Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life, Naruto ❯ assult on the fox, saved by stone ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~Council Room~
~5 Days after kyuubi attack~
“The demon should be killed” said the Hanuro clan head. “No it should be aloud to live, and be turned into a weapon of konoha. My `NE will train him well.” Said Danzo. “NO the child will be aloud to live.” Said the Sandaime “WHAT?!?!?! Hokage-sama you can't be serious that thing should be killed!” said Hanuro “Why not put it to a vote, all in favor of Naruto being killed?” Hanuro and the three elders raised their hands. “All in favor of Naruto being allowed to live?” Inoichi, Choza, Shibi, Shikaku, Haishi, Danzo and the Sandaime raised their hands. “It's been decided the child shall live.”
~5 years later~
A mob was beating on a young Nauto.
“Take that Demon scum.” “This is for my brother kyuubi” “You demon you took my Family away from me.”
#Natuto's POV#
`Why do people always hit me? Why do the call me Kyuubi? I haven't done anything wrong have I?'
#end POV#
“Finally I will rid this village of you toxic presence!!” `Here it comes'
**else where**
`God this is getting annoying when will they ever learn that the council has ruled 14 times that Naruto will live' were the thoughts of one Hyuuga Haishi `huh I wonder what all of those villagers are doing' sigh `better take a look' and with that Haishi used shishin to transport on top of a building overlooking the crowd.
**back to the mob**
“Why? Why are you doing this to me? What have I done wrong?” asked Naruto “I'll tell you why demon. 5 years ago the Kyuubi no Kitsune attacked this village, Konoha shinobi did there best to defend the village but the numbers were decreasing rapidly, then when all hope seemed lost the Yondaime Hokage showed up and defeated the demon at the cost of his life. You know how he defeated the demon?” Said a Chunin holding a sword “no” “He used shiki fuujn (reaper death seal) it used his life force to seal the kyuubi into a new born child that night that child lost all innocence. Who do you think that child was?” “Me?” Naruto asked barley above a whisper. “YES! YOU ARE THE KYUUBI!!” the villager said “I'm sorry.” Naruto said barley above a whisper “OH! NOW THAT THE KYUUBI'S IN TROUBLE HE APOLLOGISES! WELL IT'S TOO LATE!” The man said swing the blade down. Naruto closed his eyes waiting for the blade to kill him.