Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Ichi Gin Shinzo-One Silver Heart ❯ First Pain ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

First Pain
Ginsora stared in horror at the scene. The Tyokogohn had told the truth. She was standing at one side of an open field staring at her father, Orochimaru, playfully pretending to slide a kunai across Lee's throat.
Kai thought: Crap, the vision was exactly right.
Kai moved her hand to the end of her sword but, she then realized that was a mistake. In a matter of seconds all of them were trapped. Kai was chained to a tree; Umi was tied up and thrown up into the same tree. Yuki still in her daze was thrown into the field behind Ginsora, Kara was trapped in a cage of fire, and Kyomi had a sword jabbed against her skull.
Kai was unhappy about being chained to a tree.
Kai: You, idiot. Yeah, the one with my sword, come here.
As the idiot made his way over Kai thought about how to free herself.
Kai thoughts: I can't set the tree on fire or I'll end up burning Umi.
(To other Trouble.)
Orochimaru: You're slipping my little angel. I found you so quickly and more importantly your heart was open.
Lee: What do you want?
Orochimaru looked at Ginsora and licked his lips. (Me: Ewwww. Gross with that long tongue.)
Orochimaru: Well, since you asked so nicely I'll take my time killing you.
He pressed the kunai even closer to Lee's neck.
Orochimaru laughed.
Orochimaru: Emotions are so easy to read. Boy, you're in love with my daughter.
Orochimaru laughed again. (Me: I HATE that laugh. It's creepy.)
Orochimaru: Now, what about your friends?
Ginsora took a step back.
Orochimaru: Which will you chose, save your friends and your little boyfriend dies, save him and your friends die? Give up the Tyokogohn and Okami and I'll forget I ever came here.
Ginsora took two steps forward.
Kai: Don't you dare give up Ginsora! If you give him what he wants you'll die!
(Back to Kai.)
The idiot came over and Kai got her sword back in a flash and broke the chains. She burned the rest of the idiots holding the others.
Umi: We're free!
They all ran up behind Ginsora, only to freeze when they realized they couldn't move either. Orochimaru wasn't too fazed.
Orochimaru: What a shame, now I'll have to kill him.
Kai: You won't kill anyone else!
Kai stabbed her sword in the ground.
A moment of silence went by and nothing happened.
Kai grinned.
Kai thoughts: Bullseye.
A huge explosion went off. Right before Kai's sneak attack went off; Orochimaru saw it and slipped the kunai across Lee's throat, but no longer playfully.