Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Sad Live Deserves More ❯ Mornings After and New Blood ( Chapter 11 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hey it's me! This one almost wrote itself, so I'm posting it as soon as it's done. The next one might take longer depending on how the writing flows. BTW there will be another Author Note at the bottom so if your reading this read it too once your done with this chapter. Now on my glorious reviewers!
Barranca: Oh yeah, and I'll keep stepping too! See bottom once you're done though.
Genaric Name: Well she was going to get it eventually in one of my stories because I like the idea of Hinata being a naughty sexual minx underneath her quite reserved exterior. Oh and she's definitely a screamer!
Dragon Man 180: First I have to say this. I love "Naruto The Kitsune Hanyou". Ok, now that that is out of the way I answer your question in this chapter.
Cre. A. Tor00x: Arise my faithful reviewer, for you have read nothing yet! As for beta I would like you to go over the first chapter. Something's missing in it and it's been bugging me for the longest time but for the life of me I don't know what to do. I would like to hear your thoughts on it.
Virus: I'm glad you like my story! Your questions are mostly answered in this chapter so enjoy the read!
Anttolas: Thanks!
Brian Darksoul: I said castration not a spork enema! But it works! As for Hinabi (Grabs the young proud Hyuga) I got plans for her so you can't have her. (Makes a grin that would make Orochimaru shudder.)
Shimewaza: Thanks!
gamerguy623: Glad you liked it. As for Hinata's fate....
Canis Black: I love blindsiding people! I know people will disagree but it's my story so they can just close the window and beat off to there own imagination that is if they have one. As for Hinata getting a bun in da oven I hadn't planned on it but the idea has some merit. I'll think about it.
Soul of the Phoenix: Thanks! I shoot for the creativity and enjoyment factor of a fic over the technical stuff. You should see what it looks like before grammar and spell check! I'll tell you now I hate the English language but it's my only form of communication.
spiritwolf30: Thank you, thank you. I think you might like coming developments, so read on!
GreyPheonix: I hope your comp's ok. But I'm glad you liked it! Watch and see on the Hinata thing. I'm a firm believer Haku could have been a main character whether it was a he, she, or both: ) !!! BTW when is your Naruto fic going to be up. I only see an Inuyasha one. If you need help with ideas e-mail me i'm full of them!
Kage Fuusha: I <3 reviews! Everyone seems to want Hina-chan to become a demon! BTW Futa rocks!
Miko didn't know what to think. Not in her many years had she seen anything nearly this cute. But of course this development was going to plague her nights for a long time to come. Not to mention the repercussions it would cause if it got to the general public. There laying on the bed was Haku with Naruto snuggled into her chest, but completing the picture was Hinata snuggling up to Haku's other side resting her head on Haku's stomach while hugging Naruto. 'The Hyuga clan would have them all drawn and quartered for this.'
Haku awoke to the sight of Miko looking down at their tangled bodies. She would have jumped out of bed if she didn't have two bodies resting on her. Her brain then registered that her body was in it's normal morning condition and Naruto's same condition was poking her in the hip. She then remembered her sensei and older sister figure was looking at them with a knowing smirk. She did what she never thought she would do. She turned a brilliant red and fainted like Hinata.
Miko decided to leave a note on the desk but before leaving she took a photo of the threesome. 'Oh they are never going to hear the end of this one. This is going to be prime blackmail material.'
Hinata snuggled into the body under her. But then why was there someone in her bed? She opened her eyes to the sight of an erect cock. Springing into a sitting position she sees that she was sleeping on Haku next to Naruto. 'But why does Haku have a...' Then the memories of the night before hit her as she felt the soreness of her lower region. Having remembered what had happened she smiled. 'I have no regrets. I love them both so much.' See noticed that her eyes kept being drawn to Haku's penis. 'I never would have thought Haku was hiding something like this.' She absent-mindedly started to stroke it. 'Then again if I had one I wouldn't want others to know. It must be scary to think that someone would reject you just because your different.' She suddenly realized what she was doing when Haku moaned in her sleep.
Giving in to her desires Hinata bent down and kissed Haku's cock-head. She then remembered that Haku had a girl part to. She had been slightly curious what being with a girl would be like ever since she caught Ino and Sakura practice kissing. Gently prying Haku's legs apart she found what she was looking for. Mentally readying herself she took an experimental lick. Finding that it wasn't bad tasting she continued and quickly developed a taste for it.
Naruto was the next to wake up. His first sight from his favorite pillows was Hinata going down on Haku. When he wrapping his hand around the one Hinata was using to stroke his mate she looked up to see his smiling face. As he moved down she was surprised at first when Naruto began to suck on Haku's dick, but it turned her on to no end.
And the pleasant sensation of their dual attack is what Haku awoke to. Crying out in ecstasy she climaxed as soon after she realized what was happening. When she finally caught her breath they were swapping her fluids in a passionate kiss. That is when she remembered waking up earlier.
Shaking slightly she looked over to the two of them. "Miko-sensei is going to kill us."
Having caught Naruto's attention he looked to her. "I know she is like family and all but I see no need to tell her."
Haku took the time to sit up. "She. I. Well."
Naruto got worried. "We didn't hurt the baby?"
Haku shook her head. "No, she said it was safe for us to continue till a little over half way." Haku noticed the shocked look on Hinata's face. "Hinata we'll explain everything, but what she'll kill us for is she was here!"
Naruto went white while Hinata sputtered. "M-Miko-san s-saw us?" Her face was soon as white as Naruto's. "She wouldn't tell father would she?"
Naruto looked at Hinata's fearful expression. "No, but she'll never let us live it down." Sighing he bowed his head. "She'll most likely tease us for corrupting you but she wouldn't do anything like tell your father. She's kind of like a bossy older sister."
Letting out a breath of relief she now wanted to now about Haku. Looking over at her she smiled. "Why didn't you tell me your expecting?"
Haku looked over to Naruto and got a nod so she got started. "You see it all goes back to a deal Naruto made." Noticing Hinata's confusion she pressed onward. "You see, when Naruto saved me he did so with Kyuubi's help. I was dieing and Kyuubi used his demonic power to turn me and Naruto into Kitsune thus saving my life." At this point they both let their illusions dissipate.
Hinata was breathless. Not from hate, fear, or disgust. No, if anything their ears and tails made them more beautiful to behold. Haku's fur was a deep ocean blue like her hair that turned black at the tips while Naruto's was a nearly blinding gold with white tips. "Beautiful" Hinata didn't even know she said anything till she saw them blush.
Haku took this as encouragement to continue and smiled. "Why thank you Hina-chan. But his help did not come without a price. As payment Kyuubi has passed on into me and will be out first child." Now Haku could see the etching of fear. "But don't be concerned. We have his word he will not harm those we love and care for. For the short time I got to know him Kyuubi wasn't the evil demon he was made out to be."
"But he attacked Konoha. He killed many shinobi of the leaf." Hinata was still worried. "How do you know he's not just tricking you?"
Naruto was the one to answer. "While I have no doubt he is a master at trickery, I have his word. Demons are bound to their oath, which is why they don't make many. As for his attack, sadly I have to say he was justified in his attack."
Hinata was stunned. "How can you say that?"
Naruto gave Hinata a serious look. "Hinata, the reason he attacked is because the Uchiha clan broke a contract they had with him. The contract is what gave them the Sharingan but when he came to collect payment hundreds of years later he was denied. As it stated in the contract he had every right to kill every last Uchiha but Konoha interfered without knowing the truth."
Hinata thought it over for a while. "So it's the Uchiha's fault we were attacked and Kyuubi was sealed inside you?"
Naruto nodded. "Hinata, I don't think I need to say this but you can't tell anyone about this. The village wouldn't understand. We've already told old man Hokage because I trust him but besides you, me, Haku, Miko, Anko, and the Hokage nobody can know about this." Seeing Hinata nod he smiled at her. "Now I think you might want to take a shower and find your team before they get worried and come looking."
After getting cleaned up Hinata left them to find her teammates, while Naruto and Haku looked for Miko. "I'm not looking forward to this. Her note was too cryptic sounding for it to bode well." Haku just nodded her agreement. As they were walking around they found a large room obviously used for fighting with Miko standing in the middle. Naruto sighed. "Lets get this over with."
Miko looked over to the entrance and smiled sadly. She would tease them first but the Hokage would be here soon. They won't like the news she has to tell them. Making quick seals she set up a sound barrier. "So, did you think it your demonic right to defile the innocent?"
Naruto frowned as he turned to Haku. "See, what did I tell Hinata? I knew she'd rub it in our faces."
Miko's smile broadened. "Well I'm just concerned. My home cannot support a large harem you know!"
Haku turned crimson as Naruto stepped forward. "It's not like we'll be adding any else!" When he thought about what he just said he mentally slapped himself.
Miko purred. "So your previous offer is no good?"
Haku blushed even more. She hadn't told Naruto what she felt about Miko. Since they started to get to know Miko she's wanted her. Miko just seems to ooze sensuality in a way Haku can't resist. That's why she had teased her with an offer. She truly wanted Miko to take her up on it. Since this excursion with Hinata she realized Naruto wouldn't hold it against her.
Stepping up Haku looked at Miko. "Why did you want to take it?"
Naruto just smirked. He knew Haku wanted this, and looking at Miko he thought she wanted it too. "So Miko-sensei, what do you say?"
Miko was in a mental war ever since that night. She so dearly wanted to say yes but what would they think of her. 'If Kyuubi were here he would tell them, but no. He left it to me. How am I supposed to tell them that he had adopted them into a sexual promiscuous demon clan? I mean it's not like I hadn't found myself in Kyuubi's bed before. But how do I tell them without coming off as a slut.'
Haku could see the mental anguish Miko was in. Taking a leap of faith as it were she stepped up and kissed Miko. Pulling back she looked into Miko's eyes. "Like we told Hina-chan, no matter what you choose we will still see you the same."
Miko just kissed her back. She couldn't take it. Not only did Haku tell her it ok but also it wouldn't change anything. That was all she needed to know, but their current location wouldn't do.
Naruto thinking along a similar train of thought he walked up to them. "While I'm all for this we should move this somewhere privet."
Separating from Haku she remembered why she needed to talk to them. With a sad sigh she bowed her head. She had only wanted to tease them a little then she was going to tell them. "We need to talk first. You might want to change plans when you hear this." Looking up at them she could tell they knew it was serious. "Last night Orochimaru attacked Uchiha Sasuke and then when leaving Anko found him. She was heavily injured and is at Konoha Hospital. They believe she may be poisoned. She managed to warn us that Orochimaru will attack Konoha if the exams don't continue."
They both couldn't believe it. Naruto had looked thru Kakashi's bingo book once and he knew Orochimaru was a powerful shinobi. Haku had heard about his insane lust for power thru other missing-nin when she was with Zabuza. She also remembered he was one of the few people Zabuza wanted no part in. He was obviously someone to fear if Zabuza was afraid.
"How is she doing?" Naruto had come to consider Anko a friend over there training and he hated when his friends were in trouble. "Can we see her?"
Miko smiled slightly. "Yes, the Hokage has given your team permission to leave to see her but you are not to do anything else. Matter of fact you will have ANBU escorting you. This is to make sure you don't retrieve supplies while outside the exam. Akai has decided not to come saying it does matter to him." Miko had been enraged by the genin's indifference but had contained it.
"When do we leave?" Haku was anxious to see Anko. But then she thought about how she knew Anko felt about Miko. 'I hope Anko's alright.'
"Now." The voice of the Hokage grabbed their attention. Turning they saw he was deadly serious. He also had what had to be an ANBU platoon behind him. "We need to hurry." The tree nodded and the entire group disappeared. All of them couldn't help but think the worst. Sarutobi just hoped his precautions weren't necessary. He didn't know how Naruto would take this. He brought the ANBU just incase he needed to be calmed down. Every one was someone who didn't see him as Kyuubi, and wouldn't jump to the wrong conclusion.
They reached the hospital in impressive time. Well at least the ANBU thought so considering two genin were with them. Naruto had pushed the pace faster and faster. He had an overbearing sense of doom over him. Now that they were here he honed in on her chakra unconsciously, but even if he couldn't Miko was right behind him with the Hokage on one side and Haku on the other. The nurses and doctors made way for the group as they approached the ICU.
Seeing a group of doctors talking in front of the door Anko was behind he stopped in front of them. "How is she?"
All the doctors looked away. Eventually when the Hokage asked one of them stepped forward. "We've identified the venom. It seems she was poisoned with black mamba venom, Orochimaru's signature assassination poison. She's put up an amazing fight but we can't do anything. If someone like Tsunade-sama was here she would have a chance but she has little more then an a couple hours at most. I'm sorry."
Miko looked on in disbelief. "How can you say that? You should be able to remove the venom easily."
Looking at the Hokage for permission he sighed. "The cured seal given to her by Orochimaru is preventing us from extracting the poison and there is no antidote. Unless we remove her seal we can't treat her, but no-one has been able to remove it."
Miko looked over to the Hokage. "My I look at the seal?"
Sarutobi looked over to Miko with a slight bit of hope. "You know about seals?"
Miko nodded. She was no Kitsune seal master but she knew a couple things about it and demonic seals were far more complicated then human seals so how hard could this be. When she was lead to Anko's side and showed the seal she gasped. She instantly recognized that seal. It was used to turn humans into mindless warriors. It was one of the demonic enthrallment seals. But how could a human do this? She then saw it was only half way complete.
She had a chance but she would need Naruto and Haku. The seal used a demons power to destroy the human's willpower and strengthen the body. In it's current form it could only impose the will of the sealer when they were in close proximity. The thing is she would have to do something that was risky at best. She wasn't even sure if Anko could live thru what she intended to do.
Turning to the doctors that had lead her in she spoke. "I need you to bring in the Hokage and my two students. Every one else is to leave this room."
Nodding the doctors rushed out. When the Hokage came in with Naruto and Haku she smiled slightly. She then set up a barrier sealing everything from entering or exiting the room. "There is a chance I can save her." Seeing the hope in there eyes she frowned. "But what must be done might kill her either way."
Naruto looked at her. "What do you mean Miko-sensei?"
Miko took on a serious expression. "I plan on inducting her into the clan."
All three before her gasped at her declaration, Haku was the one to speak up. "Your going to go what Kyuubi did to us?"
Miko frowned. "No, Kyuubi had it easy. You see Haku; your bloodline came from me. You were already part Kitsune, so Kyuubi just finished the job. And for you Naruto, being inside you his influence over your body was near limitless once he had your consent. But for Anko she neither has a Kitsune in her nor comes from a Kitsune bloodline. Sarutobi I need to know right now if she has any bloodline at all."
Sarutobi shook his head. "No, she has no bloodline. Will this be a problem?"
Miko smiled. "No, it helps actually. If she had a different demon clan's gift she would either die from the strain or become kind of like an abomination. If see had an angelic bloodline the two energies would destroy each other killing her."
Sarutobi was shocked. He had always thought all bloodlines came from demonic blood. "What do you mean angelic bloodline I thought they all came from demons?"
Miko sighed. "There are five angelic bloodlines. Four have been lost to time but the last one is the Hyuga clan's Byakugan."
Naruto bowed his head. When Miko said she was going to induct Anko into the clan he instantly thought of Hinata. She deserved to be in a family that cared for her not one that just throws her to the sharks when she's no longer useful. Looking over he saw Haku with the same look he had. His determination flared. Even if she can't become a Kitsune Hinata would be family, even if he had to fight Hiashi himself to free her.
Getting back on track Miko looked to her students and siblings. "To do this I need consent from every living member of the clan. I will also need some of your blood. If this succeeds her new demonic power should be enough to destroy the seal."
Sarutobi remembered that Anko had said Orochimaru gave Sasuke a cursed seal. "Will this work on others with cursed seals?"
Miko thought about it. "The reason I think this will work is because this seal wasn't fully completed. If the other persons seal is a complete version there is sadly nothing I can do."
The Hokage was hoping Sasuke could get the same treatment. "What makes it incomplete?"
Miko frowned. "The sealer has to put a small piece of their soul into the seal to make it complete. Then there is a ritual to activate it to enhance the body. Why, has someone else received one of these seals?"
Sarutobi nodded. "Yes, Uchiha Sasuke was given a cursed seal when he was attacked."
Naruto was thrown for a mental loop. Yes, Sasuke was a complete and total ass, but he was also his cousin. He didn't like the idea of him becoming Orochimaru's plaything, but if he became a demon it would only fuel his need for more power.
Miko saw the look on Naruto's face. "I'll see him later for now I need to start the ritual. Feel honored Sarutobi. It's not every day a human gets to witness the birth of a demon."
The Hokage just nodded as he stepped back against the wall. He didn't want to be in the way of anything that might happen.
Looking around Miko found a plastic cup of water, while not a chalice it would have to do. Dumping out the water she sliced her hand and poured her blood into it. "I need both of you to pour chakra rich blood into this cup. Then all three of us will need to feed chakra into Anko while she drinks it." Both of them silently did as they were told. They both put there all into performing the ritual.
The sight of three demons pouring ungodly amounts of chakra into Anko's prone form while Miko poured the blood into her mouth was something Sarutobi never thought he would see in his life. What also surprised him is there chakra was each had a different color and feel. Haku's was still blue but it was a lot lighter, more like glacial ice and made the room cool a few degrees. Miko's was a deep violet, almost matching Anko's hair and seemed to bubble and hiss like boiling water. But Naruto's chakra hurt his eyes went he looked straight into it for it was the most brilliant gold and danced around him in brilliant bolts. He just watched amazed as the three kept up this output for ten hole minutes.
Once it was finished both Naruto and Haku collapsed, while Miko let out a gentle sigh. Looking over to the Hokage she smiled. "It worked."
He was glad but curious. There was no outward difference in Anko's appearance. "But how can you tell?"
Miko picked up Haku to set her on the couch that was under the window. "Well first off she didn't explode from chakra overload and she's still breathing. Secondly the seal is gone. Right now she's unconscious because her body is fighting off the poison."
The Hokage tried to lift Naruto but was surprised at how much the young Uzumaki weighed. "Do you have them training with weights?"
Miko grinned. "Yes, Naruto is up to twenty percent while Haku is at fifteen." Seeing his confusion she explained. "I put a seal on them that turns chakra into weight. I would say Naruto is carrying about five hundred pounds while Haku is at three hundred. The max for this particular seal is two thousand pounds." Sarutobi was most certainly impressed. Naruto was almost wearing the same amount as Gai's mini-me Rock Lee. "But I don't think they notice it since I have never removed the weight. It should be fun to see what happens when I do don't you think?"
The Hokage couldn't help but shiver seeing the evil smirk cross her face. "I think it will be. But for now you look tired, and these three aren't going anywhere." Placing Naruto on the couch next to Haku he smiled. "I'm glad Naruto has found someone to share his life with." Turning to Miko he smiled. "My greatest fear was that he would end up miserable and alone, but now I don't have to worry."
Miko smiled back. "Yes, they love each other very much. They're both so caring and protective. It almost seems like they were made for each other."
The Hokage looked down at the young couple before sighing. "I need to get back to work. With Orochimaru around we have to be on guard. When they wake up bring them back to the tower. They still have an exam to complete. I'm expecting great things from both of them." And with a wave he left.
Miko too a seat next to Anko's bed and took one of her hands. "Rest Anko, you're going to be fine."
Anko pulled Miko's arm into a hug. "Mmmmm Miko-chan, stay with me."
Looking down at her sleeping form Miko smiled. "I'm not going anywhere Anko-chan."
Miko sat there staring at Anko for the longest time. She didn't notice Haku stir, and nearly jumped when Haku put her hand on Miko's shoulder.
Haku smiled when she saw the way Miko looked at Anko. Walking up she put her hand on Miko's shoulder. "She loves you, she's just afraid you won't except her." Seeing her sensei's shocked look she smiled. "Naruto heard her talking with Kurenai-san. Apparently she's felt this way since you're little heart to heart."
Sighing Miko smiled at Haku. "Thanks for telling me. I didn't even notice." Brushing some hair off Anko's face she frowned. "People like us tend to push away anything that may hurt us again. All she had to do was ask."
Haku hugged Miko from behind. "I know you will be great together. We want you to be happy. That's one reason why I made the offer for you to join us."
Miko smirked. "And the other reason?"
Haku blushed. "Your a strong, caring, and beautiful being. I don't think I need to tell you how sexy you are but I also love you as a person. You've taken Naruto and me in and helped us greatly. We'll be happy just knowing you found someone."
Miko heard the sad tone in Haku's voice. She turned and kissed Haku deeply. "Don't think you can back out now." Looking into Haku's eyes she could see her lust and love but she could also see confusion. "There are some things Kyuubi didn't tell you two that he should have."
Haku released her embrace and moved a chair next to Miko's. She could see Miko was being serious. "What do we need to know?"
Miko blushed a little while trying to figure out how to say it. "Well, you see, Kitsune are kind of known for some things in the demon world. One is that we tend to be more protective then other demons. While the snakes and tigers would revel in the destruction of their enemies the Kitsune were happy just to live and love."
Haku smiled. "That doesn't sound bad."
Miko couldn't help but smile. "Yes, life as a Kitsune was very enjoyable before we were attacked. The thing is our clan is kind of different then most. When I say we enjoyed love I mean we enjoyed it indiscriminately." Miko noticed that Haku wasn't catching on, sighing she bowed her head. "We enjoyed sex for what it was and did it with those we cared for. There was more then one occasion that I had found myself in Kyuubi's chambers late into the night."
Haku's mind just kind of stopped, as she turned red. But both of them nearly died when a voice near them spoke up. "Sounds like my kind of people." Anko had been listening since Haku moved over to Miko. At first she was just tired but when Haku told Miko about her feelings she continued to fake being asleep. When she heard Miko's response she nearly jumped up to embrace the Kitsune, but their conversation took an interesting twist. She never thought Haku and Naruto would invite someone into their relationship, and at first she was afraid she'd lose Miko to them but hearing the Kitsune policy on sex as it was she couldn't help but speak up.
Haku tried to talk through her shock. "H-How l-long h-h-have you b-been awake?"
Naruto spoke up from the couch. "Since you started. You woke me up when you got up, but I figured I'd let you two talk and then I noticed Anko-sensei's feet twitch when you mentioned her." Standing up as he looked over to Miko. "She needs to know."
Anko was worried. Without thinking her hand went over her neck were the seal had been. "What do I need to know?" When she couldn't feel the constant weight of Orochimaru's mind in her head she tried not to get her hopes up.
Miko smiled but was still worried Anko wouldn't take this well. "Well, I broke the seal the was used to try an enslave you."
Anko dived out of the bed tackling Miko kissing her deeply before pulling away. "Thank you, dear Kami thank you!" Miko's response was cut off by another deep kiss.
Naruto and Haku laughed at the sight of a bewildered Miko being orally ravished by an over exuberant and thankful Anko. "Hey, we helped too you know." Seeing Anko realize what she was doing and quickly standing pulling Miko up as well they laughed some more.
Miko coughed. "Well, like I was saying, we broke the seal, but there is a side affect."
Anko was worried. "What side affect?"
Haku chose to stop skirting the issue. "We had to turn you into a Kitsune to brake the seal."
"So I'm a demon too?" Anko face was blank so none of them could tell if she was mad or not so they all just nodded. Anko suddenly broke out in a grin that scared even Miko. "Perfect. The next time I see that bastard of a snake he will die!"
Miko frowned. "While I'm glad you don't seem to mind, you have to remember the same thing I have told Naruto and Haku. Demons are immortal not invulnerable."
Anko couldn't help but laugh at this. When she saw there worried looks she let them in on the joke. "He threw me away because I was useless to him but you've given me his ultimate desire." Seeing their confusion she elaborated. "Orochimaru fears death above all else. He has been trying to find a way to become immortal since before he betrayed the leaf."
Naruto chuckled. "I'd fear death too if I had his list of sins. But as for ironic happenings that's on the list just under the Uchiha massacre."
Anko raised an eyebrow at this. So Miko explained it to her. "You see, it all started with Kyuubi. Kyuubi wanted to rebuild the Kitsune clan after the Orochi clan attacked leaving only him and me. So he made a deal with what would become the Uchiha clan. In return for the Sharingan Blood Limit he had the right to take any child that he thought showed enough promise to become a Kitsune. After some eight hundred years he had almost given up but then Itachi was born. Seeing Itachi's great potential he came to claim his payment. The Uchiha denied him and so Kyuubi had every right to kill them all as stated in their agreement. But then Konoha interfered not knowing the truth."
Naruto picked up the story at this point. "After the whole thing the Uchiha wanted me dead because I held a being that wanted them all dead. But what people don't know is that I'm related to Itachi and Sasuke."
"You're and Uchiha?" Anko was intrigued.
Naruto shook his head. "No, I'm an Uzumaki. You see their mother was Uzumaki Mikoto, my aunt. And that's why Itachi has so much potential."
Anko didn't get it. "What's so great about the Uzumaki?" She didn't mean to sound snobbish but realized that's how it came out. "Sorry."
Naruto grinned. "What makes us so special is the Uzumaki Bloodline. You see, to an Uzumaki with the Bloodline active there is no limit to how far they can go, but on the downside you can never tell if it's active till an Uzumaki hits their limit." Anko's jaw dropped at the implications. "I see you understand, but the irony in this story is the fact that Itachi killed his entire family for reasons unknown after they fought a demon to keep him."
Haku frowned. "Well I think that's enough doom and gloom for one day. We still need to get back to the tower."
Anko surprised them all when she let her hospital gown drop as she searched for her cloths. Seeing Naruto and Haku turn away she laughed. "Come on, it's not like you won't be seeing and feeling more of me in the near future."
Miko embraced the naked junin. "Are you sure you weren't born a Kitsune because you most certainly act like one?"
"Oh, I've always known how to enjoy myself." Anko suddenly became curious. "If I'm a Kitsune now where is my tail?"
Miko grinned as she grabbed Anko's ass before releasing her so she could dress. "It'll appear if you flare your chakra enough, but first I want to teach you how to hid it."
Anko kissed Miko before quickly getting dressed so they could head for the tower and some fun. Not a half hour later they were back at the tower, and heading to Naruto and Haku's room when they crossed paths with Hinata.........
Bottom Author Note:
Well I'm having major thoughts about one part of this chapter and that's the ritual. OH GOD I'M TEMPTED TO DO IT BIBLE BLACK STYLE!!!! For those who don't know about Bible Black it's a hentai series that has to do with magic, sex, girls like Haku, and world domination. Look it up if you enjoy said things. Those who have seen it should I have. If I feel the need I just might change it. I happened to be flipping through my files after writing the ritual scene and came across BB and wondered if I should redo it.