without the core becoming panicked. Kurama said they should turn in, but Naruto didn't want to, so they stayed out a little longer, lighting the clearing with floating balls of chakra, Naruto struggling to keep more than one in its shape for a long period of time as they kept adding more of them at different sizes. They turned it into a game soon, and green and blue balls of chakra were chasing eachother around the clearing. When two would collide, there would be a short burst of fireworks (the balls were the size of marbles, so they didn't explode much).
It was past midnight when they decided to retire to their shared room. Jiraiya was passed out on his futon, on leg hanging off and white hair a mess around him. The two genin shook their heads and went to bed, Naruto with a small smile on his face at finally having a real friend that actually liked him in return… Besides Iruka and Kakashi that is, but they were older than him. And although Sasuke was a friend, as was Sakura, he couldn't go talking about his troubles to them, they wouldn't understand. Kurama, on the other hand, was a lot like him, and they could talk about Kyuubi, demons, chakra, and those kinds of stuff together.
Jiraiya woke up to the sun shining on his face, a killer headache tormenting him. He groaned softly and turned to see Naruto asleep and Kurama sleeping on the window sill… That was strange. Getting an idea, Jiraiya crept forward with the stealth of a chou-hentai that never got caught (when Naruto wasn't around). Once he was an arm's distance, he pushed Kurama through the window… and was met with thin air. Eyes widening, Jiraiya swung around to see Kurama standing behind him with a raised eyebrow. “How…” he spoke in shock.
Kurama smiled pleasantly. “Surely you remember my demonic nature, Jiraiya. Besides, I'm still waiting for my weights back in that last town to be complete, which will be tomorrow morning. Once they're done, I'll be weighed down more.”
“How heavy are your weights going to be now?” Jiraiya asked curiously.
Kurama smirked. “1800 pounds,” he said nonchalantly.
Jiraiya's jaw dropped to the ground in shock. `IS HE SERIOUS?!!' “You aren't shittin me, are you?”
Kurama smiled innocently. “Now why would I lie about something like that?”
Naruto chose that moment to groggily wake up and trod off to the bathroom, as he did every morning. He came back a few minutes later, still as tired as ever. “Kurama… Is it supposed to be sore?” he asked with tired eyes, yawning.
Kurama smiled. “Considering you've never exorcised it before, yes, it would be sore. Especially considering that you picked it all up so well yesterday. Now, let's go back to the clearing and continue.”
Naruto nodded, got dressed quickly, and followed Kurama from the room, not acknowledging Jiraiya's existence the whole time.
The two of them traveled to the clearing, and Kurama got Naruto started on forming balls of the chakra and floating them around the clearing at varying speeds and distances. Near the end of the day, Naruto had 6 different balls going at the same time in wacky directions, each in perfect control by Naruto.
“It seems you click very well with this form of chakra training, Naruto. Maybe it is because of the demon's influence on you? After all, we never use seals for our attacks, so they're technically not even called `jutsu'. Perhaps that was why you were struggling in the academy?” Kurama mentioned as they were taking a break, relaxing by the pond and staring up at the clouds.
Naruto's expression became thoughtful. “I suppose it's possible,” he said slowly, contemplating the possibilities if it were. “It sure would explain a lot…”
Kurama smiled. “Tomorrow morning I won't be here, okay, Naruto? I'll be going back to the previous town to get something I purchased there that had to be prepared. I'll probably be back around noon, so I want you to continue training with chakra and experiment with the shapes you can form it into. See if you can create little animals made of chakra or something like that,” he said, an amused smile on his face.
Naruto nodded his head and went back to staring at the clouds. “Kurama,” he began, breaking the comfortable silence, “When will we start working on Rasengan?”
Smirking, Kurama said, “Not until you can pass my test.”
“What test is that?”
“I'm not telling.”
They continued practicing together for a few more hours before Kurama decided it was time to see if Naruto had an element. “Naruto,” he called, motioning the blonde over to him.
“Yeah?” Naruto asked, blinking.
“Do you want to see if you have an element?”
Naruto face lit up with a bright smile. “YES!!”
Kurama chuckled at the scene and waited for Naruto to calm down and sit across from him. Once the blonde did, Kurama reached out and placed the tips of this index and middle fingers on Naruto's temples. Telling the blonde to relax and find his core in his minds eye, Kurama told Naruto to describe what the core looked like to him.
“Well… It's blue… the same colour as my eyes…”
“I want you to let it go. Let it do as it wants, instead of controlling it as we've been doing these past few days.”
Naruto nodded his head slightly and released all control on his core while watching. What he saw, and in turn, Kurama saw, shocked the both of them.
-Toki Mirage-