Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Hunter ❯ Debriefing ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Killer Hunter
By Alexeihowe
This story is a fan made fiction based off of the show Naruto. I do not own the show or its material. I own only this fiction idea.
This story takes place the six or so years before the beginning of the series. Around the time of the Uchiha massacre.
!Warnings! Violence, language, mature themes in general. So young adult to adult. Ye be warned.
Author's Note: This story does use ideas and traditions from feudal Japan. The considered age of adulthood (when your body could reproduce, aka 12 and up area), arranged marriages, and interfamily relationships. I do not support this ideas but they were real things and in some areas they still are. If you find any of these things offensive then ye be warned (again).
I believe that is it. So without further ado. Read, enjoy, and criticize at will.
"Um... Ah... Sorry bout that." he mumbled as he righted himself before his Kage.
"How is she?" the old man asked with a sigh.
"Ah... Awake and active sir."
The Hokage let off another sigh before he stepped around tiger and into the main part of the room. Kira sat upon the bed with tears and sweat drenching the sheets as she took in gulps of air.
"I SAID GET..." she began when she noticed the person step out of cover. But stopped herself when she saw who and the sad smile upon his face. He stepped up next to her slowly and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She reached up and took hold of his arm before she placed her face into the front of his robe, and then let it all out.
'I needed to get this cleaned anyway.' the Third mentally shrugged as he tried his best to sooth the distressed teen in his arms.
It took a while but she finally began to stop shuddering and sobbing before backing away from him entirely, wiping her face to get rid of any remaining trace of her crying.
"Feel better?" he asked as he rubbed her back a little. She just nodded before turning to look him dead in the eye.
"How bad is it? Our family? How bad, really?" she almost whispered, had he not been right there he would not have heard it.
"Everyone except you and one other." he replied calmly.
"Sasuke. He was spared it seems."
"You aren't telling me something." Kira stated matter of factly.
Hokage sighed again before continuing. "He saw everything. He watched it all happen. He watched as his own brother killed their own parents."
A stray tear escaped the corner of her eye and slid down her cheek before she spoke. "His condition."
"Physically, he is fine. But mentally. I fear for his stability. And yours."
"And what of Itachi?" Kira hissed out.
"No one has seen a trace of him, not even his own teammates." The Third let out a heavy breath as he prepared to ask what had to be asked. "What happened between you two?"
Kira did not move, did not speak, it seemed she did not even breath for the span of what could have easily been eternity. And then she told him all she knew. How he had suddenly appeared at her house. Coming out of her parents' room covered in blood. Pushing her against the wall and the sickening words that rolled off his tongue as it trailed over her skin. And then how he stabbed her in the stomach with the kunai, her kicking him, and then running.
"It all got fuzzy and dark after that." she finished as she continued to look down at the bed she currently occupied. Her eyes looking like they really could see into another time and place.
"You were luckily found before you could bled out and brought here. You have been out for only a few days and must continue to rest. I will be back in a few days to check on your condition to return to duty. If you want." the Third stated as he stood.
"Wait. I want to ask something of you, please." Kira looked up into the old man's face with pleading eyes.
"Ask and I will see what can be done."
"I want to become a hunter-nin." Kira stated as her eyes locked on his with stone cold resolve.
"Are you sure? The training will be harsh. The life difficult and most likely short." he replied. "You most likely will never even get assigned to tracking him or even come across him." Her stare did not back down. "You will be dead to the world."
"I am already dead." Kira snapped back. "And I don't care if I ever get assigned to track him down. I will kill him." she finished with venom.
"Very well. In a few days..."
"No. Tomorrow." Kira interrupted.
He turned to look at her a moment before giving a slow nod and moving back to the two ANBU at the door. "Make a record that Uchiha Kira has died of her injures while being treated." he ordered tiger, who quickly left to obey said order. "Inform hunter-nin Ja-ka that he has a pupil to pick up here tomorrow." he ordered wolf.
"What will be this person's name?" he asked.
The Kage looked back toward the bed where the girl had already moved. She was now using the bar at the foot of the bed to perform vertical pushups. "Hanta Kira."