Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I Fell In Love With A Murderer ❯ OMG...Life Sucks ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“What is this crushing weight?
Sakura forced open her eyes and looked down. Itachi was knocked out, enjoying her D sized pillows. A/N: Pregnancy has affected her boobs ^_^ Slowly running her hands through his hair, she looked around, noticing the bland room. There was a small wooden table, a chair, another bed, a blue fishman, a creepy grinning blonde, wait…blue fish? Creepy grinning blonde? Sakura gasped and stared at Kisame and Deidara, who stared back.
“My my, un. A beautiful kunoichi has graced us with her presence, un.”
“Itachi has a LOT of explaining to do.”replied Kisame.
Sakura looked back down at Itachi, and noticed that his arms were around her in an iron grip. Looking back up, she recognized Deidara at once, and glared.
“Oh…you remember me, un? Well then, no need for formalities, un. What the @&$% did you do to Itachi, un?”
“Excuse you, but you do NOT know who you're talking to like that. You better fix your attitude before I fix it for you.” Sakura's head bopped as she told him, a bit of Inner Sakura coming out. Deidara just laughed and turned towards Kisame. Itachi stirred from on top of Sakura. Suddenly, Itachi jumped up and flew of the bed and on the floor, his face blood red. Sakura immediately smirked, knowing the reason.
“Awwwwww. Itachi-kun didn't like my pillows? I thought Itachi liked my pillows. Since he saw the need to sleep on them like that.”
Itachi just got up and walked out, returning almost immediately with two apples, tossing, one to Sakura. Deidara and Kisame just looked back and forth between the two.
“So, un. Is there something you'd like to explain, un? Or do I have to spread the news, un?”
Itachi looked towards Sakura, and she looked back at him Sighing, she began to explain. Just as she was about to start, an agonizing pain shot through her stomach, and she cringed in pain.
“Eat.” Itachi said icily.
She immediately took a bite into her apple, and the pain dulled. Deidara noticed Sakura's slightly swollen belly, and his eyes widened.
“I'm going to be a father.”
“SAY WHAT!!!!!!!????” Kisame's eyes bulged out like golf balls, staring at Itachi.
“Did I stutter? Or are you hard of hearing?”
Kisame's face hardened into a glare. Itachi explained the whole situation. While they spoke, Sakura leaned into the bed. She was hungry and tired, but she was afraid to disrupt their conversation. She weakly whispered his name, but either he was ignoring her, or he was deaf, because he just kept on talking. Reaching next to her, she clutched the leg of the chair and crushed it into sand. That got their attention.
“I'm hungry Itachi-kun.” She spoke weakly, her voice cracking. Looking at Kisame, Itachi gave him a look that said, “Get her something”. Muttering words with extreme profanity, he stomped out, leaving Deidara and the couple together.
“How old are you, un?”
“Why so young, un? Didn't you want to wait a little, un? You had a full life ahead of you, un.
Sakura burst into tears, leaving the two boys stunned. She sobbed heavily and began hiccupping. Deidara looked at Itachi and flinched at the menacing glare he got in return.
“What am I gonna do!!!!!! What am *hiccup* gonna tell my mom *hiccup* and dad and*hiccup* everybody is so disappointed in me!!! *hiccup* I know they are!!!! The look in Naruto's face when he found out!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sob sob sob sob sob*.” Sakura put her face in her hands and wept heavily, tears streaming down her face onto Itachi's sheets. Deidara quickly walked over and tried to sooth her, thinking about what Itachi would do if he didn't fix things.
“Never mind, un. I shouldn't have said anything , un. You'll be okay, un. Please don't cry anymore, un.”
“Please*hiccup* stop with all the un's.”
“Stop.” she glared now at Deidara, who grinned in satisfaction.
“Why should I, un. It's my accent, un.”
“Well, you must have come from the village of retards cuz I've never heard of a `un' accent before.” She smirked.
All turned toward Itachi, and he began to talk.
“We need to talk about the future. What are we going to do with the child?”
“We tried this approach already. The question is, what are YOU going to do? It's ok though. I already have the answer for you. You are going to help me raise the child, train them to be formidable ninja, and be a good father. Otherwise, I'll kick you ass.”
Sakura giggled happily.
“Finally! It's about time this jackass finally accepted the fact he's a father!”yelled Inner Sakura.
Meanwhile, there was an important meeting taking place back at Konoha, in the Hokage's office.
“Yes Naruto. Sadly, this is what I was told by Neji and the two I sent with him. Ino and Lee. Sadly, Ino was badly injured during the process. Itachi took her out with vicious methods.
“Don't tell me he used…”
“That's right Kakashi. He used Tsukiyomi on her. She hasn't woken up yet.”
“Damn him. Any word on Sakura's current location?” asked Kakashi.
“No. We do know that she willingly left with Itachi though, meaning that they might be at the new Akatsuki base. They relocated, and we can't get a single lead on where they might be. I sent trackers…but Itachi hid his tracks well.” Tsunade replied.
Naruto paced the office angrily muttering cuss words and such. Tsunade and Kakashi watched him sadly. She sighed and took out a large bottle of sake, and pouring herself a glass, she doused it angrily.
“Naruto, I need you to step out. I must speak to Kakashi…alone.”
“But…Grandma Tsunade!! I need to stay! I…I have to know everything that's going on…I…I…DAMN IT!!!!”
Naruto couldn't hold back the tears anymore. What was he supposed to do?
“I'm so sorry Naruto. I'm trying my hardest to find her. Shizune, please send for Iruka to escort Naruto to Ichiraku for some ramen. That's all I can do for him.”
“Hai Lady Tsunade.”
The two exited, leaving Tsubade and Kakashi alone.
“How does it feel Kakashi. To lose a student again. Right after you got Sasuke back.”
“I…I don't know what else to do…The anbu team is trying their hardest. Do you think your dogs can do the job?”
Outside, Sasuke just walked in the building, just hearing the news.
“Is it true? Did she really go with that monster?
He gritted his teeth in anger, and clenched his fist.
Naruto looked at Sasuke, only to see his eyes brimming with tears.
“You don't understand the depth of this situation. Sakura is with my brother. A ruthless murderer. He knows how to play a girl's mind. He can manipulate Sakura into thinking he loves her. He can make her trust him. And in the end, his bloodlust will take her by surprise. HE'LL KILL HER NARUTO!!!! What I said earlier…I didn't mean it. I was just upset.”
Naruto and Shizune stared at Sasuke in shock.
Naruto thought about when Sasuke left to Orochimaru. All the pain it caused. And now Sakura as well. Then, something dawned on Naruto. The thought hit him like a truck. A dizzy spell hit Naruto, and his eyes widened in horror. Naruto staggered into Tsunade's office, startling the two.
“Naruto!! I told you to wait outsi…Naruto?”
“We know that Naruto.”
Sasuke ran in. He understood what Naruto meant.
“He means that if Orochimaru finds out that Sakura is pregnant with an Uchiha… she's dead. He wants and Uchiha. If he gets his hands on this information…
“He will stop at nothing until he gets that child.” Tsunade finished, her eyes wide with fear.
Hidden well, a young man with long gray hair pushed up his glasses, a wild grin on his face.
“This…is going to get interesting.”