Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I Fell In Love With A Murderer ❯ Trouble Brewing ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Next chappie at last. Please remember that I do not own any of the Naruto characters accept for the ones I create. Naruto and all his ppls belong to Masashi Kishimoto. Thx. ^_^
Dashing at top speeds through the forest, a young man by the name of Kabuto headed towards the base of his superior, Orichimaru. He had just found out information that he knew Orochimaru would like. He quickly called out two other sound ninja to his side.
“Take care of our little anbu for me.”he said.
The two ninja made a quick U-turn towards their enemy. Kabuto heard the distant startled screams of the unprepared anbu fade into the night. Snickering to himself, he continued his journey.
Itachi leaned back in his chair doing as he was told. Sakura had decided she would help him fix his eyesight. The price of his prized Mangekyou Sharingan was grave. Day by day, his eyesight was slowly depleting. In fact, he was legally blind. Sighing to himself, he remembered what the feisty bubblegum pink haired kunoichi told him earlier.
“My child will NOT have a blind father. If I can help him now, I sure as hell will.”
`What have I gotten myself into. The one time I decide to ignore adolescence, I get a girl pregnant. Damn.'he thought.
“Itachi?”asked a very concerned Sakura.
“Are you okay? You've sighed at least ten times now.”
“Okay. I need you to open your eyes a little wider for me.
“Now, activate your Sharingan. I need to see something.”
He did what she told him, and activated it. Sakura gasped.
“Your Sharingan are like contacts. Since you can't see very well with the normal eye, you use the Sharingan as a substitute. It helps your lack of eyesight and therefore it helps your agility.”
“Meaning, without your Sharingan, you're chopped liver.”
“Return to your normal eye please.”
“Good. Now, this might sting a little.”
Sakura began by carefully placing her hands over his eyes. Closing her eyes, she focused her chakra to the palm of her hand. The healing power flew slowly through her hands into his eyes. Itachi gritted his teeth. It felt like his eyes were on fire. The burning intensified, and seemed to spread through his body, even his fingertips. They began to twitch, and finally, Itachi slapped Sakura's hands off his face, startling her.
“Itachi-kun?”she asked frightened.
“Um…I haven't perfected the technique yet. It's kinda new.”
“So why the hell would you try it out on me. Am I some ******* test subject!”
Itachi's eyes were writhing in pain. Sakura helped him into the bathroom, and he washed his face. She watched in horror as blood dripped from his eyes, turning the gathering water red. Her eyes filled with tears, and she staggered out.
“I…I'm so sorry!”she sobbed.
Putting her hands to her face, she ran out the room. Inside, Itachi heard her run out, and opened his eyes. What the…he could see clearly. Drying his face, he ran after her, just in time to see her turn the corner.
“Damn! The others don't know about her, and if they find her…”
Speeding up, her reached his hand out and grabbed her arm, yanking her back harshly. She was about to let out a startled scream, when his hand clamped against her mouth.
“Shutup. It worked. I can see, now, don't panic.”
Itachi formed a hand sign, and it seemed to Sakura that they were melting into the wall. They were in a black void. Nothing was there accept a window. She watched as a thing with some kind of sack over the head. It had yellow eyes. Sakura paled when it turned its head, and then continued walking. Her breath got raspy and short. It's chakra seemed deadly.
“I..I can't …breathe…”
“I told you not to panic.”
He looked at her, and saw her pale figure. He noticed her shivering, and her widened eyes. He shook her a few times, and called her name, but she didn't respond.
“He didn't see us.”
“It…It looked right through me Itachi-kun.”
“You'll be okay. Now let's go. We have to get back to my room.”
Sakura calmed down, and they silently emerged from the blackness, and immediately dashed back into Itachi's room.
“Don't pull that stunt again.”
“Okay. Is your vision clear?”
Sakura smiled happily, a huge weight lifted off her shoulders. Itachi's heart stopped, and his eyes widened, his cheeks burning. Who was this girl? What was she that could have such an effect on him like this? Itachi stared at her wide eyed. He had never felt this way before. Could he really be in love with this girl?
Itachi snapped out of it and his face went back to its emotionless mask.
“It's nothing.”
Kabuto just reached the base. It was quiet, and he quickly entered, well knowing which way to go. He walked into a large room, where he saw a shadowy figure perched on a throne.
“What is it Kabuto.”
“Wonderful news Lord Orochimaru.”he answered.
“And what would that wonderful news be?”
“I've just found out that a young female by the name of Sakura is with child. But not any child. She carries Uchiha Itachi's baby.”
Orochimaru grinned wildly. This news greatly excited him.
“Who is this female?”
“She is the pink haired girl who travels with that brat Naruto.”
Orochimaru grinned even wider.
“That means that this child's capabilities will be even stronger. That girl has a brute force that rivals Tsunade's. Kabuto, this is our chance to get our hands on an Uchiha again. I will have that child, and I will obtain that body.”
“This also gives us another chance to get Sasuke back.”
Tsunade paced back and forth. Naruto and Sasuke were right. If Orochimaru found out, Sakura would be in grave danger. Just then, Shizune busted into Tsunade's office, clutching Tonton tightly.
“Tsunade-sama!!!! I have horrible news!!!”
“What is it!!! What happened!!!”
“Two anbu were found dead in the forest. We were able to identify them, but…”
“But what? WHAT!?”
“Tonton recognized the sent of the killer.”
“And who was it?”
Tsunade's eyes widened in fear.
“DAMN IT!!!! Kabuto must have been spying on our conversation!!! We have to find Sakura and drag her back to the village if necessary. She is caught betweem two of the most deadliest forces she'll probably ever recon with!!! Itachi and Orochimaru!!!”
“So what do we do Tsunade-sama?”
“I have no choice but a full scale search. I will not have my apprentice falling in love with a murderer like him, and I will not have Orochimaru find her first!!! Summon all available teams. We must find her!!!”
Shizune sped off to do what she was told.
At Orochimaru's hideout…
“Tell me when, Orochimaru, and I will send a team to find her.”
“Patience, Kabuto. We will strike when she is eight months pregnant. Until then, I merely want you to find her, and watch her secretly. When the moment is right, we shall strike.”
Kabuto grinned maniacally, and he and Orochimaru laughed a wicked laugh. Both failed to notice the floating eye above them, gathering everything it could. Outside the room, a certain sound ninja listened carefully. The one beside him failed to notice the thin strings attached to it. Outside the fortress, a beautiful blonde kunoichi hovered above on a large fan, grinning slightly.
“Hehehe. Orochimaru doesn't know what's commin.”she smirked. ^_^