Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Hunter ❯ Dawning ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Killer Hunter
By Alexeihowe
This story is a fan made fiction based off of the show Naruto. I do not own the show or its material. I own only this fiction idea.
This story takes place the six or so years before the beginning of the series. Around the time of the Uchiha massacre.
!Warnings! Violence, language, mature themes in general. So young adult to adult. Ye be warned.
Author's Note: This story does use ideas and traditions from feudal Japan. The considered age of adulthood (when your body could reproduce, aka 12 and up area), arranged marriages, and interfamily relationships. I do not support this ideas but they were real things and in some areas they still are. If you find any of these things offensive then ye be warned (again).
I believe that is it. So without further ado. Read, enjoy, and criticize at will.
Light slowly creeped through the window of the small hospital room. It fell across the bed were Kira currently lay sprawled upon, sweat drenched and exhausted. She stirred as the sunlight landed across her eyelids. That is until a shadow fell over her as her eyes began to flutter open.
The pieces of the vase from the nightstand clattered to the floor as the before mentioned shadow laughed.
"You missed." the masked man chuckled.
"Why you!" Kira began. And then got a better look at the man.
He wore standard black sandals, belt, pouches, a pair of black cargo pants, a black T under a gray combat vest, bandages covering the rest of his arms, and the tell tale mask of an ANBU black ops hunter-nin. The white porcelain mask had only eye slits, the hidden leaf symbol, and a painted on smile of black and red which curved up and then curled in from the corners.
"So you're supposed to be my pupil, Hanta Kira. Hm." the hunter-nin mused as he analyzed the girl before him through the slits of his mask.
"Gomennasai hunter-sensei." Kira mumbled in embarrassment as she bowed her head.
"Ha! Call me Ja-ka. Sensei makes me feel like some old fart." Ja-ka laughed as he reached behind his back.
"Hai Ja-ka-san."
"Just Ja-ka." he chuckled again as he tossed something onto the bed before Kira.
It was a plain white porcelain mask, only eye slits and leaf symbol. Kira looked down at it in confusion before reaching out carefully and picking the mask up. She then looked back up at Ja-ka with obvious confusion.
"What?" Ja-ka asked, eyebrow raising behind the cover of his mask.
"I thought only graduated hunter-nin wore the masks." she replied as she looked the mask over more fully.
"No, that's regular ANBU. Hunter-nin receive their mask as soon as training, because even that early you are no longer what you were. You are dead to the world." at the last statement he turned deadly serious. "So get that thing on and lets hurry up. I don't got all day!" Ja-ka laughed as he pulled the blankets out from under Kira, causing her to let out a squeak and roll backwards off the bed.
"Hey!" Kira shouted as she stood back up only to have an ANBU uniform thrown into her face.
"Haha! Hurry up and change girlie. We've got training to get to if you're going to survive even a week as a hunter-nin." Ja-ka laughed louder.
Kira grumbled, earning more laughter from her new sensei, and made her way to the attached bathroom. As she stripped off the annoying light blue patients uniform her hand brushed across the now scared flesh on her stomach from his kunai. A chill ran down her spin and she rushed to finish changing into the new clothes, but it did little to stop the chill she continued to feel. She finally lifted the mask up and looked back into the mirror on the wall.
'Good-bye Uchiha.' she thought with one last look at her past before slipping the mask on. 'Hello Hanta. And vengeance.' she smirked as she looked out from the slits to see the now blank, pure white face looking back at her.
Author's Note: Hey there! These first few chapters were a kind of intro to my character's past and all. And not to worry it will not be the end either:) The rest will just come in little snippets within chapters instead entire chapters. Or at least most of them will. Next we will be jumping up to the beginning of actual anime series (if the title won't give it away). Well, till next time. Read, review, ENJOY!!!:)