Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Sad Live Deserves More ❯ Forest of Death ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hey all! The next chapter is obviously below but I decided to put the author note up here. BTW in the past two chapters there has been a sci-fi reference. PM me if you think you know what it is and I'll give you a cookie in my answering reviews section!
A word with my reviewers:
FF Reviewers
Cre A. Tor00x: Yeah the past couple chapters have almost had a filler feel but I wanted to get some build up it. Oh and did you read my response to Kyuubi Fanatic last chap. I might be looking for a Beta and want some examples of how prospective Beta's would do stuff. Read it for form details. I remember you had asked before so I wanted to make sure you knew.
Genaric Name: Yes, but it may take some time. Just be patient : )
Barranca: Just keep watching and you'll see.
Brian Darksoul: (Takes rusty knife and hands you a spork) Here it'll hurt more! (Hands you a lighter) Your mission should you choose to accept it is to castrate Hyuga Hiashi with provided implements.
Hiro Uzumaki: your half right! Glad you liked the twist.
PyroD: Here you go. Didn't want you to die of smutloss. It's a horrible way to go!
truelywicked: We'll see, we'll see. Akai will... well just keep watching! I'm in the Het section. Sadly I didn't get any reviews for chapter nine over there.
J.A. Johnson: Thanks for your support! I'm also glad it's going well!
MM Reviewers
spiritwolf30: I'm sorry you don't think much of that paring but keep an eye out you might be surprised.
Soul of the Phoenix: Because Naruto likes her the way she is. BTW you didn't mention whether you liked the fic or not, and now you got me curious.
Ibiki just chuckled lightly. "I can and I will. Now who wants out?"
Naruto snorted when he saw a couple people in front of him raise their hands. As the time seemed to pass more gave up. Akai suddenly burst to his feet. "I'm fucking tired of waiting for your question. Just ask the stupid thing so we can get on with it!"
Ibiki looked around, twenty-three teams remained. "Ok maggots! You all PASS."
The room fell silent for a minute, but it didn't last any longer then that. Temari was the one to speak up this time. "What do you mean? What about the tenth question?"
Akai decided to add his two cents. "Yeah, the blonde bimbo has a point!"
The only thing stopping her from killing him right then was the fear that Gaara would kill her for getting them disqualified. Well that and their whole mission, so she settled for grinding her teeth. 'I hope to Kami that we fight later! Nobody calls me a bimbo!'
"Shut it! To answer your question to stay was the tenth question. A chunin is a leader..." Naruto just tuned him out. They've pasted the first test, but still had two more parts. He snapped to attention when he felt Anko-sensei's chakra approach the room quickly from outside.
A black mass crashed thru the window and attached to the wall reveling the special junin. "I'm Mitarashi Anko! I'll be your next examiner!" Taking a look around she grinned. "Ibiki, you're losing your touch! There are still over twenty teams left."
Ibiki peered out from behind the banner. "Well we have some good prospects this year."
Anko sneered evilly. "Yes, but I'll cut them down by half at least!" She watched the genin as fear took hold of some of them. "Follow me brats! The next exam will take place in training area forty-four, otherwise known as the 'Forest of Death'!"
When the genin arrived at the forest of death they saw that it was surrounded by a massive fence, and beyond the fence was the darkest most opposing forest some of them had ever seen. Then there was Naruto's team, which had been training here for the past three weeks.
Anko whistled to get everyone's attention. "Ok everyone. Each team will be given one of these scrolls." Holding up two different scrolls she continued. "Then you will be sent into the forest. The goal is to get both scrolls and make it to the tower in the center of the forest with in five days." Using one of the scrolls she pointed at a map next to her. "The forest has a fifteen-mile radius and is surrounded by this fence. There are forty-four gates that are spread out equally. Each team will start at one of these gates."
"What will we do for food?" Choji was honestly worried.
Anko loved messing with the genin. "There are many animals in the forest. Just make sure you don't end up as prey."
"What's in the scrolls?" asked some random mist-nin.
"You are not to open the scrolls until you reach the tower, but if you really want to know no-one will stop you from looking." Anko grinned as she as she explained the next bit of the exam. "Now since I don't want to be flooded with paperwork you'll get your team's scroll when you turn in a consent form from each team member."
Sakura raised her hand. "Why do we need to sign consent forms?"
"Because in this exam you will be fighting opposing teams. Some of you will die and I don't want to be blamed for it!" Handing a stack of forms to the closest genin she walked over to the booth being set up. "You have a two hours to sign those forms and get to your assigned gate."
Naruto's team had been given an earth scroll and assigned gate forty-two. This gate he knew was near a steam that cut the forest in half and passed the tower. "We'll stick to the trees along the stream. I want to get the scroll we need and get to the tower today."
Haku nodded and Akai snorted. "Who made you leader?"
Naruto looked him straight in the eye. "Do you have a better idea? The stream is an easy source of food; so many teams will try and secure a base near it. That and Haku will give us a tremendous terrain advantage that would be foolish to pass up."
"Fine, fine." Akai wasn't stupid. Haku's power when near a water source was not something to fuck with in his book. Looking over to his female teammate he grinned. "Just try and leave something for me to play with, ok?"
There gate opened a minute later and they were off. Naruto was right. Not ten minutes into the exam and they found a group of mist ninja making camp on the shore. Calling a stop he looked at Akai. "Do you think you could stun the whole group?"
Akai grinned. "Yes, I'll just jump right in front of them. When they look at me they'll be done for."
Naruto grinned. "Good because when they're stunned I want Haku to put them into a death state. I don't want to kill if we can avoid it."
Akai scowled. "Your too soft."
Naruto smiled. Akai was falling into his trap hook line and sinker. "But if they live they'll think they were taken out by a single individual. A reputation like that goes far."
Akai's grin returned two fold. "I see your point." Looking over to the soon to be suckers he sighed. "I was hoping to kill something, but oh well." And so he jumped in front of the group with his arms crossed. When they looked up at him they froze and Haku launched two needles in each of their necks.
Naruto looked over to Haku. "And they call me a demon. Akai would kill his mother if he was paid enough."
Haku frowned. "I just hope he never turns on us."
Akai had been fishing thru there gear and had found an earth scroll and waved it to his comrades. Jumping up to their position he frowned. "To bad they had the same scroll as us."
Naruto sighed as he took the scroll. "It just means three less competitors. If we hurry we might find another team." Not waiting for a reply he continued. Haku was kind of worried. She quickly caught up. "Naruto, what's wrong? Something's bothering you I know it."
Naruto frowned as he looked over to Haku. "I feel like one of our friends are in danger. It's possible one of them might die in this exam."
At that moment team eight was watching the vulgar display of power that is Gaara's Sabaku Soso.
Naruto felt a surge of chakra that could only be demonic in nature. Deciding that they needed to know what happened he lead his team in that direction. Haku just gave him a knowing nod, but Akai spoke up.
"Why we leaving the river?" Akai hoped Naruto had picked up the trail of another team.
"We're investigating a chakra source. Everyone is to stay back to observe unless confronted." Naruto didn't want to lose a teammate, no matter how obnoxious they were.
With in five minutes they came upon Hinata's team. When they saw the three fellow leaf genin Naruto knew they had witnessed something. Kiba was pacing while Akamaru whined from his jacket, Hinata was sitting on a log staring into her hands, and Shino was staring off into space.
Jumping down he held his arms out to show he didn't want to fight, but it didn't help much as all three genin launched kunai at him. He managed to dodge most of them but two Hinata had thrown caught him in the thigh.
"Ouch! Watch it guys! I just wanted to check on you." All three suddenly realized who stood before them. Both Kiba and Shino were berating themselves for not noticing him earlier, while Hinata ran over to him.
"I'm so sorry Naruto-kun!" She didn't realize what she was doing until she was already kneeling in front of him removing the kunai, and was about to dig for some of her home made salve.
"Thanks Hinata, but I'm ok." Naruto smiled down at the girl causing her heart nearly to explode.
Hinata blushed deeply but fought not to pass out. 'I can't think of him that way anymore. He loves Haku-chan, not me.' Standing and stepping back a few steps she smiled.
Haku jumped down next to Naruto. 'She still loves him more than anything. I can see it in her eyes. Not that I blame her, what's not to love.' Ino had told her about Hinata's feelings for Naruto and how she was to shy to express them. 'She loves him so much she's willing to give him up because he's happy with me.' When she had asked Naruto if he had known about her feelings he told her that he did and had felt the same way, but didn't want her to be hurt for being with a demon. Not to mention what her family might do. 'They would have been a cute couple.' Smiling at her friend she notice she was still on edge. "Hinata-chan, what happened?"
Hinata bowed her head and Kiba spoke up. "The red-headed freak from Suna killed three rain-nin without even a blink."
Naruto looked at Kiba. Kiba may be only twelve but he was still a ninja. To be shaken this badly the suna-nin must have been powerful. "How did he kill them?"
Shino almost made everyone jump when he spoke. "He encased them in sand he keeps in a gourd. He then crushed them killing them instantly."
Naruto didn't like the sound of this and nether did Haku.
Akai jumped into the clearing glaring at his teammates. "We're not here to baby-sit. We need to get moving."
"Akai, you're a jackass, but I do want to complete this exam as soon as possible." Looking at team ten he thought of something. "Hey do you have a heaven scroll?"
Kiba growled but Hinata spoke up. "Yes started with it and got another from a team we took out why?"
Naruto smiled. "Perfect." Kiba dropped into a fighting stance as Naruto reached into his utility pouch. "Hold it Kiba. We also ended up 'liberating' a scroll we don't need, but ours are earth scrolls. I propose a trade." Pulling out the scroll from the mist team he smiled.
Kiba relaxed as Hinata took out their extra heaven scroll. After they exchanged scrolls they decided to move to the tower as a group. Akai and Kiba took point while Haku and Hinata took rear-guard. It took them two hours of grueling travel but they made it. Having split up Naruto, Haku, and Akai found themselves staring at the writing on the wall.
"What the heck are we suppose to do know?" Akai was bored nearly to tears.
Haku pulled out the heaven scroll she was carrying as Naruto pull out the earth scroll. "I think we are to open the scrolls." Together Haku and Naruto opened their scrolls.
Smoke filled the area and a familiar voice greeted them. "Congratulations on passing Team Anko."
Naruto grinned. "Iruka-sensei! It's been a while!"
Iruka smiled. "Yes it has Naruto, I'm glad to see your doing so well. Akai, I hope your behaving yourself" Getting a grunt he looked over to Haku. "I don't think we've been introduced, I'm Umino Iruka. I was Naruto's sensei in the academy."
Haku smiled. "I'm Haku, I have heard much about you from Naruto."
Naruto spoke up. "Hey we should all go out some time to catch up, but for now I'd like to get some rest."
Iruka smiled. "Well I bet you're tired. I'll show you around." Iruka lead them into the main hall to find team eight with a rather annoyed chunin.
When the chunin saw Iruka he walked over to them. "Hey, Iruka. Could you show team eight around as well?"
Iruka knew he was being dumped on but he would gladly show his old students around. "Sure, is there a problem?"
The chunin frowned. "Yeah, but you don't need to worry."
Iruka nodded and the chunin shushined away. "Ok, it's good to see you all. If you'll follow me I'll show you around as you'll be staying here till the second exam is complete."
Haku looked over to Hinata and wondered why Hinata looked away quickly. 'She's been acting weird since we joined up in the forest.' Haku was thrown into a panic. 'Can her bloodline she thru my illusion.' Haku's mind was going a mile a minute but it keep coming to the same conclusion. 'Hinata wouldn't hold that against me. She's too nice for that. The only way I'll find out is by asking.'
When Iruka had finished they had all broken up. Before Hinata could go with her teammates Haku pulled her aside. "Hey, Hinata. Did I do something wrong? You seem to be avoiding me."
Hinata winced mentally. Sighing she decided to be honest and get it over with. "Haku, I need to tell you something. Can we go somewhere more privet?"
"Hinata, you can talk to me about anything. I mean we're friends and that's what friends do right?" She smiled trying to put the younger girl at ease. She lead them to the room Naruto and her had laid claim to knowing Naruto was going to be gone a while since he left to find Anko-sensei.
After sitting down on the bed Hinata took a deep breath. "I-I-I-I......" Hinata swallowed the lump in her throat and pushed it out. "I love Naruto-kun. I've loved him since the beginning of the academy, but I know you two are happy together and I don't want to come between you. I just can't stop thinking about him." Hinata took a breath and bowed her head. "I hope you don't hate me."
Haku smiled with relief. She was glad this wasn't about her. "I don't hate you. I appreciate you telling me this but I already knew." Hinata just looked at her wide-eyed. "Ino told me a while ago, and then the fact it's easy to see how you feel about him." Haku sat next to Hinata then took on a thoughtful look. "Why didn't you tell him how you felt?"
Hinata just bowed her head again. "Why would he want someone like me?"
Haku frowned. "What's that mean? If I may say so your quite beautiful, that and your kind, thoughtful, and powerful."
Hinata let out a bitter laugh. "Me, powerful? You jest. I'm the weakest of the Hyuga. They all know it and father never lets me forget that fact. Even my sister two years my junior can beat me easily. Nobody would want a reject like me."
Haku could feel the pain and sorrow in her words, but that didn't mean she agreed with them. "Hinata, you can stop someone's heart by touching them. If that's not power I don't know what is. So what if your sister can beat you? Different people have different strengths. There has to be something you're better then her at. As for nobody wanting you you're wrong." Hinata stared at Haku with disbelief. 'I might regret this but she deserves to know.' Haku looked at Hinata with a sad smile. "You know Naruto felt the same way, but he couldn't let you close. He didn't want you treated like he was. He was afraid what the village or even what your father might do to you."
Hinata was in shock. "N-N-Naruto f-felt t-t-t-the same?" Hinata stopped. Her head was spinning out of control. Haku stopped too, but before she could say anything Hinata fell into tears.
Hinata was so deep in her thoughts she didn't she Naruto enter the room. When he entered he clearly saw Hinata was distressed. Haku walked over to Naruto and motioned him outside the room. Naruto got worried. "She's ok right? What happened?"
Haku smiled mentally. 'I knew it. He still cares for her.' She looked back at Hinata for a second before closing the door behind her. 'She needs him right now, besides I'm not greedy. I get to be with him for all eternity.' Turning back to Naruto she hugged him. "She told me how she feels about you." Naruto got even more worried but Haku smiled. "I told her I already knew. When I asked her why she never told you she said you would never like someone like her, so I asked her what she meant." Naruto could feel Haku tense. Something had made her very angry. "She's ridiculed for being weaker then her sister, but if you ask me she probably has never gone all out. She's too caring to really hurt anyone. She has no respect for herself anymore." She could see the rage build in Naruto. "Then I kind of did something you might get mad at me for."
"What?" Haku knew the rage wasn't aimed at her but it was still there and still hurt. Noticing this Naruto calmed down. "You know I could never hate you. What ever you did you must of thought it would help."
"I told her that you felt the same." Haku saw Naruto go blank and winced. "I'm sorry but they have virtually destroyed her self worth. If left alone she might do something drastic. Besides I know you still care for her." That last sentence hit him hard because he knew it was true. "Before you say anything I know you will always love me, but she needs you. She needs to know she is better then she thinks she is, and I know what that might lead to."
Naruto was shocked. "Haku, I could never betray you like that."
Haku embraced him tightly. Resting her head on his shoulder she whispered, "I know, but it's not betrayal if I say it's ok." Pulling away she kissed him on the cheek.
Entering the room he noticed Hinata hadn't moved. She was obviously deep in thought. Smiling he knelt in front of her. "Hinata-chan, we need to talk."
Hinata was catapulted from her thoughts when she heard Naruto's voice. Looking around she couldn't see Haku. "N-N-Naruto-kun, w-w-where's Haku?"
Naruto spoke up. "She went out for a walk. Haku told me what you talked about, and before you say anything she was right. I saw how you felt, and I felt the same. But you have to know something about me before you'll understand why we couldn't be."
Hinata frowned as she wiped away some tears. "It's because of Kyuubi isn't it?" When she saw Naruto's shocked face she explained. "People say things when they think no-one is around. I've known about Kyuubi since my second year in the academy. I know you are not the fox, but just it's container. It's not right how they treat you. It wasn't your choice."
Naruto smiled at her. "Thank you, you don't know how much those words mean to me." Seeing her blush he continued. "Since you know about that you must know why I never let us get close."
Hinata was confused. "But it doesn't matter to me what's inside you."
"Hinata, if we had started dating what would of the villagers done? What would your father have done?" He could see that she understood. "I could never do that to you. Your too good to be treated that way."
Hinata bowed her head. "Like it would have mattered. The only reason father lets me continue to be a ninja is he hopes I'll die. To him I'm an embarrassment the Hyuga clan. He wants me gone so he can name Hinabi his heir. I am worthless to him and everyone else. Being with you he would have banished me and sealed my Byakugan, but you know what. If it let me be with you then I would have done it in a heartbeat."
Naruto frowned. "I know. That's why I never told you." He sighed when she didn't understand. "My life has been full of beatings and assassination attempts. I feared that they would use you to get to me. I fear they may do the same to Haku even now. I know I couldn't bare to lose either of you."
Hinata finally let out a small smile. Naruto loved her. She was so deep in that thought she was shocked when she felt him against her lips, but her desire soon took over. It wasn't till they separated gasping for breath that she thought about what just happened.
"What about Haku-chan?" Standing and stepping away from him she bowed her head. "I refuse to come between you two. She's my friend. I can't do this to her."
Naruto smiled as a figure moved behind Hinata. Haku had really used one of her illusions that make herself completely invisible, just in case she was needed. She had planned to skip out if things got heavy but then Naruto used their privet sigh language when he was kissing her. She grinned at what he implied.
Hugging her from behind Haku put her mouth next to Hinata's ear. Using her most seductive voice she whispered. "But Hina-chan, right between us is where I want you most." After kissing her neck and getting a slight moan she continued. "Me and Naruto keep many secrets from the outside, but not from each other."
Hinata froze when Haku embraced her, and couldn't help but moan when she kissed her neck. But when Naruto stood before her taking her chin in his hand kissing her deeply as Haku went back to he neck, she was lost in a sea of lust. She never thought she could feel this way. She loved it so much she whimpered when Naruto broke the kiss.
"I'll tell you now, me and Haku share everything in our lives. Our happiness, our pain, our lust, but most of all we share our love. Both spiritually and physically." Looking down at Hinata's beautiful eyes as his mate bit lightly at her earlobe. "Can you accept this Hinata? To be with me is to be with us. We wont force you to do anything. You can leave now and we will still be your friends." Hinata half moaned and half screamed yes as Haku gripped her breasts, squeezing them softly. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips before whispering into her ear. "I'm glad your enjoying this, but there is always something I wondered about." As he said this, his hands found their way to the zipper of her jacket. "And that's what's under this heavy coat."
He pulled away as he unzipped her coat. Haku took the liberty of removing the baggy thing as soon as the zipper came apart. Smiling she moved around the young Hyuga. "Your so beautiful Hina-chan, why do you hide it?"
Hinata frowned slightly. "I'm not as pretty as the other girls." Hinata always thought she was ugly. That and her father constant belittling of her just made it worse.
Naruto couldn't help be to stare. Hinata was gorgeous. He could already see the curves that would only improve with time. Haku snickered as she elbowed Naruto in the ribs. "See what you almost missed out on?" She then ducked behind him and grabbed his bulge from behind him. "See Hina-chan, even Naruto-kun thinks your sexy." Naruto groaned as Haku rubbed his cock thru his pants. Hinata gasped when Haku pulled it out. "Hina-chan, is this what you wanted?" Stroking him she purred. "It feels so good, why don't you give it a shot?"
Hinata reached out and touched the tip making Naruto moan. Getting a little braver she wrapped her hand around it. She looked up at him astounded. "It's so soft yet hard at the same time." Stroking it lightly she knelt down to get a better look.
Haku joined Hinata and quickly licked the head. "And that's nothing compared to how it tastes." Taking the head into her mouth Haku sucked on it hard, earning a boisterous and lustful groan from her mate. Pulling it out of her mouth she pointed it at Hinata. "Give it a try, you just might become addicted."
Hinata was blushing like mad, but she slowly ran her tongue around the crown of his member. Hearing Naruto beg for more sent a shiver down her spine. Imitating Haku she sucked him into her mouth. She worked her way up and down slowly taking in more and more. She moaned when Haku fondled her breast again.
Naruto was in heaven. He didn't know where she learned it but Hinata was quickly becoming just as good as Haku at this. She would swirl her tongue around his head every upstroke, just like Haku. He nearly creamed when she moaned around him. What set him off was when he looked down into Hinata's eyes as she looked up at him. The sight of his mate smiling as she fondled Hinata while Hinata looked up at him with eyes full of love and lust while smiled around his dick sucking it gently.
Hinata felt him twitch as he let out a primal groan filling her mouth with his seed. She had to swallow some to keep from choking but she found it didn't taste that bad, just a little bitter. Naruto pulled back and before Hinata could move Haku caught her in a deep kiss as she sucked the leftover cum right out of her mouth. She returned the kiss and a battle for Naruto's essence was waged. When Hinata started to rub Haku's breast Haku pushed her onto her back.
Leaning over Hinata Haku smiled. "While I know and love the taste of Naruto, I want to know what you taste like Hina-chan. Don't you Koishii?" She then started to remove Hinata's shirt to reveal a violet lace bra.
Removing his shirt Naruto kneels behind Haku. "Oh yes Tenshi, I'm quite curious." Rubbing his hand over the crotch of Hinata's pants he smiled. "We're in luck Tenshi. She's soaked straight thru her pants."
Haku smiled down at Hinata as she removed the Hyuga's bra. "I'm glad you're enjoying this Hina-chan. Tell me, what do you want Naruto and me to do?"
Hinata blushed crimson. "I-I w-want Nar-ruto-k-kun to to...." Hinata was having a hard enough time trying to say what she wanted but when she said his name Naruto started to rub her harder.
Haku grinned as she licked one of Hinata's nipples. "What do you want Naruto-kun to do Hina-Chan?"
Hinata gasped. "I w-want him to st-s-st" Hinata moaned as Haku blew across her moistened nipple.
Smiling Haku decided to tease her. "Don't tell me you want him to stop..."
Hinata's eyes went wide as she grabbed Naruto's hand to keep it rubbing her as she screamed. "NOOO I WANT MORE! I WANT HIM TO EAT ME WHILE YOU TEASE AND SUCK MY NIPPLES, I WANT HIM TO FUCK ME WHILE I EAT YOU, HAKU." Hinata went red as blood when she realized what she screamed at the top of her lungs.
Haku just grinned as Naruto chuckled. "Such a naughty girl and a screamer to!" Seeing the mortified look on Hinata's face he smiled at her. "But don't worry. I used a simple jutsu that blocks all sound."
Sliding his hand into her pants and under her panties he cupped her cunt earning him another scream. Spreading her apart he ran a finger along her lips. "Hina-chan, have you done this to your self?" Hinata nodded but Naruto wanted her to say it. "I'm sorry Hina-chan but I didn't catch that."
"Yes, I touch myself every night thinking of you." Hinata didn't care what she had to say or admit to, as long as he continued what he was doing.
Naruto grinned. Using his other hand he removed her pants. Kneeling between her legs he pulls her panties down her smooth legs. Looking down at her his grin widened. "You have a pretty pussy Hina-chan, all nice, smooth, and the cute little patch of blue hair is adorable." Bending down to the point he was almost kissing it he grinned. "It looks good enough to eat."
Hinata gasped when she felt his breathe against her, but when he licked her bottom to top she arched her back and squealed. His tongue expertly assaulted her core as Haku kissed her passionately. Thru the haze she remembered Haku and reached for her sex. Before Haku could do anything Hinata's hand found her erection.
Haku whispered into Hinata's ear, "I'm not like other girls, as you can feel I have extra equipment." Haku moan when Hinata's hand went beneath her dress and squeezed her hardness. "Oh Hina-chan, that feels so good."
Naruto had paused when he saw Hinata discover Haku's secret but seeing her reaction he smiled and redoubled his attack on her tasty cunt. 'I knew this was a good idea. Hinata could never fault someone for being different.'
Haku removed her dress in one quick motion to reveal the mesh bodysuit underneath, but that to was swiftly tossed aside. When she finally was free from her clothing Haku went back to kissing Hinata while caressing her breasts. She moaned when Hinata began to stroke her.
Hinata was in a different world. Her vision started to blur and her stomach tightened. She had brought herself to orgasm before but this was completely on a new level. The world seemed to compress into the pleasure she was feeling as it desperately fought for release. Time seemingly stopped and her vision went white as she came hard.
Naruto knew she was close. She suddenly wrapped her legs around his head and arched her back letting out an earsplitting scream. Her pussy flowed as he tried to keep up, but it washed over his chin despite his efforts. When she finally released him after falling to the floor still trembling slightly he sat up and gently rubbed her legs and stomach. Haku also soothingly caressed her chest while kissing her neck.
When Hinata came to she slowly rose into a sitting position and hugged them both to her as she cried. "I love you both so much, thank you for this."
Haku smiled. "Just know we love and appreciate you. No matter what anyone says we will always be there for you."
Naruto kissed her forehead as he held her and Haku. Haku had surprised him by how much she got into it with Hinata, but then he remembered she's an avid reader of Icha Icha Paradise. 'If I ever meet the man that writes that book I'll fall to my knees and praise him.' He was brought from his thoughts when Hinata stroked his cock.
"Hinata, are you ready?" Getting a nod from the young Hyuga he lifted her up and laid her on the bed. Looking down at her beautiful body he smiled. Then he remembered the pain of his 'first time'. "Hina-chan, this will hurt but it does get better. Are you ok with that?"
Hinata nodded. "Naruto-kun, I have always wanted you to be my first. I know it'll hurt but I also know you'll be gentle with me."
After removing the last of his cloths Naruto took his place between her legs. "Thank you Hina-chan. I will try to make this as easy as possible." Haku took her mates dick and guided it into the Hyuga. "Just try an relax."
Hinata bit her lip as she nodded. She could feel herself stretch around his intruding member. Moaning as he slowly worked his head into her moist snatch, she squeaked when he popped inside her. He slowly pushed himself deeper until he pushed against her virginity. He bent down to whisper in her ear, "I love you Hina-chan." and with that he pulled back a little before plunging through her maidenhood. She cried out in pain be he held them both still.
Seeing her tears Haku whispered loving encouragements as Naruto tried his hardest not to move in her tightness. He wanted to wait till she got over the pain. Haku tried to move the process along by renewing her attack on Hinata's breasts with one hand while rubbing her clit with the other. After a short time it had the desired affect, and Hinata started to move her hips. Taking this as permission to move Naruto slowly pulled back causing Hinata to moan. He grit his teeth as her tightness pulled him back in. It was like a vacuum was created by his absence pulling him back to where he belongs.
Hinata surprised them both when she pulled Naruto down against her and rolled them so she straddling him. Grinding her cunt against his pelvis she kissed him deeply before rising up into a sitting position. Naruto took his new found freedom to heart, as Hinata rode him he pulled Haku over to him.
Stroking her lightly he took her into his mouth while his talented fingers found their way to her moist folds. As the three of them started to get really into it Hinata came to a stop.
Blushing Hinata looked at Haku with lust in her eyes. "Haku-chan I-I want you too."
That was all the Hyuga heir had to say. Pulling herself from her mates loving attention she took position behind Hinata. "Just like before try and relax Hina-chan. I'll go slowly till you say it's ok." Getting a nod she licked her fingers and did her best to moisten Hinata's virgin ass. After getting it wet enough she pressed herself against Hinata's tight rosebud and slipped inside with a pop. Slowly she eased herself deeper and deeper till she was in to the root; she could feel Naruto through the flesh of Hinata's insides. After only a few seconds once again Hinata's rocking back and forth was the signal for them to start in earnest.
Hinata couldn't believe what she was doing. The thought of what her father would think if he saw her now made her smile. If he thinks she was a disgrace before imagine what people would say about their clan if they knew the heiress was in the throes of passion with the 'Demon Brat' and his lover. That defiant thought brought a wave of pleasure thru her. She would live the way she wanted. She was no longer his little doll. She would no longer care what they thought. Naruto and Haku made her feel freer with every thrust. They loved her unconditionally. She didn't have to try to impress them; they liked her for her, not what she could do for them. She was suddenly hit with the most powerful orgasm of her young life. Naruto's mouth had nothing on the peaks their twin cocks had sent her too.
Both Naruto and Haku couldn't hold on when Hinata contracted around them with her inner muscles. All three cried to the heavens as they peaked. Hinata's last thought before passing out was how she loved the feel of their seed flooding her, filling her with their love. For the first time since she could remember she fell asleep completely happy. No one could take this moment from her. It was hers to cherish for all time.