Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I Fell In Love With A Murderer ❯ Gaara's Fight ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I DO NOT OWN NARUTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MASASHI KISHIMOTO DOES!!!!!!!! I only own the characters I create. Thx. ^_^
The sand siblings traveled at top speeds toward the gates of Konoha. They had important news that couldn't be trusted by their mailing birds.
“So Gaara, why are we helping them out?”asked Kankuro.
Gaara turned his head slightly, casting an annoyed glance at Kankuro. He sighed and rolled his eyes, looking over to Temari who flew on her fan.
“Obviously because Konoha are our allies, and if Orochimaru has a plan that could help him succeed, we need to warn them so we can fight together.”answered Temari, annoyed at the puppet master's stupidity.
“Oh. Sorry for annoying you so much Temari.”he replied sarcasticly.
Temari clenched her fist in annoyance. He had been bothering her the whole 2 day journey since they escaped from Orochimaru's hideout. He was really asking for it.
All eyes turned to Gaara.
“This is not the time for useless bickering. Let's focus on getting to Konoha. That should be our main thought.”
He dashed on ahead of them, focused on helping his good friend Naruto save his beloved teammate.
Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Neji, Lee, Tenten, Gai, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Kiba, Akamaru, Hinata, Shino, Kurenai, and Shizune stood in Tsunade's office, dumbfounded at the news. A few already knew about Sakura's current situation, but none were prepared to find out that Orochimaru was after her and her baby. The office was dead silent now.
“So…what do we do now?”asked Kiba.
“What the hell do you think dunce!!!!?? We get to Sakura before Orochimaru does!!”said Naruto. He was desperate to save Sakura from her newfound boyfriend and her dangerous enemy.
“And we get rid of Itachi in the process.”replied Sasuke. He would NOT have Sakura be Itachi's new lover. No way in hell.
Everyone nodded his or her heads in agreement.
“Now, all we need is a plan.”
Shino glanced out the window. He had a few of his bugs statined around the outside of Konoha's gates. A few flew a little farther than necessary, and detected movement.
`The sand simblings…are in trouble.'he thought.
“Lady Tsunade, we have trouble.” (Shino…observant as always. ^_^)
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Sakura's eyes slowly fluttered open. She turned her head slightly to see Itachi sitting on the repaired chair, staring hard at her.
“Tchi-ku.”she mumbled.
Closing her eyes again, she remembered what happened before she passed out.
Sakura threw up in the toilet for the umpteenth time. Itachi held her up and kept her hair out of her face. She started crying after, trying to hold the rest in. She swallowed hard and sobbed.
“I can't eat anything.”
“You can eat. Just take your time. You have to learn how to keep it in, or the baby won't be healthy.”
“But I don't*sob*I don't know how.”
“You'll figure it out.”he mumbled impatiently. But on the inside, he was slightly concerned.
Itachi helped Sakura use the mouthwash. Then, she passed out.
End Flashback…
“How long was I out?”
“…about 2 hours.”
There was a knock on the door, and Deidara came in with a bowl of ramen and two pills with a glass of water on a tray.
“I brought you some food, un. I knew you weren't feeling well so I have some pills that will help, un.”
Itachi watched as Sakura struggled to sit up.
“Maybe you should help her, un.”
Itachi glared at Deidara and helped Sakura sit up. Deidara carefully placed the tray down. Sakura recognized the pills. She knew they would help her.
“Itachi, I need to speak with you in private, un. It's serious, un.”
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Gaara suddenly stopped short. His siblings looked at him in concern. Gaara's sand burst out of the gourd and plowed into the ground, pulling up three sound ninja.
“You actually thought you could just simply get away?” Kabuto stepped out of the trees holding Matsuri by the neck.
“I'm sorry Gaara-sama!”she sobbed.
“I told you to stay at the village!!”he yelled and gritted his teeth. This was NOT good.
“TEMARI, KANKURO! I need you to go on and give Konoha the message!”
“I don't think so Gaara. You don't want Matsuri to get hurt do you?”
Just then, Matsuri bit Kabuto's hand hard, forcing him to release her. She kicked him in the face and appeared next to Gaara. 50 sound ninja jumped out of the trees to attack. Kankuro released his puppets. Crow separated into separate parts and blades shot out, ramming into some un-expecting. Gaara crushed the three in his sand and moved it to take out 5 more. Temari jumped off her fan and released the wrath of her Wind Scythe Jutsu, cutting about 15 to pieces. Kabuto appeared in front of Kankuro.
“Is this a challenge?”mocked Kankuro, ready to fight.
“Ha!” replied Kabuto as he charged towards Kankuro at a frightening speed. Kankuro's puppets circled Kabuto performing various attacks, which he dodged easily.
“Is THIS all you have?”
Kankuro cussed under his breath. Kabuto performed a few quick hand signs and his hands glowed blue with chakra.
“Chakra Scalpel!!” yelled Kabuto as he charged, severing Kankuro's chakra strings, causing the puppets to fall limp.
“It's time to finish this. It's a pity you couldn't prove more of a challenge Kankuro. To think I was excited.”
Kabuto pushed up his glasses and grinned wildly. He appeared in front of Kankuro and rammed his hand through the puppet master's chest. Kankuro screamed in agony, catching the siblings attention. Temari screamed and charged at Kabuto, using her fan and blowing him through some nearby trees. Gaara looked over at Kankuro and paled. He didn't look like he was breathing. More and more sound ninja appeared. Was this ever going to end?
“Matsuri! Go see if you can help Kankuro!' yelled Gaara as he finished off a fresh batch of sound ninja.
“Yes Gaara-sama.”she replied.
“It sssseemsss you are having a bit of trouble Kabuto.”
All eyes turned to the rising snake where Orochimaru stood on top of it's head.
“What should I do Masssster.”it spoke.
“Take care of the girl with the fan for me. I have to sssspeak a word to Gaara-kun. Hehehehe.”
Orochimaru jumped down and appeared in front of Gaara.
“We meet again Orochimaru. How unlucky I have to gaze upon your disgusting face again.”Gaara spat.
Orochimaru grinned and quickly performed a few handsigns. Millions of snakes appeared behind him. Gara smirked and spread his arms raising them above his head, a gigantic wave of sand coming up from the ground. The two forces collided and wind blew everywhere.
Temari and the summoned snake battled fiercely. Temari panted and fell on one knee. Her chakra was almost completely drained, and here stood the snake with but a few scratches and bruises. It charged at her and scooped her up in its mouth from the waist down. It shot its head up in the sky, and Temari screamed in pain as she felt its strong teeth penetrating her. Gaara glimpsed up and Orochimaru seized his opportunity. Snakes wrapped themselves around Gaara, crushing him. Gaara moaned and fell limp, his sand dropping to the ground.
“GAARA-SAMA!!!!!!!!” Matsuri screamed and charged with a kunai in each hand. She managed to cut the snakes off Gaara, and he fell to the ground, not moving. Temari gasped as she saw what was happening, but there was nothing she could do.
“It hurts to feel useless doesn't it?”
Temari turned her head to see Kabuto standing atop the snake, grinning happily.
“B*****D!” she spat.
“Finish her.”Kabuto commanded.
The snake charged it's head to the ground. Kabuto jumped off the snake and laughed. The snake crashed into the ground, and Temari screamed at the bone crushing blow, falling completely unconscious.
“Gaara- sama.” Matsuri said softly as she ran over to where he lay.
“Troublesome wrench!”Orochimaru spat. “Snake Sword!!!” he yelled.
The sword grew out of his mouth and roughly shoved itself through Matsuri's petite belly. She screamed in agony as he lifted his head and turned upwards, causing her to slide down the sword and fall limp on his face, her eyes wide open. Gaara woke up at the scream and turned, horrified to see Orochimaru swing her off, and her fall to the ground motionless. He carelessly flicked the blood off his sword and allowed it to retreat, grinning at Gaara.
“A beautiful sight, ne Kabuto?”
“Indeed, Lord Orochimau.”
Kabuto waltzed up to the incapacitated Gaara, and took out a kunai.
“Goodnight Gaara-kun.”
“Kabuto rammed the kunai through Gaara's chest. He moaned in pain and shook hardly, before falling limp.
“I've failed you…Naruto…kun…”
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Sakura shot out of the bed she was in, frightening Itachi and Deidara. They ran back into the room. Sakura's eyes widened and she paled shaking slightly.
“Gaara-kun!!!”she screamed.
“Nani?”asked Itachi.
What was wrong with this woman?
“Gaara-kun is in trouble. Gaaara-kun…Orochimaru…”she mumbled.
Sakura had discovered a new abilty. Inner Sakura was now able to travel like an invisible spirit while Sakura was unconscious. Inner Sakura had just witnessed the defeat of Gaara.
“Itachi-kun!!!” yelled Sakura.
She quickly moved to where her Konoha headband lay, and tied it to her forhead. She tok a rubberband and tied her hair up, and strapped on her ninja shoes.
“I don't care if Konoha is mad at me, but I am still a Konoha ninja, and I we vowed to protect our allies.”
Sakura ignored the weakness she was feeling and grabbed her bag with her ninja and medical supplies. She pulled on her gloves and looked over at the stunned Itachi and Deidara.
“This is what I was telling you about…un. Orochimaru knows what's going on. He's onto the pregnancy, he's onto everything, un.”
“Damnit.” Itachi mumbled under his breath. Deidara was right. Since Orochimaru failed with his brother; why not start from scratch with a baby Uchiha heir?
Itachi gazed at Sakura, and then grabbed his Akatsuki cloak. Undercover or not, Itachi had vowed he would protect his little brother. If Sasuke was in Konoha, then he would sacrifice everything for the village.
He and Sakura dashed out, desperate to make to Gaara on time. ^_^