Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ High School Fight Club ❯ After Party ( Chapter 8 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Naruto hurried on his way home.
'God damn it! I wanna have a shower... get all this make up off... this after party could be interesting.'
After getting home, he had a quick shower, washing his hair and taking the make up off. Walking around is room in nothing but a towel is quite hard... as his room is a pigsty! Rifling through his stuff he found a pair of black skinny's, not too tight, but tight enough to show off a butt he was proud of! A tight, bright orange t shirt went on, and a black zip up hoodie over that. He tried to make his hair co-operate, but it insisted on being, as Shikamaru would say, troublesome as usual. Naruto sighed. There wasn't a great deal he could do with himself, but he thought he looked pretty good... at least he looked like a guy now. He found some stuff to change into the next day, grabbed his keys, and was off to Kiba's place to take him, Gaara and Kankuro out to Sasuke's.
Sasuke rode his bike home, and couldn't wait to change. He wanted to have a shower before people invaded his home. When he arrived he chucked his bag into his room, grabbed some clean clothes, and went to the shower. Sasuke loved showers... for some reason he always thought better in the shower. Right now he was wondering why he ever agreed to let the after party be at his house. Oh well... too late to change it now, and it meant that he could at least be in his own house. Still... he didn't like the invasion of privacy he knew was bound to happen. Earlier that day he had taken up anything personal he didn't want people to ask about and stored it. That was the last thing he needed; people prying in his house and his past. The last of the hot water hit his face as he turned the tap off. Getting out of the shower, he tied the towel around his waist and played with his hair until it had that messy just-t-out-of-bed look that was oh so hot. Not that he really cared... it would end up looking like that no matter what he did. His clothes were similar to what most people were wearing; skinny black jeans, a black shirt and a black hoodie (A/N no I'm not being original here but come on... its what people wear these days... and it looks hot on the right people... and Sasuke and Naruto are definitely the right people). He heard loud laughing and cars pull up. A few people were arriving early to set the music and such up. Sasuke sighed as he went down to the front door to let all these strangers into his house...
----------------Time Skip Later that night----------------
Naruto, Kiba, Gaara and Kankuro pulled into Sasuke's drive. There were about sixty cars parked in what looked like temporary car parks. Naruto drove his car into the closest one.
"Ok kiddies, we're here! Enjoy your party. No drinking, no smoking and no kissing of the boys ok ladies! I'll see you at 12am to pick you up." Naruto said, in his dad voice.
"Don't be a fag Naruto... lets go!"
Walking inside, Naruto was surprised. Sasuke knew how to throw a party. There was music going, loud... good music... not shitty pop (A/N apologies to anyone who likes shitty pop... but really... get a better taste in music), people were everywhere, the kitchen had been turned into some kind of alcohol central... it was just what you expect from a high school party. The girls were dressed like tarts... getting drunk off their bitch juice (A/N bitch juice: girly drinks with low alcohol content, but seem to get skanks drunk quickly, eg: cruisers... they are delicious.. but you know...)guys drinking anything they can get there hands on, and taking advantage of the drunk girls. Naruto was surprised the party was going... it had only started an hour ago.
"I'm going to see if I can find Hinata" Kiba yelled to Naruto, over the noise.
"Yeah, well make sure her girly cousin doesn't catch you! He might look like a fag, but he pacts quite a punch!" (A/N omg! I can believe I'm allowing him to say that about my Neji!!! I'm not obsessed... really...)
Kiba just laughed.
"Never happen mate! I'll see you later."
"I wouldn't be too worried about Neji finding Kiba." Gaara said to Naruto.
"Oh, why is that?"
"I've heard a rumour... he'll be too busy tonight..."
Naruto looked shocked... since when did Gaara listen to rumours...
"Hahahahaha fag boy got himself a bitch did he? Ah well... wonder who the girl is? Oh well... never mind... I'm gonna catch me some tail!" Naruto yelled, admiring the girls who walked past him. Gaara just rolled his eyes.
"Whatever. I'm going to have a look around. See you."
Naruto just waved as he made his way through crowd. Naruto decided it was time to hit the piss, pulling his own beer out of his backpack. Walking through the house he found a very drunk, very scantily clad Sakura and Ino grinding up against each other as they danced. Naruto used to think Sakura was really hot... he'd been trying to convince her to go out with him for like 6 months... but lately she really annoyed him... and her drunken behaviour was really turning him off...
"Hey! Naruto! Come dance with me..." Sakura said, in what he supposed she thought was a flirty tone. Because of how drunk she was, it kind of came out as a slur...
'Not attractive at all...' Naruto thought, as he walked away, pretending he couldn't hear.
Sasuke sat on the couch with some of his friends. He had <b> way</b> too much to drink, and wasn't really thinking clearly. Neji had gotten himself blind drunk, and then disappeared somewhere. Sasuke heard he went off to one of the rooms with someone... Sasuke did not wanna go there... pushing the boundaries of friendship a little too much. Sasuke decided to get some fresh air... clear his head, that and the two next to him were beginning to get a little friendly, and even drunk as he was, he didn't want to witness that. It was about 2am, and the party wasn't showing any signs of slowing up. There were people everywhere, doing god knows what, but Sasuke didn't care. He just wanted to go for a walk. He was feeling a little dizzy, and none to well either. His feet took him to the main gardens out back. He really liked it here... and the noise from the party was a little quieter; however, he wasn't the only one who had come here. There were several couples trying to have some privacy away from the main party. He walked until he was at the centre of the garden. Here was a large fountain made of a statue of a man who was supposed to be the father of the Uchiha clan. Sasuke didn't really care; he just liked the soothing sound of the water. As he approached it, he realised he wasn't the only one there. Sitting on the bench was a rather drunk Naruto. Naruto looked up as Sasuke walked into the light provided by garden lights.
"Oh, its you Sasuke... care to sit with me?"
Sasuke didn't respond. He just flopped into the seat beside Naruto. This made Naruto laugh.
"What's so funny dobe?"
"That was so not like you... you just flopped... you <b> never</b> flop."
Sasuke glared at him.
Naruto laughed at him. "See now <b> that </b> is more like the Sasuke I know."
Sasuke just smiled weakly
"Yeah, I guess it is."
The two boys sat in silence for a moment, listening to the gurgling of the fountain, the music that travelled down from the house, and every now an then a giggle of some kind from one of the couples in the bushes.
"So, dobe, having a good time?"
Naruto grinned.
"Yeah, its awesome... who would've thought that you would have such an awesome party..."
Sasuke smirked.
"Yeah well there's more to this guy than meets the eye." Naruto blushed as his words came back to haunt him.
"So what are you doing out here anyway teme?"
"I wanted some fresh air... and the people next to me were getting a little to friendly for me to sit there comfortably... I mean, I'm drunk... but not that much. What about you? Why are you here... I would have thought you'd be inside grabbing as many chicks as you can."
Naruto grinned again.
"Yeah well, sick of the skanks throwing themselves at me... wanted a bit of quiet you know... I like the sound of running water, its peaceful."
Sasuke turned his head to look at Naruto, but turned it a bit too quickly for his drunken head, and stomach, to handle.
"Ugh.... I feel sick... just excuse me for a second as I lay on myself." Sasuke put his head on his lap.
Naruto rubbed his hand on Sasuke's back, concerned.
"Are you alright?"
Sasuke turned his head so it was facing towards Naruto
"Yeah, I'm fine... just a bit much to drink... you know how it is... why? You worried or something?"
"Hn, well I just don't want you to be sick... there's nothing more unattractive than that!"
Sasuke smirked
"So, you think I'm attractive now do you?"
Naruto blushed, and as he was drunk, he wasn't exactly good at hiding what he was feeling
"Yeah, but I bet you wouldn't be if you were throwing up."
It was Sasuke's turn to blush... so Naruto found him attractive eh? Naruto hadn't stopped rubbing his hand on Sasuke's back, something they were both aware of.
"You haven't stopped rubbing my back dobe..."
"Oh, sorry... is it bothering you?"
"No... not really... feels nice..."
Naruto blushed at this, but didn't stop. In fact, he started rubbing with his other hand too. They sat there like that for a little while; Sasuke with his head in his lap, eyes closed, Naruto rubbing Sasuke's back... except it was more like a massage now, than trying to stop Sasuke from throwing up. Naruto was getting a little hot under the collar... Sasuke was making little noises when Naruto massaged a particular spot on his back... Naruto had to stop for a minute... afraid he might jump the other boy.
'Why is this affecting me like this? It must be the alcohol... yeah... Sasuke probably isn't even aware he's doing it...'
Sasuke looked up at Naruto when he stopped rubbing his back. Naruto was panting slightly, and was very flushed. For the first time Sasuke noticed that there was something on Naruto's cheek. He reached up with his hand, that didn't really feel connected to his body... alcohol does that sometimes you know, and grabbed Naruto by the chin.
"What are you...?”
"Shhhhh. Hold still." Said Sasuke as he touched the marks on his cheeks, rubbing at them gently to try to remove them.
"What are you doing Sasuke?" Naruto whispered throatily.
Sasuke's face was very close to his own, he could feel his breath on his face... he smelt like alcohol and something kind of fruity.
"I'm trying to get whatever it is off your face silly..." Sasuke whispered back. Naruto blushed as the other boy wiped his face. Sasuke's bottom lip was caught between his teeth as he tried so hard to get the stain off... Naruto thought it looked adorable, and he blushed a little harder.
"Hmmm... your skin is soft..." Said Sasuke
"Hang on Sasuke... what is it that you are trying to get off my face exactly?"
"It's these three marks on your cheek... oh wow... they're on the other one too... what have you been doing to get so dirty?" Because of Sasuke's voice slipping in and out of a whisper, it sounded like he purred the last words.
'oh god.' thought Naruto... 'He's being suggestive and he doesn't even know it...'
Suddenly, Naruto realised what Sasuke was trying to get off his face.
"Oh my god Sasuke, your silly... that isn't dirt! Those are scars... that's so... cute..."
"What? Not dirt... oh..." Sasuke blushed a little as he realised what he had tried to remove had been there as long as he'd known Naruto.
"Wait... you think I'm cute?"
"Well that was cute..."
Sasuke acted on alcohol fuelled impulse. He already had Naruto's face; he leaned in and kissed him, that soft innocent kiss of someone testing the waters. Naruto was shocked, and when he didn't kiss back Sasuke pulled away. Realising he just did something a bit stupid he got up.
"Oh my god... I just made a dick of myself... I gotta go." And with that he left, walking away as quickly as his drunken legs would take him. Naruto just sat there, his hand raised up to the lips Sasuke just kissed.
'Oh my god, I just kissed him! What was I thinking?! Obviously he doesn't like me in that way he was just being nice because he thought I was sick... Oh shit, now I'm really going to get it... fuck... fuck... fuck... he's going to hate me now...'
Sasuke could feel hot tears building up in his eyes. He touched his lower eye lid as they spilt over. He was a little shocked... he hadn't cried in two years, since he killed Itachi. He could hear footsteps crunching behind him... the last thing he wanted was for someone to find the great stoic Uchiha crying like a girl. He quickened his pace... hoping they wouldn't follow. But they did. Sasuke broke into a run, so did the steps behind him. He could hear someone call his name, but he didn't want to speak to them, he just wanted to huddle in a ball and die. The steps behind him were catching up getting closer and closer. Sasuke didn't even know where he ran too... just that he was getting deeper and deeper into the garden, the sounds of the party almost blocked out here. Sasuke was sobbing, the tears flowing freely as he went over in his mind how stupid he was. A hand grabbed his shoulder, pulling him around. It was Naruto, breathing hard from chasing after him.
"Why? Why didn't you stop?"
Sasuke couldn't answer... he couldn't even look at him.
"Sasuke?! Come on... Why did you run away?"
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that... please don't hate me ok?"
Naruto shook his head at the other boy's stupidity, and then pulled him in for a big hug.
"Shhhhh... its ok... don't worry about it... if you have to apologise for that... then I'm sorry too."
Sasuke pulled back to look at him.
"What for?"
Naruto leaned in, kissing the other boy. Sasuke's eyes widened in shock, before he closed them. Naruto's tongue probed at Sasuke's lips, trying to gain entry. Sasuke opened his mouth to let him in. Naruto's tongue dominated Sasuke's mouth, tasting him, before Naruto felt his own mouth get probed. Sasuke was not one to be dominated, and he was not going to lose out in this. Soon the boys were all over each other, pausing only for air. They didn't care if any one saw them; they didn't care about anything except the heat passing between the two of them. It was, however, moving a little too fast for poor little Sasuke, who eventually broke off their little kissing spree. He put his head on Naruto's shoulder, letting the other boy hold him for a while.
"Yes?" Naruto smiled down at the other boy.
"I'm sorry?"
"What for?"
Sasuke quickly leaned away as far as he could from Naruto, and threw up every where. Naruto sighed.
"Yep, I was right... definitely not attractive... oh well... lets get you cleaned up..." Naruto pulled Sasuke to his feet, when he had stopped spilling his guts, slung his arm over his shoulder, and began the long trek up to the house. Sasuke only lasted about ten metres before he became a dead weight.
Sasuke's head lolled around on his shoulders.
"Great... first he throws up, now he passes out... just great." Naruto sighed as he picked Sasuke up bridal style. Naruto may be shorter, but he was really quite strong. He carried him up to the house. The party had gradually quietened down, now it was really just drunk people either making out, or passed out all over the place. Naruto, who remembered his tour, took Sasuke to his room, which was thankfully empty of people, and placed him on the bed. He took off his shoes and got a clean cloth from the bathroom, wet it, and wiped Sasuke's face. The Uchiha stirred.
"What? Where am I?"
"Don't worry... you're in your room. Go to sleep... is it ok if I sleep in here?"
"Nah, its fine... just don't throw up in my bed..." And he drifted off to sleep.
Naruto chuckled "Like I would..." And he took off his own shoes and got in the bed with Sasuke.
Ok there's another chapter done! I hope you like it!