Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Fourty-Five ( Chapter 45 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland
Chapter Forty-five:
Naruto nodded his head slightly and released all control on his core while watching. What he saw, and in turn, Kurama saw, shocked the both of them.
“Kurama, what the HELL is that?” Naruto asked as the blue light swirled around him gently.
Kurama frowned. “I can't depict an element from it…”
“Maybe it's not an element?” Naruto wondered absently as he watched some of the blue somethingrather blob off and float around him.
Kurama's frown deepened as he watched the blue substance just float in midair. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen before… It almost looked like water, but it didn't have the same clarity.
“Maybe we did something wrong?” Naruto asked, confused.
Standing up, Kurama went to walk towards Naruto when the blue blobs suddenly stopped moving. Freezing, Kurama watched them carefully, not knowing what they might do. At that stage of the release, the released core would be unpredictable… Suddenly, a single blob floated towards him. When it was right in front of him, he was unprepared for what would happen next. The blue blob spread out and swallowed Kurama whole! The boy struggled inside of the casing as Naruto watched in shock. Unable to breath, Kurama tried to calm himself down, seeing as there was no escaping at the moment. Trying to take a step backwards, he fell over onto the ground and could only wait for the blob to get off him, if it was going to at all.
After almost a whole minute, the blob leapt off him, letting him take in lungfulls of air. Breathing deeply, he watched the blue blob… which now had a green coloured core… Eyes widening, Kurama turned to look at the other blobs that were floating there. “Naruto… do you realize what this could mean...?” he asked breathlessly.
Naruto blinked cluelessly, shaking his head.
“These blobs of chakra can each take on an element or ability… Basically, you could steal the ability to manipulate water or lightening… You could copy someone's bloodline limit!” Kurama said in surprise, walking over to the green cored blue blob and poking it gently.
Naruto's eyes widened to the point where they almost blew out of his head. He stared around himself in shock at the blobs of blue that floated in circles around him. Now one of them had a green core… Reaching out, Naruto took that blob into his hands and played with it. “Um… Kurama? If I have all these blobs now at my disposal, do you think I might run out of them? And how do I activate and use them?” he asked curiously, toying with the green cored one.
Kurama seemed thoughtful for a moment. “Well, now that your core has taken on this incredibly unexpected form (eat that those who thought it would be fire! MWAHAHAH!!!), it won't change form unless you die. How to activate the power, I have a few ideas, though I'm not sure if any of them would work,” Kurama said.
Naruto nodded. “How do you think I could activate them?”
“Well, there could be the inconvenient way, where you have to release your core every time to pick out the ability. I think that way's highly unlikely. Or, you could be able to search through the abilities of your core like we've made balls from it and floated them around,” Kurama said.
“Will I be able to use chakra the same again?” he asked curiously.
Kurama smiled. “I would think so. I'm not sure how it would work with those blobs holding those elements or abilities, though. You'll have to find that out on your own.”
Naruto nodded and focused on retracting all the blobs back into himself. They flowed in together and formed his core, except this time there was a tiny speck of green light at the center of it. Reaching inside of himself, he tried to find a way to utilize the green speck. To his surprise, it started glowing and he felt a strange feeling enter his body. He could almost feel things around him… Reaching towards a plant, he coaxed it into growing taller, and to his surprise, it did.
“I see you've learned how to make a plant grown taller. However, I'm going to have to teach you how to do it properly. That would be the downside of your core's ability. If you were to steal someone's ability and not have any clue as to how to use it, then you'd have to figure it out on your own from trial and error,” Kurama explained, a smile on his face.
For the rest of the day Kurama explained to Naruto how to talk to the plants, feel what they feel, and how to make them change into different forms, like a blade of grass to a sword. They had had no lunch break (Naruto had been too caught up in the exercises) and were both starving (Naruto more than Kurama) and so they decided to go out for dinner (Kurama paying). Since the redhead was paying, he managed to convince Naruto to go to an actual restaurant.
Once they got there, they ordered drinks and their meals. Naruto ordered (you guessed it) ramen, and Kurama ordered an onigiri dish.
“Kurama,” Naruto said as they waited for their food to come, “When we go back to Konoha with Tsunade, where are you taking me to train?”
Kurama blinked. He really hadn't thought much about that. “Well, I guess we could just travel around, go to a few different villages and offer to do missions for money to live off of. First we'll have to gain permission from Tsunade, and then we'll have to leave our hitai-ate behind, so we can't be linked back to here in case of prejudices. It would be bad for work,” he thought out loud.
Naruto looked thoughtful. “What about those Akatsuki guys Jiraiya told us about a while ago?” he asked before taking a gulp of juice.
A small smirk touched Kurama's lips. “If they do, we'll be ready,” he said, eyes laced with gold for that instant.
Naruto grinned as their food came, and began gulping down the giant bowl of ramen with gusto. Kurama only shook his head as he ate his onigiri, wondering where all that food went. Once they were done, Kurama paid the bill and the two of them made their way back to the hotel. Jiraiya wasn't there.
“He's probably out drinking sake,” Kurama said absently as they brushed their teeth and got ready for bed. Naruto fell asleep as soon as he hit the futon. Kurama stared up at the moon from his window sill for a while before falling asleep as well.
oOo Third Morning oOo
Naruto woke up to find Kurama and his bag no where in sight. Remembering what the redhead said yesterday, he got out of bed and got dressed. Today he was going to practice manipulating plants some more, even without Kurama there.
Kurama smiled blissfully as he ran full speed through the forest, his eyes just barely able to keep up with his body's movements, although they adjusted pretty quickly. Soon he would be weighed down again, and could get back to his regular training tomorrow, when his hand was fully healed. He had taken off the bandages this morning and the skin was raw and sensitive. It would be back to normal tomorrow.
Arriving at the village in no time at all, Kurama came to an almost immediate stop. Climbing down the stairway into the village below, he went in search of the shop he had commissioned to weight his vest. Once he arrived, he opened the door with his left hand and entered the shop.
“Good morning, Kito. Is my vest finished yet?” Kurama asked Kito, who had been writing something on some papers at the counter.
Kito looked up at the sound of a voice, surprised at the stealth with which the boy entered the shop. “Yes, I finished it last night,” Kito said, “However, I can't lift it...” Kito sweatdropped.
Kurama smiled and followed Kito into the back. Seeing the vest on a table, he went over and picked it up easily with his left hand. Kito's eyes widened in shock as the boy swung the vest on with one hand and put the other gently through the arm opening.
“I see your hand's almost healed,” Kito said pleasantly, although he was still shocked at the strength of a child.
Kurama smiled. “Yes, it is. The skin is just a little raw still. Thank you for making the vest, but I should be on my way now,” he said, leaving the store with a wave of his left hand.
Leaving the town, Kurama searched for the tree he had hid his other weights in. Finding them quickly, he took off his vest, cover, and shirt. Putting the weights on as quickly as he could with his tender hand, he wondered how Naruto was doing with his training. After getting redressed, he pulled on the vest and thought absently to himself how bad of a fashion horror he must be at the moment.
Running as fast as he could through the forest, he took an hour to get back to the town where Naruto and Jiraiya were staying. Going directly to the clearing where they trained, Kurama smiled upon the sight of Naruto surrounded by laughing flowers. No one other than a plant user or one attuned with nature to an extreme extent could hear the child-like laughter of flowers…
“Kurama! You're back!” Naruto said with a grin on his face, giggling as a flower tickled him.
Pain flashed through Kurama's eyes for a moment before disappearing. Naruto had had such a horrible childhood, and yet, here he was, laughing with the flowers. It was cruel, the world, leaving one so young to carry such burden…
“Kurama? What's wrong?” Naruto asked curiously, blinking. Here with Kurama, he didn't have to act like an idiot to be accepted. He didn't have to belittle his intelligence. With Kurama, he could relax and just be himself. Or, almost himself, as his sadder side had yet to make an appearance.
“Nothing is wrong, Naru-chan,” Kurama said tenderly, a smile on his face. The shock on Naruto's face caused Kurama's smile to widen. Making his way over to the blonde boy, he sat down with him amongst the flowers, which had moved over to make room. Putting an arm around Naruto, Kurama sighed. “You know, Naruto…” Kurama began, eyes shadowed, “It's okay to cry to let out the sadness. That way, it will heal.”
Naruto's eyes widened further and tears gathered in the corners. Kurama could understand him and accept him for what and who he was instantly without a thought… he was like the brother he never had. “Arigatou… Kurama,” he said, snuggling into the protective hold and letting it all out. All his pain from the hatred of the village, the pain of being an outcast, the pain… of never belonging…
It was a while later when Naruto finally fell asleep amongst his tears. The child-like innocence on the boy's face elicited a smile from Kurama, and he wrapped the boy in his arms and lied down upon the grass, the flowers sharing the sorrow of the blonde. They remained that way until late into the night, relaxing in eachother's presence. Naruto was the first to awaken, and smiled at the sight of Kurama's relaxed and unguarded face. He had never seen him so peaceful before… not even when he had slept at the hotel.
“Kurama,” Naruto said, shaking the redhead.
Kurama woke instantly, opening his jade eyes. Blinking up at Naruto, he smiled gently. “What do you want to do now? Go for a walk? Train some more? Eat?” he asked.
Naruto looked thoughtful for a moment before asking, “Kurama… what do brothers usually do together?”
Slightly surprised at the random question, Kurama thought for a moment. “Well, brothers look out for eachother, play games together, and do things together…”
“What kinds of things?” Naruto asked with an adorably innocent expression.
Kurama smiled widely at the look on Naruto's face. “Well, they could watch movies together, hang out together, that sort of stuff, I guess. I've never really had a brother before… really close friends, sure, but never a brother…”
“Why don't we go and have some fun in the town? Play video games together? I've never done that before…” Naruto said in a soft voice.
Kurama stood up, pulling Naruto with him. “Let's do it then!” he said enthusiastically. “First, though, I want to get changed into a different outfit,” Kurama said with a wink.
“WHOA! WHAT'S THAT?!!” Naruto exclaimed as he turned around and saw Kurama in blood red cargo pants and vest, with a black sleeveless shirt underneath a long-sleeved net shirt that clung to the body. The weighted arm protectors looked just like real ones, and would arouse no suspicion.
Kurama only smirked at Naruto and did a turn-around. “If you want, we can get you an outfit like this, or similar to this,” he said with a smile. “After all, that ridiculously orange outfit would do you no good if you were ever on a stealth mission,” he said pleasantly.
Naruto only glared at him and huffed. “I like orange,” he said childishly.
Kurama rolled his eyes and sighed, “Regardless, if you're going to be traveling and training with me, then you ARE going to get a different outfit. Better soon rather than later.”
The blonde didn't say anything as they left the hotel to go for a night on the town. Together they played video games, went and watched a late night movie, and had junk food and candy. It was the best day of Naruto's life, and he enjoyed it to its fullest.
oOo Fourth Morning oOo
Naruto groggily opened his eyes, a killer headache on the loose. It wasn't that he had had a lot of sake… he'd just had a lot of sake. Courtesy of Kurama, of course, who had used henge to look like an old man and buy the alcohol. “My head hurts,” he complained softly as he sat up on his futon.
“You're the one who decided that you could handle three bottles of sake. I only had one, and I'm fine,” Kurama said with a smirk on his face from the window sill.
Naruto only glared and stumbled to the bathroom.
Kurama shook his head after Naruto left the room, an amused expression on his face. His expression turned calm and serene after a moment as he thought, `We have a lot of work to do today. Now that he knows how to use his core, he needs to learn how to control Kyuubi's core. That will take some time.'
After Kurama had given Naruto a plant that helped with hangovers, he was back to normal and ready to have some fun. “What are we doing today, Kurama?” Naruto asked curiously as they arrived at the clearing.
Kurama smiled slightly. “Today, you and Kyuubi are getting better acquainted. I want you able to control meager amounts of his chakra reserves within the day, enough to create a relatively strong Rasengan.”
Blue eyes widened in surprise and anticipation. “Really?! We get to work on the Rasengan?!”
Nodding with a small smile, Kurama motioned for Naruto to sit down. “Now, both you and Kyuubi and have some sort of agreement at the moment, right?”
“Yep. He gives me chakra as rent for living in my body.”
“Our goal will be to make the two of you friends. It is better for you to get along opposed to being enemies connected with a small and fragile truce. If Kyuubi were to be given the chance at freedom this very moment, he would take it. We need you to be his friend, although you are his host. That way, he may not wish to leave you if the time comes,” Kurama said slowly and calmly to make sure Naruto didn't miss anything.
Seeing Kurama's seriousness, Naruto nodded his head and accepted the fact that he would have to become friends with the stupid fox.
Kurama smiled at Naruto acceptance and moved his hands to the boy's temples, sending them into his mind.
Kurama's eyes opened to the sight of a waterlogged hallway and dripping pipes. Following Naruto through the maze, they soon arrived at Kyuubi's cage.
What do you want THIS time, human?” Kyuubi said to Naruto, his eyes and teeth showing through the shadows.
Naruto glanced at Kurama before turning his attention back to Kyuubi. “I want us to be friends. Are you willing to try?” he asked, ignoring his fear of the giant fox.
You wish to be friends, with me? Why?
“So that your condition may not be a burden to the both of you for as long as Naruto lives? Perhaps it would be advantageous if the two of you trusted and liked eachother? Perhaps you could leave Naruto's body now and then, Kyuubi, and not be trapped in here with your host hating your very existence?” Kurama said persuasively.
Kyuubi seemed to be thoughtful for a moment before retreating into the shadows, only to come out again in his humanoid form. “How do you suppose I could come out?” Kyuubi asked curiously.
Kurama smiled. “Well, I'm sure you know of a way he could summon you in your fox form, and perhaps you two, together, can develop a way for him to come out humanoid. Something like Kuchiyose Kyuubi Bunshin no Jutsu?” he supplied.
Kyuubi seemed genuinely intrigued.
“As the two of you will be stuck together for Naruto's life-time, maybe both of you could enjoy it to its fullest and help eachother out?” Kurama said.
Slitted red eyes turned to Naruto, who was watching the exchange curiously. “Would you willingly share your body with me?” he asked with no expression.
Naruto looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, “If we become friends, then we could also share control of the body itself. However, how will I know that you won't turn your back on me if you are ever given the opportunity to leave me?”
It is physically impossible for me to leave this place and take control of your body. The seal must be removed for us to share the body that intimately. The Kuchiyose Kyuubi Bunshin no Jutsu could work, however.A Kuchiyose Kyuubi no Jutsu could also work. I also believe that a Kyuubi Bunshin no Jutsu would work as well. With the first I would be summoned in my humanoid form, the second in my fox form, and the last as a Naruto bunshin with me in control. That is as close as I can get to `coming out' with the seal still in place. If we don't remove it, I will also eventually be absorbed into your chakra, and exist no more. This would adversely affect you, and your physical appearance as well as chakra may change in ways you would not want it. If we kept the two separate, then you wouldn't have to worry about controlling a massive amount of chakra if something… strange happens,” Kyuubi explained to Naruto, who was looking rather amazed.
“You mean, we could have done this from the start and not hated eachother so much? Imagine the benefits of getting along…” Naruto trailed off as ideas flashed through his mind.
“Not only that, but Kyuubi could teach you many amazing things. You two would become great together. There is also a negative side to that. If the relationship ever becomes sour, or Naruto's will is changed somehow, then the world could very well come to an end. The two of you have to understand the fine line you will be standing on between good and evil,” Kurama said with a serious expression on his face.
Kyuubi looked thoughtful for a moment before saying with a small smile, “I agree to a friendship between the two of us.”
Naruto promptly gaped at Kyuubi in shock, and the demon merely started laughing at the expression on the blonde's face.
You didn't think that I was really some all-evil-demon-from-another-dimension-bent-on world-destruction, did you?” Kyuubi said with amusement shining in his sharp eyes.
“Then why did you attack Konoha?” Kurama asked curiously.
I didn't do it of my own free will, if that's what you're thinking. Some pathetic little human just came along and thought they could control me after they had summoned me from the demon realm. I believe they held a grudge against the village for some stupid reason,” Kyuubi said dismissively, shrugging his shoulders.
“What was the human's name?” Naruto asked.
Kyuubi's eyes flashed coldly. “I believe he called himself Orochimaru.”
-Toki Mirage-
Nice lil' cliffhanger, ne? Not sure if it's true in the manga, but as you've noticed, I've FINALLY come near the point where I branch off from the manga. THANK GOODNESS!! Copying manga is SO boring! You have no idea!! )shudder( bleagh!!