Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Blind Spot ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
P.L: hello my friends. This is poetic love here with the latest chapter for my new story. I was hoping you like it, or at least REVIEW but we all can't get our wishes.
Kisame: I’m wondering why you made me the star of this fic.
Sasori: me as well.
Deidara: I’m wondering why you made me a WOMAN?!?!?!?!
P.L, Konan, Suikatsu: you got a problem with being a woman?
Deidara: no no peace?
(Girls nod)
P.L: well now that that is over I will tell you that Kisame, you'd better find my friend Dr. Spot. He is a nice person to know.
Kisame: why?
P.L: you'll see
Pein: on with the story.
“I created a blood clone of her, and staged her death. She never knew. I knocked her out and carried her somewhere near Tsuchi and gave nearly a large set amount of money. She should be still there. I just want to see her, if not hold her again." Kisame said.
Nearly the entire Akatsuki member's looked at Pein for his answer. And to them he gave.
“all Akatsuki, we leave at high noon." with that he walked away
Kisame couldn't go to sleep. His mind kept going back to her. He still remembered the way she felt on him. Her smell, her taste, her sounds. He could still feel her around his hard staff, moaning and moving against him. He looked down to see himself fully erect. He sighed as he went to the shower like usual. After he looked at the clock, he glared at the time.
It was 10 am.
30 minutes later he found himself inside the kitchen making food absently. He robotically moved and when he smelled what he made it was her favorite: chocolate and strawberry pancakes with corn muffins. “She loved these" he whispered to himself. He sat down and ate, imagining it was her he was eating with and not in the Akatsuki. He looked out the window to see Deidara hitting Tobi.
'Well better get ready to lead.' he thought as he his necessities together.
Outside everyone reached outside at a respectable time, leader said the words everyone wanted to hear.
“Kisame we’re ready to go if you’d be so gracious to lead.” He said holding Konan near him.
Kisame looked around at his group. He sighed as he began to run towards where he hoped his love to be at.
‘I guess it can’t get any worse than this.’ He thought leaping into the next tree. Everyone followed in the trees. As they jumped, Tobi suddenly had a good idea. (Now before you get me, Madara is not in Tobi’s body. Tobi is Obito. You will see when I go on.)
“Hey if we’re all going, who’s watching the hideout?” Tobi asked
Everyone looked back to leader.
“I paid someone to do it.” He said as he jumped to the next tree.
Back at the hideout…
Matsu looks around nervously.
“I know this pays well, but why am I here with her?!?!” he cries
“Aww, Matsu-kun do you wuv me?” P.L asks, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Matsu looks at her and says nothing.
“Well, since you’re not answering, let’s play scrabble!” P.L says dragging him to the living room.
Back with Kisame and the others…
“This is the song that never ends! Yes it goes on and on my friends, some people started singing while not knowing what it was, but Tobi will keep singing this forever just because this is the song that never ends…”
“SHUT UP YOU FREAKING FREAK!” Deidara screamed as she threw a branch at him.
“WAII! Dei-Chan hit me!” Tobi cried to Zetsu.
“He’s lucky she waited till we set up camp. Otherwise he would have fell off a tree.” Sasori said to an uncomfortable Zetsu, who was trying to calm down a hysterical Tobi.
“Itachi, have you seen Kisame?” Kakuzu asked the Uchiha.
Itachi looked and nodded.
“Mind telling me where?” Kakuzu’s eye twitched as he looked at the silent man.
Itachi shook his head yes.
“Could you bring him here?” Kakuzu glared at him
Itachi got up and walked off.
“Sometimes I wonder what going on in an Uchiha’s head.” He said to Hidan, who was in his lap. (Kakuzu and Hidan is Bi. Don’t like it. Blame my addiction.)
“Are you sure?” Hidan looked after Itachi.
“Never mind” Kakuzu shivered.
*Itachi mind theater*
‘Pocky. There is a new flavor coming out. Then there is the pocky festival in Tsuchi. Hmm, I do need to restock. I almost feel bad for killing that man with the drill and mirror that said that pocky can kill your teeth. (1) Maybe I should…no, he was meant to be killed. He insulted pocky. There’s Kisame. Maybe they made a shark flavored one.’
*end Itachi’s mind theater*
Itachi walked up to Kisame and looked at him. “Food’s done.”
Kisame was looking at the stars. He smiled as he remembered a memory that he had when Suikatsu took him for a walk at night.
Flashback no jutsu
“Same-kun! Come on, let’s go!” Suikatsu called to the slow Kisame.
“I would have been there if you didn’t pack all these bags. What’s in here? Rocks?” he grumbled.
“No silly. Just some things we might need. Come Kuroi, you remember where that place is right?” she asked her dog.
Kuroi woofed an affirmative answer and pulled his mistress along. They waited for a grumbling Kisame to catch up.
“I could swear you have something else in here.” He growled to his girlfriend. He watched as she threw her head back and laughed loudly in the clearing. He smiled as he dropped the bags and pulled her close to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist as her hands rested on his chest.
“Have I told you I love you lately?” he whispered as he kissed her lips.
“Yes but it wouldn’t hurt to hear it again.” She said as she leaned in to his warmth, her pale irises closing slowly as she gave into the kiss.
“Hmm. Maybe so. Let me set up the things and I’ll tell you whatever you want to hear. Alright?” He asked as he loosened his grip. He watched as she nodded and let her go to spread out their blankets. When he finished, he pulled her into his lap and chuckled when she squeaked at the sudden move. He pulled her to his chest and watched as Kuroi lay at their feet. He smiled as he touched her soft cheeks.
“Did I ever tell you?” he asked suddenly
“Tell me what?”
“I made a poem for you. Can I read it to you?” Kisame said suddenly nervous
“un! I want to hear it.” She said moving a bit back to give him some space.
“Okay. Don’t laugh.” He said
“If I could stop time and make it so you and I
Could be alone for eternity,
Would you stay by my side?
With each smile you give lights up the night’s sky
More than the moon has ever done.
I want you to know that I can’t go through a day
Without thinking of the heartwarming things you say.
If people couldn’t stop us from staying together you see,
Would a ring bring you closer to me?
So as I hold you close in my arms and whisper to thee,
To my lovely water-lily, will you marry me?” Kisame read off his paper. He looked up to see tears running down his loves face. He leaned in and kissed her eyes and each tear that fell. He cupped her cheeks and said, “Did you like it?”
“Yes, yes, and yes a thousand times yes!” she cried as she kissed him hard.
“So you do like it. What about marrying me?” he said jokingly.
“You baka. I would love to marry you.” She giggled and kissed him again.
He laughed and took the ring out his pocket. He places a stunning silver band with three blue diamonds on her ring ringer. He traced her fingers and kissed each tip. He watched as she sighed happily and lay in his arms once more. He looked up to see a shooting star.
“A shooting star. Make a wish.” He told he nuzzling her neck
“I wish that we will have a bright future as Mr. and Mrs. Hoshigaki Kisame. And we’ll be together forever.” She said as she tilted her neck to the side to give him more room.
“You know that. Make a wish for something else.” Kisame said nibbling her ear.
“Uh huh. 1 wish per star remember.” She teased.
“I should have never told you that rule.” He groaned as he lay on his back. Suikatsu lay on his chest tracing little designs randomly. He shivered when she touched a particular sensitive area.
“Hey same-kun.” She suddenly said shooting up from her spot. He groaned from the loss of heat and sighed.
“If we had a child, what would you name them?”
“Hmm, never thought. A boy, I would name him Daiyuki.” He said tapping his chin.
“If our boy is named Daiyuki, then for a girl I want her to be Saiyuri.” She said. They looked at each other and laughed.
“Nah how about Tsuki for a girl and Yuki for a boy?” Suikatsu asked.
“I’d like that.” Kisame said kissing the top of her head.
Flash back no jutsu: Kai
Kisame sighed as he looked up to the sky and seen a falling star. He smiled as he looked towards Tsuchi.
‘Make a wish, water-lily. I’ll be with you soon.’ He thought as he looked where the star fell to. He nearly jumped out his skin when he heard a voice behind him.
“Food’s done” Itachi said and he turned around to go back to camp. Kisame got up and dusted his pants off.
“Let’s go back” he said as he followed the pocky-obsessed man to the rest of his motley crew.
In Tsuchi.
A little girl and boy, both alike in age ran to their mother. They both had Kisame’s coloring and markings (don’t forget teeth. Big plans for those!), but had Suikatsu’s hair and eyes.
“Mama! Mama! Yuki hit me with water and mud!” the 6 year old girl said as she hopped in her moms arms.
“Did not, Tsuki hit me with a fish!” 6 year old Yuki cried pulling his mothers pants leg. Tsuki stuck out her tongue at her brother as they glared at each other.
“Now now, it’s time for bed. We have to get ready for tomorrow, ne?” the 26 year old woman said as she went to calm her children down enough to give them a bath. She started to hum one of the many songs she knew to her twin toddlers.
If only if only
The woodpecker sighs
The bark on the trees was as soft as the skies.
The wolf waits below hungry and lonely
As he cries to the moo-oo-oo-n
If only if only (2)
“Mama Can you tell us a story?” Yuki asked as Kuroi hopped on the bed and yawned.
“Okay my little one what would you like to hear tonight?” Suikatsu asked tucking her son in. when she finished she moved to the other side to tuck in her daughter.
“How about the one when you met daddy? Or the only where you were once blind and then you woke up you could see! Or the one when you…” Tsuki started as she got more excited
“Hey, now what was our agreement?” Suikatsu said as she looked at the two trouble magnets.
“Don’t go into the water without Kuroi watching us?” Yuki asked
“Not that one stupid!” Tsuki said as she bopped her brother on his head, “momma means the one where we choose two stories a night.”
“That’s right. Now how about the one where I and your father got Kuroi and…”
“Can you tell us about daddy again?” Yuki asked cutting off Suikatsu. She looked down to her first born and smiled at him. She patted his head and kissed his forehead. She smiled as she watched them snuggle into the covers.
“Okay the one about daddy then.” She said “now move over, momma’s coming in.” she said as she made her way onto the covers. The twins giggled as she tickled their sides.
“Momma!” they squealed.
“Okay so it was Daddy first, then Kuroi? Or Kuroi then daddy?” she asked her bubbly girl.
“Kuroi!” she squeaked as her side was poked.
“Ah Kuroi-chan. He was a good puppy, but he didn’t like daddy at first. In fact he tried to bite him to death.” She chuckled
Flashback no jutsu
Kisame and Suikatsu walked down the street. It was her birthday and she turned 13. Kisame was having a hard time finding her a present and decided to watch her to see what she had like. They stopped walking as they heard a commotion.
“Stop that mutt!” a storeowner cried
The two preteens watched as a little black puppy ran with two links of sausages wrapped around its neck. It was yapping and running trying to shake the old man on its tail. The puppy was almost free until something grabbed the scruff of its neck, causing it to yip.
“So you’re the thing stealing most of the meat around here.” Kisame said as he dangled the pup in front of his face. The puppy growled and lashed out his claws on the shark-boy, resulting him to drop the pup on the floor and hold his nose and curse.
“You little bas…” he started but it died on his lips watching his friend hold the pup that was licking her face. She was laughing and trying to get it off but it kept coming back and licking and nuzzling her. He smiled as he watched him.
“Is this monstrosity yours?” the store owner growled
“Yeah. Got a problem?” Kisame said, looking the portly man in the eye.
“no.” he said fearing for his life after seeing the sword on Kisame’s waist
“Good. Now beat it.”
The man never ran so fast in his life. Kisame turned to watch the two again. He noticed the links on the floor and bent to pick them up. He led them to a shore and watched as Suikatsu played with the pup. Then he noticed something.
“Hey Sui-Chan”
“Yeah?” she answered petting the growling pup softly.
“That’s a hell hound. Once it chooses an owner, they stick to them for life. So I’m glad you got someone to watch you for me.” He said reaching over to pet the pup. The puppy’s red eyes watched and waited until the blue hand got close enough to bite it.
“YEOUCH!” Kisame yelled.
The pup growled again as Kisame grabbed it but its scruff.
“Listen. I’m a tell you once, doggy. I don’t like you, but I am gonna take care of ya. Now it’s not gonna come freely. Meaning you’re going to have to work. See that girl?” Kisame said as he pointed to Suikatsu. The pup blinked and nodded its head.
“You are her protector. Meaning anyone who ain’t supposed to touch her, don’t get within arms range. And I’m going to take care of the both of ya. Got that?”
The pup barked twice and Kisame put him in his hands.
“Good. Now sit still and let her name you so I know what to put on your collar.”
Flashback no Jutsu: Kai
“Kuroi was a smart pup back then, and hell hounds are the most loyal dogs you will ever find. Now that doesn’t mean go looking for another, just be grateful for what and who we have.” Suikatsu said to her children.
“Now tell us about daddy please!” they cried together.
Suikatsu smiled sadly. “Well you both look like your father, except you have my eyes and long hair. You have your daddy’s teeth and hands, and your affinity for water and swimming as well. You father was a fun man, always looking for ways to cheer me up when I least expect it. He gets the odd job to get money and some things I needed. Whenever I needed to find him, he’d find a way to keep me thinking about him.”
“Momma were you always blind?” Yuki asked
“No baby, mommy remembers what happen to make me see again. You see, daddy was trying to save mommy from some bad men, and when he knocked me out, he hit something on me nerves and it realigned straight. When I went to a medic, he said when I was younger something must have hit my nerve ending on my spine and numbed the receptors to my brain. So I guess it was him that gave me back my sight. And one day your father’s going to get us, and we’ll be together. I just know it.” She said as she watched her children fall to sleep, dreaming of good times. She looked to her dog and smiled.
“Just you and me huh Kuroi?” she asked smiling. But it faded when she seen the snoring dog roll over.
“Humph. Loyal indeed.” She snorted. She looked out the window to see a falling star.
‘I miss you Same. I miss you so much.’ Suikatsu thought as she settled in between her children dreaming of her love’s strong arms and scaly but smooth lips.
P.L: hey I finally finished it! Oh for those who didn’t know
Kisame: I’m wondering why you made me the star of this fic.
Sasori: me as well.
Deidara: I’m wondering why you made me a WOMAN?!?!?!?!
P.L, Konan, Suikatsu: you got a problem with being a woman?
Deidara: no no peace?
(Girls nod)
P.L: well now that that is over I will tell you that Kisame, you'd better find my friend Dr. Spot. He is a nice person to know.
Kisame: why?
P.L: you'll see
Pein: on with the story.
“I created a blood clone of her, and staged her death. She never knew. I knocked her out and carried her somewhere near Tsuchi and gave nearly a large set amount of money. She should be still there. I just want to see her, if not hold her again." Kisame said.
Nearly the entire Akatsuki member's looked at Pein for his answer. And to them he gave.
“all Akatsuki, we leave at high noon." with that he walked away
Kisame couldn't go to sleep. His mind kept going back to her. He still remembered the way she felt on him. Her smell, her taste, her sounds. He could still feel her around his hard staff, moaning and moving against him. He looked down to see himself fully erect. He sighed as he went to the shower like usual. After he looked at the clock, he glared at the time.
It was 10 am.
30 minutes later he found himself inside the kitchen making food absently. He robotically moved and when he smelled what he made it was her favorite: chocolate and strawberry pancakes with corn muffins. “She loved these" he whispered to himself. He sat down and ate, imagining it was her he was eating with and not in the Akatsuki. He looked out the window to see Deidara hitting Tobi.
'Well better get ready to lead.' he thought as he his necessities together.
Outside everyone reached outside at a respectable time, leader said the words everyone wanted to hear.
“Kisame we’re ready to go if you’d be so gracious to lead.” He said holding Konan near him.
Kisame looked around at his group. He sighed as he began to run towards where he hoped his love to be at.
‘I guess it can’t get any worse than this.’ He thought leaping into the next tree. Everyone followed in the trees. As they jumped, Tobi suddenly had a good idea. (Now before you get me, Madara is not in Tobi’s body. Tobi is Obito. You will see when I go on.)
“Hey if we’re all going, who’s watching the hideout?” Tobi asked
Everyone looked back to leader.
“I paid someone to do it.” He said as he jumped to the next tree.
Back at the hideout…
Matsu looks around nervously.
“I know this pays well, but why am I here with her?!?!” he cries
“Aww, Matsu-kun do you wuv me?” P.L asks, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Matsu looks at her and says nothing.
“Well, since you’re not answering, let’s play scrabble!” P.L says dragging him to the living room.
Back with Kisame and the others…
“This is the song that never ends! Yes it goes on and on my friends, some people started singing while not knowing what it was, but Tobi will keep singing this forever just because this is the song that never ends…”
“SHUT UP YOU FREAKING FREAK!” Deidara screamed as she threw a branch at him.
“WAII! Dei-Chan hit me!” Tobi cried to Zetsu.
“He’s lucky she waited till we set up camp. Otherwise he would have fell off a tree.” Sasori said to an uncomfortable Zetsu, who was trying to calm down a hysterical Tobi.
“Itachi, have you seen Kisame?” Kakuzu asked the Uchiha.
Itachi looked and nodded.
“Mind telling me where?” Kakuzu’s eye twitched as he looked at the silent man.
Itachi shook his head yes.
“Could you bring him here?” Kakuzu glared at him
Itachi got up and walked off.
“Sometimes I wonder what going on in an Uchiha’s head.” He said to Hidan, who was in his lap. (Kakuzu and Hidan is Bi. Don’t like it. Blame my addiction.)
“Are you sure?” Hidan looked after Itachi.
“Never mind” Kakuzu shivered.
*Itachi mind theater*
‘Pocky. There is a new flavor coming out. Then there is the pocky festival in Tsuchi. Hmm, I do need to restock. I almost feel bad for killing that man with the drill and mirror that said that pocky can kill your teeth. (1) Maybe I should…no, he was meant to be killed. He insulted pocky. There’s Kisame. Maybe they made a shark flavored one.’
*end Itachi’s mind theater*
Itachi walked up to Kisame and looked at him. “Food’s done.”
Kisame was looking at the stars. He smiled as he remembered a memory that he had when Suikatsu took him for a walk at night.
Flashback no jutsu
“Same-kun! Come on, let’s go!” Suikatsu called to the slow Kisame.
“I would have been there if you didn’t pack all these bags. What’s in here? Rocks?” he grumbled.
“No silly. Just some things we might need. Come Kuroi, you remember where that place is right?” she asked her dog.
Kuroi woofed an affirmative answer and pulled his mistress along. They waited for a grumbling Kisame to catch up.
“I could swear you have something else in here.” He growled to his girlfriend. He watched as she threw her head back and laughed loudly in the clearing. He smiled as he dropped the bags and pulled her close to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist as her hands rested on his chest.
“Have I told you I love you lately?” he whispered as he kissed her lips.
“Yes but it wouldn’t hurt to hear it again.” She said as she leaned in to his warmth, her pale irises closing slowly as she gave into the kiss.
“Hmm. Maybe so. Let me set up the things and I’ll tell you whatever you want to hear. Alright?” He asked as he loosened his grip. He watched as she nodded and let her go to spread out their blankets. When he finished, he pulled her into his lap and chuckled when she squeaked at the sudden move. He pulled her to his chest and watched as Kuroi lay at their feet. He smiled as he touched her soft cheeks.
“Did I ever tell you?” he asked suddenly
“Tell me what?”
“I made a poem for you. Can I read it to you?” Kisame said suddenly nervous
“un! I want to hear it.” She said moving a bit back to give him some space.
“Okay. Don’t laugh.” He said
“If I could stop time and make it so you and I
Could be alone for eternity,
Would you stay by my side?
With each smile you give lights up the night’s sky
More than the moon has ever done.
I want you to know that I can’t go through a day
Without thinking of the heartwarming things you say.
If people couldn’t stop us from staying together you see,
Would a ring bring you closer to me?
So as I hold you close in my arms and whisper to thee,
To my lovely water-lily, will you marry me?” Kisame read off his paper. He looked up to see tears running down his loves face. He leaned in and kissed her eyes and each tear that fell. He cupped her cheeks and said, “Did you like it?”
“Yes, yes, and yes a thousand times yes!” she cried as she kissed him hard.
“So you do like it. What about marrying me?” he said jokingly.
“You baka. I would love to marry you.” She giggled and kissed him again.
He laughed and took the ring out his pocket. He places a stunning silver band with three blue diamonds on her ring ringer. He traced her fingers and kissed each tip. He watched as she sighed happily and lay in his arms once more. He looked up to see a shooting star.
“A shooting star. Make a wish.” He told he nuzzling her neck
“I wish that we will have a bright future as Mr. and Mrs. Hoshigaki Kisame. And we’ll be together forever.” She said as she tilted her neck to the side to give him more room.
“You know that. Make a wish for something else.” Kisame said nibbling her ear.
“Uh huh. 1 wish per star remember.” She teased.
“I should have never told you that rule.” He groaned as he lay on his back. Suikatsu lay on his chest tracing little designs randomly. He shivered when she touched a particular sensitive area.
“Hey same-kun.” She suddenly said shooting up from her spot. He groaned from the loss of heat and sighed.
“If we had a child, what would you name them?”
“Hmm, never thought. A boy, I would name him Daiyuki.” He said tapping his chin.
“If our boy is named Daiyuki, then for a girl I want her to be Saiyuri.” She said. They looked at each other and laughed.
“Nah how about Tsuki for a girl and Yuki for a boy?” Suikatsu asked.
“I’d like that.” Kisame said kissing the top of her head.
Flash back no jutsu: Kai
Kisame sighed as he looked up to the sky and seen a falling star. He smiled as he looked towards Tsuchi.
‘Make a wish, water-lily. I’ll be with you soon.’ He thought as he looked where the star fell to. He nearly jumped out his skin when he heard a voice behind him.
“Food’s done” Itachi said and he turned around to go back to camp. Kisame got up and dusted his pants off.
“Let’s go back” he said as he followed the pocky-obsessed man to the rest of his motley crew.
In Tsuchi.
A little girl and boy, both alike in age ran to their mother. They both had Kisame’s coloring and markings (don’t forget teeth. Big plans for those!), but had Suikatsu’s hair and eyes.
“Mama! Mama! Yuki hit me with water and mud!” the 6 year old girl said as she hopped in her moms arms.
“Did not, Tsuki hit me with a fish!” 6 year old Yuki cried pulling his mothers pants leg. Tsuki stuck out her tongue at her brother as they glared at each other.
“Now now, it’s time for bed. We have to get ready for tomorrow, ne?” the 26 year old woman said as she went to calm her children down enough to give them a bath. She started to hum one of the many songs she knew to her twin toddlers.
If only if only
The woodpecker sighs
The bark on the trees was as soft as the skies.
The wolf waits below hungry and lonely
As he cries to the moo-oo-oo-n
If only if only (2)
“Mama Can you tell us a story?” Yuki asked as Kuroi hopped on the bed and yawned.
“Okay my little one what would you like to hear tonight?” Suikatsu asked tucking her son in. when she finished she moved to the other side to tuck in her daughter.
“How about the one when you met daddy? Or the only where you were once blind and then you woke up you could see! Or the one when you…” Tsuki started as she got more excited
“Hey, now what was our agreement?” Suikatsu said as she looked at the two trouble magnets.
“Don’t go into the water without Kuroi watching us?” Yuki asked
“Not that one stupid!” Tsuki said as she bopped her brother on his head, “momma means the one where we choose two stories a night.”
“That’s right. Now how about the one where I and your father got Kuroi and…”
“Can you tell us about daddy again?” Yuki asked cutting off Suikatsu. She looked down to her first born and smiled at him. She patted his head and kissed his forehead. She smiled as she watched them snuggle into the covers.
“Okay the one about daddy then.” She said “now move over, momma’s coming in.” she said as she made her way onto the covers. The twins giggled as she tickled their sides.
“Momma!” they squealed.
“Okay so it was Daddy first, then Kuroi? Or Kuroi then daddy?” she asked her bubbly girl.
“Kuroi!” she squeaked as her side was poked.
“Ah Kuroi-chan. He was a good puppy, but he didn’t like daddy at first. In fact he tried to bite him to death.” She chuckled
Flashback no jutsu
Kisame and Suikatsu walked down the street. It was her birthday and she turned 13. Kisame was having a hard time finding her a present and decided to watch her to see what she had like. They stopped walking as they heard a commotion.
“Stop that mutt!” a storeowner cried
The two preteens watched as a little black puppy ran with two links of sausages wrapped around its neck. It was yapping and running trying to shake the old man on its tail. The puppy was almost free until something grabbed the scruff of its neck, causing it to yip.
“So you’re the thing stealing most of the meat around here.” Kisame said as he dangled the pup in front of his face. The puppy growled and lashed out his claws on the shark-boy, resulting him to drop the pup on the floor and hold his nose and curse.
“You little bas…” he started but it died on his lips watching his friend hold the pup that was licking her face. She was laughing and trying to get it off but it kept coming back and licking and nuzzling her. He smiled as he watched him.
“Is this monstrosity yours?” the store owner growled
“Yeah. Got a problem?” Kisame said, looking the portly man in the eye.
“no.” he said fearing for his life after seeing the sword on Kisame’s waist
“Good. Now beat it.”
The man never ran so fast in his life. Kisame turned to watch the two again. He noticed the links on the floor and bent to pick them up. He led them to a shore and watched as Suikatsu played with the pup. Then he noticed something.
“Hey Sui-Chan”
“Yeah?” she answered petting the growling pup softly.
“That’s a hell hound. Once it chooses an owner, they stick to them for life. So I’m glad you got someone to watch you for me.” He said reaching over to pet the pup. The puppy’s red eyes watched and waited until the blue hand got close enough to bite it.
“YEOUCH!” Kisame yelled.
The pup growled again as Kisame grabbed it but its scruff.
“Listen. I’m a tell you once, doggy. I don’t like you, but I am gonna take care of ya. Now it’s not gonna come freely. Meaning you’re going to have to work. See that girl?” Kisame said as he pointed to Suikatsu. The pup blinked and nodded its head.
“You are her protector. Meaning anyone who ain’t supposed to touch her, don’t get within arms range. And I’m going to take care of the both of ya. Got that?”
The pup barked twice and Kisame put him in his hands.
“Good. Now sit still and let her name you so I know what to put on your collar.”
Flashback no Jutsu: Kai
“Kuroi was a smart pup back then, and hell hounds are the most loyal dogs you will ever find. Now that doesn’t mean go looking for another, just be grateful for what and who we have.” Suikatsu said to her children.
“Now tell us about daddy please!” they cried together.
Suikatsu smiled sadly. “Well you both look like your father, except you have my eyes and long hair. You have your daddy’s teeth and hands, and your affinity for water and swimming as well. You father was a fun man, always looking for ways to cheer me up when I least expect it. He gets the odd job to get money and some things I needed. Whenever I needed to find him, he’d find a way to keep me thinking about him.”
“Momma were you always blind?” Yuki asked
“No baby, mommy remembers what happen to make me see again. You see, daddy was trying to save mommy from some bad men, and when he knocked me out, he hit something on me nerves and it realigned straight. When I went to a medic, he said when I was younger something must have hit my nerve ending on my spine and numbed the receptors to my brain. So I guess it was him that gave me back my sight. And one day your father’s going to get us, and we’ll be together. I just know it.” She said as she watched her children fall to sleep, dreaming of good times. She looked to her dog and smiled.
“Just you and me huh Kuroi?” she asked smiling. But it faded when she seen the snoring dog roll over.
“Humph. Loyal indeed.” She snorted. She looked out the window to see a falling star.
‘I miss you Same. I miss you so much.’ Suikatsu thought as she settled in between her children dreaming of her love’s strong arms and scaly but smooth lips.
P.L: hey I finally finished it! Oh for those who didn’t know
R.I.P: Bob the dentist. You will be sorely missed.
(2)Thanks to Holes the movie I finally got that song. For your pleasure. Everyone I hope you like it!
I do have some big plans for everyone.
Sui: so why am I with twin kids?
Kisa: well I always wanted a family.
P.L: don’t worry, everyone’s gonna get theirs when you girls are pregnant again.
Men: Nani!?!?
P.L: but that’s a story for another time! Ja!
(2)Thanks to Holes the movie I finally got that song. For your pleasure. Everyone I hope you like it!
I do have some big plans for everyone.
Sui: so why am I with twin kids?
Kisa: well I always wanted a family.
P.L: don’t worry, everyone’s gonna get theirs when you girls are pregnant again.
Men: Nani!?!?
P.L: but that’s a story for another time! Ja!