Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I Fell In Love With A Murderer ❯ The Talk ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

As you well know, I don't own Naruto. I know, it sucks. If we all could own Naruto…the possibilities would be endless. NEXT CHAPPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^_^
`Were am I? All I remember was Itachi chocking me and….Itachi!'
Sakura's eyes shot open and franticly searched the area. Looking down, Sakura gasped. Itachi's cloak was on her like a blanket. But where was he? She slowly sat up, and took a better look at her surroundings. One of the bento boxes she had packed was empty. Clutching the cloak to her shivering body, she sighed and looked around again. Suddenly, a fruit dropped and hit her head. Looking up, she saw Itachi looking down on her.
Sakura glared and took a bite, taking in the fact that her lunch was probably beyond cold by now.
“Get your ass down her so we can talk. Now.” Her words came out icy and cold.
Itachi appeared beside her, and grabbed her arms, yanking her upwards, quite roughly.
“You don not seem to understand whom you speak.”
“Did I stutter?”
“…” Itachi's grip on her tightened, and Sakura gritted her teeth in pain.
“Let's cut to the chase.” She refused to show weakness to him, and let him claim glory by watching her in pain.
“I'm pregnant…with your baby…I found this out a few days ago. As you can see, the baby has already started to take form. Itachi's gaze met her rounding belly. Sakura shifted uneasily as he continued to stare. Keeping her voice firm, she continued.
“Now, what are you going to about it?”
“Nothing. This is not possible, nor it is my responsibility.”
Sakura's gaze turned livid, and she glared fiercely at him.
`CHA!!!!! WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????? DAMN STRAIGHT IT'S HIS RESPONSIBILTY!!!!!!!!!' IS yelled, enraged at his lack of concern.
“I have a question for you wise ass. Do you have a penis?”
Itachi's eyes widened, and Sakura smirked. She had him now.
“Because as far as I'm concerned, if you have a penis, and I have a urinal, and we had an intimate moment, than it's absolutely possible for me to be pregnant with your baby.” Sakura's head went side to side as she spoke, the girly attitude evident in her voice.
Itachi's gaze hardened and Sakura suddenly didn't fell so big.
“Well, maybe it wouldn't be anyone's responsibility if I got rid of the one who held the infant in her womb.” As he spoke, Sakura face paled, and she tried to pull from his firm grip in fear.
“Y…you can't d…do that! It's your baby too! Don't you want the baby!?”
“I do not care for anyone other than myself. Why do you think I have no regrets about the fate of my clan? I only have interest in the strong. The weak have no right to live. You fit into that category.”
Sakura's heart almost stopped. Suddenly, Sakura's senses became alert. They were not alone.
“Ah, so you finally noticed. There are four of them. Three are anbu, one probably jounin or chunin.” He whispered fiercely. “I also hope you notice that I am a clone. Don't…mess…this…up.” He put a harsh emphasis on these words, and Sakura shook her head, showing she understood.
`How could I be so stupid not to notice this earlier?'she thought to herself. Suddenly, one of them stepped out. It was a male, with long dark brownish hair, down below his buttocks. Crouching into a fighting stance, he got ready to attack.
Sakura's eyes widened in fear. The Neji Hyuga was up against them, more precisely Itachi. This was not good. Tsunade sent some of the best to retrieve her. Neji charged at Itachi, who prepared to dodge, when suddenly he couldn't move.
“Damn it.” He cussed under his breath. Another anbu came out, a male with short spiked hair up in a ponytail.
“This is such a drag. You're not going anywhere. Sakura, c'mon. What are you doing here with this guy. Tsunade and your gang are pissed. Neji, take him out.” Shikamaru put in most of his strength to keep Itachi down. Little did they know that this wasn't really him. In fact, a poor traveler was caught in Itachi's jutsu.
“Nooooo!” Sakura yelled and prepared to take the hit when to arms grabbed her and secured her in it's grasp.
“I'm sorry Sakura-san! But I cannot allow you to step any further!”
“Lee? You too? DAMMIT!!!!!!” She watched as Itachi's substitute took the hits of the legendary 64 palms. It's eyes dulled out of sharingan, and blood poured out of it's mouth. Sakura gasped and burst into tears well knowing that an innocent man who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time suffered a harsh fate.
Meanwhile, Itachi watched as the fourth, Ino, hid and waited to get Shikamaru's instructions. Hearing Sakura sob, he turned his gaze on her.
“Too soft.”he muttered to himself.
Sneaking behind the unsuspecting Ino, he forcefully grabbed her, covering her mouth when she screamed. She looked into his eyes, and got lost in his mangekyou sharingan.
“You are a sorry girl.” He stated it without emotion.
His voice echoed in his dark evil world and Ino shuttered. She was strapped down on an operating table. Itachi stood over her, with numerous tools beside him. It was then Ino realized she was naked. Taking a thick knife, he mercilessly started cutting up her skin, slicing wherever he pleased. Ino let out shrill screams, pleading for him to stop. Putting the knife down, he took out two thin blades and began gouging her eyes out. Ino screamed in intense agony.
`Why won't I die!!!!!???? WHY WON'T HE KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???? WHY CAN'T I DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Putting those down, he slowly cut off her fingers and toes. The torture continued for what seemed like days, when in reality, it was only seconds. Outside, Ino went limp in Itachi's arms, eyes wide open, tears streaming down her face. He shook her, but she didn't make a sound.
On the battlefield, the substitute Iatchi's disguise vanished, and in his place was a young boy, about 12 years old. Sakura broke out of Lee's stunned grasp, and ran to the limp child. She quickly began healing him. The others just watched. Neji suddenly whipped his head around, and realized he could no longer feel Ino's chakra. Itachi steeped out of the bushes, and dropped the stunned Ino on the ground.
“Ino!!! Damn you Itachi!!!!!!!!!” Shikamaru charged, but Itachi dodged his blows easily and punched him into a tree. One by one, the Konoha ninja went down. Sakura quickly finished up, and left the child quickly. Itachi picked her up bridal style, and dashed at frightening speeds through the forest out of Konoha territory.
“Where are you taking me!?” Sakura was scared. She didn't want to be taken to some remote area with a bunch of murderous freaks.
“To the base. No one will touch you, trust me.”
Sakura suddenly felt a wave of calm wash through her, and she felt safe. Leaning her head against his chest, she went to sleep. Itachi gazed down at her sleeping form, and sighed. Finally, he reached base. Everything started to swirl as he snuck to his room unnoticed. Laying her down, he collapsed beside her one the bed, slipping to unconsciousness.